Cinderella's Guardian (17 page)

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Authors: Khloe Wren

BOOK: Cinderella's Guardian
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At the sound of her voice, his head snapped up as his feet ground to a halt.

"baby doll."

She watched his powerful strides as he strode to her. Damn, he was so sexy when he was on a mission. In one smooth movement, he scooped her up out of her chair and brought her up to his chest. A low purr emanated from him as he nuzzled into her neck.

"Let's go back to your place, Conner. You're creating a scene here."

She smiled as she noticed the light blush staining his cheeks when he pulled back from her. He gently returned her to the chair.

"You know the police have Robyn covered. She's not going anywhere."

Adele threw in her support that they leave the hospital for some fresh air and Conner looked a little defeated. Tina almost felt sorry for him, having been outmaneuvered by a few women.

"Okay, okay. We're going. You'll let me know as soon as anything happens?"

"Of course I will, Conner. Go, take your mate out and relax a little."

Tina waved her thanks to Adele as Conner wheeled her toward the exit and out into the midday sun.

Chapter Ten

Conner could feel the ache in his shoulder as he pulled Tina's chair from the back of his Prado. He wished it would hurry up and heal. With everything that was going on he couldn't afford to be anything but at the top of his game. After he settled Tina into her chair, he locked the car up and walked her down the main street, staying by her side but allowing her to control their speed. She needed clothes, and they needed somewhere of their own. He knew Tina was uncomfortable sleeping with him under his parents' roof. He saw the bright green and yellow of the real estate agent's office just ahead.

"Do you mind if we stop in at the real estate's place for a minute?"

"Ah, yeah, sure."

She looked so fragile in that moment, he was certain she was thinking about the burned shell they'd visited that morning. He'd crept in and grabbed a couple of small things that they'd seen but it wasn't much. He hadn't wanted to touch too much, especially in the front of the house where the fire had started. Nor did he want the remaining structure to fall in on him.

He cupped her face in his palm. "We're going to need a place of our own, unless you like living with my parents?"

"Ah no. Don't want to live with anybody's parents forever. Just, it's all so quick and so much has happened. I need a little time."

"Take all the time you need, baby doll. How about, I leave you at the clothes store while I nip in and get some brochures? We can look them over at home, whenever we want to. No pushy agents to deal with that way."

She smiled shyly up at him. "That sounds better. I don't want some agent pressuring either of us into some run down shack while we're not thinking clearly."

"Wise words indeed."

They continued in comfortable silence until they reached a large clothing store. Kissing her on the cheek, he went on to the agent as she went inside. Not wanting to be parted from her, he hurried into the office, quickly acquired brochures for relevant houses and made his way back to his mate. He found her looking sad as she rolled down an isle toward him.

"Hey, baby doll, what's wrong?"

"I, um, can't afford anything. I didn't think before we came in. I have no money. I'll have to talk to Dad-"

Conner cut her off by pressing his lips against her soft mouth. He pulled back slightly to whisper, "Hush, sweetheart. I've got it covered. And before you tell me I'm not allowed, I'm going to be your husband, your mate. It's my duty to provide for you. Let me do this for you? Please."

She leaned in, delivering a quick kiss before she responded, "when you put it like that, I can't very well refuse now can I?"

"So glad you understand."

His heart lightened as she giggled and headed back down the aisle. He'd always hated going shopping with women, but with Tina, he soon found himself enjoying the experience. Tina didn't fluff around but went straight to what she wanted and found her size. He answered questions when asked and didn't think he'd made any blunders with his answers. Well, she was still talking to him when they reached the checkout, so it was looking good.

Tina held her bags on her lap and Conner pushed her out to his car. The afternoon sun was shining bright and a fresh breeze blew past them. He drew in a deep breath and let his happiness radiate throughout him. He had his mate, and she was safe with him.

"The sun feels so nice against your skin, doesn't it?"

"Sure does. The sun hasn't got that summer bite yet. There's nothing quite like spring sunshine."

It didn't take him long to get everything loaded up and they headed back to his parents' place. As he drove, he slipped one hand onto Tina's thigh, she placed hers over the top, interlacing their fingers. He loved touching her, feeling her close to him. He moved his hand to change gears, and she kept hers with his the whole time. He grinned like a fool knowing she didn't want to break the contact either.

It didn't take long for them to arrive. He was almost disappointed that the trip was so short. As soon as he saw both his parents' cars missing from the garage, his mood picked up.

"What you are grinning about? You look like a cat that's just got the cream."

He turned his gaze on Tina and watched as she shuddered under the intensity.

"Not yet. But I am a cat who is intent on getting his cream. We've got the house to ourselves for the rest of the afternoon, baby doll."

She returned his grin. "Is that right. So, why are we sitting out here in the car then?"

With a low growl, he jumped from the car and prowled around to her door. Ignoring the chair and the shopping, he scooped her up and strode toward the house. He was a man on a mission.

~ * ~

Tina snuggled into Conner as he lifted her from her chair into the car. She was worn out from her session with Nina in the pool but she also felt content. Finally, she was making headway with her rehab. The talented physio was sure Tina would be walking soon—albeit with crutches for a while.

Conner kissed the top of her head as she rubbed her face against his hard pectoral. "You all right, baby doll?"

"Yeah, just worn out from the session."

He placed her into the seat before he pulled back to cup her face. "I'm so proud of you, Tina. You've come so far in such a short amount of time. Let's head home, I've got another lot of brochures to look through, if you're up to it."

