Beautiful Goodbye (4 page)

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Authors: Chandin Whitten

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beautiful Goodbye
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I stopped my
walk to the kitchen to turn around and look into Gage's eyes, "This
will be your last first day. I believe in you. You’re going to make
it to the NFL and show them boys how to score and not just with the
women. I have been and always will be your biggest fan. Now I'm
going to start dinner and then we are all going to sit around
loading up on pasta and beer while we talk about how kick ass ya'll
are going to be."

Jenna. You have no idea how much you mean to me."

"Back atcha,
Gage Tucker." I blew him a kiss then disappeared into the

Dinner was
almost ready when the guys started piling into our apartment. Gage
must have invited the whole damn team Ok not really there were only
about seven guys but still. Luckily, I made enough to feed them,
and I even made buckeye brownies. Hello, Ohio State Buckeyes.
Cliché? I know, but I thought it was a cute idea. I heard all the
guys sitting in the living room discussing football and some
football whores. Who got who first, who’s been there, done that.
What girl was worth a second time, so on and so forth. Finally,
after hearing enough I walked into the living room.

"Jenna fuckin
Reylan!" Tyler Hampton yelled as I stepped into the room. He was a
massive guy, about six feet four inches with huge muscles and
tattoos. His deep blue eyes sparkled, the only sign he wasn't on
the run for murder three states over. He looked every bit the axe
wielding murderer, kinda scary, unless you knew him. He was one of
the sweetest guys but to an outsider, he probably seemed

I ran into
Tyler's large arms and kissed his cheek. "Oh my God, Tyler! How
have you been? How is Sadie?" Sadie and Tyler have been together
for five years and are crazy in love. I loved Sadie and Tyler like
my own family.

"Ah she's
bitchin cause I left her ass to unpack while I came here. Gage
mentioned your chicken and broccoli Alfredo, I couldn't miss that.
But I think Sadie will be here later."

"You’re such
an ass. I miss her and I really don't want to be the only girl at
your penis party." I curled my lips and tried not to

Of course that
earned me a raunchy comeback from Trent, "Baby you’re the only girl
my penis needs. Let’s go have our own party."

Trent. Do you honestly wonder why I can never take you serious
about wanting a damn relationship? Give it up man!"

"I'm tryin’ to
give it up baby but you’re makin’ me think you’re playin’ hard to

I rolled my
eyes and plopped down on his lap kissing his cheek. "Not trying
Trent, you’re never going to get me."

Gage chose
that moment to voice in, "You mean he's never going to get
it…again?" I shot Gage a warning look but he just snickered. "What
babe? Just sayin. Never should have given it up to him to start
with. Now he’s following you around like some lost puppy. Maybe
next time you will make it clear that you don't want a relationship
just a friendly fuck."

My mouth
dropped open. "Oh my God, Gage! I can't believe you just said that.
You just called me a whore without calling me a whore!"

Gage had the
nerve to laugh. "That made absolutely no fucking sense. I didn't
call you a whore. You’re just a girl who likes to have fun. If your
version of fun is ridin’ dick, well then babe there are plenty of
guys here who are willing to offer you more than an eight second

I just
blinked. I had no idea what to say. Gage had never talked to me
like that before. Gathering my wits, I pursed my lips. "Now you
sound like my fucking pimp trying to whore me out to the highest
bidder. Do me a favor and shut the hell up." I stood up and stomped
back to the kitchen, smacking Gage's head on the way.

I was opening
the refrigerator door when I heard Gage laughing. "Love ya,

Opening my
beer, I took a long drink before shouting back, "Fuck you,

I walked back
into the living room. "There is tons of pasta and salad on the bar
and buckeye brownies in the fridge. Goodnight boys." I walked into
my room slamming the door behind me.

I could hear
Jinx's deep voice say, "Man you really pissed her off. I don't
think I have ever seen her that mad."

I was sure
Gage just rolled his eyes as he said, "She loves me, and I love
her. I piss her off. She pisses me off. We fight, and we make up.
It’s what we do. Give her an hour or so to cool off then she will
be back out here."

Then I heard
that familiar deep voice that sent tingles down my spine. "She's
hot as hell when she's pissed."

All Larkin had
to do was speak, and I was getting turned on. It had been way too
long. I glanced at my phone six twenty-one p.m. No way was I going
to prove Gage right, looks like it’s going to be an early night for
me. Well, unless Sadie wants some company. I pulled up Sadie in my
phone and called her.

"Jenna!" Sadie
answered on the first ring.

"Sadie! I miss
you. Can I come over? I need girl time, too much damn ego in my

"Hell yes, you
can even help me unpack since dickwad left me to do it all by

"Screw guys. I
say we unpack then hit up a club. It’s Friday night we’re young and

"Let's do it,"
Sadie said through giggles.

I hung the
phone up and smiled. I hopped off my bed and opened my closest
skimming my clothes. I found the dress I was looking for. I had
bought it over the summer, but Gage refused to let me wear it. It
was black and skin tight, long enough to just cover my lady bits.
The back was, well there really was no back. There was a small
piece of material covering my butt cheeks and the front had a deep
cut in the center going all the way down to my navel. The top was
held together by a strand of silver beads and across one shoulder
there were more silver beads. I grabbed my glittery zebra print
heels and my small pink Coach wristlet.

I put a little
more eye makeup on to make my eyes look smokey, and a few coats of
my dark red lip gloss. I didn't need to do much to my hair. It was
in perfect waves and fell down my back. I changed and examined
myself in the mirror, I had to admit I looked damn good. My normal
five feet two inches, thirty-four C boobs, size four body had it
rockin’ tonight.


I opened my
bedroom door, and all conversations stopped. I heard a few whistles
and some damns. I looked around for Gage, but didn't see him. I saw
him round the corner from the kitchen. "The fuck, babe?"

