Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire (12 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire
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“Now, tell me to stop…” Thom teased as he finally got her
under his wings.


“No, please
don’t stop. I-I need you Thom,”
more than you could ever know
… she
continued speaking, but the last few words were hidden from his hearing. 


“Aaargh…” Natalia moaned as her eyes flickered in sensual


“Yeah… just let it out, Nat. Don’t hold back…”


“I love you, Thom… Yeah, fuck me like that… More… more…
more…” she begged.


Testosterones played wildly inside his body as his sperms
rumbled in the core of his balls, eager to infuse to Natalia’s only egg cell.
First come, first serve. Thom arched his body over her as he hopped his dick
from behind. She spread her legs for him to reach her deepest end.


To her surprise, he took his grip away from her. “Come,”
he turned her around to face him.


“Take your shirt off,” he commanded as he rubbed his


After she’d taken it off, all that was left was her bra.
Her cleavage turned him on even more. His dick was now half way out of his
brief. He pushed her down to the mattress where their parents made love. As
soon as her head landed, he followed quickly, prostrating himself over the
woman he grew up with.


His tongue pushed against the fence of her teeth as their
lips intertwined. In and out, he played with her tongue like a bubble gum. He
travelled south, sucking on her pimp chin down to her neck, and then to her
indulgent tits.


In the brink of ripping her bra, the telephone screamed,
interrupting their romance.
Thom complained. Still over her, he
brought his gaze at the freaking telephone. Natalia swallowed awkwardly as she
could feel his shaft countered in her middle.


“I-I think you should grab the phone…” she suggested.


“Don’t worry about it.” He brought his face down to her
neck to continue their unfinished business. He hated being bothered during sex.


She pushed him away. He sighed as he voluntarily released
her, and fell on his back. “Go for it…” he finally agreed.


She ran for the phone, expecting it to be the manager in
the company she’d be working at. “Hello.”


“Natalia? Is it you?”


“Mom?” her voice sounded excited, but at the same time
Why did she call
? She wondered.


A moment of silence fell.


“Mom, are you there?”


Mrs. Lynn couldn’t talk to her adopted daughter. She
couldn’t stand having a conversation with the child of the couple whom her best
friend killed. “Ummm… could you please bring the phone to your brother?”


Natalia looked at the phone frowning.
Why does she
want to talk to him all of a sudden?
She thought as she turned around and
looked at Thom who was now lying on the bed, stroking his dick underneath his
underwear. She could almost see his humongous shaft sticking out.


“Here…” she chucked the phone over to him.


“Who’s this?”


“Mom,” she whispered quietly.


He brought the telephone to his ear. “Hello, mom?”




His eyebrows scowled. “What’s the matter?”


“Thom, I’ve told her everything…” she cried.




“Tonya. She knows everything about Natalia now,” beads of
tears kept trickling down her face. Thom could tell his mother had been
agitated lately by the tone of her voice.


He looked at Natalia. His enthusiasm to taste her turned
into fear.
What do I do now?
He worried.


“Thom…” his mother shrieked after he hanged up on her for
the reason of not knowing what to say anymore. Then, he looked at Natalia with
immense sympathy in his eyes as to show his greatest apology for keeping what
was meant to be hers. She had every right to know about her parents’ death.


Down the road, few blocks from their house, Mellissa was
watching them, reading their action through the silhouette of the light behind
the translucent curtains. She knew his parents were away…






Chapter Six
Natalia’s parents’ killer

Sleepless and intoxicated with the wines she’d been
consuming since last night, Mellissa shifted her gaze from the empty bottles to
the open window next to her mother’s shelves in the lounge. Her mind was
vacant, nullified by the thought that Thom and Natalia had been making out all
along behind her back as if Thom and she were officially engaged.


“How could they do this to me?” she questioned herself as
she remembered all the things that happened last night in Thom’s house – in his
parents’ room.


With empty glass, she probed for another bottle of wine
but found none. Three were already down, gone inside her crumbling stomach. The
glass choked in her hand as she clenched it, dissipating her frustration to the
poor glass. Wish she wouldn’t break it, or else, her hand would be crushed, stabbed
with the debris of broken glass.


In her vexation, she kicked one of the empty bottles
aimlessly. It rolled all the way to the stair and it hit the bottom step where
her mother was about to walk down. Penelope jumped out of her bed, frightened
by the sudden noise. Mellissa frowned as she saw a pair of yellow doll shoes
stepped down of the stair.


