Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (22 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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Their attire was something else entirely. Some wore normal everyday clothes but others were dressed very differently. One group all wore what looked like eighteenth century costumes that seemed as though they had just stepped out of a period drama classic. Another group looked as though they could have been Vampires with long black coats and long black hair to match. Eyes like red pools of hate and lips curved into sadistic grins. I shivered as I walked past. I would say my mind was playing tricks on me and my imagination to match but there was so much fuel in here for my over active brain that I couldn’t tell what was real and what was in my head. I could have sworn that on one table I passed, they all snarled at me.

I was coming to the middle now walking in front, nearest to the balcony. I could see quite clearly all the people below which all seemed so normal in comparison. They were all dancing and busy socialising, completely unaware of the horror’s that resided up here. It was weird to think that when we couldn’t see anything that went on up here they were all looking down on us and could see everything.  I could now understand why no one else was allowed up here. People would be terrified!

It had me wondering what type of business this was. What could warrant all these different kinds of people to meet like this? It was like some Horror film convention and they were all dressed up as their favourite characters. I had expected business suits and fancy looking models hanging over them like paid pleasure.

I tried to concentrate on the job at hand and shake off the creepy vibe that licked at my skin. I was directly in the middle where the balcony widened into a semi-circle and jutted out from the rest. I turned, half expecting why this part was bigger than the rest, knowing that this was the best view, showing the entire floor below. I was surprised as nowhere was hidden.

I tried so hard not to look but it was as if I was going against nature by not turning my head. My eyes burned as I was fighting a losing battle. I knew he was there, I could feel him. It felt weird, like the sensation when I dreamt he was there, I would seem to be awake but also not. I couldn't really explain any of it, not into words that would make sense anyway.

I turned to see a large oval table that mirrored the shape of the balcony. It was on a raised dais so anyone on the table could look down at everyone else. This showed the importance of the people that sat round it. As if this was necessary. It was clearly evident enough without all the theatrics. The table was the biggest one in the room with everyone sat on a high backed wrought iron chair. However, there were no chairs at the front of the table to obstruct the view from the head of the group. The head of the table being of course where Dominic Draven himself sat. 

He was the most
person in this marvellous room. He seemed higher than everyone else and the chair he sat upon looked more like a throne. For starters, it was twice the size and even more amazing with him sat upon it. The back twisted up in wood like the spindles you would find on a balcony. They met at the top in an arch, which was intertwined with iron. The middle had the same crest carved into it that I had noticed on the entrance door. There was a section covered in purple velvet and I guessed this was also the same on the seat. The armrests were made from what looked like stone, granite or marble maybe. But these small factors of where he sat were unimportant compared to the living masterpiece that was positioned there.

He didn't seem to notice me, so my eyes didn't move from his perfect face. I was so enthralled that I didn't even take in the other people around the table. He was the only one my eyes could see. I followed his body up from the waist as I had done the first time in the forest clearing, in my dreams of course, but still I had remembered every detail correctly. He wore a black pin-stripe suit with waistcoat and a black shirt and black tie. My eyes followed the material as it widened for his powerful looking shoulders until I paused at the neck. My heart fluttered and my stomach ached in knots, knowing I had reached my favourite part. His face. But I chickened out. I couldn't bear to look into his eyes, scared to see what I might find there. After all... I was breaking all the rules.

I was quickly pulled back to reality and walked with my head down towards the bar. It wasn't far from the central table so I didn't have much further to go. The bar was a match to the one down stairs only on a slightly smaller scale. It was the only thing in the room that reminded me I was in the same club and not some European castle.  There was one man behind the bar and now I was suddenly nervous for a new
reason…. Confrontation.

I walk up to it placing the crate down on the bar's counter, when the man turned towards me. Having had my entire mind concentrated on everything in the
it had made me forget the aching pain in my arms and hands. They were now burning. I straightened them out again as I had done before but now the imprints the crate had made wouldn't go away.

“Are you alright?” My mind was everywhere and yet nowhere. A smooth voice had asked me something and I looked up to see a man smiling sweetly at me. He looked as though from Moroccan decent with a soft dark tint to his skin, deep dark eyes and long black hair past his shoulders. His eyes were kind and comforting which was a relief among the wave of scrutinising looks I was getting.

“Sorry?” I said feeling stupid, as the first person to talk to me up here must think me a simpleton.

“I was just asking if you were alright, you must have carried that a long way and no offence, but you don't look built for hard labour.” He chuckled to himself at this last part.

“Yeah I'm fine thanks, I was told you needed that crate and so they sent me...well Jerry sent me...I mean not sent me... asked me.” I needed to stop talking, I was babbling on like a lost child. He couldn't keep the smile from his face, as he must have known my reasons for being nervous. 

“Ok, well thank you very much, we did need it quite badly as we were down to our last and we are extremely short staffed ...due to umm...well let's just say compromising circumstances.”

I didn't really understand this last part and couldn't understand anyone using the term “Compromising circumstances” as a way of saying someone rather quit or got sacked!

“I'm Karmun, and you are?” He held his hand out for me to shake and I leaned over to offer mine in return when someone shouted my name.

