Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (90 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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, I am not your sister, my name is Keira not don't want me, it's Catherine you’re looking for,” I said and his face first looked shocked then twisted in a red misted anger.

“My name is Morgan and you are not allowed to talk about my sister...she LOVED ME!” He screamed and this could be my one chance to stall for time.

“What happened to her?” I asked him as he had now turned away from me, so at least with this I had accomplished something.

NO, you don't speak her name...she didn't leave me!” He shouted and I could see the tears starting to form. He bent down and gripped his head in both hands, pulling his hair to the point of obvious pain. It was at this moment that he had never looked
. He needed help it was clear.  

“Speak to me Douglas, tell me what happened to her,” I said in a soothing voice trying to calm him down.

“I loved her! And she loved me! It would all have been fine if he had never come in between us.”

“Who came?” I asked as I tried to squirm loose when he wasn't looking.

“That boy...THAT RICHARD!
I hated him! I hated him but she said for me to give him a chance. I couldn't look at
the way he looked at my Catherine...SHE WAS MINE! God damn it!” He said as if seeing the memory there for himself, he shook and so did I, as I guessed what was coming next...

His twisted soul's confession.


“I found them together the way we used to be. She loved him now, not me. When I forbade her to see him again she lashed me? She couldn't understand
he didn't love her...not like I did! I was trying to keep her safe...I just wanted her to be safe!” His arms flew up dramatically as his story continued.

“I found her sneaking out to see him so I followed them and tried to get them to stop. His car wasn't as good as mine...and neither were his brakes.” He said in an eerie voice that held a hint of satisfaction. I shuddered at the sound, knowing this human was pure hatred and the evil sickness had consumed his mind long ago.

“He ran them straight into a tree and I parked up to watch, waiting for the flames. But I had to get closer. I had to look as I hoped his face had been mangled into a pulp! But when I saw them they were
both still
fine, still alive and
breathing. My sister didn't call my name...she called his…HIS! After everything I had done for her, after everything I gave her! He had poisoned her mind against me! So they needed to be punished and it was my right to punish them. So I took out my father’s lighter he had given me and as the fuel pumped out all around them, I sent them to where they belonged!” He said finishing his past and I cried for that poor girl’s desperate attempt at real love, only to be murdered for it by the jealously of her own brother.

“So you see Catherine, you will not leave me again...not for another Richard. This time I will keep you safe and I will keep you always...forever!” He said now coming back closer to me, to place his hands on my skin as if staking his claim.

“Please Douglas, you don't want to do this,” I pleaded as his hands slid around my back and down the material of my ripped skirt. He was gathering it up in his hands and I couldn't bear the thought of what he wanted to do to me.

“Now it's my turn to have you, I was going to wait till we were married but seeing as you have already mated with that thing! Then I will take you here and now, ready for him to see when he arrives. Won't that be nice for him?” His hands pulled my skirt all up around me and I twisted again trying to get loose but the pain in my wrists was making it hurt so badly I couldn't try for long.

“Calm down my love, you will learn to love me time...lots and lots of time.” He kissed my neck working his way up to my face. His hands held my
backside and he pulled my lips to his, crushing himself against me. I opened my mouth and bit down as hard as I could on his bottom lip tasting his blood in my mouth. He screamed and backed away placing his hand to his mouth in surprise. I spat his blood out on the floor, not wanting anything from him to touch my body again. I didn't care what happened next as he may have taken my body by force but my soul belonged to just one man and one thing was for sure...I wasn't going to make it easy!

“That wasn't
do you know what happens to bad girls?” He shouted slapping me again making my head whip to the side like a rag doll. Only now I wasn't as scared as I had been so the laughter came thick from my bloody lips making me look


“Stop laughing! What's wrong with you?” He screamed at me and he slapped me again trying to knock some sense into me, which was exactly what I wanted to do to him only using a baseball bat!

Then I heard the most beautiful sound that made
laugh turn to a scream.

“AVA!” I shouted and Morgan's head whipped round to the door seeing it flap on its hinges in the wind. I heard Ava cry out at the sound of my voice and I knew now it wouldn't be long.

“Are you ready Morgan?” I asked in an ice cold voice that I didn't recognise.

“Ready for what exactly?” He said coming back up to me with his knife in hand as if he had the advantage again. I just looked up with an evil grin of my own and said,

“For my revenge!!!”


















Chapter 48 - The Trap!



I screamed at him before he grabbed me by the throat closing my windpipe making it nearly impossible to breathe but his grip was slipping from his sweaty palms and shaking hands. But he wasn't the only one losing grip. I was quickly getting lost in the darkness that was trying to pull me under. I just needed to hold on...just hold on for a little while longer. Draven was coming. I could feel it, as every cell in my body started to ignite and the connection was burning brighter the closer he got.  

