Beautiful Goodbye (5 page)

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Authors: Chandin Whitten

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beautiful Goodbye
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"Who is he and
where did you find him? I want one!" Libby shouted over the

Larkin, Jinx's cousin. He came over to my apartment last night with
the guys and was there again today. Hot as hell, huh?"

"Oh yeah.
Maybe Jinx has a few other cousins he's holdin out on

I rolled my
eyes. "What about Jinx?" Jinx was his own kind of sexy. He was six
foot, hazel eyes and he wore black framed glasses. He looked every
part the sexy but nerdy football player.

"Eh I just
don’t see him that way. Plus I'm pretty sure he is into

I just
shrugged as I saw Larkin walking back towards us. I looked over and
saw Libby staring at him. I was pretty sure at any moment there
would be drool running down her chin. I jabbed my elbow into her
ribs and said jokingly, "I think you have a little something on
your chin, drool maybe?" I smirked at her.

"Shut up." She
closed her mouth and tried to act unaffected, but as I looked back
at Larkin I saw her rub her chin out of the corner of my eye. I
smiled and shook my head.

"Wasn't sure
what you wanted so I told them make something fruity." Larkin
handed me a cup with some sort of pink liquid in it.

Smiling I
yelled over the noise, "Thanks." I took a drink. "Mmm this is good.
Did they tell you what it was?"

He shrugged
his shoulders. "I guess if you want more of them you will have to
come out with me again."

I got
butterflies! Holy shit! Why in the hell a guy like Larkin Nayler
was interested in plain Jane, fucked up Jenna Reylan, I have no
idea, but I sure as shit wasn't going to question it. "Hmm well I
guess we will see what happens."

Larkin pulled
me close to him and kissed my neck. "Oh trust me, I think I can
persuade you."

"MmmHmm…" I
closed my eyes and we danced with the music, his hands on my

Grabbing my
hand he led me off the dance floor and to a table with a couple
guys standing around. “Jenna, this is Aaron, Dallas, and

Smiling I sat
my drink down on the table. “Hey boys.”

Dallas nodded
at me then said, “Larkin, man you came at just the right time.
Aaron here is thinking about piercing his dick, what do you

shrugged. “Why the hell you asking me?”

Dallas smirked
then turned his deep blue eyes on me. “What do you

I scrunched my
face before letting my shit eating grin cover my face. “I can’t
tell you how it would feel to have your dick pierced but if it
feels anything like getting your pussy pierced…hurts like a bitch
but it’s worth it.”

Seeing the
faces of all the guys almost caused me to burst out in laughter.
Larkin let his eyes slowly travel down my barely there dress before
stopping on my center. “You have your pussy pierced?” he asked in
complete shock.

I nodded as I
slowly said, “Sure do.”

Larkin looked
at his friends then back to me. “Bullshit princess.”

I cocked my
head to the side and asked, “Don’t believe me?”

Larkin shook
his head before saying, “Nope. Not unless you prove it.”

Let’s make this interesting, badboy.”

bet your sweet little ass you’re not pierced anywhere but your ears
and maybe belly button. And if I’m right, which I know I am, we go
right now and you get pierced.”

Shrugging I
said nonchalantly, “And when I win? What do I get?”

You come home with me,” Larkin stated.

Biting my
bottom lip, I looked around the table. Slowly smiling I stuck my
hand out to shake his. “You’re on.”

Larkin shook
my hand. He took his other hand off the table and slipped it under
my short dress. Seeing his eyes heat when he realized I didn’t have
any panties on was almost enough to make me jump him right there in
the middle of the club. Running his hand along he stopped just
where the piercing was and used his thumb to rub back and forth.
“Shit, you ain’t lying.” Larkin said through gritted

I shrugged and
whispered, “Lost a bet. And I never back out of a bet.” Trying to
control myself, I clenched the table and closed my eyes. Nothing I
did helped, and within seconds, Larkin had me covering my mouth
trying to drown myself out as I got off.

