Cinderella's Guardian (12 page)

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Authors: Khloe Wren

BOOK: Cinderella's Guardian
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An ache settled deep in her womb as his taste filled her and his sounds of arousal surrounded her. He pulled from her mouth and scooped her up from the floor.

"I can smell your need for me, Tina. I will not come for the first time in your mouth. I want to be inside your body."

He laid her gently on the bed and after a quick kiss, he set about peeling her panties from her body.

"Your scent is intoxicating." She watched him close his eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. His body shuddering as he inhaled. Tina began to squirm on the bed. She was beyond turned on and couldn't wait for him to fill her.

Conner had one knee on the bed before he shook his head and made his way back to where he'd discarded his pants earlier. He pulled a condom free of the pocket and sheathed himself before returning to her. He prowled up the bed over her, looking decidedly feline.

"I promise I'll be gentle, but you tell me if anything hurts. I don't want to cause any more injury to your hip or leg."

"You won't, Conner. It's so much better with all the rehab you've been helping me with, even though it's only been a few days."

With a face clearly showing his pride at helping her, he ran his hand up the inside of her right thigh and pushed it wide, leaving her injured leg to remain where it was. She moved it as far out as she could comfortably, and he settled into the cradle of her body. Sparks ran through her body as his hot skin came into contact with hers. He lowered his head and caught her mouth in a passionate kiss.

She felt the heat of him moments before his latex-covered erection pressed against her. She was so wet and ready for him. Her eyes slid shut as he easily glided into her body. She felt complete with him inside of her, like a puzzle that had found its final piece. Once fully seated, he shuddered above her and buried his face into her neck.

~ * ~

Conner held himself very still. For the first time he was buried deep in his mate's core. Her tight muscles rippled around him and she tried to move her hips, but he couldn't let her yet. He was too close to the edge. He nipped her neck gently before raising up to speak in her ear.

"Don't move, baby. I need a moment. You feel so good, even in my wildest dreams I couldn't have imagined how good this feels."

She stiffened beneath him slightly and he peppered her face and neck with little kisses.

"You say that like you've never done this before."

"I haven't. I haven't wanted to before you, and I knew you were out there."

"You were waiting for me?"

"Something like that."

Not wanting to lose the moment with talk of virginity, Conner didn't give Tina time to respond. He took her mouth in a passionate kiss at the same time his hips began moving. His first strokes were slow and easy. She felt so good. Her tightness pulled at him as he entered and retreated. She whimpered into his mouth as her grip tightened on his shoulders. Her nails bit into his skin. Not hard enough to break through but hard enough to let him know exactly how much she was enjoying what they were doing together.

It didn't take long until he couldn't stand the slow pace. Gripping her hips, he thrust harder, faster. Tingling sparks flew throughout his body, racing down his spine. Her muscles were rippling, tightening around him. Heat tore through him as he came inside his mate for the first time with a roar. He did his best to tamp down the noise; the entire hospital didn't need to know what they were doing. The release was so intense, it felt like he was entering paradise and coming home rolled into one.

Tina's fingers threaded into his hair, tilting his head from where it lay on her shoulder. She gently kissed him, feather light caresses that traced his cheekbone down to his mouth. He allowed Tina to control the kiss. She opened up to him so sweetly. He slipped free from her body as he pulled back from her lips. Raising his hand, he ran his fingertips down her face. Part of him still couldn't quite believe she was real and beneath him.

"That was incredible.
are incredible."

Her breathy words brought a grin to his face but it soon dropped and his chest tightened as her eyes shone with tears, "I didn't hurt you did I? Was I too rough? Oh damn, your shoulder. I should have been more gentle. I'm sorry, baby doll."

Tina cut him off with a kiss, unlike her previous gentle one, this was deep and passionate.

"You didn't hurt me, I'm just overwhelmed. What we just did was amazing and the fact you waited for me… What if we didn't meet for another ten years?"

"I would have found you before then. I would have come searching for you. I wouldn't have stopped until I'd found you and I wouldn't have ever strayed with another woman. You have and always will be the only one for me."

Conner moved off the bed and scooped Tina up in his arms. He headed toward the bathroom with her securely in his arms—right where she belonged.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm taking care of my mate, I'm going to wash you clean, then tuck you in. Then, I have to go. I've had a lot of time off from the station. Tonight, there isn't anyone to cover for me. A lot of the guys head up to the International Bethotte Rally to help with traffic control and other stuff. Normally, it isn't a problem but you get a few guys come in sick once the teams have headed off, and we come up short."

He could read Tina's emotions clearly on her face, she looked sad but resigned.

"That's okay, Conner. I understand you have a job to do. I've really appreciated all the time you've spent with me these last few days."

Conner sat her in the shower chair gently. He kissed her softly before he set about cleaning them both. He was really going to miss her tonight.

~ * ~

. She'd found the document. Robyn hadn't thought she'd need to use the Medical Power of Attorney so she'd put it away. Frustratingly, she hadn't been able to remember where she'd stored the damn thing. Closing the drawer on the filing cabinet in her salon's office, she went to her bag and put the document inside. She was locking the back door when her phone rang. She looked at the screen, and her whole being tensed. Dale.

"Hello, Dale. What can I do for you?"

"You can start by explaining why you've been preventing Tina from having a social life? She's an adult, Robyn. She is allowed to go on dates and have freedom."

Robyn unlocked and slid into her car before she responded. Damn it, someone had told Dale about Conner. Clenching her free hand around the steering wheel tightly, she went into damage control, "I was protecting her. She's so vulnerable in the chair. I didn't want some boy taking advantage of her." She lied smoothly, sure her tone indicated no hint of dishonesty.

