Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (96 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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“What do you mean?”

“I mean, that I thought I had pushed you enough to hate me, so when I heard you whisper my name in your sleep in such a loving way, I knew you still held something more for me. I knew I was trying to stop this from happening but I couldn't help the hope I felt. Of course you said the name Williams which was a name I hadn't heard before, so I started my research again.”

“But I still don't understand, even from that name how
would you
have been able....” He cut me off with a mischievous grin.

“I knew where you were from ever since I played Doctor the first time. I noticed the sweater you wore and that told me most of what I needed. Your father’s name was under the college logo, so that gave me the place and a name.” I thought back to that day not realising what I had given away just by wearing my dad's old football sweater.

“So when I finally had the name Williams it was the last part of the puzzle I needed. I found out that he had two daughters, one of which was called Catherine. Of course when I had your first name then the news about you followed. I cannot express the rage I was in for days when I started to read what happened to you. At first it was unclear....I found all news articles starting from when you first went missing up until they found you. Then I demanded the case file.”

“Demanded?” I asked wondering if there was anything this man would be refused!

“Let’s just say that I know people in high places due to the nature of what I do, but that is another thing entirely.  So once I got the case file I knew the facts but because you never gave a statement
which I still don't understand by the way) I didn't know the story through your eyes. But it was no matter as I knew what HE had done to you and that was enough for me to have him killed.” He said this so matter fact that I coughed and tried to clear the lump in my throat as his words hung in the air like a gas I couldn't breathe.

“WHAT, you ordered to have him murdered?” I asked in horror!

“Yes of course...what else would you have me do....I couldn't let him live and breathe the same air as you after what he had done to you!” He looked as if this had been an obvious choice but I couldn't believe I was talking about murder like it was nothing but an everyday occurrence. I couldn't help my reaction as I moved away from him making my body instantly grow cold from the separation.

“Keira please...he needed to be punished! Do not look badly on me for this...come back to me.” He said as his hands came out to me but I moved out of the way, shifting over to the other side of the bed away from him. I just couldn't understand. I mean, sure I had wished Morgan dead a hundred times over. But that
didn't mean when I was faced with it I would have! I had asked Draven to spare his life.
Which he hadn't done.

“Speak to me!” He pleaded

“Why would you do that? I mean he was sick and in the right place for his sickness! Don't you think that type of thing would be my choice to make?” I said but his face went stern from my reasons.

“Keira I know you are good and pure of heart but look what happened. If I hadn't been here you might have still been a prisoner to that mad parasite! And NO it wasn't just your choice to make! Imagine if roles were in reverse...would you look on kindly if someone had done this to someone you Libby!” He said, fully making his point giving me no more reasons to be upset at the thought.

“I know
you’re right.” As soon as the words left my lips his hands flew out to me, sliding me under him, back where I belonged. The warmth made me smile and then my grin felt the warmth from his lips. His kiss was long and passionate as if he was sorry in case he had hurt my feelings. However, when his lips left mine I was left wanting as his taste in my mouth made me crave something more. I ran my fingers through the back of his hair as I pulled him back to me but he stopped above my mouth saying.

“I take it, I am forgiven?” b
efore giving me a smug smile.

“That depends,” I said winking at him and he caught my full meaning as he laughed, only instead of giving me what I wanted he rolled off me and rested on his side. I did my own version of a growl, which next to him sounded more than lame. But he found it hilarious making the bed shake under his laughter.

“That was adorable,” he said as he poked me playfully but I pouted making him say “Nope still adorable!” So I flicked his arm playfully back and frowned.

“OK, ok no more adorable but can I go for cute? Ok, ok I guess not!” He said as my flick turned into a little punch on the arm but considering his muscle, it felt like playfully hitting a brick so I was surprised he folded so quickly.

“So are you going to continue or keep calling me daft cute?” I was going for stern but seeing as I couldn't keep the smile from my face I doubted this was very effective.

“Anything my temptress.
So where was I before you...Umm what is it you say....wigged out!” As soon as he said this he knew another punch was coming so he blocked it by grabbing my fist in his palm before putting it around his back to be closer to him.

“So by the time my men got to the hospital it was too late, he had escaped. This news got to me when you left me after our argument on Sunday. I wanted to take you that night but Sophia convinced me this wasn't a wise move and said that she would take care of it. So she waited for you to get back off your
  He said the word
bitterly and I remembered back to the guy in the diner who was giving me evil glares.....It had been Draven!

“It wasn't a date!”

“Did he know that? Anyway I watched your house all night, making sure you were safe then I waited for you to come to the club. See, I knew I could keep you safe here and since Halloween I knew the word was out about you and it would soon start
to become dangerous for you to be on your own. That's when I decided to keep you here, even against your will! ...Of course you know how that went down.” Now it was my turn to laugh as I remembered how I had done everything in my power to get away and now I would do the opposite, wanting to remain here in his strong arms forever. 

