Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire (3 page)

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Chapter Four
In The Office



“I heard you were in an accident last
night?” Mark pried.


Emily placed the files on the other side of
the table before bringing her gaze to him. “Um… yes, I was, unfortunately. It
wasn’t really an accident…” she paused, hesitant to give any more details as to
what happened.


Mark looked worried. “What is it then?” he
asked, unaware of what Emily was going through right now.


“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s not really part of
the job, so I guess I have to let you know later,” she said sternly, making her
point pronounce and loud.


Mark’s stomach turned. Sweat of fear dripped
down his forehead as he watched Emily typed on the computer.


“Did you get home safely last night?” he
tried, hoping for a positive answer.


Sighing, Emily dropped her hands to her
sides. She still hadn’t recovered from what happened and her brain was somehow
adrift somewhere no one could probe. Yeah. The bear and the man, without a
doubt, took a huge toll on her.


“Do you believe in werebears?” she asked,
frowning in suspicion that Mark would think she’d gone mad.


A calculated look registered across his
face as if thinking hard about her question. “Perhaps. I don’t really believe
in supernatural catastrophe, but yes, I do believe there are werebears out
there. Why did you ask?”


Emily sighed again. “Right. Don’t think I’m
crazy, okay?”




“So last night on my way home from here, a
thief approached me and tried to kill me. And then, all of a sudden a bear, or
rather, werebear came and pulled the man off me. I don’t know why, but I guess
the werebear wanted to save me. I know it sounds retarded, but that’s what
exactly happened,” she explained, letting her madness out.


Mark crossed his arms against his chest. “I


But as Emily glanced at him, her eyes
caught a weird looking shape on his arm under his long-sleaves. Frowning, she
couldn’t quite figure out what happened to his arm. Yesterday, he was
completely fine.




“Yes?” Mark’s face looked puzzled.


“What happened to your arm? What’s that
bulging thing on your bicep?” she queried, intrigued of what happened to him.


Mark’s throat tightened, disallowing the
air to enter. “This? Oh, um… I was playing with my dog and he accidentally bit
me. You know, dogs could go wild at times,” he laughed slightly, neutralizing
the tension.


“Oh, right. My brother got bitten by a dog
too before.” Emily gazed at him. “Did you get it treated?” she asked, concerned
with his health.


Mark swallowed. Clouds of relief descended
on him. Thank goodness! “Um… yes, I got my maid to clean it for me. My dog is
well vaccinated so I should be fine,” he smiled, shielding his secret from
Emily’s scrutiny.


“Well then, I hope your wound heals. Don’t
let your dog bite you again,” she teased, smiling as to show her appreciation
for Mark’s deep concern for her welfare.


“Alright, then. If you ever need a ride
just let me know. I’ll be more than happy to drop you off and see your


Emily tingled at his sweetness. Her cheeks
blushed, putting her into a severe embarrassment. “It’s okay, sir. I’m just
gonna hire a taxi. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt as much as getting robbed.”


Mark smiled. His hazel eyes reminded Emily
of the bear last night, but she brushed the thought off her shoulder. Such
assumption could affect her job. She was still running for the permanent


“True. Just call me whenever you need help.
I’ll always be here,” he professed, making his interest on her scream aloud.


“Oh, thanks, sir. I will. Expect that,” she
grinned as her eyes lured him to kiss her plump and juicy lips. Her clitoris
flapped, getting turned on with his lecherous stare. By now, her chair must be
soaking wet. For sure.


In the same accord, Mark’s dick choked
under his pants. “Cheers. Okay then, I’ll see yah tomorrow.”


Emily stood up. “Are you going now, sir?”


“Please, just call me, Mark. That’d be
doesn’t really sound good. I’m not that old, you know…”


“Oh, right. Mark, are you going now?”


Her voice sounded like a sonata to his
ears. Every note hit his arousal, turning him on so bad that he just wanted to
pound her in this instance. But, thankfully, he managed to calm his dick down
and act professionally.


“Yes. I just have to go to my nephew’s
baseball game for support,” he explained.


“Nice. I wish I could go to a baseball game


Mark’s dick rose up again. “Cool. If you
want, you could come with me and we could watch my nephew play. That’d be


Emily’s countenance fell. She knew if she
came, her colleagues would think she was an utter slut. A bitch. A home
wrecker. And all those similar adjectives you could possibly imagine.


“Um… maybe next time, sir. I mean, Mark. I
still have tons to do at the moment. But thanks, though. I really appreciate
your offer,” she beamed.


Disheartened, Mark glanced around to divert
his disappointment. “Looking forward to watching the game with you, I hope.”


“Yes, me too.”


“See you tomorrow, then,” he bade goodbye.


Smiling, Emily waved her hand. “Take care.
And enjoy the rest of the day,” she yelled skittishly.