Pulling his
hand away Larkin leaned down into my ear, "Best fucking bet I ever
lost. Now let's get outa here."

I nodded, "Let
me tell the girls I'm leaving." I looked around but there were too
many people and being short didn’t help. I pulled my phone out and
text Sadie.

goin with Larkin. Have fun. Drive safe

"Ok, let’s
go." I turned to see Larkin watching me before he grabbed my

We walked to
the parking lot, my small hand in his large, strong hand. He led me
to a black crotch rocket and unhooked a helmet, handing it to me. I
glanced at that sexy bike then back to Larkin. "Ugh. I can't ride
that thing; I'm wearing a dress and heels. The entire world would
get a free peek-a-boo show at my hoohah," I screeched while
motioning up and down my body then to the bike.

Larkin raked
his eyes over my body before landing on my face again. "I'm wearing
jeans and boots. You will be sitting behind me babe, no one will
see your, what did you call it...'hootyhoo'?"

"That would be
my hoohah buddy and I don't give out free shows like the five dolla
holla girl on the corner. Don't you have like a normal car or hell
a truck we could take?" My eyes left Larkin's and looked back at
his bike, it really was a sexy bike and I'm sure he looked damn
good on it but, seriously? Did he expect me just hop

I heard
Larkin's low chuckle. "Damn country girls. As a matter of fact I do
have a car, a nineteen seventy-one Dodge Challenger, but as you can
see I don't have fucking super powers and can only drive one at a
time and tonight it was my bike. Now put the damn helmet on, suck
it up, and hop on."

I grabbed the
helmet and slammed it on my head. "Happy now, city boy?"

"I will be
when you get your sexy ass on my bike, like now." Larkin swung a
leg over his bike and held a hand out to me and said, "Come

cautiously tried to put one leg over the bike and grab onto his
shoulder to level myself. I tried my hardest to cover my
essentials, but I was sure if anyone was around they just got a
full show, for free.
Ah fuck it, this bike and the owner are sexy, let's ride city

Larkin turned
his head and smirked. "Thanks. Hold on tight country, you’re about
to get the ride of your life."

Oh damn, did I
say my last thoughts out loud? Shit. I felt my cheeks flush.
Thankfully, the helmet was covering them. Reaching back Larkin
closed the eye shield. "Ready?" I nodded and before my head stopped
bobbling Larkin was smashing the gas, sending the bike rocketing

Holy mother of
Mary! I was clinging onto him for dear life. I was never so
thankful to see a red light and let out a shuddered breath. He
stopped and turned towards me. "You know Gage is probably going to
flip shit."

"Huh?" I asked
half confused and half trying to gather my wits from his driving or
should I say lack thereof.

"I mean if he
finds out about us. He pretty much told me he would rip my dick off
if I tried anything with you."

I rolled my
eyes and let out a deep breath. "Don't worry about him. He's more
bark than bite."

Larkin just
smiled, and I saw the cutest dimple sink in on his left cheek,
swoon much?

I was back to
clinging onto him before we were through the intersection. That boy
really needed to learn when a girl was on the back, one must calm
the fuck down! A few minutes later, and in one piece thank God, he
was pulling into the parking lot of his apartment

As soon as he
was off the bike I nearly leaped off to kiss the ground yanking the
helmet off, "Sweet Jesus, have you ever had a girl on the back
before? Because you sure don't drive like it!"

Larkin was
fighting his smile. "Calm down country, you’re not the first to
ride bitch. I have a clean driving record, well except for two
speeding tickets but no wrecks. Just chill."

I shook my
head and contained my laughter. "Speeding I would
have never guessed it."

Larkin laughed
before holding his hand out, I grabbed it and followed him up two
flights of stairs to his apartment. Before he opened his door I
pulled him back. "Are Jinx and Trent here?"

