Beautiful Goodbye (15 page)

Read Beautiful Goodbye Online

Authors: Chandin Whitten

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beautiful Goodbye
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Hey, Gramps.” Larkin dropped my hand to hug his

So this must be the special lady. Gorgeous one, Larkin you
better be treating her right or so help me son. I may be seventy
years old but I can still beat your hide.”

Gramps, I told mom Jenna is just a friend. But she is

Feeling my
face heating I stuck my hand out and said, “Hi, nice to meet

grandpa grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug. “Call me Gramps,

Before I could
respond I heard high pitch squealing then saw an older version of
Cobie. “Larkin! I have missed you so much!” The beautiful woman was
flinging herself into a laughing Larkin’s arms.

Hi, mom.” Larkin kissed the top of her head.

Pushing off
Larkin her arms were wrapping around me as she ssaid, “Jenna, thank
you for coming.”

hugging her back, I smiled and replied, “Thank you for having

Oh, honey anything for my boy. Just listening to him on the
phone I knew you were amazing.”

I saw Larkin’s
eyes grow huge. “Well, thank you. I think your son is pretty
amazing himself.”

Carrie wrapped
an arm around me. “I have to agree with you, he is the

Well not to break up the welcome wagon but Braylon’s having a
party and I told him I would make an appearance,” Larkin

I saw Carrie
eyeing her son as she asked, “You sure that’s the best thing to

Larkin sighed
and answered, “Yes, mom. It’s fine.”

Carrie let out
a breath. “Ok, sweetie. Be safe and we will see you in the morning.
Is Co going?”

Larkin grew
rigid, “Fuck no, I don’t want her anywhere near them. We are only
going for a minute then we will be back.”

Well, ok. Drive safe and be smart.” Carrie kissed Larkin’s
cheek before turning and hugging me to whisper, “Watch him. Not the
best crowd.”

Larkin laced
his fingers through mine and kissed his mom’s cheek on our way back
out the door.

Once in his
car I looked at him and asked, “Who is Braylon and why isn’t your
sister allowed around him? And why is your mom so worried about us
going to this party?”

Braylon used to be my best friend. We got into a lot of
trouble together. I don’t want my sister around guys like that, she
needs a good guy. And my mom always worries.” Larkin replied as he

I knew there
was more to the story he wasn’t telling me, but I didn’t want to
push. So I just nodded. “Oh, ok.”

Larkin roared
his engine to life and turned the radio up. Proving to me that
there was more that he wasn’t saying, but he was not planning on
going into detail.

Pulling onto a
dirt road Larkin smiled. “Now this place is where I grew up. Lost
my virginity, drank my first beer, and wrecked my first bike

Wow. Sounds like you had a lot of fun here.”

was stupid and got into a lot of trouble here,” Larkin

Larkin parked
his car next to a Jeep and shut the engine off. Turning to face me
Larkin’s face showed me he was about to get serious when he spoke,
“Ok with these people I need to be possessive of you. Stay by my
side and don’t talk to anyone unless I’m talking to them. Some
people here might try to start shit and fuck everything up. Don’t
listen to a damn thing they say. I’m not the same person they’re
talking about.”

Searching his
eyes I slowly nodded. “Ok. Let’s do this. Make your appearance so
we can leave. I saw the dock behind your grandpa’s palace and I
want to check it out.”

Larkin grabbed
my hand and squeezed. “Thank you.”

I smiled as I
opened my door and got out. Watching Larkin walk around his car I
couldn’t help the butterflies in my belly. There was something
about him that I couldn’t push out of my mind, he was inside my
head. And my heart.

Reaching for
my hand Larkin laced his fingers in mine and guided us to the
bonfire. Seeing all the people sitting around, drinking reminded me
of home and the parties Gage and I used to go to. This was my kinda

Nayler! Man, it’s been a minute since I saw you.”

