Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire (16 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire
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“Yeah. They just–” His phone
buzzed like a bumble bee. Grabbing it from the table, he glanced at Natalia.
“I’m sorry. Mom might have texted me to buy milk on the way home,” he excused
as he broke out a smile on his face.


He glided his index finger on
the screen.
The message read:


“Thom, don’t forget about
tonight, okay? In my house by six o’clock. ASAP”


Reading his face and gesture,
Natalia perceived something was wrong and decided to let him go in spite of his
excuse. As much as she wanted him to stay, she knew this wouldn’t be a good
idea. That night she saw Mellissa in the restaurant, she knew Thom was with
her. Or else, there was no way he could’ve seen Gilbert.


Determined to depart, she
grabbed her purse and stood up. “Alright, Thom, just pass on my regards to mom
and dad, and Samantha… Tell them I’m alright,” she grinned slightly.


He put his phone down and rose
up to stop her. “No, we’re not finished yet.”


“Yes, we are. You’ve said enough
for me to understand what you mean. Don’t worry I haven’t said ‘yes’ to him
yet, perhaps soon…”

“What do you mean? That guy
isn’t your boyfriend?” Thom brightened up.


“You said it right.” At her last
word, she turned around and walked away.


Thom watched her butt jiggled in
her tight-fitting denim jeans. Her waist urged him to whistle at her walk. An
inevitable erection occurred underneath his pants, choking his dick as excess
semen wetted his underwear.


“She’d changed a lot…” he
murmured to himself, impressed by Natalia’s gorgeous transformation.








Chapter Five
Thom’s Secret Revealed…

“If Thom does not like this, I’m
gonna ring his neck.” Mellissa decorated the Pavlova cake with kiwi fruits,
strawberries, blackberries and lots more. Since morning, she’d been cooking and
baking for tonight’s event – her debut anniversary as an official supermodel.


Good that Tonya had gone to her
friend’s farm to spend the rest of the week to refresh her mind and spirit.
She’d been depressed lately, so immersing with nature was a no brainer. Nature
was like the ultimate healing therapy for everyone. Not to mention it won’t
cost you a dime for its prescription.


“Done.” Mellissa dusted her
hands off the icing sugar. Looking at her masterpiece, she couldn’t be any
prouder of her produce. Uncontended, she headed to the pantry to grab extra
nuts to sprinkle on top of the Pavlova for that extra sparkle.


As her hands swung the pantry’s
door open, her doorbell rang. “Thom?” she excitedly said. She left the pantry
and walked to let him in. In her short skirt, her butt cheeks jiggled like a
dribbling ball. Her V-shape blouse exposed her cleavage. Wrapped around her
waist was a dotted pink apron her mother usually wore when cooking Sunday


With a conscious mind, she went
to the mirror first to ensure she still looked sizzling hot. The door flew open
and to her surprise, Thom had aged forty years ahead of his time.


“Oh,” the old man stared at her
generous breasts, “w-what have you been up to, Mellissa? Getting dirty, are


Disgusted and abhorred to see her
pervert neighbor, Mellissa hurriedly closed the door with a tiny gap that would
let her peek through. “What do you want?” she demanded.


“Oh sorry, I didn’t mean to say
those words… Is your mom home?” the old man tried, but she wouldn’t buy it.


“Just tell me what you want!”
, she snapped, indignant to be disturbed by what she was doing.


“Could I please borrow your lawn
mower? My wife broke our one,” he said.


“No. Mom isn’t here. Try next
week. Goodbye!” She slammed the door shut, making the exterior wall danced.


The old man’s eyebrows crossed,
downcast from Mellissa’s rude attitude. Instead of knocking again, he decided
to leave and tell his wife about Mellissa, as if she was going to believe him.
His wife knew he liked pretty girls…


“Old man,” she mumbled in the
kitchen. Her enthusiasm to sprinkle the Pavlova with nuts disappeared. Glad she
didn’t as the poor thing was heavily fraught with all kind of fruits.


Now that she got everything done
and dusted, Mellissa looked around to see if there’s anymore she could do to
beautify the dining table. From one end to the other, the table contained
salads, fruits, roasted chicken, and of course, the Pavlova. She wanted to cook
more, but the time wouldn’t allow it.


“Alright… what’s the time?” She
brought her gaze at the clock fixed on the wall. “Seven o’clock. What the hell?
He’s supposed to here by now. Thom…” she yelled as she went to the lounge to
grab her phone.