She smiled up at her fiancé. He'd been scouring the town for the perfect house. He had saved enough money and wanted to buy a home for them. But he was so damn picky! Tina would have been happy with any of the ones he'd brought to her to check over. It was fun to watch him pull apart each property, listing everything good and bad about each one. She'd been living with Conner and his parents for a full week now. Jake and Sophie were lovely. They gave her and Conner plenty of alone time and privacy and were kind and considerate to her all the time.

Her dad had stayed there too for a couple of days but he was now in a rental house near their old place. He was currently in negotiations with the builders that the insurance company had sent out to quote on fixing the house. Funny how things turned out sometimes. He'd been chatting to the foreman about needing work. Ken, the foreman, had been saying how hard it was to find workers with a good worth ethic. Her dad had a lot of experience with fixing mechanical things on the rigs he'd always worked. Ken was sure he'd pick up building houses in no time. So, her dad now had a job on the island. No more leaving for offshore rigs.

A shudder ran through her as she remembered some of the not-so-good things that had happened in the last week. Robyn had been granted bail. She'd shut the salon and had disappeared along with Barbara. Tina prayed they had both left town and were far away from Rosebery, but she knew in her heart they hadn't.

"You cold?"

Conner flicked up the heat in the car. "Not really, I just had a bad thought run through my mind, that's all."

"What bad thought was that, baby doll?"

"Just about what Robyn is up to."

"The police are looking for her. She has to slip up soon. She's too unstable to remain hidden. And until she does get caught, you will always have someone with you to keep you safe. I promise, she won't get to you again."

Thankfully that was when they pulled up outside his house. Tina needed a change of subject. "So, how many houses did you find today?"

"Just the one today. But it's a real gem."

She chuckled at the proud look on Conner's face as he helped her into the chair and pushed her inside. He had turned finding their house into mission impossible, his 'had to have' list was getting rather long.

They moved into the lounge room and Conner handed her a folded slip of paper. She unfolded it to find a large picture of a house surrounded by the most spectacular view of the Cradle Mountains.

"Oh my goodness! Look at that view."

"Yeah, it's the view that caught my attention first off. It's got no steps, wide sliding doors in the back. Open plan living areas. Three bedrooms."

Chuckling, she cut him off, "I can read Conner. It looks lovely."

The house had a cottage feel to it. Something about its freshly painted cream-colored weather-boards and the green iron roof, which also looked new.

"It's even got a shed for you to play in." She teased.

"Yeah, that also caught my attention. Man has to have a shed."

"So, we're going to go have a look at it then?"

"Yeah, I've organized with the agent to go around there tomorrow morning. You don't have a rehab session tomorrow do you?"

"No, I have tomorrow off. Nina told me I can't push too hard or I could end up injuring myself. Tomorrow is my relax day."

Conner's face showed his concern, "You're not in pain now are you? Do you need to go lie down for a bit? Mum should be back any minute from her tutoring lesson with Kelly and no doubt she'll set about making a fuss out of dinner."

"Yeah, a lie down sounds good. Will you join me—don't go getting ideas, not with your Mum due home. I just want your arms around me for a while."

His face softened as he approached. "Of course, baby doll. I love having you in my arms. Any excuse to repeat the event, I'm there with bells on."

She laughed as her mind spat out an interesting mental image. "Well, you are a cat. I'm sure a collar with a bell could be arranged."

"Man, are you in a mood. Cheeky woman."

Leaving the chair behind, he carried her to their bedroom and laid her down on the soft mattress. Moments later he spooned up beside her, pulling her back into the cradle of his body. He kissed the nape of her neck and she sighed at the warmth it infused throughout her body.

"I love you, Conner."

He pressed his lips to her skin again and whispered against her, "and I you. Now, close those pretty emerald eyes and get some rest. I'm not going anywhere."

~ * ~

Robyn paced the room, her mind a tumble of thoughts all tripping over each other. She couldn't keep them straight. She shook out her hands, hoping to shake away some of the clutter in her mind with it. It eased only slightly but was enough for her to focus.

Barbara should have returned by now. How hard could it be to find out where Dale was staying now he'd moved out of the White's place? She had to get to Dale without those damn do-gooders around. She had to explain, make him see they were meant to be together. Then he could tell the police to drop the charges. Gah! The police had listed off several charges then told her there may be more once the investigation was finished. She didn't bother remembering any of them. She would be free once Dale told them it was okay.

A car pulling up outside the front of the small cabin brought her to the door. The caravan park was small, with only a couple of permanent cabins. Nice and private, hopefully secluded enough the cops wouldn't find her. Perhaps skipping bail wasn't her best option, but it was done now. No way was she checking in with the police station every day, or staying away from Dale. She opened the door just as Barbara approached. "What did you find out?"

Barbara didn't answer as she came in and dropped her bag on the table. The wait was grating on Robyn's already frayed nerves.


"Calm down, I'll tell you in a minute. Damn it, you can't even let me walk in the door before you start at me? I don't have to help you, you know?"

Robyn just glared at her friend. Now that the salon was shut Barbara had no job. Because she'd always lived week to week, spending all her pay, she had no savings. Robyn had simply promised her a payout once this was all over. It also helped that as Barbara was the one who posted bail, the police would be after her too now Robyn had skipped out.

Barbara huffed and rolled her eyes. "Fine. Be that way. Dale is renting a place on Pitt Street. Number twenty-nine. He's landed himself a job with the building company that's fixing up his place, so he's not going anywhere in a hurry. Looks like he was serious about giving up the offshore work. Oh, and that shrink? What's her name?"

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