Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire (11 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire
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Chapter Five
Thom was almost in, but thanks for the phone call

Box of pizzas
and cans of colas sat all over his bedroom, making his chamber appear like a
dumping site. Garbage filled every free space possible, leaving him with no
choice but to trample his mess underfoot.


Shirtless and
without anything on, apart from his black underwear that didn’t really do much
to cover up his manhood, he swung his arms up and buried his hands underneath
his head. He sighed as he remembered Mellissa’s slap and Natalia’s burning
departure. If he could only foresee the future, he would’ve never gone on a
date with Mellissa and broken Natalia’s already tortured heart. If only…


Windows wide
open and air condition set atop, the night was still humid. Salty sweat dripped
all over his body, making the sheets soak wet. He pulled the duvet away as to
allow his body to breathe and neutralize his body’s temperature. As hot as the
weather, his muscled physique was even hotter. His bulging chest stood tall
with hairs all over it. He just shaved it the other day, but his furs kept on
growing rapidly.


Could no longer
hold himself back, he sat up and threw the duvet sheet to the carpeted floor.
“Fuck… I should’ve never gone that day,” he cursed as his temper skyrocketed to
a boiling point.


He forced
himself to stay still, but the thought of Natalia being under the same roof
urged him to pay a visit and see what she was up to in hopes that she’d forgive
him for trillion times this time. The crackling sound of chips and cookies
screamed for help as he made his way out of his dirty room. Man… how could he
possibly like this? Garbage everywhere. His mother ain’t here to clean after


Wrapped around
his waist was a thin beach towel he always used whenever he went for a swim
whether that’d be in a pool or sea. He couldn’t be bothered slipping up his
pants – he was too lazy for that. Few meters away from the kitchen next to
Natalia’s room, he delayed his next step as he wondered whether she’d welcome
him or not.


Should I go?
He asked his conscience as if it would answer and resolve his


He gazed at her
door, heart pumping wildly as he imagined her throwing all her pillows at him.
She’d never done that before, but after all the things she’d been through
lately because of him, he thought she might as well kill him as to end her
misery. Out of frustration, he clenched his fists as he breathed in the endless
oxygen into his lungs. The air stuck in his chest, making him look like a body


“Calm down,
mate. Whatever happens, at least, you try your best,” he convinced himself as
he took the courage to leap a foot forward to her room.


Her door became
like a wall in his presence, an intimidating gate that guarded a princess.
Although his hand trembled with uncertainty, thinking of all the things they
had been through giving him an assurance that Natalia, with all her generosity,
would without a doubt give him another chance to show to her that he truly
loved her more than just a sister.


knock, knock…
her door rang. Once or twice, Thom
knocked on her door. He waited for a couple of seconds for her to open it up,
but without success. Natalia surely loved playing ‘hard to get’, teasing him on
to feel free and let himself in at his own will. So he did…


“Nat… can I
come in?” His voice was careful and shielded by the door that walled him from
pillows that might siege in soon.


stretching the door’s gap any further, he waited first for five seconds as he
tried to listen to any motion that might come out of her room. But without
luck, he heard nothing but his own breathing. The door’s hinges shrieked as he
pushed it slowly, cautious of any object that might send him to an instant


“Nat?” He
called cautiously, aware that she was still upset with everything he did. But
after a matter of second, he noticed that her lamp shade wasn’t on. A dirty
suspicion crept into his mind.


“Is she out?”
then, he brought his gaze at the small pink clock sitting on her side table. It
was already quarter past eleven, and it wasn’t in her nature to be out in this
time of the night. Multitudes of rapists, gangs, and criminals were out,
hunting people they could plunder, and Thom thought she might be the next


He quickly ran
to the entrance door, which they also used as an exit. The back door was too
far and time-consuming. He twisted the doorknob and pulled the door, but the
smell of a cow’s dung struck his nose with a blow. His neighbour should’ve
asked them first before using manures as their garden’s fertilizer. What an
inconsiderate decision! He ignored it and continued walking on, but he’d
forgotten he was just wearing a loose towel.


“Thom, did you
just have a shower?” old Marcus, his neighbour asked from over the fence.


Thom wondered. He looked down and remembered he did not have anything on, but
this see-through towel around his waist.
“Oh, yeah… I just had a
shower,” he lied, riding his neighbour’s assumption.


“Oh well boy, you better put your pants on, or else girls
will come rushing to eat your, you know…” old Marcus laughed, making fun of
Thom’s hot looks.


Thom shared old Marcus’ rude joke. But the truth was, he
wanted to punch him to the ground. He had no time for any joke right now.
Natalia was in danger. “Yeah, I’d do it now…” he grinned forcibly.


“Asshole,” he whispered under his breath as he made his
way back into the house, to put something decent.


He slammed the door with so much force that made their
house quake. It was just to show Marcus he wasn’t in the mood to fool around,
but the person upstairs found his carelessness rude and unnecessary.


“Old man,” he murmured to himself as he walked on to his
room to grab his unwashed pants. One leg already in, he stopped for a moment to
listen to the mysterious noise coming from his parents’ master’s bedroom which
happened to be above his. 


