Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire (5 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire
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Chapter One
Mellissa Hill

 “Oh, goodness gracious me. It’s true then
that you’re here?” Mellissa’s mom’s embarrassing pitchy voice reverberated
across the
John F. Kennedy International Airport’s
waiting area, an
uncovered hall fraught with multitude of millionaires and billionaires around
the world, but mostly from Europe where Mellissa just went holidaying.


“Mom… keep your voice down. You’re
embarrassing me!” She rolled her eyes at her own mother, pissed off that she
came along to pick her up. She’d never had a good relationship with her mother
since then, even just before her parents split up due to the fact that her
father’s dick couldn’t stay in one hole. Most men were like that, right?


Mellissa Hill was a famous international
journalist based in Africa, a well sought-after model, and a well-known hooker.
She loved making out with random guys, those who had plenty of cash. Those who
had little had no chance of even touching the hem of her toes. She never sought
her mother’s advice as she thought of her as weak and useless. She’d never
forget that night when her father left them destitute under the rain, outside
his office, hungry and without a coin to spend on a piece of bread in a cheap
bakery nearby. Her mother did nothing but drink her tears and swallow her pride.
That was when it became clear to her that she had to step up and mould her own
future, dictate her own destiny, and build a wall that would shelter her
shattered childhood.


“Oh, darling… you look gorgeous.” Her
mother held her daughter’s shoulder as she ran her gaze all over her body,
proud of what she’d become. Only if she knew what she’d been up to, maybe then,
she would’ve never said those mellifluous words of honour.


“Mom… mom… mom!” Mellissa shouted, rolling
her gaze around the airport’s hall just in case someone handsome was passing
by. She couldn’t care less about the rest. For her they were all the same. All
the people in the airport were just puppets, pretending to be morally behaved
when in fact, they were all filthy inside.


“Oh, yes darling? Are you hungry now? Where
do you wanna eat? Wanna go to the toilet, oh I mean loo? That’s what you call
it in England, right? Ahahaha….” Her mother laughed, acting as if she came from
an elite family.


Mellissa rolled her eyes, giving her mother
major shades of side-eye. Her dark smoky eye-shadows made her eyes look even
more fierce and intimidating, showing she had class. She used
release of
Photo Ready
makeup kit for her cheeks’ contours to give her
that edge
photographers loved. She’d been the cover of high
profiled magazines before like
Elle, Elite,
but not
which she’d been coveting for.




“Yes, darling?”


“Shut up!”


A painful pinch poked her mother’s heart.
It had been a long time since she heard those gut-wrenching words from her
daughter’s mouth. How she wished Mellissa would pay her respect. What if she
told her she had cancer? Would it make any difference?


“Oh, right… Ummm… do you…” She stooped
down, seeking for the right words to say.


Mellissa’s visage brightened up as if she’d
seen an angel. “Thom!” she called out.


Her mother remembered the name.


On the other side of airport, around
fifteen meters away from Mellissa and her mother, Thom and Natalia were asking
random employees about the job vacancies they’d seen on the classified ads on
New York’s Time
newspaper. Natalia had been looking for a job fitted for
her qualification. She was an embalmer, dealing with human corpses. But since
she’d been unlucky and wanting a job as soon as possible, she settled down to
being a janitor.


“We’ve been walking around, but we haven’t
found it yet. Are you sure it’s in this storey? It could be downstairs, or
perhaps upstairs where the CEO’s live?” Natalia mumbled.


“First of all, the CEO’s don’t live
upstairs, and second of all, I’m not blind. I read it correctly on the
newspaper, and I know it’s somewhere here…” Thom’s voice indicated he was
getting annoyed now.


He ran his gaze around slowly, checking
every stores for any sign of job vacancies.

Mellissa thought he saw her, but was
heedless that Thom’s gaze never crossed her path. When she noticed he did not
shout back her name, she felt disappointed and abandoned. Mellissa and Thom had
always known each other since then. They were actually childhood-lovers before
she migrated to England to live with her father who was a very successful
businessman, owning three thousand apartments in London alone, and the number
kept on increasing. Since then, they’d never met until now.


“Thom!” Mellissa’s voice went an octave


“Darling, please keep your voice down…” Her
mother hissed.


Thom did not hear it, but Natalia did. She
was hesitant whether to tell him or not. She was not sure if it was really him
who was being called out. Couldn’t contain her confusion, she tapped Thom’s
back, urging him to turn.


“What is it?” He brought the newspaper low,
levelled to his waist.


“I think that lady over there wants you.”




“That lady over there,” she tapped him
again, but this time much forceful.


On the other side, Mellissa’s face couldn’t
be painted. She was getting irritated by Natalia who kept hitting Thom.
Mellissa thought Natalia was his new girlfriend. She was a little indignant
that he chose an ugly duckling in the street over a more decent and good
looking girl out there. She stared at them stoically, unmoved and without
facial expression. Her mother noticed her sudden mood-change, and brought her
gaze in Thom’s direction.