Turning my
head to see the very attractive man walking towards us I felt
Larkin stiffen. “Dom.” Larkin jerked his head once in that way guys
do to acknowledge each other.

Dom ran his
eyes up and down my body before looking at Larkin and asked, “Damn
who’s this hot bitch?”

Larkin went
rigid. Before Larkin could say anything I narrowed my eyes at Dom
and coldly said, “My name is Jenna, or you can call me Larkin’s
girlfriend. But call me a hot bitch again and I will personally
kick your ass.”

Dom’s eyes
went wide. “Shit Larkin, get your girl under control.”

Larkin pulled
me into his side and wrapped his arm around my waist before saying,
“Fuck you, Dom. If you say one more thing to her or look at her the
wrong God damn way I will sit back while she kicks your ass. And
trust me, she may be small but she can hold her own.”

Larkin and I
walked away, leaving a gawking Dom behind. “Sorry, Dom and I were
never really close. He was always jealous and wanted to be

Tucking my
head into Larkin I smiled. “Understandable.”

Larkin laughed
as he led us to a larger group of people. “Well look who decided to
finally show his face.”

Haha, dickface. Everyone this is my girl, Jenna. Jenna this
is Braylon, Eric, Loral, Sammy, Justin, Shawn, Kali, Mal, and

Braylon stuck
his hand out and said, “Well, you’re the girl who changed my man.
You must be something special.”

I wasn’t sure
what to say so I shook his hand and smiled. “I guess that’s

I could
already tell Kali didn’t like me, why I wasn’t sure but judging
from the look she was giving me, I had what she wanted. Suck it

Braylon handed
Larkin and me a beer. Larkin smiled at me then kissed my temple,
“So what the hell you been up to?” Larkin asked.

shrugged, “Not shit. Trying to get outta here.”

Larkin and
Braylon fell into conversation as I felt most eyes boring holes
into me. Glancing at the group of girls to my right, I attempted a
smile. They all smiled back, well everyone except Kali, and she
glared at me.

After an hour
Larkin and I said our goodbyes, avoiding any more drama and left.
After we were back in the car I asked, “So is the Kali girl like an
ex or something?”

scrunched his face and asked, “No, why? I mean we hooked up a few
times but you know you’re my first girlfriend.”

Chewing my
bottom lip I said, “She just kept giving me the evil eye, like I
was touching something that wasn’t mine.”

smirked, “She’s a bitch. But I am yours, Jenna. You have me.”
Larkin grabbed my hand and placed a soft kiss on it before setting
it back on my lap and turning to start his car.

Closing my
eyes I let out a breath, “Larkin please, we are not going to ruin
our weekend by talking about us. I want us to have fun and enjoy
our time together, as friends.”

Friends. Ok, let’s enjoy this weekend,” Larkin


Shutting his
car off Larkin opened his door and got out. I could tell he was
upset by what I said, but I didn’t want Larkin thinking this
weekend was more than what it really was. Sighing I opened my door
and got out, following Larkin around the house and to the

You going to be pissed at me the rest of the

Larkin walked
to the end of the dock and sat down. “Jenna, you scare the hell
outta me. What you make me fucking feel, what you make me think
about. I don’t want to be just your friend. I want more than that.
I want you to be mine.”

Sitting beside
Larkin, I swung my feet back and forth and said, “Larkin, I tried.
Really I did but I just don’t think I’m ready yet. I’m still trying
to find myself and fix what’s broken. Don’t you think you scare
me?” I slammed one hand into my chest. “The last guy I trusted
ripped my heart out and I just can’t take that chance again, not
yet.” I stared out at the moon reflecting off the lake, listening
to the wind rustle the leaves.

Larkin was
silent then shook his head before saying, “I’m trying Jenna. I just
fucking want you so much. And of course the girl I want doesn’t
want me.”

