Beautiful Goodbye (19 page)

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Authors: Chandin Whitten

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Beautiful Goodbye
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That's why I was here, it was slowly coming back now, Jacob
had raped me and tried to kill me. I wanted to ask about my baby
but dammit, I couldn't talk. Why the hell couldn't I talk? My
throat was on fire and I felt the urge to gag.

"Sweetheart, just relax. They have you intubated, your dad
went to get your doctors and hopefully they will get the tube out."
My mom was trying to calm her crying.

eyes filled with tears and I felt myself on the verge of a panic
attack. Before I lost it Gage was wrapping his arms around me. "Shh
babe it's ok. Jacob's in jail. He will never hurt you again, I
promise. I'm here. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

few seconds later my dad and two doctors came into my room. "Well
Ms. Reylan it’s nice to see that you’re awake. I'm Dr. Lopter and
this is Dr. Faizer. We are going to remove the tube from your
throat now. Is that ok with you?"

slowly nodded and I instantly regretted doing so. My head was
killing me.

After the tube was removed I sipped a little water before Dr.
Lopter started talking and asking questions, "How are you

a lot of pain. Still kinda fuzzy I guess," I finally sputtered

"That’s to be expected. We had to fight to keep you with us.
Do you remember anything that happened?"

took a few deep breaths and swallowed a few times before finally
getting out, "Yes, kind of. I remember being at my boyfriend’s
house. We got into an argument and he was mad." I glanced to my
parents then to Gage and back to the doctors, "He um r-raped me
then he beat me. First with his hands then he went and got
something. I think it was a bat."

"You have sustained quite a few serious injuries. I am going
to start explaining but if it gets to be too much just let me know,

nodded my head and looked to Gage pleading with my eyes that he
come back beside me. Gage was instantly at my side, grabbing my

Ms. Reylan, you had some bleeding and swelling in your brain so we
had to open your skull and drain the blood and reduce the swelling.
We couldn't get the swelling down and you slipped into a coma. You
also had a lot of internal bleeding in your abdomen. You have four
broken ribs, broken nose, broken femur, and a broken collar bone.
We had repaired your nose and fixed your lip that was split open.
You still have a long road ahead of you but you waking from the
coma is a big step. These next six months or so are going to be
rough and you’re going to have a lot of pain but you should be
thankful you’re alive."

was speechless. I felt my tears burning my eyes then escaping down
my cheek. Gage used his thumbs and wiped my cheeks off and kissed
my temple.

"What about my baby?"

That was when Dr. Faizer stepped forward. "I'm so sorry but
you lost the baby. There was too much trauma for the small fetus to
survive. Your uterus took too many direct hits. We tried everything
we could but we are pretty certain you will not be able to carry a
child again. "

parents came to stand beside me, my mom grabbing my hand and giving
it a slight squeeze and asked, "Dr. Lopter when will she be able to
go home?"

everything goes well and there are no complications I would say in
a week she should be good to go to the rehab center then if she
progresses well while she's there we can schedule out-patient

"Thank you Dr. Lopter and Dr. Faizer." My dad reached out to
shake their hands. "The police want to question her, do you think
we should tell them to wait or would it be ok to let them ask

think she should be fine to answer questions now but as I said if
it gets to be too much and you’re feeling overwhelmed just ask them
to stop."

"Ok, thank you so much."

When the doctors left the room I turned to my parent and said,
"I'm so sorry. I should have never let this happen."

dad grabbed my hand over my mom’s and said, "This is not your
fault. I wish you would have told us what was going on honey, we
were just so worried. We are so happy that you’re

Gage squeezed my hand and I turned my head to face him. "Gage,
I'm sorry I lied to you. I couldn't admit to myself that Jacob was
dangerous. Then when I texted you last night I didn't know who else
to ask."

"Jenna, what do you think today is?" Gage asked slightly

Friday? September twenty second?"

Gage looked into my eyes and said, "No babe, it’s October
tenth. You have been out for almost three weeks."

looked around the room, my parents, Gage's mom, and my
grandparents, everyone looked so tired. "W-what?" I fumbled

grandma got up walking over beside me, rubbing my cheeks she softly
said, "You were attacked on Thursday September twenty first and
today is Tuesday October tenth."

my God." I let out a small sob.

Gage wrapped his arms around me softly rocking me. "Shh.
You’re alive and you’re going to be ok. Just relax."

heard my dad telling my mom he was going to call the police and let
them know I was awake and ready for questioning. After finally
calming down my grandparents had left, telling me they would be
back tomorrow to check on me. Gage's mom left not too long after
also saying she would be back to see me tomorrow.

About an hour later there was a knock on my door. My dad went
to open the door revealing an older balding man who obviously
enjoyed his doughnuts and a younger woman who looked rather
intimidating. "Hello Ms. Reylan." The woman said, "I'm Detective
Moore and this is my partner Detective Alberson. We wanted to ask
you a few questions regarding Jacob Vincen."


Detective Moore looked around the room before landing her eyes
on mine. "Do you mind if we do this in private?"

guess not."

you would excuse us we should only be a few minutes. If you could
just wait in the hall for me." My parents and Gage gave me a hug
before exiting my room.

Detective Moore pulled out a notebook and pen before taking a
seat next to me. Detective Alberson pulled out a voice recorder and
sat it on the small table beside my bed then took a seat next to
Detective Moore, "Ok Ms. Reylan, what was your relationship with
Mr. Vincen?"

was my boyfriend."

