Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire (6 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire
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“Oh, right… It’s you, Mellissa?” He opened
his arms for her to embrace. “Wow, I didn’t know you’ve come back home already.
It’s been a long time since we’d met.”


“I know right…” She then turned her gaze to
Natalia. “Who is she?”


“Oh, her? She’s my girlfriend.”


Natalia panicked.


“Oh, really? How sad…”


Her mother rolled her eyes again, dismayed
with her daughter’s attitude.


“Hahaha… just kidding. She’s my best
friend. We grew up together, just after you left the country.”


“Is that right? Oh, you’ve never changed
Thom, you’re still as cheeky as you were back in kindergarten. I know you’re
not gonna settle down with an ugly duckling. Just kidding…” She then burst into
laughter, but neither of them laughed with her.


Natalia thought.


“Thommy, I mean Thom, do you know of any
good restaurants nearby?”


“Not really, Aunt Tonya… but Natalia does.
Don’t you?” His gaze fell upon her, placing her to the spot light.


“Ha? Oh, ummm… there are plenty in Cameroon
Street, but most of them are either three or four star-rated. Does that still
hold your interest?”


“Yes, of course, darling. Thank you!”
Mellissa’s mother smiled, as if there was no tomorrow. She was just making up for
her daughter’s rude behaviour toward Natalia.


“What are we waiting for? Let’s go.” Thom
cheered up, destroying the awkward tension between the girls.


Mellissa’s mother and Thom walked together
as he needed to carry some of her stuffs. Meanwhile, Natalia and Mellissa were
left behind to follow.


“Here, please carry them with fragile
care!” Mellissa handed her
Christian Louboutin
luggage bags that cost
around US$ 300,000 to Natalia. And then walked on like a diva.





Chapter Two
Sex on the beach

Multitude of waves glittered as the full moon’s light shone
against their surface. It was windy and the tide kept on getting higher and
higher, enough to swallow the whole Kiara island where Thom and Mellissa spent
the holidays over – just them, no Natalia or Tonya.


Ten meters from the shore where Thom and Mellissa were
treading, piles of indigenous palm trees hid behind the small shacks and sheds
where the party was hitting on. They were planning of going there later, but
for now they needed a quality time alone to discuss their future.


“I didn’t recognize you at the airport. I thought you were
some kind of a celebrity of some sort…” Thom blushed as he took Mellissa’s
hands into his. The scent of her
perfume made him want to leak
her neck and leave his mark on it. A sudden erection occurred under his pants.
Hope she wouldn’t notice that.


Fluttered, Mellissa gripped his hand tighter, occupying
every gap in between his fingers. “Thank you! I didn’t think as well that you’d
become like what you are now. Who would’ve thought?” She smiled sweetly,
showing the modest side of herself.


“Like what?”


“Like… you know what I mean,” she leaned on him sideways,
pressing her weight against his well-built biceps. She buried her face on his
branch close to his armpits. The aroma of his manliness was turning her on.


He broke the connection between their hands, releasing
himself from her bondage as he swung his arm over her shoulders to keep her
warm against the chill of the night. Mellissa brought her gaze at him to study
his splendid facial structure. Gliding her hand over his masculine chest, she
caressed it like a furring cat. He held his breath as her hands traveled south,
down to his belly, so close to touching his stiff shaft.


After getting comfortable with the situation, she pressed
her double D breasts firmly against him as she touched his face gently, rubbing
his stubble beard and perfectly contoured cheeks that she found astonishing.
His thick neck led to broad shoulders that showcased his strength and
capability to kill. Mellissa had been around famous and rich bachelors before
but Thom had surpassed them all. Only she was heedless of what he was.


She held his head. “Thom, tell me, do you like me?”


The atmosphere altered as the weather became gloomy. Dark
clouds shawled the moon, letting darkness devour the island where they stood.
He was out of words. He was in dilemma as whether to confess his lust or keep
it within himself in the fear that he might scare her if she found out he was a
bear shifter – far from being a mere human. She was waiting…


“No?” She asked again, desperate for a quick answer. One
thing that she detested about men was not being able to respond instantly.
Everything had to be quick.


“Ha? Ummm… no, I-I mean you’re such a stunning lady, and…”
he explained, but was cut in when she pulled him into her to taste his lips and
experience the dose of his venom. It was as if a lightning struck. It occurred
so quick that in an instant he found himself ingesting her plump lips.


Within thirty seconds, Thom realized he was actually poking
her ass using his middle finger as his other hand was holding her head as he
pressed her against him. Mellissa’s hands roamed around his back as she lifted
his shirt up, feeling every fiber of his muscle. Every bone in his back was
tensed and strong. She broke away from his lips, squatting down to face his
treasured manhood. She’d been so eager to see and taste his dick, and now that
she was here, there was no way that she’d let go.