Then the walls started to shake and the wood made splintering noises as if under strain from a storm. Morgan looked all around the room, as like me, he didn't know what was happening. Then we both heard a huge crashing noise as if a boulder had fallen from the sky giving off an aftershock on the wooden floor making it shake and split. That's when it all happened at once. The whole front of the cabin ripped from its foundations, moving at such high speed it made the logs crumble into the forest as if they were just twigs. The roof was about to cave in on us, when one half pealed back as if it was just a tin can. It flew backwards over the cliff's edge and you could just hear its destruction as it smashed onto the crater floor.

The cabin was a mere shell with a few beams remaining and only three walls. I shook with every movement it made as I was still attached to the beam by the chain. My wrists were beyond a bloody mess as my bonds had cut through the flesh but at least my screams had been muted thanks to the mighty quake that had
the forest floor.

When everything stopped shaking, I finally looked up to see Draven's demon form. He stood where he had landed from the sky, with his huge wings expanded out on full view. His body was exposed showing his powerful energy as he only wore trousers, and you could see his veins glowing fiercely. His hands positioned out to
control the rubble that was in his way, making it shoot through the air giving him a clear path. It was only now that I fully understood the intensity of the power he held. It was truly terrifying....

If I thought that I had seen Draven mad before, then that had only been the tip of the volcano that was about to erupt into full Demon fury. He moved forwards making the rubble part like the red sea, launching it out into the forest like it had been made from foam. This was not the
half Angel
Demon I had seen before.... Oh NO... there was no Angel insight as his eyes found Morgan holding my neck in one hand and a large blade in the other, which he had positioned to my side.

As he got closer his naked torso looked as though it would explode with the energy under his skin. You could see a raging red river flow in his veins as it was destroying the Angel within him.  It looked as if the Demon part was completely taking over and was most definitely winning the fight! His muscles rippled as he tensed them at the sight of me. I must have looked as I felt.... which was broken. My dress had been torn exposing all my legs and the straps were no longer. The blood down my arm remained as it had dripped all the way to my shoeless feet and as my face had been hit at least four times, I couldn't have been pretty to look at.

“YOU CAN'T HAVE HER!!!!” Morgan screamed at him as the blade got closer to me but Draven moved faster than either of our eyes could catch, and was soon at Morgan. He just extended his arm out and flung him aside as if he had been a cardboard

“Watch me!” He said in a controlled anger as Morgan's body flew through the air, crashing into the other side of the cabin. I jumped at the thud it made, making my body sway around on the chain. Draven's eyes found mine but it was as if he was looking at fire and what I was seeing was the reflection. The purple had all gone, being replaced by the utter rage of hell itself. His red irises scanned over me and I could just see the hint of pain that touched them as he noticed every new mark on my shattered body. He came closer to me and I couldn't help the tears that still flowed only now they were tears of relief, not so much that I survived but more that I could now see his face once again.

“You came for…you found me!” I sobbed feeling the tears fall down my sore red skin. His hand went to my face and I was surprised when it felt ice cold. It was the only part of him that was now flowing back his purple energy. He was controlling it to soothe my burning cheek.

“Of course I came for you...I will always come for you Keira.” He said as he leaned his forehead to mine and he whispered, “I love you”. I was just about to say the same back, when I saw a flash in the corner of my eye of Morgan's blade.

I screamed and he turned into the blade that Morgan held out in his hand making it disappear into Draven's stomach and now only the handle was showing.

“NO!” I screamed out as I saw Morgan back up to wait for Draven's fall.

Only it never came. Instead Draven looked down at it sticking out of his flesh, making his hair fall forward in front of his face. I couldn't speak at the sight....I wanted to run to him and pull it out, driving it deep into Morgan's body! Then Draven flashed a pure evil grin as he looked up to find Morgan's terrified face.


“Now it's my turn!” He said and he pulled the blade from his body and grabbed Morgan by the throat and pinned him to the wall lifting him with one hand. He started to choke him and Morgan's legs fought franticly for the floor beneath him. Draven's eyes grew wider enjoying the sight of his pain. He even licked his lips as if he would soon attack like a hungry animal going in for the kill! I couldn't stand it any longer, as the good in me couldn't let this carry on.

“Draven, please...he’s sick...he isn't right...he needs help.” I said as I watched the life drain from his body and Draven shot me a fierce look as I had just interrupted his Demon frenzy. He dropped him making him fall to his knees where he coughed and wheezed, trying to regain his breathing, making him clutch his throat with his hands. Draven looked down at him like he was disgusted with the parasite at his feet.

“You’re right my Keira, he is sick and I know just where they can help him.” He said in a voice I had never heard before.... It was his demonic voice. This made me shake to my very core. He was beyond terrifying, he was the place from where nightmares were born!

Then like lightening he had him back up straight and plunged the knife deep into his heart without even a shred of humanity. 

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