“Keira, is that you?” The same familiar voice that had sang her ‘Thank you’s’ today in history was now speaking my name behind me. I removed my hand from Karmun's and turned to face her. Only a combination of surprise and fear that the girl had followed me up here not knowing the rules had my body rebelling against my orders. I lost my footing and fell sideways into someone. It wasn't Sophia as I had hoped as she was opposite me now grinning. The person I fell into was still holding me upright and I was about to turn to face them with a chorus of apologies, when Sophia giggled and spoke a name with, which I was only too familiar. 

“Nice catch!  Keira, I would like to introduce you to Dominic Draven.” I lifted my head and saw his perfect face staring down at my scarlet skinned cheeks and I hung my head in shame. I straightened myself up and instinctively stepped away from him. I was still warm and tingly from his touch on my skin. His eyes followed mine and I managed to say a quiet ‘Sorry’ that anyone would barely hear.  He looked me up and down with hard unimpressed eyes and my knees weren't up to the task of keeping me up straight. I tried to regain some control to prevent any further embarrassment.

I couldn't understand how Sophia knew him and then it hit me. Maybe she was
his girlfriend. She certainly fit the bill. She was beyond beauty and perfection. She was the very meaning of desire. The reason artists and writers had a muse, their inspiration to pick up a brush or pen. I suddenly felt a sickening feeling in my stomach. I would never in a million life times be good enough. Not for a man like this.

But then she said something that answered my unspoken thoughts and it all made sense.

“Brother, this is Keira, the girl I was telling you about.”






Chapter 12 – Offer I can't refuse



Brother! Brother... of course, it all made sense now. Even down to why RJ was calling me lucky before class. She had known what classes Sophia was taking and that history was one of them. I would have to start paying more attention to people and less time daydreaming. I could see the resemblance in them both. They had a way about them that drew you in, had you captivated as though under some secret spell. I could imagine that her effect had worked on guys as well as her brother’s had worked on me. It was verging on obsession.

I stood silent as she was recreating the events of this afternoon but her brother looked more than unimpressed, he looked bored and most of all rude. He stared at me as though I was an intruder, an outsider that needed to be eliminated. Maybe the shit on his shoe would be the right explanation!  His eyes were the only thing different than the way he was in my dreams but they had just the same, if not more, of an impact.
They were dangerous and lethal, screaming with an endless amount of authority.
He didn't even look away when my eyes met his. He just kept on with the evil glare as though his sister’s words had meant nothing.

“I didn't realise you worked here, what a small world,” Sophia smiled. At this she received a harsh look from her brother as though someone had clicked their fingers to get his attention away from me, which she ignored and carried on.

“Actually we don't usually have people from around here working up in the VIP, you can understand we don't like the gossip that a small town generates but seeing that you haven't been here long then maybe you could help us out.”

“WHAT!” Were the first words from Draven's lips and for once they weren't worth waiting for.

“That's not a good idea Sophia.” He paused to look down at me, which wasn't hard giving his immense height
and then continued,

“She does NOT belong here.” It was like being punched with a battering ram. I squeezed my fingers into fists until they hurt just to stop the pain in my head and my heart. I couldn't believe how different he was from my dreams. There he remained soft and kind but here was a different matter, he was unnecessarily cruel.

“I don't agree, we need staff up here and I think she deserves a chance or don't you trust my judgement?” She was fearless as she now stood facing him looking up into his deep black eyes. He didn't look at me again but only ended the discussion by adding his own dark thoughts on the idea.

“Sophia you know my thoughts on the matter so let it be on your head when this goes wrong. Do not forget our ways sister!” He said with a terrifying glint in his eyes and a deadly flex in his strong jaw line before leaving me and Sophia alone. I watched as he walked away not taking my eyes off his impressive figure. I knew
Sophia was watching me but I couldn't help it. I still couldn't believe that he was just speaking about me as though I wasn't here.

I wanted to hate him! I mean what was the worst that could happen? I would break a glass or get an order wrong. It wasn't astrophysics!  I was just serving drinks. And yes it was a little bit different, mainly down to the weirdo people that I would be serving. But c
ome on, what did he think I was
a bloody mental patient? Did he think I was going to throw their orders at them, hoping they'll wear them instead of drinking them?

“Don't mind him, he's ...umm always cranky around new people. But he will get used to you.”  If this was supposed to comfort me it didn't!

“Maybe it's not a good idea and I don't mind working down there.”
She didn't look convinced. “No
really!” I added.

“Well you get better money up here and I want you to, it’s the least I can do and we’re friends right?” It wasn't so much a question, more of a statement. She had known as I did that we would be instant friends. I decided to deal with this tomorrow as the mental marks where Draven's eyes had penetrated my soul still burned deep. I would just explain tomorrow after class how I appreciated the sentiment but would have to refuse.

“OK, when would you like me to start?” She gave me a smug grin and said,

“Tomorrow night would be great, I’d better go but I'll see you in class.” She gave my arm an affectionate squeeze and left in the same direction as her brother had. I needed a minute to take everything in but a voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Well, it looks like I will be seeing a lot more of you now you’re going to be working up here.” Karmun smiled and winked at me before continuing on with his duties. Well at least two people seemed happy about having me up here. I was so confused I couldn't think straight. I knew I had to move but my brain was too busy trying to process all the information. I was just standing there like the fool I felt. I wanted to run from the room, anything to get away from the essence of him still in the air surrounding me.

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