“Mellissa, wait…” Thom pleaded as he turned his gaze around,
making sure no one was watching. But he was oblivious that Natalia followed
them because tonight was half- moon, and knowing that he’ll evolve into this
monstrous creature, she came along secretly to make sure his secret was kept


Mellissa kept on going, despising his plea. She unzipped his
jeans, and in the edge of sliding it down, she felt a powerful grip restrained
her shoulder.


“What?” She enraged, pissed off to be interrupted. Her orgasm
was postponed.


“We can’t do it here… there’s someone watching us,” he
hissed as he sensed Natalia’s aura, but couldn’t quite tell who it was exactly.


“How do you know? Look, there’s no one around…”


“Trust me.”


Before she could even say a word of defense, her feet were
lifted above the sandy shore as he grabbed her waist and placed her over his
shoulders. From the other side, however, Natalia’s heart ceased from beating as
tears welled up in her eyes, obstinate for them to fall down. She accepted the
truth that Thom saw her as a mere friend, and a very close sister. But the
reality couldn’t quite sync in to her head no matter how hard she tried.
Fooling herself that she did not love him was no use. She knew deep within
herself that he’d always be her first, and perhaps her last, unless she allowed
herself to open up and allow potential relationship to flood in.


In the yellow beach shack where Thom brought Mellissa over,
a loud mourn of pain screamed out of it. Natalia knew it was none other than her
bitchy rival, Mellissa, who’d been treating her as a mere slave since she
arrived back in America. She could just imagine her enjoying him, relishing
every stroke of his erected rod while she clung her arms around his back. She
repented those times when she had the opportunity to do the same when he was
drunk and unconscious of what was going on. It almost happened, though. She
almost fell into temptation, but she was self-willed, and authorized her morals
to take over.


“Oh, fuck… Yeah, fuck me, Thom…” Mellissa mourned.


To her delight, he obeyed as he thrust in and out of her,
making her grasp for air for each release. He was over her. His brawny torso
was rubbing above her bounteous breasts, making her even hornier. She widened
her legs to allow him to work on her fully. In return, he pushed harder to the
point where he could feel his dick reached her fallopian tube. She held on
tight when he accelerated to full speed, and it was something she’d never
experienced before.
Oh, fuck… I wish I went back home earlier than I did


The entire shack trembled as if there was a storm hitting
it. The bed quaked continuously as Thom kept on striking, fearless that he
might injure Mellissa with his nine inched shaft. It was brown and humongous,
something she rarely saw. In fact, she’d never seen something like it before.
The biggest dick she’d ever had was close to eight-point-five inches, so his
one was by far the largest and yummiest of them all.


Outside, Natalia covered her ears with earphones as she
listened to heavy metal music. She’d never been fond of it, but tonight was the
only exception. She stood up as soon as she saw the moon turned half. Her eyes
bulged out, forcing her to bring her gaze to the shack. She swallowed her fear,
trying to calm herself down. She knew any moment now, Thom will transform into
this merciless and brutal bear she hoped was a dream. But no one could run away
from the realm of their own prison.


“Come on, Thom, come out…” She jugged up and down
repeatedly, attempting to calm herself down. She looked at the half-moon again
as she whispered a humble prayer for him.


“Oh, fuck… I-I’m coming, Thom…” Mellissa’s eggs squirted out
in generous amount, lubricating his dick excessively.


“Aaargh…” Thom screamed as he felt himself coming. One thing
he forgot – he was slowly turning into a brute. But because he was too
saturated with his lewdness, he did not feel his spine beginning to curve and
extend as his back was now covered with brown furs.


“Are you coming now?” She asked.


“Yeah… Fuck, here I come…”


“No, don’t come in me. Discharge it in my mouth,” she


As obedient as he was, he came up to her, and then stood on
his knees against the bed as his cock rested upon her mouth. She grabbed his
dick and stroked it, while Thom raised his arms and placed his hands over the
back of his head as he thrust forward in harmony with her stroking. She watched
him dance while his eyes were closed. His bulging chest with dark brown nipples
were lecherous in her eyes. His six pack abs were to drool for. She wondered why
he did not have any girlfriend to fuck with, but she was selfishly glad that he
did not, or otherwise she would’ve never tasted him in the first place.


“Aaargh…” His sperm spurted out, sufficient to drown her.


Tired and wrung out, Thom decided to go outside to get some
fresh air. As he made his way out, Mellissa squinted her eyes as she noticed
thick brown hairs at his back. She wiped her eyes, but the hairs did not
What the fuck? Am I dreaming?
She thought the effects of
cocaine she’d been consuming hadn’t worn out yet.



Chapter Three
Thom, stay with me…

Half-moon – half shifted.