But Mark didn’t hear it. The elevator’s
door slammed shut as soon as Emily’s mouth parted to say goodbye.




“Hey, grandma. Have you taken your medicine
yet?” Emily asked as soon as she stepped a foot forward to their house.


Grandma was always waiting for her to
arrive by the door, ensuring she arrived on time. At her old age, Emily was so
thankful that her grandma was still alive and able to cook and clean the house,
in spite of her respiratory disease. Her lungs couldn’t function as well as it
used to.


“Why are you late?” Grandma enraged,
coughing as she spoke.


Starving, Emily went straight to the
kitchen. “Oh, you cooked chicken soup? Hmmm… it smells so good grandma,” she


Grandma walked to the kitchen where her
granddaughter was. “Don’t avoid my question, Emily. Did you go that place


“No, grandma. I don’t go to the pub
anymore. I worked overtime to finish everything for tomorrow’s presentation.
I’m a changed woman now,” she joked, adding humor to her response.


“Good. There're some more leftovers in the
fridge. Finish those off. They still taste good.”


“I’ll eat them later, grandma. Your soup is
enough for now,” she said as she slurped the hot soup.


Eager to begin eating, she ran to the table
and sat down. Her soup spilled a little, but she couldn’t care less. Her
stomach ached for food, and her tongue longed for something warm and soothing.


In the brink of spooning the soup into her
mouth, Grandma opened her mouth for a small talk of a lecture.


“Emily, have you forgotten to pray?”


“Oh, that’s right. I’ll do it now,
grandma.” At her last word, she closed her eyes and whispered a humble prayer,
thanking God that although her parents died in plane crash when she was just
ten years old, Grandma was still here to guide her.


“Done.” Emily beamed.


“You may now begin to eat,” Grandma smiled,
watching her granddaughter enjoy her special recipe.


As Emily lavished herself with the goodness
of Grandma’s dish, Grandma followed her granddaughter’s every slurp, thankful
for the money Emily had been giving her to buy groceries for every day’s needs.


Out of the blue, Emily heard Grandma asked
something that didn’t quite fit in with her nature. “Do you have a boyfriend
now, Emily?”


Surprised, she almost burst out laughing.


Grandma’s smile grew wider. “I’ve been
noticing you’ve been so happy lately. So I was just wondering if there’s
someone putting a smile to granddaughter’s lips. Is there?” she insisted,
adamant to know the truth.


“Grandma… why do you need to know? I mean,
you know. Don’t you think it’s a little private?” she bargained, restraining
the information in her lips.


“Private? Darling, no matter how you deny
it, I know someday you’ll have to marry someone you love. I’m not always going
to be here,” she admitted.


Emily placed the spoon on the table. “No. I
don’t have any yet. But, I think my boss has a thing for me. I mean, he’s


“You like him?” Grandma cut in, giddy to
find out more.


“Um… Yes. He’s good looking and hot.
Everyone likes him in the office–”


“Alright darling, that’s all I need to
know. Just be careful. Marry first before baby, okay?”


Instead of expanding the conversation,
Emily nodded and accepted her grandma’s lecture. She always did, anyway. 


Grandma was right…





Chapter Five
Sex in The Office



The night had settled in completely as the
moon replaced the sun. New York traffic had now settled down, but the city
itself had become alive than ever. A multitude of lights gave birth to a city
adorned with glittering glory.


At the top of Mark’s office, the views were
just out of this world. He could literally patrol his eyes over the entire city
without hassle at all. His office’s walls were glass, so the views were
endless. Anywhere he turned, there was always something to entertain himself
with. Whether that’d be the Statue of Liberty or the bridges, there was always
something to discover.


Emily gathered the files after the
successful business meeting. Then, she glanced at the clock fixed on the wall.


8:26 pm. Alright, grandma must be
waiting for now. Hurry up…


“See yah, Emily. Well done with your
presentation. We really liked it,” Melody complimented as she prepared to make
her way out of Mark’s office and head to the pub for a few drinks, since today,
tonight rather, was Friday.


“Thanks, Melody! You have a good night.”


“See yah on Monday. Don’t be late, Mr.
Williams would definitely keep you in the position, I promise.”


Exhausted, Emily forced a smile. “Thanks!”


Then, Emily disappeared as the elevator
travelled down.


“Should I do what she just said?” A
familiar voice whispered in her ears.


Feeling the mist of his breath, Emily
turned around to face Mark. His eyes spoke of his lust while his tongue played
with his lips. An inch away from him, Emily stepped back slightly, keeping the
distance between them.


“Mark, what are you doing?” she demanded
with a stern tone in her voice.


“Nothing. I’m just asking if you want me to
put you in the position permanently, that’s all.”


Sensing his intention, she stepped back a
little more. “That’d be nice, but what do I have to do to get it?” she asked,
adamant to know his plan.


Mark swept a glance around his office. “No
one is around, so I think you know what I need, don’t you?” Then, he stepped
closer as his dick bulged out even more.


