Cinderella's Guardian (13 page)

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Authors: Khloe Wren

BOOK: Cinderella's Guardian
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"About an hour ago."

Conner didn't hang around to hear anything else. He raced out to his car and headed to Tina's house, fighting the urge to shift the whole way as he pondered what the hell Robyn had done to his mate in the past hour.

He pulled up across the road and killed the engine. He sat and watched the house for a minute. How was he going to do this? He couldn't just go knock on the door and demand Robyn leave. Especially, if she had completely lost her mind.

His instincts went off and his nostrils flared. Smoke. The slightest hint of it was in the air. He wrenched open the door and took a deep breath in. Definitely smoke. He grabbed his mobile out and rang the station.

"Rosebery fire station."

Joel. Great, he was always quick off the mark and didn't muck around with small talk.

"Hey Joel, Conner here. I'm outside Tina's place on Pitt Drive and I smell smoke. You haven't got any reports since I left have you?"

"No, nothing's come through."

A loud whoosh filled the air and he all but dropped his phone when the window of the front bedroom shattered and flames licked out into the night air. Within seconds he could see fire through the glass of the front door. Shit.

Running around the side of the house to the back, he yelled down the phone line to Joel, "Joel, get everyone out here now. Tina's house just went up. Pitt Drive. Front window just blew out, looks like the front rooms are alight. I'm going in the back."

"Conner, don't be a fool, man. Wait for backup. You know better than to run into a burning house on your own!"

"Tina's in there. Most likely, without her chair. I can't not go. See you on the other side, Joel."

He ended the call and slipped the phone back in his pants pocket as he reached the rear of the house. Putting all his strength behind it, he kicked in the back door, not bothering to waste time checking if it was unlocked. Following her scent, he raced toward Tina. A loud crash sounded as he skidded to a stop in front of Tina's bedroom. With smoke stinging his eyes, he opened the door. "Tina! It's me, Conner. Where are you baby?"

He caught a small sob from over near the window and turned to see that she'd crawled over to the small glass panel. His brave girl was trying to save herself. Another whoosh sounded and a flash of intense heat blasted him from through the doorway. He stripped out of his turnout coat as he ran to her. He quickly got her dressed in it before he scooped her up.

"I'm going to have to sling you over my shoulder. It's the easiest way for me to carry you and run out of here. Keep your head down, shut your eyes and hold your breath. I'll get us out of here."

She gave him a sharp nod and he quickly maneuvered her over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. He turned back toward the doorway—wishing her window wasn't so damn small. He took a deep breath, gripped her legs tightly and stepped through into the hallway. Flames blocked the front door. He quickly spun toward the rear of the house and bolted as fast as he could to get the hell out of there.

He was steps from the rear door when another loud crash sounded. Searing pain radiated through his left shoulder as he was knocked to the side. He fell to his knees, dropping Tina as she screamed for him. He shoved hard at the burning roof beam that had him pinned against the wall, his supernatural strength allowing him to get free. In seconds he had his arm hooked around Tina's waist, hauling her up under his arm as he strode out free of the burning house. The sound of sirens filled the air and Conner had never been so thankful.

He stumbled out to the swing and lowered Tina as gently as he could to the grass moments before his knees buckled and he crumpled to the ground with a growl of frustration. He shook his head as black spots swam before his vision. Agony radiated from his shoulder and bicep but he focused on Tina. She was dragging herself over to him, her full attention on his left arm. Her pain-filled gaze flicked to his.

"Oh, baby, your arm. You need to lie down until the ambulance gets here. You're looking really pale."

Leaning on his right arm he moved so his head was resting on Tina's tummy.

"I didn't hurt you? I'm sorry I dropped you."

"I'm fine, and you were knocked over by a burning hunk of wood, dropping me isn't your fault. You saved me. I would have burned to death if it weren't for you."

"Where's Robyn? Did she do this on purpose?"

"I don't know where she is. I heard her scream and run for the back of the house just as I smelled smoke."

Conner couldn't help but growl, "She left you to burn? On purpose!"

"But you saved me. It's okay. I'm safe now. Shhh."

He nuzzled his face into her soft tummy, and relaxed into her as she stroked his face and hair. Without his consent, his eyes drifted shut. He inhaled Tina's citrusy scent as he floated away from the pain into darkness.

Chapter Eight

Briefly releasing Conner's hand, Tina swiped a tear from her cheek. His color looked better but he hadn't woken up yet. He'd passed out with his head resting on her tummy. She'd never felt so frustrated at her lack of movement as she had in that moment. She could do nothing for him. Waiting for the ambulance and fire trucks to arrive she stroked his hair and face, but couldn't pull her stare from the horrific charred flesh on his shoulder and arm. Injuries he'd received rescuing her. If only he hadn't given her his thick protective coat. The one she still wore. Burying her nose in the heavy yellow material, she breathed deeply of Conner's scent mixed with smoke. It made her feel like he was embracing her.

"Please don't cry. Your tears break my heart."

She closed her eyes briefly before looking over at Conner in relief. He was awake. He was going to be okay.

"You're finally back with us. You've had me so worried."

He frowned for a moment. "How long have I been out?"

Tina glanced at the clock high on the hospital room's wall. "Not really sure, I didn't look at the time when we came in. But it was more than three hours ago when we arrived."

She lifted his hand and kissed his palm. She'd have loved to climb on the bed with him, but couldn't.
Damn my useless leg!
His thumb stroked her face, his calloused skin felt so good against her soft cheek.

He gently chuckled. "Got myself my very own Cinderella."

She frowned up at him. "How so?"

"You're covered in soot and ash, like you would if you'd been sleeping in a fireplace. And Robyn's been keeping you locked up and making you work, just like Cinderella."