Larkin’s back I leaned my head on his arm. “That’s not it Larkin. I
want you but I can’t help thinking of my past. It’s something I
have to work on. Just give me time to figure myself

Larkin lifted
my head and placed a soft kiss on my lips then said, “If I have to
I will wait Jenna, I’m not going anywhere.”

I knew I
shouldn’t do this but Larkin was my kryptonite and I couldn’t stay
away. Placing my lips on his, I slowly moved my mouth with

Larkin lowered
us onto the wooden dock before resting himself above me. Thank God
I was wearing a dress, easy access.

Feeling his
tongue running along my bottom lip, I opened my mouth, allowing him
access. Larkin used one hand to lift up my dress and slip my
panties down then removed his jeans and boxers with ease. Pulling
my legs up to rest on his hip Larkin slowly sunk into me, feeling
his piercing slowly slide against me. Letting a moan out I grabbed
onto his upper arms as he pulled out before slowly pushing back in.
There was something different about this time. Larkin and I had
never been slow and sweet. I knew I should stop him but I couldn’t
bring myself to tell him to stop. This changed

Running his
hand down my cheek Larkin looked into my eyes he whispered, ‘You’re
so damn beautiful.” Blushing I tried to look away but Larkin
grabbed my face, so I was looking at him, “Jenna, don’t fucking do
this,” he drawled out as he slid back into me. “Don’t walk away
from us. I don’t give a damn about your past, I want

I felt my
tears welling up as I spoke, “Larkin, I’m afraid.”

know, baby but I’m here and I’m not going anywhere.”

Larkin lowered
his head and kissed me slowly as we both came apart.


Waking up the
next morning I felt Larkin’s arm wrapped around my stomach. Trying
to wiggle my way out of bed without waking him proved to be more
difficult than I thought. Every time I moved his grasp got tighter.
Finally, after maneuvering myself out of his grasp and the bed I
made my way to the bathroom.

Looking at my
reflection I attempted to tame my wild hair and ran my fingers
under my eyes to rub away the left over makeup. Giving up, I
gathered my hair in a messy bun and grabbed a washcloth to wash my
face. When I returned to the room Larkin was sitting in

Morning, gorgeous.” Larkin smiled.

God, that
smile. If he only knew what it did to me. “Good morning.” Sniffing
I shifted my eyes to the door. “What’s that smell?”

My mom always makes a big breakfast for the family on Sunday

Oh. That’s sweet. My mom likes to make a big deal out of
Sunday’s too. Do you think you could get dressed so we can go

Larkin laughed
before saying, “Baby my mom won’t let you help. Nobody helps her in
the kitchen. She’s like the damn kitchen boss.”

Well, maybe breakfast is ready and their waiting for

Grabbing his
phone off the nightstand Larkin glanced at it before smiling.
“Nope, not ready yet. It’s only a little after nine thirty,
breakfast isn’t until ten.”

Rubbing my
hands together I looked around the room then back to him. “I still
think we should offer our help. I don’t want your family thinking
I’m some hillbilly from the south.”

Larkin burst
out in laughter. “Baby, you have nothing to worry about. My family
doesn’t think that about you at all. I think you’re just trying to
get out of this room. You afraid of being alone with

Biting my lip
I dropped my gaze and shrugged. “Maybe.”

Larkin patted
the bed beside him and reached for my hand. Letting him pull me
onto the bed beside him I pulled my legs under me and leaned my
head on his shoulder. “Jenna, I don’t want you to be afraid of
being with me. I would never make you do something you didn’t want
to. I want you to feel safe with me. I want you to trust

I’m not afraid of being alone with you, Larkin. I’m afraid of
what I might allow to happen. I’m afraid of what you make me feel.
I’m afraid of you walking away from me and me never feeling this
way again. I do feel safe when I’m with you. Trusting someone isn’t
easy for me but there is something about you that makes me trust
you with my life.”

Just when
Larkin started to say something there was a knock on his door
before it opened slowly. “Lark, Jenna? Are you awake?” Cobie asked
as she poked her head around the corner.

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