Thom stood on the tiny porch, watching the waves come and
go. Mellissa’s towel was the only covering he had to hide his down parts. He
was topless, but the chill did not seem to pierce through his skin, or rather
pelage as his body was now shawled with coarse furs. He was still unaware that
he was shape-shifting, not until he felt volt of pain struck in his back that
he perceived his curse was taking a toll on him again.


“Aaargh…” A voice of agony escaped his mouth.


Both Natalia and Mellissa brought their attention to the
excruciating cry. Natalia knew exactly what it was, but Mellissa was unmindful
that the seed she just took in belonged to a dangerous bear.


His thighs bulked out as their muscles swelled up and
tightened, extending his height as his calves did the same. His hip broadened,
imparting an unimaginable dose of pain. It brought him low to the wooden floor,
and then he witnessed his hands getting larger as his nails darkened, sharpened
and turned into claws. His shoulder blade curved in, perforating his flesh, forcing
his shoulders to broaden even more. His head rounded as a pair of sharp ears
appeared at both sides of his head. And then… all of sudden, his entire body
was covered with brown thick hairs.


Mellissa’s pocket mirror, the one she was using at the
airport was lying on the floor. She must have dropped it earlier when she was
putting her make-up on this morning. Thom glanced at the inviting mirror. Anger
and frustration clouded his perception as he saw a perilous creature staring back
at him straight in the eyes, as if it had known him for eternity. This
irreversible curse had been hunting him since he turned twenty-one, and since
then, the reality of his nightmare refused to concur in his head. Dismayed, he
annihilated the tiny mirror into powder.


The sound alarmed Mellissa who’d been listening to the
noise. She thought Thom was not finished yet in wanking himself.


She dropped her cover down. “Thom… are you okay?” Her voice
sounded afraid. She liked him, but she loved herself more than anyone else –
even her mother would agree.


His black flat nose twitched as he smelled Mellissa’s blood
oozing out of her vagina. She was not a virgin, but Thom made her pussy bleed.
He turned his gaze to the unlocked door, and Mellissa could feel the vibration
of an animal approaching. Feet thumping closer, she pulled the duvet up to her
face, covering half of it, and her eyes were wide open, vigilant to the
upcoming danger.


Thom, without his human comprehension, knocked on the door
as if he wanted to wreck it apart.
Bang. Bang. Bang
. The entire shack
convulsed in fear of being demolished. Trillions of insects who lived in the
uninsulated wall fell down all at the once by the intensity of his knocking.


Knowing what was taking place, Natalia stepped forward to
distract the beast. She whistled. “Here…” she yelled out as she threw a large
twig into the forest, and then ran for her life. Thom, like a dog, went after
the bait. He jumped over the railing, scratching it as he made his escape from
human’s eyes. The rest of the party goers were all drunk, and having a blast.


Five minutes later when everything seemed to settle down,
Mellissa had finally found the courage to go outside and see what just
happened. Still shaking, she stood up and put her robe on. Her knees wept for
her to stay still, but her curiosity impelled her to do it anyway.
What the
fuck just happened?


“Thom… are you there? Please, answer me. I’m not gonna
fucking stay here any longer.”


She turned the doorknob slowly, carefully, as quiet as her
hands could handle. “Thom?” She poked her head out first while her entire body
was still caged in the shack. And then as she brought her gaze at the dark sky,
she noticed the half-moon glittering in its full glory. Descending her gaze at
her immediate surrounding, footprints of a huge dog led her eyes to the
enchanted forest.


“I need to get out of this fucking place. Thom... where the
fuck, are you?” She cried out.





“What’s for dinner, Natalia?” asked Thom.


As soon as Thom walked into the kitchen, Natalia’s mood
changed from bad to worse. What happened that night between Thom and Mellissa
stuck in her head – the heavy metal music did not seem to work at all. Useless!


“Whatever is in the fridge…?” Her voice faded as she made
her way to her room, which was next to the kitchen. She was not in the mood to
fool around with him after what happened that night.


He felt the sting of her words. The way she responded arose
suspicion in his mind that something wasn’t quite right, and he was about to
find out what it was. But for now, he wanted to eat. He pulled the fridge’s
door, and the sound of the screeching hinge pained his sensitive ears. He could
literally hear a baby’s cry from miles away, and that was something Natalia had
been praying for; for him to hear her heart’s cry. All along she’d been trying
to earn his affection, but Thom was blind, visually impaired to the reality
that Natalia was the one he’d been searching for, the one who understood him,
the only one who accepted him for who he was. However, her kindness seemed to
be taken as weakness.


A confused expression crossed his face. “Left over fish?” He
then brought his gaze to Natalia’s room where she was lying, thinking about
him, wondering if he’d eaten already. Well, how could he if she didn’t cook
anything? She knew he hated fish – it was something he loathed for. She felt
genuinely guilty about it, but he needed to learn that she was not his servant.