I looked
innocently at him and shrugged. "What? I figured if you’re going to
whore me out I might as well look like one. I mean you did say this
dress looked like a slut special, right?"

"Babe. You
know I wasn't tryin---"

I held up my
hand to stop him, "Gage, really I'm fine. No need for you to go all
big brother on me when I'm not going to listen to it. I'm meeting
some friends and we are going out. Not to worry, I'm not turning
into some football slut who screws any guy with a

I went to walk
around him and he grabbed my arm demanding, "My room,

"I'm not some
child Gage. I'm going out. I will see you tomorrow. Goodnight boys,
enjoy the food and take whatever’s left home with you."

Gage didn't
give me a choice, he flung me over his shoulder and stalked off to
his room, throwing me on his bed then turning to slam his door.
"What the fuck is your problem Jenna?"

"I don't have
a damn problem. I just want to go out but some asshole won't let

"Not fuckin
looking like that I ain't. Every fuckin guy will be itchin to touch
you. Did you not see the looks you got from the guys out there? And
they know you’re off limits to them."

"Off limits!
Are you fuckin kidding me? Gage, I am almost twenty and I have been
through more than most people our age, I do believe I'm old enough
to make my own choices. Back the hell off."

"I will never,
and I mean fuckin never back off Jenna. I would kill the fuckin guy
who hurt you. Wearing that dress you’re just asking for me to kill
some poor bastard."

I was getting
angrier and angrier as the minutes wore on. "I'm not asking you to
do a damn thing. Now move so I can go out with the

"Where the
fuck are you going?" Gage stood in front of his door with his arms

"Out. Now move
outta my damn way. Or I will move you." I stood right in front of
him, pretty sure I was shooting flames from my ears.

"Not moving
until you tell me what club you’re going to."

"I don't know
and even if I did it’s none of your damn business. I'm only saying
this one more time before shit gets real, MOVE!"

Gage just
shook his head and smiled. That was it. I lost my control and
pulled my arm back to hit him. He ducked, grabbing me by the waist
and flung me on his bed. He got on top of me pinning me down.
"Dammit, woman. I fuckin love you and I try to protect you. I don't
want you getting hurt. Why can't you understand that?"

"I do
understand Gage but at some point you’re going to have to let me
go. You can't always be there. You need to let me live my life and
learn. I know you love me and I love you but it’s not always going
to be just us. Your dreams are happening fast, you do realize this
time next year I will be a junior in college and you will be
playing for the NFL, we won't be together so don't you think it’s
time you let me go?"

"I can't let
you go. Last time I did that you almost died. As for my dreams,
they can wait. If it wasn't for you I would never have had the
courage to fight for them, so without you by my side there is no
reason to play in the NFL. We will always be together and I will
always be there for you. You mean more to me than anything." Gage
leaned up then kissed my forehead.

"Gage, I know
what I mean to you. And without you who the hell knows where I
would be but please just let up. I need to live my life." I kissed
his cheek.

Gage squeezed
his eyes shut before saying, "I know I need to loosen up babe, just
take it easy on me. This is hard."

"I know Gage.
I'm thankful to have someone like you in my life who I can always
count on."

reluctantly got up and helped me off his bed. He ran his hand down
my back and shook his head and said lovingly, "Be careful

"I will, don't
worry. Enjoy your last night of freedom with the guys."

I could see in
Gage's dark blue eyes that he would worry about me until I was
home. I loved him for it, but it irritated the hell out of me all
the same. I opened Gage's door to find most of the guys eyes
trained on his door. I stopped and Gage nearly ran me over, "Hell

Sorry, just wanted to say, thank you.”

"Ok, now go
have fun but please for the love of God, be fuckin

I walked into
the foyer and stopped turning to see all eyes on me, I felt my
cheeks flushing. "Ugh night guys."

I heard a few
grunts and some goodnights before I opened and closed the

When I got to
Tyler and Sadie's apartment she already had her old roommate, Libby
and my old roommate, Megan ready and waiting.

"Day-um girl.
You’re lookin smokin hot." Sadie consumed me in a hug. I pulled
back and looked at her. She was gorgeous, every bit of five feet
eight, size zero, long blonde hair and big blue eyes. If she wasn't
so sweet, I might actually hate her for being absolutely drop dead
beautiful. Megan who was a few inches taller than me and had the
curves all the girls wanted. She was simply beautiful with her
auburn hair and forest green eyes. Libby was around Megan’s height,
but she was the same size four like me, with brown eyes and brown
hair. She reminded me of the girl next door innocent look. I loved
the three of them, and I knew I could always count on them for a
fun worry free time, just what I needed.

"God I missed
you! I missed you all! I am ready for a night out."

Libby and
Megan were my kind of crazy and since the three of us were single
Sadie decided she would be our DD that we could enjoy being back in
the college life. As soon as we hit the club we had drinks and were
on the dance floor. I let my eyes drift closed as the music took
over. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my back slowly moving around my
hip to my stomach. My eyes opened to see a giant smile on Sadie's
face, and I looked over my shoulder at my dance partner. Damn he
really was hot.

"Holy shit,
Larkin?" He was wearing a black button down shirt with the sleeves
rolled up showing off his tattoos. The shirt was straining against
his muscles making my mouth water. Hot didn't even begin to
describe this piece of male meat.

"Didn't get to
tell you earlier but you look sexy as hell, Jenna," Larkin's deep
voice rumbled in my ears making my girly parts shiver.

I leaned back
into him and yelled over the music, "Thanks. You look pretty good

We danced a
few more songs before Larkin motioned to the bar and I nodded. I
stayed on the dance floor as he made his way to get us

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