Cinderella's Guardian (21 page)

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Authors: Khloe Wren

BOOK: Cinderella's Guardian
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Dale would never accept her so long as Tina was around to badmouth her. But if Tina were to have an accident, well, she couldn't whisper sweet nothings to her daddy dearest about Robyn now could she?

A flash of memory of Barbara lying in a pool of her own blood made her grin.
Wonder if Tina will look as pretty in red…
Clenching her grip on the handle of the large kitchen knife she made her way over to the transportable toilet block. She waited nearby for Tina to come out. Her legs began to tremble as nervous excitement bubbled through her. She liked the power killing brought on. Maybe once Tina was out of the way she could corner Jennifer…

Tina finally emerged from the building and as she did, Robyn pounced forward. Grabbing a fist full of Tina's hair she yanked with enough force to bring her wheelchair to a stop. Tina shrieked out briefly but quickly silenced when Robyn pressed the blade against her throat.

"I'm done playing your games, Tina."

"I-I haven't been playing any game, Robyn."

The fear in Tina's voice fired her up. The thrill of the kill coursed through her veins.

"Oh but you have, convincing your father I'm not right for him. It's all your fault, you know? But once you're gone, he'll be mine."

She began to slide the knife across Tina's throat making a shallow slice before she decided stabbing would be more fun. She pulled the blade away and pressed the tip to the side of Tina's pale neck. She paused a moment to observe the pulse fluttering furiously at the base of Tina's throat. Pressing in, Robyn enjoyed the feel of the blade as it slid through Tina's soft flesh.

Robyn cursed as Tina snapped from her frozen state and gripped Robyn's wrist tightly. Robyn laughed as this young girl thought she was stronger than her. Her laughter died suddenly when her hand spasmed and released the knife. Robyn watched in horror as Tina reached to grab the knife which had fallen in front of her chair.

"I don't think so."

Robyn's grip had loosened on Tina's hair. She rectified that quickly. Again holding her immobile with her head pulled back, she watched the blood run down her neck from the open stab wound Robyn had left before losing the knife. Within moments the red liquid soaked Tina's shirt, sticking it to her skin. She could see the rapid rate of Tina's breathing. Tina tried to paw at her hand gripping her hair but within moments it weakly fell away.

"Maybe I don't need to do anymore. I do believe I've done enough. There is a lot of blood and you are looking a little pale."

Robyn had wanted to watch Tina die as she held the knife deep within her flesh but the way Tina's eyes were now rolling back had Robyn buzzing with glee. Fear and pain etched deep into the creases of Tina's ever whitening face confirmed it wasn't worth Robyn loosening her grip to retrieve the knife that still lay at Tina's feet in the dirt. The risk of missing her last breath wasn't worth it.

Focused wholly on Tina, Robyn didn't hear anyone approach. A firm, tight grip around the wrist of the hand she had buried in Tina's hair was the first she knew they weren't alone. Robyn growled out her frustration as once again her hand slackened and released its hold.
Damn pressure points.

"What the hell?"

Her arm was yanked away from Tina with such force her body spun around. She stumbled over some sticks and fell to her knees. Pain radiated up her legs, ripping a pained cry from her throat. Fury clouded her vision as she cradled her injured wrist against her chest. She forced herself to focus and raised her gaze to see who had derailed her plan.

The red-haired woman from the hospital stood before her in her yellow firefighters gear with fury written all over her perfect face.

"You piece of shit. I told you if you hurt her, I'd make you pay."

She watched, frozen, as the woman came forward and delivered an uppercut punch to beneath her jaw. She flew away from Tina and with a thud, hit the dirt. Agony radiated from her jaw and stars momentarily filled her vision before everything went black.

~ * ~

Conner roared as he felt Tina's pain and panic flare inside him. He spun and sprinted over to the toilet block. He skidded to a halt with his heart in his throat as he watched Kit deliver a knockout punch to a kneeling Robyn.

