Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (98 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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His hand held my face and just before his kiss got even more intense he pulled back suddenly, causing me to open my eyes. I was about to protest and try to pull him back to me as my body was screaming to be touched but then the faint moonlight touched the side of his face, making his perfect features light up like the Angel he was. I gasped and bit down on my lip so hard I thought I would taste blood. Of course
it was a Draven just not the one I was used to.


It wasn't Dominic....


It was Vincent!






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: Afterlife saga.


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Firstly I would like to say huge thanks to all the readers out there that picked up Afterlife and especially the ones that took the time to let me know they loved it. You’re all brilliant and make my day!


A massive thanks goes to my family and friends for your endless amount of support and for always having faith in me, you really are a force to be reckoned with!  I would like to thank my mum for her commitment to seeing that Afterlife was read the way it always was meant to with her meticulous editing. Also to my sister who not only read the book about fifteen times but also made sure Afterlife looked the way it was always meant to with her fantastic and sexy front cover. They really are my biggest fans and as my sister often says “It’s easy to
the Drave!”


I would also like to thank bands like 30 Seconds
Mars, Shinedown, Foo fighters, Kings of Leon, Coldplay and so many others that helped me write the book of my dreams and inspired every word. If I was ever to pick an Afterlife theme song it would be the “Sound of Madness” by Shinedown which I listened to for hours on end during the writing of the “Battle” in the last couple of chapters.


A huge shout out to all my
work family who
have been there for me in ways only true friends know how
. Being a waitress
is one of the hardest jobs I have done but working with such a special and fun group of people has made
every shift full of naughty laughter and girly giggles. I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart. Not only with your endless support for my book but also throughout my pregnancy where each and every one of you helped out, from carry
my trays to running my drinks. You all ROCK! 


And last but not least my undying love to my husband who has had to put up with three years of Demons, Angels, Gothic nightclubs, vampires and endless household chores left to his manly hands, all the while listening to me tap, tap away on my very used laptop. Oh and did I mention an endless supply of tea!  You really are my strength in life and like my own father will make one hell of a cool dad!


I love you always my hairy bear!














































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