Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire (9 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire
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Chapter Three
Thom’s worse day ever

Seven O’clock
in the morning.


At last,
Tuesday had finally arrived. Monday had never been Mellissa’s favourite day.
Who had anyway? Monday was the busiest and stressful day ever, not to mention
New York’s traffic jam that sent everyone insane.


“Are you going
out, Mellissa?” Tonya yawned as she poured the coffee into her smiling mug. She
felt a little disorientated because she couldn’t sleep last night. However hard
she tried, her nightmare wouldn’t let her sleep. Lately, she’d been having this
dream that brought back the memory of that night when she crashed against a
couple’s car. It was horrifying, but it happened years ago… The verdict was not
guilty, therefore, she shouldn’t feel burdened by it.


With her
magenta cocktail dress, her legs bragged that she’d had a bone extension as if
that was even possible. “Yes, I’m going out with Thom,” she said while hooking
her large hoop earring in.


Tonya took the
first sip. The caffeine woke her up as she felt alive again. “This early? I-I
mean…” she looked at the clock stuck on the wall, “it’s just half past seven,
darling. Don’t you think that’s a little early?”


“So what? Mom,
have you forgotten about the traffic and all the shits people do every morning?
I don’t want to be stuck in the middle of the motorway while my makeup melt.”


“True,” her
mother agreed, reali
her daughter’s point.


Tonya followed
every step Mellissa took.
She’s grown too fast
, she thought, smiling
sweetly, entertained by her daughter’s action. Mellissa noticed her mother
watching her, and it made her feel awkward to continue applying her make up on.


“Mom… it’s rude
to stare at people! You know that, right?” Her voice was sassy and sounded
embarrassed which made Tonya even happier.


“Ooops, sorry
darling. Mommy can’t just help it. Have you had breakfast yet?”




Tonya headed to
the fridge to find something to cook. Just as when she was about to open the
fridge’s door, Mellissa’s voice took her hand away from the fridge.


“Mom… I’m not
having anything that you cook. They taste gross.”


Ouch! To tell
the truth, Mellissa was right – even Tonya, herself would agree that her
cooking skill wouldn’t pass a beginner’s level. Whatever she made tasted
revolting. It was good that food outlets and Chinese take away weren’t that far
from their house, or otherwise, they’d both starve to death. 


“Don’t worry,
darling. I’m just checking if we still have eggs left,” she excused, but
Mellissa wouldn’t buy that. She knew her mother better than anyone else.


All touched up
with her killer heels on, she grabbed her yellow handbag from the couch which
was covered with Penelope’s furs. “Aaaah… yuck!” she screamed at the top of her
voice as if she was in an opera house.


happened?” Tonya quickly responded.


“Your cat… look
what that twat did to my handbag,” she cried out.


“Don’t say that
to your sister.”


Astonished and
marvelled at what she heard, she just laughed it off. “Sister? What are we,
cats?” She rolled her eyes, exaggerating her surprise.


Before her
mother could even utter a word, she cut in immediately. “Whatever, mom… I have
to go now. I’m late already.”


In the brink of
disappearing, Tonya managed to greet her daughter goodbye.


“Take care,
darling,” she whispered under her breath.




Outside their
house, kids walked past Natalia’s house, heading to school. The lawn hadn’t
been mowed yet. If her foster father saw this, Thom would be in huge trouble.
Mr Jacobson, his father, did not like his lawn looking unshaved and dirty. He
was a clean freak and even his wife, Mrs Lynn complained about it. The old man
had OCD – no offense.


“Oh… I’m gonna
be late,” she panicked, rushing as she grabbed her stuff from her messy table,
fraught with documents and scratch papers which she refused to throw in the
garbage. Like Mr. Jacobson, Natalia was a little bit of a hoarder. Don’t tell
her that… she’d be furious.


Her room was a
mess. Bed untidied, duvet sheets out, and worse of all, her dirty clothes and
underwear were scattered all over the place. It was like a hurricane just hit
her room overnight. It was chaotic. It was as if she was not a woman at all.
Give her a break, she did not sleep last night until midnight, revising her
resume and the questions that might be asked during the interview.


Running back
and forth to gather everything she needed for today’s interview, she
accidentally elbowed her real parents picture frame that sat on her dresser,
the altar of her room where she placed her cosmetics and beauty kits. “Oh, I’m
so sorry…” she apologized as
they’d hear her.


In her tight
denim jeans, she lowered her bottom as her ass got choked under her pants. With
a contrite spirit, she picked the picture frame up. Her countenance became
gloomy and her excitement turned into a longing to see her parents again. It
had been almost twenty-six years in March since it happened, few days before
her birthday that they left her behind – alone. It was the same year that Tonya
had the accident.


“Mama, Papa…”
she sobbed as tears formed in her eyes, “I wish you’re with me right now. I’m a
professional embalmer now. I hope you’re proud of me…” stream of tears trickled
down her face, caressing her pinkish cheeks as they fell down her face to the
glass window of the picture frame.


her IPhone 6S rang.


