Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire (2 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire
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Chapter Two
Mark Williams



Expensive paintings of well-known painters
decorated the waiting area just outside Mark Williams’ office, the CEO of
International Petroleum Gas and Oil Corporation which earned around US$100
Billion annually. Now, that was a lot of money, wasn’t it? He must be lying on
the bed of money, if not of gold and silver.


Emily hid behind Melody like a little kid.
But not obviously, though.


Knock. Knock. Knock… Mark’s door rang.


“Are you there, Mr. Williams?” Melody’s
voice echoed across the waiting area.


Just as when Melody hit the door for the
second time, a stern and deep voice travelled through their eardrums. Melody
couldn’t care less, but Emily stood petrified. Her heart was literally pumping
out of her rib cage. Right now.


“Come in.”


Melody turned her gaze to Emily. “Let’s go.
You’ll be fine. He’s not that scary, you know. Just relax,” she encouraged,
destroying the nerves that rattled Emily’s body.


Emily forced a smile. “Thanks!”


Turning around, Melody twisted the door
knob and made a gap in between the door and the edge of the doorframe. Then,
without hesitation to trespass, she made her way in. However, Emily stayed
behind, unsure of what to do.


Emily, it’s fifty dollars per hour,
girl. Don’t let the opportunity slip by! Your grandma needs it, so get your ass
in there and thicken up your skin…


“Emily, don’t you want to come in? It’s
cold out there.” Melody’s face hinted of her impatience. It seemed like her
effort to comfort Emily had proven in vain.


“Oh right, yes I’m coming right now. I’m
just sorting something out,” she excused, although it was obvious she was just
wiping her shoes to purchase time.


“Alright then.”


. “Okay.
This is it. I’m going…” At the last word, she stepped forth and ate up the
distance from the door.


As her foot landed inside Mark’s office,
the smell of that aromatic fragrance drew her affection to come in quickly and
inhale this rather arousing and romantic scent she’d only smelled at massage
therapy’s room. The smell soothed her nerves and without a word, her nerves
calmed down. Finally, she could now focus on her work.


“Her name is Emily Hensley, Mr. Williams. I
think she’d be the best fit as your future secretary, so I brought her in. What
do you think?” Melody bragged, proud to have employed Emily.


Mark smiled at Melody, seemed pleased to
have seen Emily’s whirling green eyes that spoke of her innocence and meekness,
mingled with an undeniable fierceness that struck his interest. Without
warning, Mark felt his dick stiffening up. Emily’s generous breasts, which
choked under her blouse and blazer aroused every testosterone he had in his


“Emily. Is that right?” Mark began.


“Yes, sir. It’s me,” she blushed.


Melody watched the two, giddy that somehow
Mark and Emily could be a great couple. Only, Mark had something none of his
employees ought to know. Something that could imperil them. Something that
could destroy Emily.


“Very well. Take a seat and I’ll interview
you shortly.” Then, he brought his gaze at Melody. “Thanks, Melody, for
bringing her in. I really appreciate it.”


With that, Melody sensed the time had
arrived for her to leave and let them have a one-on-one session together.
Whatever she meant by that.


“Sweet.” She rose up and winked at Emily
before bringing her gaze back at Mark. “Alright, Mr. Williams, just phone me if
you ever need my assistance.”


Mark nodded.


Emily watched as melody walked away. On the
brink of disappearing, Emily couldn’t hold herself back. “Melody.”




“Thanks!” Emily smiled, grateful for
Melody’s generosity.


Melody’s eyes twinkled. “Good luck!” she


And then, Emily heard the door slammed


Looking around, Emily noticed Mark’s room
was rather neutral. The interior design didn’t look too manly, neither girlish,
of course. The atmosphere here had a sense of serenity. Perhaps, it came from
the views.


She gazed at Mark whose hazel eyes hypnotized
her. His well-sculpted jaw and chiselled nose gave him that edge Emily was
searching for a man. With his perfectly contoured cheeks, he’d surely win
America’s Next Top Model with 10 perfect scores from every judge.


Mark looked up and glanced at Emily.