Damn it, the bitch got to Tina! Again!

He sprinted the remaining distance and dropped down in front of his mate. Her eyes were wide with obvious panic and alarm. Her hands were weakly attempting to grip her throat but all the blood had made her skin slippery. Her neck and chest were drenched in it. What had the bitch done?

"Oh damn baby, what did she do to you?"

His voice shocked him. It was so rough with his surging emotions. He knew she'd be lucky to hear him. He gently wiped his hands over her neck, quickly locating a stab wound that continued to pulse out blood. He quickly pressed his palm over the wound, applying pressure to stem the flow. Without moving that hand, he shifted the other to examine further. He wiped away blood to discover a shallow slice across her windpipe. White-hot rage caused a shudder to run through him. Robyn had attempted to slice her throat! He would be eternally grateful that Kit had arrived when she had.

Focusing on what needed to be done, he made a quick assessment of her injuries. Both were covered up now, but it wasn't like he was going to forget what they looked like anytime soon. The stab wound would definitely need stitches but he was sure the cut on her throat would heal fine on its own. Now they'd mated, she'd have slightly increased healing powers. Not anywhere near what a full-blooded shifter had, but enough to fix that shallow cut no problem. But that stab was a different story as was her blood loss.

He leaned in to press a kiss to Tina's cold lips before he quickly glanced around to check what was happening. He saw a man he didn't know tying up Robyn's wrists behind her back. She was out cold. Knowing how hard Kit could hit, especially when she was enraged, Robyn would be lucky if she woke up at all. Kit's voice caught his attention. She was on her radio calling for medic and police assistance. With that taken care of he turned his focus back to Tina. She stared blankly into his eyes. He could hear the shallowness of her breathing.

"Breathe, Tina. Nice deep breaths. You're going to be okay. Adele will come and fix you up. You'll be fine. Please, baby, breathe for me."

He watched as finally she took deeper inhales. She'd been on the verge of passing out he was sure. He could understand why she'd be more than a little panicked. She couldn't see her injury but had felt the knife slice her flesh. He'd probably be equally terrified in her position.

My poor mate must be petrified.

Dale appeared by Tina's side, dropped to his knees and kissed her cheek.

"I'm so sorry, sweet pea. This is all my fault."

Hearing her father take the blame channeled his anger to Dale. "Don't be daft, Dale. The blame for this is entirely on Robyn's head. You couldn't be expected to know how insane she was. Just be thankful we've finally caught the damn woman."

Conner's words brought a shudder from Dale as he closed his eyes and leaned against Tina. He saw the tears run down the tough man's face but didn't mention it. He could feel his eyes sting with unshed tears at the thought of what could have easily happened here today.

"Owe you a drink or twenty, Kit."

"Nah, I got to rough her up some. That's reward in itself. Not that I'd turn down a free drink or two."

Kit gave his shoulder a squeeze and a low growl came from the man holding Robyn. With so many people and so much blood, it was impossible to scent one individual amongst the others, but Conner assumed the man was a shifter.

"Ah, Kit? What's the go with that?"

Desperate for a distraction before his tears broke through, he focused on his leap-sister.

"Ah, yeah. That would be rally driver, Jessie Lutrec. Apparently, he's my mate. Not sure he likes the idea, though."

"Why wouldn't he?"

Conner was confused, how could a shifter not be ecstatic about finding his mate?

"Because he doesn't understand. He's a new shifter, conceived with the last comet passing. I get the feeling he's never found another shifter until me."

Conner looked at Kit dumbfounded. If Jessie was a comet-shifter and Kit's mate, that meant Kit was one too. Shit, she'd held that secret close to her chest. He'd always known Kit was a shifter, but not a comet-shifter. Before he could ask any more questions, he was cut off by the sound of approaching sirens. He turned back to Tina. Unable to resist, he leaned in and kissed her cold lips, willing his warmth into her. He watched her eyes close and tears trickle down her pale cheeks.