“She’s pretty, isn’t she?” Her mother asked


“Who?” Mellissa’s countenance fell with
disgust at her mother.


“That girl,” she pointed her lips in
Natalia’s direction.


“Oh, please… For goodness sake, mom, don’t
you have any taste at all? You find that ugly duckling pretty? Oh goodness me,
I can’t believe you’re my mother!”  She outraged, falling to her mother’s trap.


“Just saying…” Her mother grinned. Finally,
after a long time of waiting, her opinion mattered to her own daughter.


Natalia grabbed the newspaper away from
Thom’s reach.


“Thom, that lady has been staring at us. I
think she knows you. Why don’t you approach? She actually called your name
twice.” She looked at him with great concern in her face. Although she did not
want him to go, his happiness mattered to her more than her own.


“Where? Oh, that chick over there?” He
narrowed his eyes, trying to see who it was.


“Yes! That chick over there.” Her face
turned red, jealous that he never saw her beauty.


Thom walked on, leaving her alone
unknowingly. About five meters from where he stood, he noticed that Natalia was
not beside him. He looked to his left, and then right, before turning around
completely. There she was, standing like a loner with her hands buried in her
hoody’s pockets, staring through the glass window as she imagined herself in a
beautiful red hot gown that would showcase her unselfish curves.


“Hey,” he tapped her bottom, making her
butt jiggle.


“Oh, hell…” She turned around, swaying her
fist to slay the pervert who smacked her ass.


“Oooh…” His breath stopped.


Anger turned to awe when she saw it was
Thom who hit her butt. She couldn’t believe it. It was out of his nature to do
such rude thing as he did, but she liked it. At that time, she felt he had
secret lust over her, and it made her pussy tingle in delight. She could feel
herself dripping. Luckily, she had pad on.


“What did you do that for?”


“My bear instinct told me so,” he smiled


“You gave me a freight. I thought it was
some kind of paedophile who touched my bottom.”


“Paedophile? Girl, you’re 28 already.”


She rolled her eyes at him, giving him a
little bit of attitude that might hook his attention.


“So what, are you coming?”




“To that lady you told me about…”


Natalia looked in Mellissa’s direction,
doubtful that Mellissa wanted her to be in her presence. Natalia must admit
that she felt extremely insecure about Mellissa. Although they’d never met
before, there was something about her that she found very uncomfortable, maybe
because they both wanted Thom. Girls’ cat fight.


“Ummm… not sure about that. I think you
should go alone.”


“What? Come on… you’re prettier that her.”
His word was music to her ears. Every note rang smoothly, pleasant to her
sensitive eardrums. All of a sudden, she felt courageous to siege into the


“Let’s go.”


Mellissa and her mother stood proudly as
they saw Thom and Natalia walking toward them. Mellissa unclutched her red
bag from her left arm, sliding it down to the height she was comfortable with.
She took her brand new
red lipstick that matched her bag,
and her mother’s
Michael Kors’
five inched heels. She looked at herself
in her tiny pocket mirror, checking if her lips were perfectly glossed. She
wanted to make a good impression to Thom, and make his ‘girlfriend’ look




“Yes, darling?” Her mother’s eyebrows
raised, giving her a dose of her own medicine.


“Do I look good? How’s my lipstick?
Eyelashes? Eyebrows?”


“You look majestic, darling. I know Thom
would notice that.”


“He better would.” She returned her
lipstick and foundation powder back to her purse.


As Natalia and Thom reached them, Natalia
hid behind Thom’s back like a terrified kid who’d seen a stranger for the very
first time. Her mother slid his gaze at Natalia, ignoring that handsome and
lecherous guy before her. Well, she knew her limit. She was too old to be a


“Thommy, aren’t you gonna introduce us to
your girlfriend?”


“Sorry?” He blushed as his cheeks turned
purple red.


“Mom, it’s Thom…” She laughed
pretentiously. Truth be told – she wanted to strangle her mother for saying
that ugly name, Thommy.


“Wait, how do you know me?” Thom’s face
crossed, confused of what was happening.


“Oh my goodness… Are you serious? You don’t
remember us?” Mellissa cut in.


He nodded as a puzzled look arched his
face. He had no idea what they were talking about.


Stunned, but at the same time amused,
Mellissa found his ignorance a bliss. She studied his frame, scrutinizing every
inch of his body. From his barrelled chest to his bulging shaft under his
pants. One look, she knew that Thom had a humongous dick. Experience taught her
well. She looked up to meet his gaze, and she was even more stunned when she
saw his innocent eyes glittered in confusion.
Yum… I didn’t know he’ll turn
out to be a hottie.


“Thommy, I mean Thom, remember me, Aunt
Tonya? And Mellissa Hill whom you used to kiss back in kindergarten?”


“Mom…” She cut in again.


He looked up, trying to remember everything
that ever happened to him back in kindergarten. After an excruciating five
minutes of waiting, which bored everyone, including Natalia, he finally
remembered Mellissa, the kid who did not know how to use the toilet.

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