Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire (4 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: Seduced by the Billionaire
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Shifter Romance





Emelia Joye

© 2016








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Natalia let her eyes wander across the
forest as the night breeze whispered at her, forcing her to wrap herself with
her own petite arms. She shivered as she felt the cold penetrated into her
thick garment. She looked around for any sign of danger, scrutinizing the
habitat of wild animals, making sure Thom was going to be fine. Of course he
was, and she knew exactly why. He could defend himself in a bloody combat, but
to lose him would be her death.


She always thought of Thom before herself.
At the age of three, she’d been abandoned. Her parents died in a car accident
for an unknown reason even herself could not comprehend. The police in her town
were useless. They wouldn’t run unless you slip a paper note into their
pockets. Since they were destitute, justice did not come to their aid. Thanks
for Thom’s parents who took her in, in spite of her background.


Thom’s parents had always known her
deceased parents since elementary. Although her parents had been poor since the
beginning of time, Thom’s grandparents raised his parents to be socially equal.
They were church-orientated citizens who never missed a church’s service in
their lifetime, not to mention those days when their town were flooded by
hurricane Oscar. Who could possibly attend the mass in the midst of storm?


Natalia brought her gaze to Thom. Her
hyacinth blue eyes shimmered against the light of the silver moon. Her golden
brown hair swayed as the wind blew against her face, pushing her lavender scent
across the jungle. She swallowed painfully when she noticed brown strand of
furs began to appear on Thom’s face. By experience, she knew what would happen


“Thom,” she panicked.


“What is it?” He looked around as to find
what kind of creature was hiding behind those thorny bushes.


“Your… your face is changing.” A look of
astonishment crossed her face. She’d seen it before a couple of times, but
refuse to accept the reality that her prince charming was a brute in disguise
under a human skin.


He touched his face as he rubbed his palms
over his jaw and cheeks, trying to picture what he was turning into. He could
feel that greasy texture on his face. He hated it as it made him feel less
attractive. Well, that thought never came across the ‘person’ beside him.
I just shaved this morning!
His fierce and penetrating icy eyes wandered
around, checking for a cave to hide into, maybe eat some ‘snacks’ as well.


“Really…?” he lied, pretending he did not
know what was going on.


“Ummm… yes. Do you need any help?”
Sincerity flooded over him as he felt her deepest concern. He felt really lucky
to have met and grown up with her. She was a type of girl every man would wish
for. Perfect slim body with generous curves and bountiful breasts that even he fantasized
about, but that thought was often brushed away because he did not want to put
malice between their friendships. She was like his little sister. Gross!


“Ah, no… all goods. Could you please hold
this for me, please?” He handed a bag containing his pants, shirt, and of
course, underwear. That was something he’ll never forget.


“Yeah, sure,” she reached for the bag. “Oh,
man… this is freaking heavy. What do you have in here, human heads?” Her eyes
bulged out and the veins in her iris showed up, making her look like a drug


“Ooops… sorry. It’s a little bit heavy.” He
giggled a little, trying not to burst into laughter.


“Yeah, right. A
heavy, aye?”
She smiled as she noticed Thom was laughing. She loved seeing him happy. It was
like, her happiness is dependent on him. She could not understand it either. It
just happened that way without known reasons. Perhaps, love was like that. You
can feel it, but you can’t expound the physics behind it. It was like the wind,
you can sense it, but don’t know where it’s coming from. Love was definitely a
mystery of life – it was a principle that governed every living creature on


As he continued laughing, a wintry hiss of
wind enveloped her entire body, reminding her of her vulnerability. She
shivered again as she cuddled his belongings against her chest. His aroma stuck
on his bag made her feel safe and guarded. She knew deep within her heart that
although he liked making fun of her, he’d never leave her alone in danger. She
had no reason to fear as she was with someone as strong and intelligent as a
bear, if not better and stronger.


He noticed her smelling his bag. “Don’t
worry, I’m coming back for you. You can still snip me later,” he beamed as
another clot of furs appeared on his back, ripping his shirt off.


She dropped his bag down to ground covered
with withered foliage and dead insects. “No. I’m not smelling your bag, I-I…
I’m just cold, yeah... I just want to keep myself warm.”


“Oooh… as if I don’t know you,” he teased
her, forcing her to blush in embarrassment.


“Hey, I’m your sister… Don’t be gross!” She
took her gaze away to the ground, regretful of what she said.
I’m not just
your sister, Thom. I-I’m your admirer.


“Alright, sis… I’m gonna shoot off now and
transform, unless you want me to do it here and see me naked?”


Her heart raced frantically. That thought
of seeing him naked never crossed her naïve mind, in spite of the fact that she
almost saw him nude in the shower before – stripped and without anything on,
not even a towel to cover up his manhood. Well, no worries because it was a
long time ago. She was just 12, and he was 15 at that time.


“What…?” She stuttered as she was drowned
by her own saliva.


“Hahaha… I know you’re gonna react. Sis,”
he took her right hand, “you’re not Cleopatra, okay? So, stop dreaming…” He
smiled, showing his perfectly aligned teeth.


She pulled her hand away so quick that
Thom’s eyes widened in surprise of her strength. “Whatever… go now and do your own
miracle. Make sure you bury your poop afterwards.” She grinned sarcastically,
glad to return her revenge.

“How do you know I poop? You spy on me?” He
teased again, but Natalia could not reply back because when she looked up, it
was already half-moon, an indication he needed to go to shape-shift and feed.


“Thom, I think you’ve got to go now”.


“Right, I’ll see yah then…” His face
saddened, making her feel sad and depressed too.


He turned around and made his way into the
wilderness, fraught with wild beast and noxious plants that could instantly
kill a thing, but not him. His immune system was unique and resilient, stubborn
to get infected. She watched him depart. It was an agonizing moment for her,
but what had to be done must be done – no exception.


In the brink of disappearing, she shouted,
“Thom…” Her voice echoed all over the jungle where nocturnal creatures were
possibly deafened.


He looked back.


“Take care!” His bag was against her chest
again, but this time she held it tighter, securing it wouldn’t be lost, or
stolen when she fell asleep.


continued his journey, half-shifted already.


Natalia raised his bag as she noticed a
cute bear patch sewed to it.
Take care, Thom. I’m just here, waiting for
your return.



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