Beautiful Goodbye (3 page)

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Authors: Chandin Whitten

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beautiful Goodbye
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Our parents
had lied, our new furniture had already been delivered and was set
up. The living room had a deep red sectional couch and black
leather loveseat centered around a black coffee table. The
entertainment center was black with a flat screen hung above it. In
one corner, next to the large picture window, there was a bookshelf
with a wingback chair beside it. The dining room had a six person
table, in black with matching chairs. Against the wall, under the
window was a black wood buffet.

I walked
through the living room and into what would be my bedroom. I had a
walk-in closet and my own bathroom, something I had never had. My
large queen sized bed was the center of my room, it was a dark
cherry wood, sleigh style with a nightstand on either side. Across
from the bed was two doors, one the bathroom the other my closet.
Between the two doors the dark cherry wood dresser sat with a flat
screen TV on top. To the left of my bed was a sliding door leading
outside, next to the door was an oversized glider and ottoman. The
other side of the room was my desk and a smaller

On the other
side of the apartment was Gage's room and his bathroom. His
bathroom would also be used as the guest bathroom, better him than
me. Our new place was awesome! I walked back into the living room
with a huge smile.

"Holy shit,
this place is badass." Gage sighed as sank down onto the couch and
looked around.

"I think I
will give you guy time while I unpack. Maybe we can order a pizza,
I'm starving." I ran my hand over my stomach just as it

"I'll call
Planks, sound good?"

"Yep. Now help
me grab some boxes then you can party."

We walked back
to my car and grabbed some boxes, after a few trips my room was
covered in boxes. My new bed, dresser, and nightstands were already
in place all I needed to do was put all my crap where it

I heard a
knock on my door, figuring it was Gage I called out, “What’s up

I was in my
closet hanging up clothes so I didn't see who came in, but as soon
as I heard the voice I knew my night was shot to shit. I was not
ready to face Trent. I still wanted him. I knew he wanted a
relationship but I couldn't offer him that.

"Jenna where
the hell you at?"

Trent." I answered as I walked out.

"About time
you came out of the closet."

What do you want?"

"Just wanted
to see you. I missed you. You’re still the gorgeous girl I

"I bet." I
said rolling my eyes, "It’s only been a few months. How's

"A whore,"
Trent said nonchalantly.

"Um ok?" I
wasn't really sure how to respond. Trent knew I didn't like Tori,
so I kept my mouth shut.

"Yep but I'm
over it. I'm done with her games. I want a real girl. A blonde with
green eyes, preferably. I miss you J."

"Trent we
can't go through 'us' again. We are good as friends, good in bed,
but that’s it. When we attempted anything more we

"I can't
remember how good we were in bed, wanna refresh my memory? Please?"
Trent winked.

"Hell no. Now
get out so I can finish unpacking." I tossed a shirt I was holding
at him before laughing.

Trent sighed
and crossed his arms, "I won't give up Jenna. We will be together."
Before I could say anything he was out my door.

I had liked
Trent since the first time I saw him when Gage introduced us. He
was funny, sweet, and sexy as hell. Trent was about six feet, had
dirty blonde hair wore in short messy spikes, with the bluest eyes
I'd ever seen. His muscles were defined even more by all the
tattoos he had, throw in the ring he had in his eyebrow, and my
panties would melt. However, we were toxic. My past haunted me, and
I couldn't drag someone in to face my demons.

I spent the
rest of the night unpacking. When I was finished I flopped down on
my bed and shut my eyes. I was almost asleep when a faint knock on
my door forced me to open my eyes. "What?"

"Hey babe.
Just wanted to see how you were and tell you goodnight." Gage
walked across the room and slid into my bed, wrapping an arm around

"I'm good,
just really tired. I'm all unpacked though. Did everyone

"No a few of
the guys are still here but I saw your light was off."

"Thanks Gage.
You’re the best in the history of ever."

Gage kissed my
cheek, "You’re not so bad yourself. Night." Gage stood from my bed
and went to the door. "If you get scared just come sleep with

"I'll be fine.
It’s been a long time." I let out a little sigh.

"Ok well just
letting you know I'm always here." With that, Gage walked out and
shut my door.

Gage, his
parents, and my parents were the only people who knew about my
past. Gage was the person who saved me. If it wasn't for him, I
would be dead. I owe so much to him. I hadn't thought about that
night in a while. I was finally sleeping all night and hadn't had a
nightmare in months. It had been almost four years since my attack,
but I can still smell the mixture of alcohol, cigarettes, and cheap
cologne that made up Jacob Vincen. Finally, I got the thoughts from
my head, and my eyes drifted shut, without a nightmare of Jacob. I
slept peacefully through the night.

I woke up
early the next morning, walking into the living room, I saw a few
of the guys had stayed over. I recognized two of them, but there
was a guy on the loveseat I had never seen. He was hot. I continued
through the living room and into Gage's room. He was passed out
face down in his bed. I climbed into his bed and snuggled up next
to him.


"Sorry I
didn't mean to wake you up."

"I was already
awake." Gage brought his hands up to rub his eyes.

"Oh. So who's
the hottie out there?"

"I guess
you’re talking about Larkin Nayler. He's Jinx's cousin."

"Ah. Well
maybe you should introduce us." I gave him a wink.

You want to meet him in your pajamas?" Gage looked me up and

I climbed from
his bed and looked at myself. I had on a pair of pink and gray
plaid shorts and a pink tank top. "Uh ya. What's wrong with

"It’s your
fucking pajamas babe and your ass is about to fall out. He might
think you only want sex."