On her way there, a loud bang
knocked on her door. “This old man wouldn’t leave me alone.” Irritated, she
went to the kitchen and grab a saucepan before heading to the door to knock him
down. Her feet slammed on the tiled floor, cracking it with the tip of her high


“Leave me alone, you freaking
old man,” she burst out swaying the saucepan at him.




Mellissa postponed her attack as
for the second time, she almost killed Thom unknowingly. Well, he always came
in at the wrong timing. If not taken as a waiter, now an old man. What’s next?
A burglar? A rapist? Hope not so…


Mellissa put her hand down along
with the saucepan and hid the weapon behind her. “Oh, Thom,” she beamed as her
frustration turned into giddiness. “Y-you’re here… great! Please, come in.” She
pulled the door open and quickly ran to the kitchen. She put the embarrassing
saucepan into the sink and placed all the dishes on it.


Thom walked in and the first
thing that struck his interest was the aroma of all the food on the table. With
an empty stomach, his stomach cried for food. His applause tore between
compliment and silence. He wasn’t too sure if complimenting Mellissa’s effort
would be ideal as this could send wrong thoughts to her malicious mind. But to
not appreciate her effort would be rude and inconsiderate of him to do so. Oh
well, he’ll manage.


“Please, feel at home. Mom is
out of town so we have the house all for ourselves,” she said, implying
something he’d been avoiding.


He walked toward the kitchen.
“You cooked all of these?” he asked, drooling over all the food laid on the


She blushed. “Yes. Actually, I’ve
been cooking all day and goodness me, I didn’t know it was going to be this
tiring,” she said while sorting something out in the fridge.


“Do you need any help?” Thom
pinched a piece from the roasted chicken.


“Um… yes, please. Could you grab
the glasses and bring them to me? That’d be awesome.” Holding a bottle of
champagne, her other hand reached for the ice cubes in the freezer.


Thom walked toward her. “There
you go. Let me do that.” He grabbed the champagne and placed them on the
island. “You go and change now.”


“Why? What’s wrong with my
outfit? Don’t you like it?” Mellissa twirled around, bouncing her skirt. To
allure him even more, she pulled her blouse down a bit to reveal her cleavage.


Knowing what she was doing, he
kept his eyes on the champagne’s lid, busy unwrapping it. He didn’t really want
to come over if not because of his intention to tell her he’d never come with
her to England. He’d been agonizing about this, but what to be done must be
accomplished – no excuses anymore.


“Thom. Don’t you like my
outfit?” she asked again.


“It’s okay.”


“Don’t lie. I know you do. Well,
I’m just gonna leave you to do that while I light the candle.” Keen to start
the night, she grabbed the lighter from the drawer and tested it first before
using it. Safety first.


“Be careful with the fire,” Thom
commented while pouring the champagne into one of the glasses.


She smiled. “Don’t worry. If the
house burns down I know you’re gonna save me,” she teased, biting her lips to
foreshadow her plan for tonight. Would the repetition in the resort happen here
again? Hmmm…


Thom watched her light the
candles as his mind wondered of how she’d react to the news that he no longer
wanted to see her. Every tissue of his brain ached to the thought that
Mellissa’s heart would be shattered in a couple of minutes. It may sound
selfish, but he’d made up his mind to confess to everyone about his
relationship with Natalia. Each night, slumber wouldn’t take him deep as the
stars formed Natalia’s face, keeping him awake. The moon didn’t scare him as
much as seeing her vanished from his sight.


Feeling something strange moving
in his body, Thom glanced back at her. “Can I use the toilet?”


“Yes, of course. It’s just
around the hallway to the left.” She pointed her hand in the direction of the
fading hallway. The light wasn’t turned on yet, so he might need to do that


“Thanks!” he put the bottle down
and walked toward the direction she described.


Upon traversing in the hallway,
his head began to ache and a sudden crack on his shoulder made him want to
scream in agony. He fastened his pace as he felt clot of furs springing up his
back. His muscles tightened, twitching as he walked past one of the rooms next
to the toilet. Volt of pain mercilessly brutalized his body, stabbing through
his flesh. He kicked the door open and slammed it shut.


“Is he alright?” Mellissa
wondered, frowning at the thought that Thom couldn’t hold himself from
bursting. “There’s plenty of toilet paper there, Thom. You can use them all,”
she yelled.