She knew
exactly who it was. She stood the picture frame back up again to where it was.
When she noticed a drop of tear dried up on it, she quickly wiped it off, not
wanting her parents to appear as if they were crying. As soon as she finished,
she quickly ran to her phone.


Gwen’s name
appeared on the screen. She clicked her message with great anticipation of what
her friend had to say. It read:


Hey, Nat.
I’ve been waiting here for five minutes, and you’re still not here. Don’t tell
me you’re still at home? Girl, hurry up!


“Oh, goodness
gracious me…” she sighed.


Instead of
wasting time to reply back, which will only enrage Gwen to find out she was
still at home, she hurriedly snatched her bag and made her way out.




As expected,
the summer heat was scorching. Everyone in the Boulevard Mall was buying ice
cream to cool down. The crowds were crazy – they were everywhere as it was the
launching of
The Hunger Games
movie today in cinemas. Mellissa and Thom
walked slowly, enjoying the moment of peace in the midst of the storming


After she
licked her Vanilla ice cream, she turned her gaze at Thom who was looking
around the area in hopes that he’d find something interesting to buy for
Natalia. “Thom,” she called quietly.


Thom continued staring at the High Street shops, ignoring Mellissa completely.
He did not really want to come with her anyway, but under Natalia’s consent, he
did for the sake of their friendship.


temper had run low. With crossed eyebrows, she tapped his arm to steal his
attention. “Hey, what are you looking at?”


“Ha? Nothing. I
was just looking around…” His ice cream was melting, unlicked and still in its
original form, although a quarter of it had already dribbled down to the white
tiled floor. Sorry for the janitor who would clean that up.


She inhaled,
trying to extend her patience. “Have you thought about my offer?”


“What offer?”


It was obvious
he did not, but Mellissa convinced herself he’d just forgotten about it. She
did not want to spoil their date. “You know, about you and me going over to
England. There’s more opportunity over there than you could possibly imagine. I
could easily get you a job as a manager in the company I work at. They could
even turn you into a superstar like me,” she smiled, persuading him to live
with her in a foreign land where a supernatural creature like him was


“Ummm…” Thom
looked puzzled, torn between going or not. He liked the idea, but the thought
of leaving Natalia behind scared him more than he feared being caught shape
shifting into a werebear.


“So… what do
you think? You like it, ha?”


“I don’t know.
I’m not sure if Natalia would agree,” he explained. His face looked worried and
hesitant, as if something, or rather someone, was restraining him from going.


Mellissa had learnt to hate the name,
Natalia. Not that she hated her to the bones, it was just the name became so
repetitive in Thom’s mouth. It was like his life depended on her.


Mellissa threw
her half-eaten ice cream to the floor. The people around them stared at them
with shared disgust and curiosity of what was happening. The inevitable thought
of a couple having a fight crept into everyone’s mind.


“For goodness
sake, please mind us!” the fat female janitor came over and angrily picked up
the ice cream.


“So sorry, Ms.
Here, take this as the token of my apology,” Thom reached out a five dollar
note to the woman.


“I don’t need
your money. Keep it to yourself, and buy your girlfriend some manners!” she
said with her soulful black accent as she leered at Mellissa who was now
silent, tamed by the black janitor’s sermon. She knew the woman was correct.


Mellissa turned
around, making sure the janitor had departed before she uttered any word. “See
what you did? You made me look like a fool in front of many people. Why? What’s
so especial about Natalia that you can never leave her alone? She’s fucking old
enough to take care of herself, Thom. She’s twenty-something now. She’s no
longer a fucking kid…” she screamed and shouted, despising her reputation as a
celebrity. No one had ever made her feel so small before. All her life, she got
whatever she wanted. Glamorous life, fancy lifestyle, fame and wealth – she had
them all. But one thing she lacked, and that was true love.


Although she
knew her mother loved her to death, and her father would do everything to make
her happy, a sensual love of a man was completely different from anyone else’s.
She wanted Thom so bad that she was willing to relinquish everything, but the
question was, for how long would she chase him?


Thom was
stunned. His appearance saddened as he saw Mellissa crying over him. It
destroyed him as a man to see a lady wept over such small thing as this. But
her love for him wasn’t tiny. It was bigger than the universe. Since she
arrived here in America, her life revolved around him. You can’t blame her as
Thom had proven himself to be such a rare gemstone that every smith would wish
to keep for eternity. However, to find out his deepest secret, would that still
hold her interest?


Thom opened his
arms to shelter her broken heart. “Come here.”


Mellissa buried
her face over his broad shoulder. That distinct smell that he had aroused her,
making her pussy cry. She ran her hands around his toned back, reminiscing the
night when she first tasted his manhood.


Fate was such
an audacious player as it brought Natalia and Gwen in the same mall as Thom and
Mellissa were. Unaware of each other’s presence, they continued doing their own
business as if no one cared. To be honest, no one really cared – not even one.


“Oh, I can’t
believe this girl. We actually have a job now,” Gwen cheered as her pitchy
voice reverberated throughout the mall.


With exceeding
joy, Natalia couldn’t agree more with her best friend. All those months she
spent looking for a job had finally ended. Thanks for her hard work.

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