Shit, he saw me…


Emily quickly shifted her attention from
him to the portrait of a bear fixed on the wall. The handsome bear possessed
strength and power just like Mark whose stare could melt Emily in a blink of an


“So, how long have you been working here?”
Mark destroyed the awkward silence.


“One and a half years, sir. I just started
last year,” she replied humbly.


Mark looked at a piece of paper in his
hands. “Very well. Despite your time here in my company, I see that you’ve
contributed quite a significant amount of effort to improve the sales. That’s
promising,” he complimented.


Giddy and overwhelmed with the good
comment, Emily managed to hold herself together and act with class. Her refined
smile conveyed her appreciation while her classy gesture showcased her


“Thanks, sir! I appreciate it.”


Mark’s phallus wiggled. He couldn’t help
but stare at her bountiful breasts. Her curves made him drool like a dog gone
mad. To avoid temptation, he brought his gaze back to the paper where it
supposed to.


“Based on your profile and work ethics, I’d
happily employ you as my secretary. Only, this is a temporal position. If your
ability meets my standard, perhaps then, I
put you in the position
permanently,” he said, eyes still focused on the paper.


“Really, sir?” Emily excitedly asked, eager
to begin straight away and show she deserved the position.


“Yes,” he affirmed, smiling as he broke out
the news.


Tears of joy escaped her eyes. “Thank you
so much, sir. This means a lot to me. My grandma is sick and she’s on
medication right now. And, having this position would make a
difference not only to my life but to my grandma as well. Thank you, again!”


A needle of sympathy pricked his heart. All
of a sudden, his lecherousness turned into empathy. “Is that right?” he asked


But then, Emily broke into a slight
laughter after she realized his office was not a place for drama. “Sorry, sir.
I didn’t mean to be over dramatic. I’m just really happy, right now,” she
smiled, wiping her tears away.


Mark shared her laughter and giggled a bit.
Emily blushed, entertained by how sweet and sympathetic he’d turned out to be –
complete opposite to what she’d initially thought.


“It’s okay,” he assured.


Emily looked around and brought her gaze
out the window. “You have a pretty cool place, don’t you, sir? The view is very
nice,” she said.


A look of interest registered across his
face. “Yeah. It’s very relaxing here. You could just forget about the world
around you and focus on your inner self and listen to that inner voice that
tells you to live on, though, it’s not always easy to do so…”


Emily stared as his countenance fell sad.
he going through something?
She wanted to ask but hesitated. Not a good
idea for a newly employed secretary to probe the CEO’s life.
Don’t let money
turn to stone,
they said.


Feeling the ambiance changing, Emily stood
up and prepared to leave. “Alright sir, I’ll see you whenever you want me to


“Tomorrow would be ideal. Come tomorrow and
I’ll walk you through the things that need to be done,” he grinned.


Emily folded her hands on her front.
“Tomorrow would be great.”


“I’ll see you, then.”


“See you, then,” she repeated, unable to
find other synonyms to reply back.


As Emily walked out the door, she could
feel his gaze burning through her back. Just as when she almost faded from his
presence, she heard his voice echoed across the waiting area.




She walked back and stood by the door. “Is
there any problem?” she worriedly asked.


“No. I just wanna say, take care!” he
beamed as his eyes spoke of his interest.


Emily inevitably blushed. “Oh, thank you!
You too. See you tomorrow,” she finished, smiling as she left.






Chapter Three
The Street



The Canal Street’s artificial lights barely
lit the pavement as Emily walked home. She could’ve hired a taxi, but feared of
paying less than twenty bucks for the sake of her grandmother’s medication,
which took up most of her earnings.


Oblivious of the danger, she kept on
walking. Her three-inched heels knocked on the cemented pavement, stuck
occasionally into the tiny holes along the way. Arrayed with a white blazer and
black jeans, she heedlessly put herself as a prey…


Hearing a suspicious footstep behind her,
she paused and swept a glance across the street for any sign of danger.
Comforted to have seen none, she continued walking.


As the dark clouds released the moon,
Emily’s path lighted. Now, she could see if there was really someone stalking
her. It could be a psycho killer. A psychopath. Or just a pure psycho. You
never know what’s around the corner. Listen.