“Did I leave the windows open?” he asked himself as he
suspected a thief broke into their house through the open windows. Earlier this
morning, he took some documents from his parent’s bedroom to send to Fiji as
requested by them. He reckoned they were planning to adopt a baby and bring it
here to America. They probably couldn’t wait to have a grandchild as Thom was
taking his time to settle down. 


He kicked his pants away, not wanting it to be ripped
just in case he had to shape-shift into a werebear again to fight that intruder
upstairs. He grabbed the towel and made his way up through the stair. As quiet
as possible, he managed to reach his parents’ room without drawing much
attention to his arrival.


“Chillax, don’t kill him, okay?” he motioned his hands up
and down in rhythm with his breathing…


The thief was heedless that his, or rather, her end was
nigh. Thom kicked the door open, making the entire house tremble again. In the
naked artificial light, the thief’s back faced Thom and without warning, he
lifted the thief up from the floor and chucked her over the bed, but the thief
landed on the mattress.


He sieged toward the thief and pulled her over to face
him. One thing he noticed, though, the thief was light and unresponsive. But he
didn’t care, he saw her as an enemy. Only if he knew who was under that hoodie.


A horror look crossed his face as he saw who it was.


“What the hell are you doing? Are you trying to kill me?”
she enraged, attempting to understand his silly purpose.


“Oh no, it’s not that…” he stuttered.


“What then? Have you gone mad?” her voice went two keys


“I-I thought you were a thief…” he explained, but his
reason made no sense to her. How could she be a thief if she lived in this
house? Silly!


Natalia rolled her eyes at Thom. She thought this was one
of his jokes again, but she had no time for that shit anymore. She needed to
focus on her career, and now that she had a job, there was no was time to
dawdle. Time is a precious diamond to treasure.


“W-why are you here, by the way?” he inquired with so
much authority that made her forget about her promise to herself of giving him
a silent treatment for fooling her around.


“B-because…” she looked away, trying not to get
distracted with his sizzling hot body.
Why does he need to come here like
She blushed as her anger turned into lust.


To tell the truth, she’d been missing her real parents
lately, especially now that Thom’s parents were away. She came here to escape
that memory of Thom and her sleeping together in her bed without having sex.
She regretted not accepting his invitation in the fear of getting pregnant. Not
if they’d used a condom.


And the hoodie she was wearing? It was a gift from Thom
from years ago. It was the evidence that she hadn’t grown any bigger since
then. She was still as petite as ever, but one thing that she was very proud
of, her breasts got larger and her ass got rounder, boasting she had improved
so much lately.


“You don’t have to explain you know…” Thom came to


“That’s right… I-I don’t need to explain whatever I do to
you. I am an independent woman,” she chinned up and crossed her arms over her
chest. He found that very cute about her.


“So… are we good again?” he teased as he gave his best
smile, not even an ant could resist.


Oh goodness gracious me, why does he need to be so freaking
She thought. As usual,
she wouldn’t respond for a while, but a little fondness was all it needed to
gain her trust back again. What a simple girl. But until when would be like
this if she found out he knew who killed her parents?


She let her silence speak louder than her words. Stubborn
to forgive him, she kept her mouth shut, making him wonder what was going on
inside her secluded mind. Thom felt his towel loosening up. Just before it fell
down, he quickly knotted it to avoid embarrassing himself. But little did he
know that his dick traced on his towel.


Natalia kept her gaze away from him as if he never
existed. Thom stood there watching her stare at something out the window. He
looked around to find something interesting to talk about but found nothing
except for the family photos fixed on the wall. He frowned as he realized how
much she improved from the past years. In the photo, Natalia’s smile was
childish and her teeth were like rocky hills. Thankful that there was a word
called puberty, he grinned slightly. She was silently watching his every move.


Thom rolled his eyes sideways toward her without turning
his head. He knew she wanted to befriend him again, but her pride was the
villain that turned her heart into a rock. But he was the water who would
soften that stone and turn it back into clay again. With all confidence, he
despised the danger and leapt a foot forward – one after the other.


Heart panted in apprehension, her entire body trembled
against her will. Without warning, keys of fingers tickled her stomach as she
felt a pointy rod sticking into her butt. From behind, he pressed himself
against her, rubbing his well-built chest against her back. With so much
eagerness to taste her, he sowed his lips on the surface of her nape, licking
it while she pretentiously refused that she disliked it so much that she
literally whirled her head in harmony with his lips.


“Stop…” she bluffed, but he wasn’t convinced she didn’t
like it so he continued.


Train of fingers travelled inside her hoodie. She closed
her eyes as she bit her lips with great anticipation to feel him inside her.
Her stronghold’s walls, guarded with negativities were brought low as she felt
his right hand slipping down her pants. She tingled backward when she felt a finger
just reached the veneer of her pussy.


While his other hand was working on her cockpit, Thom’s
left hand found itself kneading her bountiful breasts that he longed to devour
like a hungry baby. She gasped for her as she felt a thick finger inserted into
her hole. Its nail was a little bit sharp, but she liked the pain as it added
to the unexplainable sensation.

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