She shook her head on a giggle. "Well, that's only fair since you're my knight in shining armor that keeps coming in to rescue me—gotta do the damsel in distress properly you know?"

"So I'm not Prince Charming? Just a run of the mill knight, huh?"

Tina smiled at her cheeky man. Only Conner could turn her tears to laughter so quickly.

"You're pretty charming when you put your mind to it. I just liked the image of you riding in on a big stallion to rescue me in your armor better than the pretty boy, useless male the Prince Charming usually is."

"Well, when you put it like that...I'll stay with being your knight."

Suddenly his face lost all humor, his serious gaze held hers captive.

"I love you, Tina. I'll come running to your rescue no matter how many times I have to. I'd do anything to keep you safe."

Tina's breath froze in her chest as her heart began to beat wildly. Over the course of the past day, she'd come to the conclusion she loved him too, but could she tell him? Could she open herself up to him like that? He made to move his hand toward her, obviously forgetting about his burns. As she watched him wince and lower his hand again, she knew her answer. After all, he'd run through a burning house for her.

"I love you too, Conner. Any time you're near, I feel safe. When you came into my room earlier, I've never seen a more beautiful sight. I was sure I was going to die in that house."

Tears blurred her vision and Conner groaned. "Damn, I wish I could hold you right now."

petit frère
. Let me check that shoulder and I'll help get Tina up to you."

Adele's sweet voice floated through the room and Tina quickly dashed the tears from her eyes. She watched as Adele approached the bed and leaned in to kiss Conner's cheek.

"Gave us all quite a scare earlier. No more running into burning houses alone before back up comes, you hear me?"

"Sorry about scaring everyone, but I can't promise you I won't do it again. I'd run into a thousand burning houses alone if that's what was needed to keep my Tina safe."

Tina's heart swelled, how had she managed to score such an awesome man?

With a small shake of her head, Adele began peeling the tape from the bandage on his shoulder.

"Isn't it too soon? Surely the burn would still be raw?"

"She knows what you are, doesn't she Conner?"

"Yeah, she knows about us."

"Tina, shifters heal at a very rapid rate. Conner's skin should be scar tissue at this point. The pain will last a while longer. If he was human, he would have broken more than one bone, I'm sure. Even though nothing broke, he got banged around pretty good. His shoulder and arm are going to ache for probably two or three days."

Tina watched transfixed as Adele peeled the bandage from Conner's skin. As the edge of the wound was revealed Tina jerked in her chair.

"What the hell?"

"I have no idea. I'm pretty new to this shifter thing myself. Conner, care to explain your funky scar?"

Conner looked down at his arm with a small grin. "Cheaper than getting a tattoo."

She watched as Adele's finger slid over the scar tissue and several leopard spots.

"When a shifters' skin is burned, our spots show though the scar. For some reason, it only happens with burns. Any other wound heals as a human's would."

"Wow. Well, they say you should learn a new thing every day. How does it feel, Conner? Any tightness? Pain?"

"Nah, it's good. Just a little achy in the bones and joints like you said before."

"Okay, well, we'll leave the bandages off then. I'll help Tina up on the bed then go fill out your paperwork. You can leave as soon as I'm done."

"Can you please call Dad or Dom to come pick us up too?"

"Sure thing, Conner."

"Thanks, sis."

Tina let Adele help her up onto the bed. For such a small woman, she was surprisingly strong.

"Adele, are you a shifter too?"

"Sure am. I've only been one for a little while though. That story can wait for another time. I'll leave you two alone for a bit while I get everything sorted for your discharge."

Conner wrapped his arms around her and pulled her over his chest. She snuggled into the indent of his shoulder and inhaled against his skin, allowing his scent to fill her senses. Then reality came crashing down.

"I have no home."

A sob wrenched from her body as the realization hit her of what the fire had taken.

"Shh, baby doll, you can stay with me. Mum will love having another woman around the place. And we can go check the house. I'm not sure how long it burned but hopefully some of your things survived."

He stroked her hair and back as he laid a reverent kiss on her forehead. Soon her tears eased and she turned her face to look over at his burned arm. She raised her fingertip and traced his new spots in awe.

"Does it hurt?"

"Not at all. It's deep down that still aches a little. I'll be right as rain in no time, you just wait and see." He paused to give her another light kiss. "Close your eyes for a bit, Tina. Rest. I'll have you home and cleaned up soon. Then we can both curl up in a bigger bed and get some serious sleep."

With a smile, she snuggled into his warmth. She really liked the sound of that plan.

~ * ~

Scrubbing his face with his hand, Dale watched the carousel begin to bring the luggage around from his flight. With a heavy heart, he waited for his bag. How had he failed his daughter so badly? Robyn hadn't provided her with any care. All she'd done was add to Tina's torment. At least the hospital psychiatrist, Dr. Reid, had sounded nice. She'd told him she was more than happy to work with him and Tina to help her recover her inner strength. He'd spoken to Dr. Reid yesterday and she was going to see him and Tina later today.

"Dale, long time no see."

He turned to face a man he hadn't seen in a very long time. "Jake?"

"That's me. How was the flight?"

"Fine, just a day later than I wanted it to be. What's going on?"

"More than you know, buddy."

Dale frowned at Jake, "What do you mean? What's happened since we spoke last?"

"Let's grab your bags and I'll explain in the car. You're not going to want to be in public place when I tell you."

With his heart in his throat, he licked his dry lips. "Is Tina okay?"

"She's safe now."

That implied earlier she wasn't. Could this situation get any worse? He turned back to the carousel and spotted his large bag coming toward him. He quickly snagged it from the belt.

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