"Didn't see
Trent’s car and that’s what they took to your place so no." He drew
his eyebrows together looking confused. ”Besides they live across
the hall, I live on my own. I thought you weren't worried about
Gage finding out."

I shook my
head and replied, "Oh, I just assumed you lived with them. But this
isn't about Gage, it's about Trent. We have a history and he still
seems a little stuck on me. I didn't want things to be weird if we
walked in and he was sitting there."

Larkin gave me
a crooked smile, shaking his head before opening his door and
leading me inside. Once he shut the door he had me pinned to the
wall, one hand on either side of my face and saying, "Well then
country, I guess it's a damn good thing I live alone." He lowered
his lips to mine, his kiss started slow, but turned ravenous within
seconds. He picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and he
carried me to his room.


He dropped me
on the bed and lowered himself so he was mere inches above me, just
watching. He was making me so nervous, I wasn't sure what to do so
I slowly tried turning my face. He grabbed it with both hands and
held it in place. I looked into his eyes. His eyes were not just an
intense dark brown, but they had black rings and tiny gold flecks,
giving me the feeling he could see right through me.

Larkin gave me
a soft chaste kiss. "Your eyes are mesmerizing. At first I thought
they were blue then I thought green but they are the most stunning
teal I have ever seen."

"Thanks." What
the hell could I say to that?

Lowering his
mouth to mine again our kiss was hot from the start. I felt him
running his tongue across my bottom lip before he drew it into his
mouth to nibble and suck on it. When he let go, I opened my mouth
slightly and he took full advantage. His tongue invaded my mouth
and explored like he knew exactly what he was searching for. That
boy had mad kissing skills, his tongue ring didn't hurt.

He pulled
away, both of us panting and scrambling to breathe. "Let's get you
out of this." Larkin started pulling the hem of my dress up. When I
felt his hands skimming across my lower belly, I couldn't help the
little moan that escaped my lips. Larkin took his sweet time
pulling my dress up and over my head. I felt his eyes on me the
entire time. When he finally threw it to the floor he dipped his
head and kissed the tattoo I had on my hip bone. He moved his lips
up to kiss the one I had running along my ribs. "Damn, those are
sexy." He ran his hand along my ribs, causing my body to buck a
little, "What does this one mean?" he asked as he continued rubbing
my ribs.

Only Gage knew
the true meaning of that tattoo, not even my parents knew what it
said. I had told them it was Arabic for living life and being happy
or some random shit like that. I closed my eyes and when I opened
them, Larkin was studying me. "I got it when I was seventeen. It's
Arabic just to remind me of my past and to never let anyone get too
close. They’ll just hurt you in the end.”

Larkin knitted
his brows before smiling. "I couldn't agree more. What about this?
Why an anchor on your hip?"

I tried not to
sigh. I hated playing twenty questions, but I also knew Larkin
would most likely be in my life for a while, at least during
football season. Might as well get it over with now. I stated, "It
symbolizes that I refuse to sink, no matter what happens I am
strong enough to put on a smile on forge through. Nothing can bring
me down."

"Wow. Mind my
asking why you got those?"

I ran my hand
through Larkin's hair. "I don't really talk about my past, it's
done and over with. No use in bringing it up." I shrugged my
shoulders and tried to look away.

"Jenna, I like
you. Pretty sure that much is obvious but I understand. My past
isn't something I like talking about, either," Larkin said as his
eyes grew darker, if that was possible, and I swear I saw pain
flash across them. But as quick as I saw it, it was gone and he was
smiling. "Any more ink?"

I smiled back
and nodded. "Yes sir. I'm surprised you didn't see my back piece
earlier, along with the quotes I have." I held up my right arm so
Larkin could see my other tattoo that said 'let it be'. I rolled
over so he could see the giant angel wings on my back and the quote
that read 'she took the leap and built her wings on the way down'
then I pointed to my thigh, and I felt his eyes scanning my

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