“Where are you going?” she imperatively asked, quite


Tonya lowered her bottom to pick up the bottle. She just
cleaned the house last night, so a little bit of consideration wouldn’t hurt.
“How much have you drank, Mellissa?” a stern look crossed her face. It didn’t
seem she was in the mood today.


She took her gaze away to avoid her mother’s scrutiny.
Although she knew Tonya loved her, she was still mindful that she was at her
mother’s territory. She needed to play the rules. “A couple…”


Tonya wouldn’t take her answer as an absolute yes, but
for now, she might as well do so for the sake of her mental sane. She’d been
inwardly depressed lately, and an argument was not listed in her schedule. She
had millions to worry about.


“Alright. Make sure you take a bath and clean yourself
up. I’m just going to visit friends of mine. I’ll be back soon,” she explained
as she rolled her sleeves up.


Mellissa noticed her mother’s dress. “What are you
wearing?” Her tone had contempt as if judging her mother’s choice of fashion.


“Oh, this?” she wondered. Her black dress was made out of
chiffon fabric, very common for 80’s women. Her skirt hid her heels, but the
hem didn’t quite make it to the ground for that bridal effect. Her hat was
black as well. Perhaps, today’s colour was black.


“Yes, that…” Mellissa rolled her eyes.


“Isn’t it pretty?” she lied, pretending she liked her


She sighed. “Pretty? Are you serious? We’re not in the
19th century, mom… You look like you’re gonna attend a funeral or so.”


Tonya’s countenance saddened, and gave an awkward
expression. “I cooked a casserole. It’s in the oven, so please, help yourself,”
she changed the topic.


What’s wrong with her?
Mellissa pondered her mother’s mysterious behaviour.


Already outside the door, Mellissa called her mother.
“Mom… don’t forget to buy wines, okay? We’ve run out already.”


Tonya stood in the front door agitated. Her daughter’s
request did not pierce through her ears as her mind was blocked with what might
happen in the cemetery where she was heading. Today was her first time visiting
Natalia’s parents after so many forgotten years. Hope she’d find forgiveness…




His reflection danced in the mirror. In it, he sat on the
edge of his bed, buttoning up his sleeves. The cuffs were sterling silver, but
he wasn’t burned or anything. He was a werebear, not a werewolf – complete
different creatures.


His clone trapped in the mirror disappeared as he headed
to the door to get his belt hanged on one of the hooks. He didn’t choose which
one anymore as his brain was filled with worries and dilemmas of how he’d tell
Natalia everything about her parents’ death.


The inviting round clock urged him to see what time it
was just in case they were already late. He looked up and saw it was already
9:00 am. As quick as the time went, he hurriedly glided his feet to the life
size mirror standing opposite his bed.


“You look good, Thom. Don’t worry, everything will go as
planned,” he convinced himself, but none of them knew what the future was
holding. Anything could happen in a blink of an eye.


All touched up, he made a final wink at his clone before
bringing himself to Natalia’s room.


Her table was tidy and all the papers were meticulously
put in their respective places. Pens and pencils stuck together in an empty
recycled can. Her bed was flawless and everything, as in every single object in
her room was properly placed. She must be really inspired. No one was going to
wonder why. Thom had just shown his deepest interest on her, and that made her
feel alive and stimulated.


Almost done, she hadn’t ponytailed her hair as planned
beforehand. She wanted her parents to see her as beautiful as they would have
hoped if they were still here with her, celebrating her soon coming birthday.
She held her parents’ picture frame up and brought it closer to her heart.


“I love you two,” tears streamed out of her eyes. “I wish
you’re still here with me. I promise to become a better person, despite any
challenges that cross my path. But please, Ma, Pa, help me stay strong to
continue living. Not only for myself but especially for you two.” Then, she
kissed the picture frame and put it back to where it was.


Someone was outside her door. She could feel the
vibration through the floor. Hastening up, she quickly grabbed a piece of pink
rubber tie and slipped it in between her teeth while she gathered her hair


“Hey, Nat. Are you ready?” Thom knocked on her door


“Give me a second,” her words sounded as if she had cleft


What did she say?
Thom frowned. Assuming she said something about waiting,
he decided to leave and wait for her outside. “I’ll be in the car. Just shut
the doors and windows before you leave, okay?”




He walked away, leaving all the responsibilities on her
shoulder. He could’ve done that himself while waiting.


She turned around a couple of times to make sure she got
everything right. In the mirror, she looked stunning with her red lipstick on
and the red blouse that matched her shoes and lips. Like Thom, she gave the
mirror a sweet wink and a kiss. Then, she headed outside to make sure
everything was closed up and neat.