“Is she alright?” He asked himself in utter wonder. Then he
looked around, and the whole kitchen, from sink to the tiled Italian floor was
graciously cleaned. He scratched his head again, and all of a sudden, he
remembered finding his brown bag in the forest, on the island where he left
Mellissa alone. No one knew about that bag, except from Natalia. His analysis
led to a conclusion that proved she was there, spying on them. But he couldn’t
quite comprehend why she did it. It was out of her nature to do such thing.


Hunger turned to wonder as he headed to her room for an
intimate confrontation.


“Hey, Nat… are you asleep yet?” His fist slammed on her
door, forcing her to pretend that she was sleeping. To tell the truth, she
liked it as it made her feel wanted. She veiled herself as soon as she heard
the doorknob twisting. Every squeak of the door’s hinge made her heart jump out
of her ribcage. She shut her eyes. 


“Hey… Nat, are you still awake? Please, talk to me. No one
is gonna hear us. Mom and dad, as well as Samantha are away on holiday to
Fiji.” Thom whispered quietly, cautious not to wake her up, just in case she
was already asleep.


Natalia, under the blanket, opened her eyes. She could see
his silhouette through the foggy cushion under the blanket. She wanted to give
in already, but the thought of torturing him first prevailed. She shut her
mouth, waiting if he was going to speak once more.


And sure he did. “I just want to let you know that I’m so
sorry for every trouble I’ve caused you. I-I didn’t mean to, but I guess that’s
who I am. I hope we’ll be friends again tomorrow. Good night!” Thom thought she
did not hear it, so he turned around to return to the kitchen and find
something to eat.


“Wait,” she called out, throwing the blanket away. “I-I’m
sorry too… I’m just tired so I did not make you dinner. Are they away for
real?” Her voice cracked, she was actually sick from tonsillitis and the flu
she caught the night she spied on Thom and Mellissa. But the tone of her voice
hinted she wanted him to stay.


“Yes.” He brightened up as if he’d seen an angel passed by.


“Oh, right... when are they coming back?”


“Ummm…” he paused, thinking about her question. “I don’t
actually know, sorry. By the way, did you happen to be at the Kiara Island
where Mellissa and I went out? Because I saw my bag in the forest after, you
know what happened next right?”


Natalia’s eyebrows crossed, pretending she did not know what
he was talking about. Her puzzled face gave him an impression that she did not
know what he was saying.


“You know… the shape-shifting thing that happened to me?”
Thom spoke again.


“Aaah… right. No, I remember handing you the bag, but I
didn’t go to that island. There’s no way…” Then she looked away and studied the
painting beside her bed.


He knew she was lying. He could hear every gulf she took as
she studied
Venus De Milo’s
portrait. Without a doubt, he sensed that
she saw what happened between him and Mellissa in that tiny shack he almost
wrecked apart. He stood there like a stone statue, analyzing Natalia’s
features, smell, and most of all, her deepest emotion he’d been ignoring since
he discerned that inevitable attraction between them. Although he tried his
best to hide it, his lust over her flesh cannot be hidden forever. Sooner or
later, she’d find out – but what would he do if he ascertained she liked him
too? What about their parents who raised her like their own? The real danger
might just be round the corner – unforeseen by anyone.


Thom abolished the silence between them. “Nat, would you
like to have lunch with me tomorrow at our favorite café? I know you love the
pudding over there, don’t worry I’ll pay for it,” he beamed as if he was hiding
something from her.


Beads of thick sweat trickled down her head, traveling down
her neck as they glided down to her unarmored breasts. She swallowed, skeptical
of his offer. Her gaze involuntarily fell at his face without her consent. Her
room was now filled with awkward and unconcealed silence as their gazes met and
interlocked. Thunder and lightning electrified her, forcing her to say


Is this a date?
“Ummm… why all of a sudden? Is there
any occasion to celebrate about? I-I mean…” stuttered, attempting to say the
right adjective to describe her gladness. Finally, after all those years she
waited for, he’d finally asked her out.


“It’s okay, just relax. I just want to show you that you’re
important to me, and I appreciate all your efforts and supports. What happened
that night, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”


“No… you didn’t hurt me at all.” She looked out the window
toward the diamond dotted dark sky where the moon was nowhere to be seen, and
then she sighed in relief. “I think it’s getting late now, should we sleep
then?” It was already 10:30 pm, past her sleeping time.


“Alright… Good night!” He smiled as his eyes twinkled in


“You can sleep here if you want.” Her voice sounded needy.


“Ha? Ummm… is that alright? I mean…”


Natalia quickly jumped in, adamant for him to stay and spend
the cold night with her. “Yes, please stay.” The symphony of her voice was a
music to his ears. At the end, he let her have her wish for the first time
they’d known each other.




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