Beautiful Goodbye (12 page)

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Authors: Chandin Whitten

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beautiful Goodbye
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I scrunched my
face up in confusion. "Get what?"

Gage lowered
his head and took a few deep breaths before bringing his bright
blue eyes to meet mine. He opened his mouth then closed it, just
standing there staring at me. Finally, he let go of the sink and
ran his hands through his hair. "Nothing, it’s not a big deal.
Let's go so we’re not late."

Reaching for
my hand I pulled away. Narrowing my eyes, I challenged, "Bullshit.
You have something up your ass and I don't like it."

Gage's eyes
narrowed as he took two long strides and was standing right in
front of me, towering over me. "Fine you want to know what my God
damn fucking problem is? You and Larkin! I don't know what the fuck
you are expecting me to do but I will not just sit back and watch
you go down the same destructive path. Not when I'm standing right
in front of you. I fucking love you Jenna and Larkin is going to
destroy you."

I took a few
steps back as tears were burning the backs of my eyes. I put my
hands on my hips and squared myself up to him. If he thought I was
going to relent and walk away from Larkin before I even tried, he
was seriously whacked in the head. This was the first time I felt
something. I was confused as hell and scared shitless, but for the
first time, I wanted to see if I could be happy again. "Are you
kidding me right now, just last week you were telling me to trust
him and let go of my past. Now that I'm trying to do that you're
pissed. Make up your damn mind because I have too much other shit
to worry about besides your mood swings. This is me trying to let
go of my past and put a little faith into having a good life and
you're trying to hold me back. I love you but damn. Go get laid or
something and leave me the fuck alone!"

I twirled
around, grabbing my purse and stormed out. Gage whispered something
as I slammed the door, but I was too heated to even care. I
practically ran to my car hoping I could leave before he came out
and tried riding with me. I needed some space before facing
everyone at dinner, just a little me time.

Pulling into
the parking lot I looked around for my friends. Finding their cars
I parked next to them and pulled down my visor. Looking my face
over in the mirror, I could see the unshed tears just sitting,
waiting to spill over. I grabbed a napkin from my glove box to dab
away the wetness before applying a layer of lip gloss and reaching
for my door. Just as I was opening my door it swung open, "Hey,
baby," Larkin whispered into my ear as I climbed out.

yourself." I dipped my head trying to hide my face from him. I
really was in no mood to answer his questions. Taking a few deep
breaths to calm my nerves, I raised my head and wrapped my arms
around his large, tight body.

Larkin placed
his thumb under my chin, pulling my face up to look at him. Looking
into his warm brown eyes all my Gage induced worries melted away. I
knew I shouldn't be opening myself up to this, but there was
something different with Larkin. Maybe I was finally letting go of
my past and trusting someone else with my heart. I heard tires
squealing and a large dark blue truck whipping in beside my car,
and reality came crashing down.

Groaning, I
rolled my eyes and placed myself in front of Larkin as Gage jumped
from his truck, slamming the door and stomping towards me. I could
see the hurt and anger all over his face, this was not good. Gage
and I have never fought as much as we have the past few months. I'm
not sure where my Gage went, but this new one sucked.

"The fuck,
Jenna?" Gage shouted.

Crossing my
arms, I raised one eyebrow before Larkin was grabbing my shoulder
and pulling me back. "You got a problem, Tucker?"

Our other
friends had seen the commotion and were making their way over. The
girls were at my side while the guys fixed themselves between
Larkin and Gage. Did they really think those two were going to

I threw my
hands up in frustration. "Y'all can't be serious right now? We came
here for Trent's damn birthday and I will not let Gage's bipolar
mood swings ruin it. Gage, either suck it the fuck up, put your big
boy boxers on and celebrate one of your best friends birthdays, or
go the hell away."

Everyone who
had been eyeing Gage and Larkin turned their eyes to me. Tyler's
eyes darted between Gage and I then Larkin and Gage before he
stepped back and said, "I say fuck it, let ‘em go at it. This has
been building up for weeks. Maybe if they beat the shit outta each
other they will move on and stop this pissing contest."