“Yeah, sorry I was a little difficult.”

“A little?”
His hand ran up my naked sides making me giggle as his fingertips tickled my skin.

“Behave!” I warned as I nestled down into my little nook by his shoulder and neck. I let out a sigh of utter bliss at the thought of what the last few days had brought and how this still didn't seem real. I had been wishing for this for so long that it felt like a dream that I never wanted to wake from. As I curved into his body it felt as though I had never fit anywhere as well in my life. I knew I belonged here next to him forever, till the end of my time. Then the word time had me thinking, was my one lifetime enough? I knew it wasn't but I would take it gladly and spend
every day
loving him with ever fibre in my body!

The sound of his heartbeat and the gentle circles he was making on my back were making it difficult to keep my eyes open.

“Good night my Keira,” his voice whispered in my ear, adding to my sleepy state.


But my happy ending wasn't yet in my grasp as I had thought...


I was just getting ready to fall in to a deep world of bliss, as my lids were heavy after the longest night of my life... When it seemed it wasn't quite over.

Vincent burst through the door making both of us jump with surprise. He looked horrified and for a powerful Angel that had descended from a mighty bloodline this was never a good sign!

quickly!” He shouted at him with an urgency that I had never heard Vincent use before.

“Brother, what is it?” Draven automatically pulled my body closer to him as if I was his first priority.

he has had another vision but Dom he is near death from it!” At this, Draven was up and round the bed dressed before I could register his arms leaving me.

“What was the vision?” He asked and Vincent looked back at me with the same worry in his eyes as Draven's.

“It is about the prophecy, Lucius knows about the girl and he's started the hunt!” This sent a shiver of fear down my spine as I had heard this name before. Lucius was Draven's equal...his only equal in power but more importantly he was his mortal enemy!

“But Dom, there is something else...Layla has escaped!” At this Draven let out a trade mark blood curdling growl and I shivered as I realised why Draven didn't want to tell me what happened to Layla...she had been here... imprisoned!

This was when I realised that my nightmare wasn't yet
in fact it was just
beginning, as it seemed this was my price for loving Draven, as I fully understood what Vincent meant....

I was the one that was being hunted!

Afterlife Book 2-

The Two Kings


Coming Soon




Chapter 1- Hunted


Draven’s eyes scanned over me checking that I wasn't going to go into
shock from Vincent's outburst.

“I'm fine, you go,” I managed to say but before I knew it Draven's hands
touching my face making me look into his incredible deep eyes. His gaze was edged in a concern he was most likely trying very hard to hide, no doubt to stop me from panicking...

It wasn't working!

“Keira it will be all right, you don't have to worry!” Was he joking! Of course I had reason to worry. I mean I was being bloody hunted and images of me on a “Wanted” poster in some supernatural tavern were filling my mind. But of course instead of saying this, I just nodded and pushed his hands from me.

“Go, I will be fine on my own and Takeshi needs you.” I couldn't help but lower my face as I said this, not needing him to see the pain in my eyes nor hear the worry in my voice. After all, my acting skills weren't ever going to win any awards. So despite my best efforts, he didn't look convinced but he knew as well as I did that he needed to go. With that in mind he kissed my forehead and begrudgingly left with his brother, to leave me with my own thoughts of dread.


I just couldn't understand how, just hours after my own personal nightmare that now we were having to deal with Draven's. It was like a cruel game of chance that we just couldn't win. We just wanted to be together but it was like every force of Heaven and Hell was telling us NO!  I decided to get up as I knew I would never sleep without Draven's warm touch on my skin. I went over to my bag which was still on the couch from the last few days I had spent here and grabbed the last pair of jeans and T shirt that I had left. At least now it would be safe for me to go home and get some new clean clothes and some other things that I might
soon. Then I stopped, thinking was I right....would it be safe or was I forever now to be in danger? I had to stop myself before I lost my mind to all the dark places it wanted to go, I mean I couldn't live in fear forever and with Draven as my protector, what really
was there to be frightened of?

Just as I had slipped into my clothes and tied my hair back there was a light tap on the door that didn't wait for a reply. Sophia came strolling in the room looking radiant as always followed by Candra who had a plate full of food.

“Dominic thought you might need some company and also feeding,” She said smirking as my face said it all. He was worried I would be sat here, freaking out on my own, so he had sent Sophia to check on me... Or more like Human sit me!


“He worries too much.” I said frowning but still the smell of hot chicken soup and crusty bread had me close to salivating! She just shrugged her shoulders and made herself comfortable on the couch opposite, folding her legs as though she
was ready to start meditating.

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