"Maybe I do."
I smiled and shrugged.

"Hell if I let
that happen. You are not going to be a football slut."

"Chill out,
sir. I was joking. I'm going to get ready, we need to go to the
store so we have food. Be ready in an hour."

sometimes I just never know with you. I will be ready and

I walked out
of Gage's room and back into the living room. Trent was awake and
in the kitchen.

"Yo." He
lifted his head acknowledging me.

"Good morning
Trent." I gave a lazy smile.

"I was going
to make coffee but then realized there is none. I'm making a coffee
run so I can function, want any?"

"Are you
kidding, of course I want coffee. You know my caffeine

Trent laughed
before grabbing his keys. "Be back in a few."

"I'll probably
be in the shower so just leave it in my room."

"If you need
any help in the shower just yell for me, I'm always willing to help
a friend out. You know, be environmental and save water...shower
with a friend thing." Trent said with a smirk shrugging his

I smiled and
shook my head, "Goodbye, Trent." I turned and walked into my room
shutting the door.


through my closet, I grabbed a deep purple halter top with a yellow
splashy design and a pair of bright yellow shorts before walking
into my bathroom. I got a quick shower and ran a brush through my
hair. I was lucky enough to have naturally wavy hair, so I didn't
have to do much to it. I put on a little makeup and walked into my
bedroom. I saw a Starbucks cup on my dresser. I grabbed it, taking
a long drink. YUM!

I flung open
my door and walked directly to Trent throwing my arms around him,
"You’re freakin awesome!"

He pulled back
with a surprised expression, "Thanks, J.” Then his cocky smile
returned. “I knew it wouldn’t take long until you were in my arms.”
he said through his smirk.

I let go of
Trent, rolling my eyes and turned to see Gage looking at us with
amusement in his eyes. I shook my head slightly and took a few
steps away from Trent.

I felt an arm
coming around my shoulder, "Jenna! How the hell you been?" Jenson,
which most people called Jinx, was smiling down at me.

"Jinx! I
missed you. I’ve missed our taco Tuesdays." I hugged him before
stepping back.

"We will have
to start up again, but the same deal. You come to the games wearing
my number and I will buy you tacos."

"You got
yourself a deal buddy. Anything for tacos."

Trent slung
his arm around my shoulders, "Shit J, if that’s all it takes I will
bring you tacos every damn day."

"Ugh, no.
Tacos are for Jinx and me only. No guests."

Jinx laughed
then turned to his cousin, "Jenna this is my cousin, Larkin Nayler.
Larkin, this beautiful and amazing girl is Jenna

"Aw Jinx,
thanks." I turned to Larkin, giving him a full sparkly smile,

Larkin winked at me.

He really was
gorgeous. He was well over a foot taller than my five feet two
inches, and I'm guessing he was closer to six foot five. His eyes
were so dark, almost black. His hair was black and a little long,
but he could pull it off. He had tanned skin, and I could see his
t-shirt straining against his muscles. He had tattoos covering both
arms and his lip was pierced. Damn, he was sexy.

pulling my eyes from Larkin I smiled to Gage, "Boys, I have a hot
date so I will see ya'll later."

Trent caught
my arm, "You have a date?"

"Yep, with a
sexy man named Kroger. Care to join?"

I could see
Trent visibly relax, "Uh no thanks. I need to get back to my
apartment anyway and unpack so I'm not living out of

Jinx and
Larkin left with him to unpack. They were all sharing an apartment
a few streets away. Gage and I went to the store then went back
home to unpack the rest of our boxes. I had decided when he was at
football the following day I was going to do some

"Hey babe,
talk for a minute?" I was standing in the foyer gazing into the
living room and found Gage looking at me with a troubled

"What’s up?" I
asked hesitantly.

Gage looked
odd, almost angry. He let out a slow breath and fixed his gaze on
me. "I just want to tell you to be careful around Larkin. From what
Jinx has mentioned about him. I can't help but get a feeling he’s
fucked up. Just some stories I've heard."

I crossed the
room and hugged Gage, snuggling my head into his chest. "Gage, you
know I'm not looking for anything serious. I don't want that. I
want fun. Bad boys are fun." I looked up smirking at

"I swear
you’re going to fucking kill me. I can't stand to see you get hurt
again." He stroked the hair off my face.

"I promise, I
will never be hurt again. I will never give anyone that power.
You’re the only person who knows the real me, how broken and
screwed up I am. It will be you and me, always."

Gage pulled me
tight to his side and just barely above a whisper said, "Damn
straight babe."

Trying to
lighten the mood I changed the topic to dinner. "I was thinking of
making my famous chicken and broccoli Alfredo for dinner? Sound

I heard Gage's
little moan, my chicken and broccoli Alfredo was one of his
favorites. "Hell ya. I think I will ask the guys if they want to
come over. Make a lot."

"Of course.
Since it’s your last night of freedom what do you have

really, we have to be at the field at six. I don't feel like going
in on my first day hung over so I'm thinking I will take tonight
slow. Hopefully this will be my last first day of college football

Gage, Trent, and Jinx were all on full ride scholarships for
football, and I'm pretty sure Larkin was too. When football started
they were on strict schedules.
All three
of them have already been approached by many NFL teams. I am not
sure if Larkin has or not.
Gage was the star quarterback. Jinx was an all
American tight end, and Trent was the untouchable wide receiver.
Not sure what position Larkin played but tonight I would get him
alone and hopefully figure out a little more besides the role he
played on the field.

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