What the hell
was Tyler talking about? This has been going on for weeks, what has
been going on for weeks? Damn these men! I glared at Gage then
Larkin. "School just started and I really don't have the time to
sit and stroke ya'll's damn ego's to make sure everyone is happy.
What about me, what about making me happy!"

Gage huffed,
"Seems like you have plenty of time to stroke his ego, babe.
Remember we live in the same damn apartment."

Before Gage's
mouth was closed Larkin was leaping towards him. Jinx and Trent
grabbed Larkin by his arms, pulling him back. Lashing around Larkin
shook the two guys off and shot daggers at Gage with his dark eyes.
"When the fuck you going to get it, Jenna is mine. You had her your
whole damn life but she picked me. I win so back the fuck

I jerked back
like someone had slapped me. "Shut the hell up, both of you. First
off, Gage," I ranted, "What I do is my own damn business. If it
bothers you that damn much go find some girl and fuck her. You knew
exactly what you were getting when you asked me to live with you,
you knew the kinda girl I am."

I stopped to
take a breath and Gage broke in, "A slut? I never knew you were a
slut. If I knew that I sure as fuck wouldn't have asked you to move
in with me."

My cheeks
heated as anger tore through me. Reaching my hand back I slapped
Gage across his face and screamed, "Fuck you Gage Tucker! I don't
need your God damn approval to have sex with my boyfriend. Yes, my
mother fucking boyfriend. If that makes me a slut then so be it.
You have no right to call me names, look at your track record. You
out number me any day. Just because you have a penis doesn't make
it ok for you to parade around screwing anything that opens its

Gage was
holding his cheek, and I swear I saw tears in his eyes. "Fine, you
want me out of your life, Jenna. You got it." Gage didn't wait for
a response. He just turned and stalked back to his

Everyone was
silently watching Gage as he started the engine and drove away.
Gage actually left me, he had never left me. For the first time
ever the one person I could always count on, the one person I knew
would always be there...wasn't. And it hurt.

Fighting my
tears back, I swallowed hard and turned to face Larkin. "And for
you, I am not yours, I am nobody’s. I'm not some damn trophy you
win and place on your shelf. You didn't win shit. Both you and Gage
mean a lot to me but if this is what it’s going to come down to,
picking you or him...well fuck you both. I pick myself. I have
worked too damn hard to get to where I’m at just to let you or Gage
ruin it. I have been through enough and I sure as hell ain’t going
through it again."

Larkin lowered
his head and grabbed my hands. "I don't want you to have to choose
between Gage and me, because I know I wouldn't win. Jenna, having a
girlfriend is so fucking new to me and I'm afraid I'm going to fuck
everything up and lose you."

I shook my
head and looked at our hands. "Too late Larkin, I think you just
did." I dropped his hands and looked one last time into his dark
eyes before turning and getting back into my car. I didn't look at
anyone as I backed out and sped away.

So much for
Trent having a happy birthday.

I wasn't sure
where to go. I was afraid if I went home Gage would be there. If I
went to Sadie's everyone else would be there. Pulling into a
parking lot, I shut my car off and laid my head back on the
headrest. Closing my eyes I blocked out everything Gage and Larkin,
so that left me with...well nothing. My life had become so consumed
with the two of them I couldn't even think of one damn thing that
didn't have to do with one of them. Stupid boys!

After sitting
in the parking lot for who knows how long I gathered my courage and
drove home. Wincing when I pulled in and saw Gage's truck I knew I
had no other choice. I had to face him. I wanted my Gage

Taking step
after step, I slowly moved towards our front door and pulled my key
out. Unlocking the door, I wasn't sure what I would find behind the
door, but what I did see was not what I expected. On the couch was
Gage with a girl kneeling in front of him, his dick in her mouth
and beside Gage was another girl whom he was kissing. Obviously,
they were all drunk because it was all slobber and gurgling with
the occasional gagging. I was disgusted.