"Shh, Tina. Ambulance's arrived now. You're safe. They're loading Robyn into the police wagon. She won't get bail again. You and your dad are safe."

Adele rushed over to them and stopped with a curse, "bloody hell! What did the bitch do?"

Conner kept the pressure on Tina's wound as he helped Adele load her into the ambulance. With him beside Tina, Adele moved to close the doors. He heard Jennifer call out that she would drive Dale to the hospital.

He explained to Adele what had happened on the way. The ride into town was blessedly short but still way too long for Conner's frayed nerves. Tina passed out as they entered the hospital. Conner kept the pressure on her wound until she was in emergency and Clint took over.

"This is going to take us a while, Conner. Why don't you head to an empty room and grab a shower. If we finish up before you're out, we'll come and get you."

Was Clint mad? No way would he leave his injured mate.

Adele's hand briefly rested on his arm. "Clint's right,
You're covered in blood and you know I won't leave her side until you return. I promise you, she will not be left alone for a second."

Conner looked down at his front to see that he was filthy. Blood, dirt and sweat had him looking terrible. Not wanting to freak out his mate when she woke, he nodded and headed toward the nurses' station to find out which room he could use.

A couple of minutes later he stood under the hot spray and watched as the red stained water flowed down the drain.

He was washing his mate's blood from his skin.

His precious mate had been injured. Again.

His body shuddered uncontrollably and he finally allowed his tears to flow freely. In the privacy of this locked bathroom he could give in to his emotions. He tilted his head back so the hot water struck his face, washing away his tears as they left his eyes. His emotions tangled and tightened. Fear for his mate, relief that Robyn was now caught, and shame that he hadn't protected Tina, all knotted together.

Going to the rally had been a bad idea. He should have realized with all the people milling around he'd never be able to smell if Robyn was close. Yet again he'd misjudged a situation and his precious mate had paid the price. Scrubbing his face in his hands, he turned away from the spray. Taking a deep breath, he firmly pushed his emotions down. Tina needed him to be strong. Pumping some soap out of the wall dispenser, he quickly washed his body, rinsed and turned off the taps. He snagged one of the small scratchy hospital towels he'd brought in with him and dried off. With another tucked around his waist he headed out of the bathroom—hoping someone had brought him a change of clothes.

He opened the door to find Dominic leaning against the bed, arms folded over his broad chest. His brother's face was set in grim lines as he frowned at him.

"Hey Dom."

"Conner. brought you some clothes and wanted to have a chat. Make sure you're doing okay."

Tears threatened again under the loving concern of his brother, but he held them back. Males didn't cry—and if they did it was in secret where no one could see. He distracted himself by focusing on getting dressed. His fingers stilled on the buttons as Dom broke the silence.

"Don't get caught up in the guilt, Conner. I know how you're feeling. I'll never be able to fully forgive myself for leaving Adele and Kelly alone in that house."

Conner's gaze snapped up to his brother's. "But that's not your fault. How could you have known Cole was already inside the house?"

Dominic smiled sadly. "That's my point. I couldn't have known. Doesn't stop me constantly going over all the
if only'
s of it.
couldn't have known Robyn would be there today—or what she was going to do. All of us assumed she'd go after Dale, that's who we were watching. We
misjudged this one. Well, except for Kit."

"I should have been the one to save her. It should have been me to take the bitch out."

"Yeah, I get that. But you need to push aside your male ego and focus on the facts. Because of Kit, Tina is safe and Robyn's in custody. If she hadn't been there, and Tina had to wait for you to arrive…"

A shudder ran through him at Dom's unfinished sentence. "Yeah, I hear you. Tina would have been dead before I reached her." He paused to sigh and scrub his face. "This whole having a mate thing is hell on your nerves isn't it?"

Dominic had the gall to laugh, "yeah, it is. But it's worth every second." He slapped Conner on the back. "C'mon, let's get you to her side so you can stop fretting like a mother hen."

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