Emily glanced at the rain water on the
road, and to her surprise, the water mirrored the criminal. Thinking straight,
she immediately ducked down the moment she saw the man swung his arms to her
neck. She glided her foot and kicked the man successfully.


“Aaargh…” the man screamed in agony.


Her shoes’ heel must have stabbed his leg.
To avenge himself, the criminal drew something from his pocket and, whoosh, a
sharp and rusted knife grinned at Emily.


“No way. I-I don’t wanna die…” she
whispered under her breath, terrified to leave grandma alone.


Emily glided his body away from the man,
gathering mud and debris on her pants. The man studied her fear and took
advantage of the opportunity. He glanced at her belongings and calculated the
time to kill her and run away with her stuff. Raping her was no a choice at
all. Even if he wanted to.


“You’re a good chick, aren’t you?” By the
tone of his voice, she could tell he was heavily invested to drugs and other
illegal substances.


“Here. Take my purse and leave,” she


The man spat in the gutter. “I will. But
first, I have to make sure you can’t sing a note to the cops–”


“What do you mean?”


“Shh… this will feel like a bite of an ant.
Trust me,” he grinned creepily.


As the criminal jumped over her with his
knife pointing at her, Emily raised her feet to stop him and cover her face
with her purse. Her heart pumped violently, not knowing where this scene could
lead. Hopefully not to her grave. Or else, grandma would have to go to a rest
home. Alone.


“Aaargh… Get off me. Help…” she screamed at
the top of her voice.


The man covered her mouth with his fist. To
her defence, Emily bit his hand so hard that he thought she cut a piece of his
hand. The criminal pulled away. But she wondered how he did so with such
incredible speed. Then, she parted the doors of her eyes and witnessed
something she’d only seen in movies. Something that did not quite fit in to
this world.


Her jaw dropped while her eyes bulged out
in utter disbelief. “W-what the hell is that?” she stuttered, completely blown
away with what she was seeing.


Could this be true? Am I dreaming? No…


“Help. Help. Help…” the man begged, but no
one came to his aid.


Out of sympathy, Emily grabbed her purse
and began hitting the monster. The brute’s height was well over six feet and
his figure stood proudly with strong muscles and bulging biceps, chest, and
thighs. Its entire body covered with brown furs. By the looks of it, Emily
likened it to a bear.


“Get off him. Let him go! Help…” she
screamed, refusing to escape despite the fact that the criminal almost murdered
her, and yet she still wanted to save him regardless of the fact she was now
putting her life on the line.


The bear gazed at her. One thing that
struck Emily was his hazel eyes, which screamed of his intention. The bear’s visage
looked innocuous, but still she wouldn’t let him fool her into thinking he was
good. How could a monster appear so attractive? While at the same time scary?


“Get a rock and strike him in the head,”
the man pleaded as he saw Emily standing still, hypnotized by the monster
gripping his neck, almost choking him to death.


As the criminal’s voice pierced her ears,
Emily wagged her head to wake up and come back to her senses. Then she picked
up the knife the man used to try and kill her. Bringing her gaze back at the
bear, she swung the knife to wound the brute, but in vain her effort became
futile as the bear ran away into a small alley with the man in his grip. However,
she managed to cut him on the arm, enough to slow him down.


Emily stood still, petrified at what was


Shaken and mentally disturbed, all she did
was to slump herself against a pole light. Her brain couldn’t process what just
happened. “Is this real?” she wondered, pinching herself to wake up from the
nightmare she got herself into.


Moments later, an agonising cry of the man
reverberated across the street, alarming the neighbourhood that there was a
crime, or rather, homicide taking place. Only, the suspect was no closer to a
human – far from it.


Eyes wide open, Emily imagined how the bear
chopped the man’s head off using its mouth. She shivered. “No. This isn’t
happening. Calm down, Emily, this is just a dream. Just go home and have a
rest,” she persuaded herself as if it was going to help her forget everything.


Standing back up, she picked up her purse
and phone. Cautious someone had seen her, she scanned the vicinity first before
walking forward to get home as quick as she can. Grandma was waiting.









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