Good to go, Thom tapped his finger on the steering wheel
as he patiently waited for her to come. It had been ten minutes now, but for
him, it felt like a day of wasting time. He sighed in relief as he saw her
, Thom’s annoyance turned into thirst as soon as he saw her
walking with her breasts jiggling. Her bra did not have any foam in it, neither
steel to hold her tits right up.


“Have you been waiting long?” Natalia finally asked as
she jumped into the car, next to him.


“Ummm… No, not really,” he smiled as his eyes stared at
her tender chest.


“Alright. Let’s hit the road. My parents are waiting…”




Headstones dotted the Woodlawn Cemetery, occupying miles
of flat lands, the habitat of deceased citizens of America. The sky was gloomy
and the forecast wasn’t looking too good as well. Nimbostratus of clouds were
forming, as they gathered rain and lightning to hit the ground.


Tonya was not too sure where the couple’s graveyards
were. The carvings on the headstones were quite tiny for her vision. She
should’ve brought a huge magnifying glass along with her glasses so that she
could see everything nice and clear.


She kept on walking and as she looked around, she
stumbled against a stone, pulling her down to the ground. And then, about six
headstones away from the one in front of her, the couple’s gravestones stood
proudly. By the looks of them, someone was keeping them clean and immaculate.
Very pleasing to the eyes.


She crawled her way to their graves, lamenting as the
memory of that accident brought itself to her remembrance. Then, all at once,
everything felt like it just took place yesterday. The pain and shock felt fresh,
and the wound hurt with intense pain that made her heart feel burdened. It was
an agonizing moment – unbearable to watch.


With so much grief, it was surprising that she made it up
to her knees from the ground. “Please, leave me alone. Stop hunting me down,”
she wept.


A cold breeze swept across the cemetery. The storm was
soon approaching…


“What do you want me to do? Tell your child everything?
Tell her that I killed her parents? I-I can’t…” tears just kept oozing out of
her eyes.


Unforeseen and unexpected, she heard a car parked nearby.
Her anguish turned into the shame of being seen crying on someone else’s grave,
unrelated to her. As she straightened her body, knees still kissing the grass,
her hat was blown by the strong wind. She wanted to go for it but feared that
someone she knew might see her.


She stood up and quickly walked away. But her pace didn’t
quite seem to match her desired speed – she walked like a turtle going after a
food. Panic and anxiety gambolled in her head, making her insane of what to do.
Hurry up, Tonya
… she forced herself to run quicker, but her age
disallowed it.


With the wrong timing, her fear came to life, forcing her
to face the reality that she could never get away with what she’d done.


“Ms, you left your hat behind…” a lovely voice of a woman
echoed in the neighbourhood of corpses.


She never wanted to turn around, but something inside her
was pushing her to do so. It was like a ghost that murmured to her ears. She
turned around, and with all certainty, her fate made her look like a fool. Her
throat tightened as the wind ringed her neck.


Thom stopped in that instant. The sweat of fear trickled down his face as he
gazed at Natalia who was now running to hand the hat back to the rightful owner
– the woman who sent her parents to the other side of the world.


“Natalia…” he yelled, but she kept on running.


Please, don’t… Don’t approach me,
Tonya pleaded as she witnessed Natalia running
toward her. Now that she was inches away from her, Tonya could see the
resemblance in her face. That innocent eyes, and beautifully structured face
that made her even guiltier.


“Here you go,” she handed the hat over. Just after she
turned around, she recognized the old lady’s visage.


Tonya held her breath.


“Are you Mellissa’s mom?”


“Ha? Oh, yes… I am,” she smiled forcibly, trying to act
as normal as possible.


Set of hands gripped Natalia’s arms from the behind.
“What are you doing?” he asked Natalia. Thom panted as he brought his gaze at
Tonya. That look in his eyes sent chills to Tonya’s spine, making her feel his
supernatural side.


“What are you doing here?” he asked.


Natalia cut in. “Hey, Thom! Don’t talk to her like that,”
Natalia crossed her brows at him, dismayed of his rudeness.


“You don’t know her, Natalia.”


“What do you mean?” she wondered.


“Please, let me explain…” Tonya cried as she could no
longer restrain her tears.


Natalia looked confused. “What’s going on here?”


“Darling,” she paused, preparing herself for the final
moment. “I-I’m the reason why you’re…” she postponed it again.

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