“No, I don’t. Please, just say it. My
grandma is waiting for me.”


He grinned. “Alright. I wanna fuck you.
That’s what I require of my previous secretaries. I need to know if they could
go beyond their duties, and I’m sure you are well capable of playing that,
aren’t you?”


Nervous, Emily trembled at the thought of
being fucked in the office. Her grandmas’ lecture came ringing in her ears.
first before baby, okay?


“Um… I do, but I’m not sure if I’m ready to
have, you know…”


“Don’t tell me you’re still a virgin?” Mark
teased, pushing her right on the edge.


Emily blushed. “There’s nothing wrong with
it, is there? There are still girls out there who are virgins like me…” she
quarrelled, insisting her point.


Seeing the opportunity to get her laid,
Mark took a step forward. Emily held her breath, watching him approach with his
hypnotizing stare that instantly turned her on.


“Stop in this instance!” she commanded, but
Mark was an alpha male who never took commands from anyone. After all, Emily
was in his territory. So what could she do fight his urge? Don’t know how to
surf? Go along with the waves, they said.


Emily gripped the files against her chest as
Mark reached his hands around her waist. Slowly, he massaged her waist like a
dough. Enjoying his erotic touch, she closed her eyes and bit her lips,
battling against her morals.


It feels so good…


“Now. Tell me, you don’t like it?” Mark
asked, smiling as he noticed her enjoying his massage.


Emily kept quiet. Her heart raced,
compelling her brain to relinquish her virginity.


Mark’s hand travelled deeper into her
pants. He kept his eyes on her, making sure she liked what he was doing. As his
fingers reached her pussy, Emily tingled suddenly, aroused by his touch. His
thick middle finger slid into her hole, making her drop the files and open her
mouth involuntarily to release the pressure.


“Aaargh…” she moaned quietly, attempting to
keep the pleasure within herself, afraid to let him know he made her rigorously


Without warning, Mark lifted her up from
the floor. He spread her legs and slumped her over his front, and hugged her as
he walked toward her desk and wiped out her stuff away. Then, he sat her on it.


“I-I didn’t say,
,” Emily
protested, although deep within her she wanted to feel him inside her.


“You don’t have to, anyway. I get what I
want. Consider this as my reward for saving your life,” he admitted.


“What do you mean? When did you save my
life?” she asked while letting him take off her heels. Her legs were still
widespread, allowing him to see through her bikini.


“You’re already wet,” he teased, changing
the topic.


After her heels, Emily watched as Mark slid
her skirt down. She didn’t struggle. She knew there was no way she could escape
him. “Answer me. When did you save my life?”


“I’ll tell more about that after I insert
my dick into your fucking hole.” Eagerly, he took his shirt off and exposed his
barrelled chest and well-built muscle.


Emily gasped for air as her arousal
increased. Her body inevitably trembled. Seeing him naked made her drool in
excitement to get her hands on his back and feel every inch of him.


Half naked, Mark unbuckled his belt and
quickly pulled his pants down along with his brief. Then, out of expectation,
his anaconda flapped angrily to devour Emily’s cunt, as if tomorrow wouldn’t
come. His nine-inched shaft could definitely stretch her pussy at no time at
all. It would be painful, but surely worth it.


Emily stared at his dick, amazed and
excited to feel him. “That's humongous, Mark. I don’t know if I could handle


“We’d take it slowly. You’ll enjoy it,” he
said, encouraging her to get even more excited.


Mark spread her legs and then flapped his
dick on her pussy’s lips.


Emily gripped his arms as he leaned forward
and inserted his dick into her. Feeling the tip of his manhood entering her
hole, she opened her mouth and inhaled deeply. As he thrust deeper, her pussy
stretched wider. 


“Aaargh…” she cried out as Mark entered him


“Shh… just enjoy it,” he hissed as he
thrust back and forth with an increasing speed that made Emily cry out for


“Fuck, you’re so big. I’m really getting
stretched out now, aren’t I?”


“No. You’re still tight. A couple of more
nights before I declare you’re stretched enough,” he said.


As the ride went crazy, Emily massaged her
own tits. It had been a couple of minutes now, and none of them had come out
yet. Who would be first? Hmmm…


“About saving your life,” Mark began.


Panting, Emily opened her mouth. “Yeah?”


“Remember when I told you I believe in


Rolling her eyes at the back of her head,
she could barely say a word as her climax neared closer. “What about it?”


“Fuck. Here I come…” Then, he spurted out
his seed into her.


Seconds later, Emily bent her head backward
as she squirted her liquid all over his sperm inside her.


Oh, it’s so good…


She brought her gaze back to Mark. “What
about the werebears?” she inquired.


“The bear who saved you from the robber was
me. I’m a werebear,” he confessed.


Emily’s jaw dropped.
No way…

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