Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (18 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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“What about my bag?” RJ said as she flicked Jack on the ear. He winced and dodged her punch on the arm that followed.

“You’re fine with your own bag. Y
ou have a strong sturdy back, like a camel!” He patted her on the back that sounded more like a slap. They were typical brother and sister. Full of banter and fooling around but deep down at heart they adored each other. We all walked towards the campus, which looked more like a town of its own. There were huge red brick buildings all situated in their own little woodland. The brick matched the colour of the trees that surrounded them.

RJ and Jack were obviously used to the place, as they didn’t look half as impressed as I did. I didn’t say a word all the way to the main building. I just stared wide-eyed at my beautiful surroundings. It was like something from a movie. It looked far too posh to be a college, well ok maybe Oxford or Cambridge I could understand but here? No wonder my parents hadn’t wanted to disclose the amount they must have coughed up. A small fortune!

I had tried to contribute, having saved up a small amount during the summer and I also had my inheritance. My Grandfather had left us all a substantial amount of money when he passed away. I was too young to understand at the time, as he passed away when I was only two years old. My amount was still gathering dust in the form of interest in a savings account and I still hadn’t touched it, even though it was legally mine once I turned eighteen.

My father’s father had been a kind man who had a number of businesses in
Liverpool. He had only one son, my father, who he brought up on his own after his wife had died during childbirth. His father adored him, telling him daily how he reminded him of his mother. They were very close but due to hard times my Grandfather spent most of his time working and building up his small empire. He therefore enlisted the help of his sister Olivia, whom my sister was so proudly named after.

She was a widow and childless and as a result a very lonely woman. After a series of failed suicide attempts she finally found happiness being a surrogate mother to my dad. She also adored him and spent the rest of her days tending to his every need. They were inseparable, like two peas in a pod as my dad had described them both in all of his stories. So when she had died it had been like losing a mother all over again, only this time one that he knew.

My Grandfather however had sold his businesses for a small fortune knowing that my dad wasn’t really interested in running them. He then retired and moved abroad living out the rest of his days in the sunshine. My father hadn’t realised how much money he had saved over the years until the reading of the Will. Of course it had all gone to my dad as there was no other family left. My mother had told me that he had nearly had a heart attack when he found out the amount.

He split it three ways, putting mine and Libby’s into a savings account. My parents bought a bigger house with their share, where they still lived today. And the house my Grandfather had in Spain, they kept as a holiday home.

My sister Libby had already used some of her money emigrating here and remodelling the house Frank had inherited. Our parents had paid for their wedding being only too eager to get her hitched and “on her way” as my dad had joked. He also told Frank there were no refunds available. In other words “Best of luck and no bringing her back!” We had all laughed at this part of my father’s speech at the wedding.

“Earth to Kaz, is anyone reading me?” What, oh RJ was staring at me with a confused look in her eyes. I had been daydreaming again!

“Sorry, I was in my own little world, this place is amazing.” She shrugged as if she was used to eating breakfast at the

We walked up the mass of steps towards the main building which was swarming with students. There were tables everywhere topped with banners all advertising different clubs and sororities. People buzzed around like clones in matching t-shirts and sweaters. There were so many people shouting, all the voices seemed to merge into one. The odd “
” and “Wildcats” could be separated from the rest.

Not surprisingly no-one flagged us down, one look at RJ sporting her usual Gothic attire and they quickly looked away. I grinned to myself realizing what a perfect match we were. She dressed this way to be noticed and to stand out. I did the complete opposite, shying away from any form of attention. What was funny however is that we both did each other a favour. I didn’t draw any attention away from her and she was scary enough that she didn’t bring any attention my way. Granted it was more in my favour than hers but I was still happy about it. Jack however was a different story. He stood out from the crowd and for all the right reasons. With every step his long legs took he was admired… or envied. Girls winked
and giggled in silly girl fashion and guys nodded in respect, some even used coded hand gestures which were all foreign to me.

He was extremely popular, but he had been here for two years. He also seemed perfectly at ease showing us around despite the funny looks me and RJ were both getting. I suppose he was used to it with RJ being a heavy Goth, but it didn’t stop him introducing us to his friends when they stopped him. He even put his arm around my shoulders in a playful manner when introducing me to a group of his friends. For this I received evil looks from the girls but wicked smiles from the boys.

I couldn’t quite understand it, it was as if he was proud but I was at a loss to know why. I must have looked even plainer and boring compared to the living billboard model that stood next to me. My cheeks would flame every time he introduced me while RJ just nodded looking bored. She played ice queen very well... I, on the other hand, was not so good at the cool, calm and collected act.


The rest of the day was filled with tours of the campus, a lot of which I didn’t need to go on as I wasn’t living here and little lectures of groups we might
subjects we were taking and charity events etc…. By the end of the day I felt mentally exhausted.

Jack decided we needed a drink after such a hectic day so we all went to a local bar near the campus. By this time we had also met up with Lanie, Chaz and Drew. But from the looks of things something had happened since I had last seen them, as Drew and Lanie were looking very
, holding hands. I wonder why RJ hadn’t mentioned anything, being one of the town’s biggest gossips I would have thought she would have jumped at the chance. But then my questions were answered as soon as I saw her face drop…. She didn’t know. 