"How long had you two been together?"

"About six months."

"And of those six months how many were you sexually


"Consensual?" Detective Moore looked at me over her

"Most of the time."

"Most of the time?"

"Yes. There were times when we would fight and he would force

"What about the baby? Was it his?"


"Ms. Reylan I'm not trying to upset you but Mr. Vincen is not
being very cooperative so I am relying on you to fill in the

got into a fight, he raped me, he beat me, he killed our baby. What
other blanks do you need filled in?"

Detective Alberson cut in, "Jenna we are here to help. We want
to put Mr. Vincen behind bars until he rots but when we got to the
scene he wasn't there and he has built a story saying someone broke
in and attacked you. So we have to build a case and evidence
against him. This should be an easy open and shut case but we need
your help."

"I'm sorry. I am still in shock and scared that he will
somehow escape and find me, killing me this time."

Detective Moore shook her head and stated, "That will never
happen. He will be locked up until court. But you will have to face
him when court comes around. He has an ex-girlfriend who had agreed
to testify against him but he also has a long line of girls who are
willing to testify for him."

"I'm not afraid of facing him, I'm just afraid of him
finishing what he started."

After a half hour of questioning the two detectives said they
were happy with all the information I gave them and they would be
in touch. As soon as they were out of my room my parents and Gage
were back inside and at my side.

mom rubbed Gage's back and said, "Sweetie why don't you go home.
You need some rest."

"I'm ok. I can't leave Jenna right now, not like

"Gage you haven't left since she arrived. Why don't you go
home and take a nice hot shower and sleep in your bed. You can come
back in the morning. Kevin is leaving in a few minutes to get the
kids from Mrs. Huckle. You can ride with him."

Gage looked down at me and I smiled. "It's ok. I shall live to
see another day. Go home and get a nice steamy shower for the both
of us and sleep in your comfy bed. I will see you tomorrow. And I
expect a present."

"You got it, babe. I love you." Gage kissed my forehead before
turning to my mom and hugging her.

"Thanks for everything Gage, I don't know what I would do
without you. Love you."

dad came over to hug me before he left and said, "Love you

"Love you too dad." I watched my dad and best friend leave
before turning to look at my mom. Her eyes were filled with tears.
"Mom, you ok?"

I'm just a silly mom. I am just so sorry you had to go through

"Mom I'm fine, just a few bumps and bruises." I averted my
eyes so my mom wouldn't see my tears. Being told I could never have
kids killed me.

"You call almost dying and being told you can never carry a
child bumps and bruises? This is more than just bumps and bruises.
You scared the hell out of me, out of everybody. And why didn't you
tell me you were pregnant? Jenna Penelope you used to tell me

had just found out. I went to Jacob's apartment to tell him and he
didn't take the news well."

"Well you will never have to worry about him again. If it was
up to me I would have killed him myself but the cops got to him
before I did. But I don't think anyone was as upset as Gage. That
boy loves you."

"I'm glad you didn't kill him. You don't need murder charges
mom. I love Gage too, he's my best friend."

wish ya'll would open your eyes and realize you two would be
perfect together." My mom shook her head.

no mom, we are too close. I think of him as not just my best friend
but my brother."

know honey, but I want you to end up with someone like him who
adores you like he does."

"Trust me mom we have our problems, we are not perfect. We
fight like brother and sister and we know way too much about each
other. I can't see ever being with him like that. I know you want
me to be happy and have the perfect guy but Gage isn't my prince
charming mom. He's like my evil step brother."

love you Jenna and I want whatever makes you happy and if that’s
not Gage well then, I guess I will have to accept that. Even though
I think ya'll should give it a shot. You never know, maybe you
would fall head over heels in love, get married, and give me a few
grandba..." My mom closed her eyes and hung her head, realizing
what she had just said.

"Mom, its ok. You never know what the future holds. Maybe I
can't have kids or maybe one day a miracle will happen and I will
be able to have a baby. But for now I can't worry about that. I
know my dream was to always grow up, become some bigwig ad
executive, get married, and have lots of kids. Maybe this was God's
screwed up way of saying not all dreams come true." I had to close
my eyes tight to fight the tears building.

"Honey, maybe someday you will have kids but always remember
you are amazing and special. No matter what your future holds I
will love you like crazy." My mom hugged me, kissing my

"Love you too mom. My head is killing me, can you ask the
nurse if I can have more pain meds?"

course, I'll be right back." My mom turned and walked

few minutes later my mom returned with a nurse trailing behind her.
"Hello Ms. Reylan. I'm Vicky, I will be your nurse tonight. Your
mom said you were in some pain so I brought some meds to hopefully

handed me a tiny cup that was holding four pills then put a syringe
into my IV and instantly I felt fuzzy. I took the pills without an
issue and before my nurse left the room my eyes were drifting shut.
I could barely make out my mom when she told me she was going to
get something to eat and she would be back a little

next few days seem to tick by so slow. I was sure I would never get
out of the hospital. I had started physical therapy and was in
constant pain, but I was determined to get the hell out of the
hospital. After a little over a week after waking from my coma, I
was released to go to the rehab center. I was there for another
five weeks, but thankfully it was more like an apartment than a
hospital. Gage basically moved in with me and was my rock. The day
I was released to go home I had never been so happy. I was never so
thankful to be at home and in my bed. I still had a long road ahead
of me but being out of the hospital and rehab center gave me the
push I needed to get through these next few months and get back to
my old self.

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