Slamming the
door I walked into the kitchen and flipped the light on. My stomach
was starting to remind me I never had dinner. I opened the pantry
and looked around, after finding a bag of tortilla chips, I slammed
that door closed before opening the refrigerator to get the salsa
and a bottle of water. Gage never once acknowledged me, keeping his
face stuck in the brunettes.

I know Gage is
no virgin. He was the man whore of our high school, but I had never
seen him like this. I had only seen him kissing a few girls but
this, this was border line porno shit. Finally, having seen enough
I threw my water bottle at them, hitting Gage's thigh. Slut number
one yelped like a puppy, detaching her face and slut number two
flinched before jerking back. Gage groaned in frustration and tried
to focus his eyes on me.

getting his blood shot gaze fixed on me he snarled, "The

"What the hell
do you think you’re doing?" I paused grabbing slut number ones
shirt and scrunching my nose at it. Bringing my eyes back to the
triple nasties I continued my rant, "That is my God damn couch so
get your sluts off it and take your dirty porn to your room.
Weren't you just the one bitching at me for having sex with my
boyfriend, in my own damn room and now you’re on my fucking couch
getting syphilis or God knows what from those two. Grow up or get
out, Gage. I'm not playing games."

"Fine. I'm
done protecting you, I've done it long enough. Time for you to grow
up and be a big girl. So what you got raped, not like you’re the
only girl that's ever happened to. I'll be back tomorrow to get my
shit, don't be here," Gage slurred.

My mouth was
gaping open, how could my Gage say something like that to me? All
those times he told me he would always be here, that I was his
girl, that he loved me...meant nothing. This new Gage was someone I
didn't want to be around. He was Jacob all over again. This whole
time I was worried Larkin was going to hurt me but it turns out it
was the one person I never expected. The one person I thought I
could count on. Turning all my hurt into anger I screamed, "Get
out! You and your STD sluts get the fuck out of my apartment! NOW!"
Not waiting I turned and stalked to my bedroom, locking the door
behind me.

I heard some
giggling then the front door closing. I fell back onto my bed and
rolled my head to look out onto my patio. My room was completely
dark except for the moonlight shining in. Tracing the light from
the door to my dresser, my eyes landed on the picture I had sitting
there. It was of Gage and I. It was after Gage's first college
football game. Our arms were wrapped around each other and Gage had
lifted me off the ground and was kissing my cheek. Where was that
Gage? That was the Gage I loved. I grumbled before rolling over to
lie on my stomach and I grabbed my phone to text Sadie.

Walked in on Gage and 2 girls. Kicked him out.

Sadie: WTF? Are you serious! You ok...need me to come


Sadie: B there in 10

I tossed my
phone onto the nightstand and climbed out of my bed. Opening my
bedroom door, I found Gage sitting on the couch, eyes closed with
his head laid back.

"Why are you
still here?" I mumbled.

Gage opened
his eyes, blinking a few times before raising his head. Shrugging
his shoulders he ran his hands through his hair. "I couldn't leave

I shook my
head and asked. "You what? Gage, I don't need you and I don't want

Gage was
standing in front of me before the last word left my mouth. "Don't
say that. Don't fucking say that! Jenna I want to be the one you
need, the one you want. I'm here standing right in front of you.
I'm not going anywhere dammit. I'm yours Jenna. Fucking

What? This
night just kept getting worse and worse. "You sure as shit didn't
look like mine when I came home. You’re a big boy Gage, do whatever
you want just leave me the hell alone," I shouted.

"You're my
girl who's fucking some other guy who is wrong for you and is going
to hurt you, I was pissed the hell off. I took it out on you and
that wasn't fair. I know that but damn babe, can't you see what you
mean to me?" My eyes stung as they filled with tears, I was still
pissed as hell at Gage for the two STD sluts, but I would do
anything to get my Gage back. When the first tear fell Gage reached
up and wiped it away before kissing my forehead. "I am so fucking
sorry, babe. I never meant to hurt you."

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