“Did I miss something?” She asked them in a harsh tone. Now I was missing something. What was her problem? She looked furious. She stood facing Drew like a cat ready to fight, I was half expecting her back to arch and for her to start spitting! She turned her back to Lanie and completely ignored her, acting as though she wasn’t even there but instead of taking offense at these actions Lanie just rolled her eyes and turned to join us.

“Here we go again, come on I’m not waiting for them two to wrestle it out!” Jack laughed and grabbed Lanie by the shoulders giving her some comfort as we all crossed the street. Lanie smiled but looked awkward, as if she had known what was coming.

I turned just before we went down a small alleyway next to an old fashioned shop of sorts that had candles and cracked pots in the window.

“Aren’t we going to wait for them?” I asked as curiosity finally got the better of me. But they didn’t hear me and I followed just as RJ and Drew were still in what looked like a heated debate. The last thing I saw was RJ’s twisted red face that clashed with her bright pink hair, shaking with emotion.  Drew’s sad face mirrored hers only in an opposite reaction. They were like yin and yang
giving rise to each other in turn.

'Willy’s One Eyed
Joe’ was
no Club Afterlife that was for sure, in other words it was a complete dive! We all walked through the decrepit doors to find the inside very
much like the outside….
dilapidated. It was in desperate need of a makeover…Hell it needed re-building! The walls looked as though they were melting, with a mixture of paint and paper that was trying desperately to get to the floor. There was a strong smell of disinfectant coming from the floor, which was covered in stains. The tiles had also seen better days, with patches of broken and new that didn’t match the originals. In fact nothing matched. Chairs, tables and even cushions for the chairs, were all odd and scruffy. Some of this I was used to seeing though. In quite a few places in England, old pubs didn’t really have a lot of furniture that
most of them were antiques, which added to the charm. This however did not have the same affect.

We sat at one of the big booths in the corner and it creaked in pain as all four bodies sat down. I noticed I was the only one who didn’t look completely at ease. The rest looked very relaxed and used to this place, seeming oblivious to the state that surrounded them.

“Joe… hey Joe!” Jack shouted towards the bar, which had also seen better days. A big fat man with a jolly looking face turned in surprise and I could understand why, as he wasn’t the only one. I also was surprised that we had come in here. Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t a snob by any means but this place looked as if it had seen a few bottle fights in its time and I don’t think all the stains on the floor were from alcohol. He probably kept a bucket of sawdust in the back just in case.


There were only two other people in the whole place and they were sat at the bar. Must be regulars I thought. I could spot them a mile away. The way they looked as though they owned the seats and how comfortable they looked
in them. Twisting their glasses,
waiting for the time to order another. Of course they wouldn’t have a new glass, just a top up in their “Own glass”. I remember my regulars, one guy used to bring in his own tankard that I wouldn’t be allowed to wash, even after his seventh pint. I smiled at the memory.

“Oh hi guys.” The guy looked more like a Father Christmas look alike than a jolly owner of this place. He came over and met Jack halfway.

“Hey Joe…umm… how’s business?” Was that a joke? But Jolly Joe smiled and replied shaking his hand.

“Not too bad, could be better though. The bikers rally is passing through next week, which always brings business in.” Jack nodded his head looking like he didn’t quite know what else to say.

“Say how’s your ma?” The conversation turned a different course about family and other stuff I didn’t quite catch as now Chaz had started talking to Lanie about RJ.

“I just don’t understand what her problem is? I mean I know her and Drew are tight but come on, he does have a life!” Lanie tried to say this in a low whisper but the last part was too emotional to contain in a low tone and came out as a shout. Jack turned and so did Joe. She lowered her head and her cheeks blushed with shame or a hint of anger. I couldn’t tell.

“Speak of the devil dresser!” Chaz nodded in the direction of the door to see RJ strolling through ahead of Drew and we all held our breaths, even I, who didn’t really have the slightest clue what was going on. I hadn’t said a single thing since the

Drew’s face said it all and we all relaxed as his smile revealed clear waters. The storm had passed. RJ came bouncing along like nothing had happened.

“Budge up,” she said with a wink aimed at Chaz. I think it was the first time I had ever seen a guy blush. She looked down at the table with a frown and looked back up towards where Joe and Jack were still deep in conversation.

“Yo Joe, could we get a round in, I’m spitting feathers here!” I had to hand it to her, she sure had a way with words! Joe waved in acknowledgement and walked back behind the bar. Jack resumed his place next to me and was joined by Drew, who had to grab a chair as the booth couldn’t take any more abuse.

Drew looked sternly at RJ and coughed loudly. She didn’t respond to the hint so he tried again, only this time she received a kick under the table.

“Ouch! …oh I mean umm….congrats!” She said towards Lanie and she smiled trying to seem genuine. Lanie bought it.

“Umm…thanks.” And that was it. As if nothing had ever happened.


The conversation flowed about college. The nerves of the first day, the frat parties they were going to. To be honest I didn’t really understand the word FRAT but I would have to ask Libby when I got home, I wasn’t going to bring it up here, that would have drawn too much attention. And I would probably make any idiot of myself in the process.

“So Kaz, was it anything like college in England?” They all stopped
to stare at me now after RJ's bombshell. I played with the edge of my sleeves nervously as all eyes were on me.

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