Thom sat at the toilet bowl,
crouching the affliction brought to him by the half-moon. The moonlight shone
through the window pane, intensifying the pain in his body. He’d forgotten
everything about his curse as his mind troubled over Natalia’s situation. A
desire to help her get over her parents’ death cost him risking his own life.
He crouched lower as if that would help to prevent his transformation.


“Aaargh…” he groaned quietly,
shutting his own mouth as to not make his curse known to Mellissa and put her
life in peril. If the media found out about this, Mellissa’s fame would
increase for sure, but what about the rest of her neighbors’ privacies?


Could no longer contain the pain,
he ripped his shirt off while his pants voluntarily tore apart as his thighs
enlarged. His legs extended, giving him that extra inches to his overall
height. As usual, his entire body was now covered with brown furs. In a matter
of seconds, a man of such irresistible charm turned into a beast everyone


Suffocated with the small space,
the brute’s only way out was through the window. Without any choices, he broke
through the window and landed on the ground.


In the kitchen, Mellissa heard
the shattering glass. Terrified of what had happened to Thom, she accidentally
dropped the glass of champagne down to the ground, splattering it all over the
place as her body trembled against her will. “T-Thom…” slowly, she walked
forward, counting her every step.


Afraid to get abducted, she
decided to call him again. “Thom, speak up. What’s going on over there? Are you
okay?” Her voice trembled in resonance with her body.


Just as when she found the
courage to walk forward and confront the situation, she heard a loud roar from
the backyard.
What’s that?
She paused for a moment and listened to the
angry cry of an animal. Then, it sounded again… but, this time, louder and
What the fuck is that?
She ran to the lounge toward the window
where she could overlook the backyard.


Mind boggled from what she’d
witnessed her eyes could almost escape her eye-socket. Alarmed, she looked
around to find something to fight the brute with, only to remember her strength
was nowhere close to matching her opponent. “Oh, fuck… what do I do? Come on,
think of something…” she was perplexed, walking back and forth in the hopes of
finding something useful.


“Right. I’ll call the police.”
She ran for the phone, slipping as she went with her high heels on. Despite her
quaking hands, she managed to dial 911.


The phone was ringing. “Come on,
pick it up…” she impatiently demanded.


Someone picked up the phone.
“911, where’s your–”


“4375 10th Street Wasilla
Manhattan, New York. I need a police immediately,” Mellissa panicked, alarming
the personnel on the other line.


“Alright, ma’am. I need you to
calm down. The police are on their way to your described address. Meanwhile,
tell me what’s going on. Did someone break into your property?” the personnel’s
voice sounded firm and relaxed.


Mellissa inhaled a deep breath.
“There's a wild bear in my backyard.”


“What? Ma’am, this is not a
joke, you understand? We take things seriously,” the female personnel warned in
case Mellissa was making fun of them.


“I’m telling the truth! There’s
a fucking bear in my backyard, bitch! I’m Mellissa Hill, the famous
supermodel!” she burst out as her face reddened with rigorous anger.


The personnel recognized her
voice. “Mellissa Hill?” she repeated. “Alright, I believe you, ma’am. I’m gonna
dispatch two more back-ups for your protection. Just promise me you keep
yourself safe. Don’t go outside. Stay still and lock the doors.”


Clouds of relief descended over
her. “Thank goodness…” she sighed.


Knowing every door was shut, she
just stayed put and continued talking with the personnel, completely forgetting
about Thom.


Outside her house, her neighbors
were out seeking where the sound was coming from. But before they could even
see the wild animal, Thom had found an exit to escape people’s scrutiny. Now
that his disguise was exposed, where on earth would he hide to keep himself
safe from the scientists’ exploration. CCTV cameras patrolled New York.


Within five minutes, Mellissa
heard sirens ringing all at once. Not one, nor two, but it was more than her
fingers could count. She rose up and headed to the window opposite the road.
“Oh, here they come…” she broke out the good news to the personnel on the line.


“Wow, that’s fast. Alright,
ma’am, you’re now in good hands. You can relax now and have a good night.”


“Thanks! Good night,” then she
hung up.


All the vehicles parked outside
her house. Four police cars, one ambulance, and a fire engine, as if that was
necessary for her safety. It could actually come in handy as they could it as a
weapon to stop the wild animal from approaching, only he’d gone far…


One of the police knocked on her
door. “Ma’am, are you there?”


Mellissa swung the door open.
“I’m right here.”


The other police quickly rushed
into the house, searching for any sign of danger before going to the backyard
through the back door, utterly ignoring the toilet for the evidence they were
looking for.

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