"Conner White is a good man, Robyn. We went to school with his father. You know that no child of Jake's would be anything other than honorable. You're hiding some other reason."

The anger in Dale's voice brought an ache to her chest. How could she turn this around?

"Conner just feels sorry for her, he'll break her heart. He's been brainwashing her for weeks. I've tried to protect her from him, save her from his mind games."

Dale's sharp voice cut her short. "Stop lying! I'm so tired of your lies. I never should have left Tina in your care. I never thought you'd have been so cruel as to treat her like this. I'll be back in Rosebery early tomorrow morning. Make sure you and all your things are out of my house. I'll have Jake send Conner over to take care of Tina if she gets out of the hospital before I'm back."

Panic rose inside her, boiling up until it consumed her.

"No. I belong in that house. With you-"

"Do you hear yourself? Hear how crazy that sounds? That house is mine and Tina's. We're the only ones who belong there. And you and me? That has never, nor will it ever, happen. I've never felt like that about you."

"I. Am. Not. Crazy."

Her grip on her phone tightened until she heard a crack and the call ended. Stunned, she pulled it from her ear. The phone now sported a large crack across its dark screen. She tried desperately to turn it on but to no avail. Her body began to rock in the seat. She shook her head. "He didn't mean it. We belong together. He needs me."

Part of what he said replayed through her mind, bringing her head up and sharpening her focus.

"I have to get Tina out of the hospital and back to the house before he calls Conner in."

With renewed purpose now she had a goal. She headed over to the hospital. It didn't take long in the midweek evening traffic for her to get there. With her ammo—aka Medical Power of Attorney—fisted in her grip, she stormed into the cream brick building and straight to the office of the head of the hospital. Dr. Maynard would listen to her. He was a sensible man.

"Dr. Maynard, I found the document I spoke to you about earlier."

She smiled sweetly as his surprised face turned up from his desk toward her. "Robyn, I didn't hear you come in. What document would that be?"

"You know exactly the document I'm referring to." She paused to place the legal document in front of him. "Signed and legal, it gives me full say in Tina's medical treatment." She allowed him a moment to look over the papers, "and I elect to take Tina home. Now."

Dr. Maynard gave her a serious stare. She held his gaze, making sure to not even flinch. Her insides were churning, her plan ended once she got Tina home. Then what would she do? But she pushed the rising panic down. If the good doctor here saw any of that, he'd never release Tina.

"Okay. We were planning on releasing Tina in the morning, you sure you can't come back then? Give her one more night with medical supervision."

"I'm sure, Doctor. I'll be with her twenty-four/seven to make sure she's recovering well."

He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I'll need to fill out the paperwork. If you would go out to the waiting room, I'll get everything sorted."

With a grin, she thanked the doctor and headed back out to the waiting room where she sat and flipped through a magazine to pass the time. Her smile faded as the minutes crept by. What was she going to do once she got Tina home? She needed to prove that Conner was up to no good, had to prove she'd been protecting Tina all this time. Maybe if Tina told her dad Robyn had been doing a good job...but how to get her to do that...

Someone clearing their throat brought her from her inner thoughts. She tossed the magazine she'd been holding and strode over to the nurse who stood in the doorway with a clipboard.

"Here are the discharge papers for Tina Anderson. Please sign where indicated."

Robyn barely scanned the page before signing them.


"If you'd like to bring your car around to the doors, we'll bring Tina out for you. A nurse is just helping her get dressed."

"A nurse? Conner isn't here?"

A wave of relief swept through her. She didn't want to have to deal with trying to separate Tina from Conner, or that redhead who was here earlier. Robyn was sure if Kit was here, she'd already be out here giving her hell.

"Not just at the moment, I believe he had to work tonight."

"How convenient. I'll go and get my car."

Pulling her keys free of her pocket, she couldn't believe her luck. She'd have hours before Conner would show up. Surely she could suitably scare Tina into helping her with Dale by then.

~ * ~

Conner and Nick were rolling up the hoses and checking over the truck. They'd just returned from a small grass fire and were going through all the normal checks. Dominic came barreling into the garage from his office.

"Conner, you gotta get your ass over to the hospital. Like yesterday."

The hairs on the back of Conner's neck rose.

"Why? What's happened?"

Nick took the hose from his hands and Conner jogged over to his brother.

"Robyn's lost the damn plot. Dale rung her, told her to get out of the house and that he'd get Dad to send you over to watch Tina if she was released from hospital before Dale flies in tomorrow."

"What has she done?"

"We don't know, but Dale told Dad she was talking crazy before the phone cut out. He tried to call her back but it was turned off. Dale thinks she's smashed her phone in a rage. He's really worried Tina's in danger. You need to get there to keep her protected. As soon as my shift finishes, I'll head over to back you up."

Dom slapped Conner's shoulder as he sprinted toward the locker room. He didn't stop to change, just grabbed his keys and phone then ran to his car. He drove to the hospital in record time then sprinted into the entrance and headed to Tina's room, Clint's sharp yell drew his attention.

"Conner, wait!"

"What is it, Doc? Make it quick, I gotta get to Tina."

"That's what I want to talk to you about, she's gone."

Conner spun on the other man, "What? How could you let that bitch take her?"

Clint's hands rose in a gesture of peace. "I had no choice, Conner. You know I wouldn't have released her to Robyn if I could have avoided it. Legal documents can't be easily argued with."

"How long ago did they leave?"

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