Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (45 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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“Keira are you still there?”
























Chapter 24 - Gift or Demand.



When I got off the phone from Sophia I was still in shock. Sophia went on to tell me how she and her brother felt it was important that I had my own transport as my shifts might be getting later and they felt it was unfair to ask me to do this if I would have to rely on other people. In the end I had no other option than to agree to keep the money but I stated that I would pay it back monthly, which she didn't fully agree with but I decided it was best to approach it in person so I would let it wait until Monday.

It didn't help that Libby’s smugness lasted the rest of the day as she had been right in thinking I would spend it. When Frank came in it was the first thing out of her mouth.

“Guess who's buying Kazzy a car?”

“He's not buying me a car! They have loaned me an advance on my pay from work and I am paying it back!” I said with a temptation to stick my tongue out at her.

“Cool, how much are we talking about here?”

“$4000 bucks!” Libby said in a corny American accent. Frank's face lit up and replied,

“Nice, but babe, leave the American to the pros ok, so when do you want to go and spend your hard earned dough?” He said mocking me, but it was hard to stay in a bad mood with Frank and that huge teddy bear smile.

“So does this mean you'll go with me?”

“Of course. I'm not letting you get ripped off, coming back here with a piece of crap like that rusty tin can your friend's got!” He got up and put back on his jacket and baseball cap and I asked,

“What, you want to go now?”  He raised his eyebrows and lifted up his hand as if to say “Well of course!”


We were in his car and I had put the money in my bag stuffing it down into the bottom, paranoid that it would fall out or that I would lose it.

“You’ve got your licence right?” Frank had already gone over everything that I needed before I left the house.

“Yeah got it, but are you sure this guy is gonna be open? It is a Sunday!”

“Trust me this guy never shuts! You’d better let me do all the talking because this guy...well let's just say he's a bit of a ball buster.” I didn't have any problems with that. I wasn't exactly brimming over with car expertise.

“No problem,” I said as we pulled up to a set of traffic lights.

I guess this means you couldn't have pissed him off that much.” Frank said giving me a wink and I shook my head in denial.

“I don't know what you mean,” I said rolling my eyes and looking out of the window casually.

“Yeah sure you don't...well ok if you want to play it off as nothing then I'm game but you have to know that this isn't the normal behaviour of a boss…. right?” Well yeah of course I knew that, but was there anything normal about Draven. I mean I couldn't imagine he was spending his Sunday
watching the game, drinking a Bud!’ 
If I thought about it I couldn't imagine him doing anything average.

Thankfully he dropped the conversation as we pulled up to an intersection then took a left into “
Bobby's Used Car Lot”
as the sign read. Frank parked the car near a guy washing a big
truck. He looked about sixteen and there was no meat on him whatsoever. In fact he resembled a beanpole.

There was a gritty office and a man emerged from behind a door that had seen better days. The man was short and stocky, with the shiniest bald head I had ever seen.

Frank leaned in to me and whispered, “Man look at that head, bowling anyone?” I nudged him in his ribs and tried not to burst out laughing.

“Now remember, let me do the talking.”

“I don't think that's going to be hard.” I said swallowing the laugh that was still there.

“Hi there, Bobby Brown at your service, what can I do you for?” He said giving me a wink that made me smile but not for the same reason he was thinking. I couldn't help
he was like some creepy uncle from a sitcom. He wore a tweed jacket with a pair light blue jeans that were too long for him so they were rolled up at the ankles. He topped off the look with a crooked smile and yellow teeth.

“We’re looking for a reliable car for my sister here,” Frank said and I loved the way he never added the “in law” bit.

“Sister eh...lucky for me then.” I nearly choked trying again not to laugh.

“Well let’s go and take a look should we pretty lady?” He said and motioned for us to follow him. Frank frowned at his attentions towards me but I just found it
hilarious. For some reason he had kind eyes that made me want to smile back at him. However, Frank pulled back my arm and whispered in my

“There's something wrong... he's never this nice!” I shrugged and followed him around to the cars.

“So what's the budget?”

“$3000.” Frank said before I could speak and I shot him a look.

“$3000 you say...umm ok well if that's what you've got then let's see what I can do,” he said as though he didn't believe the amount.

I let him walk ahead then I whispered to Frank,

“Why did you only say $3000?”

“Trust me this is how the game is played, watch and learn.” He walked on holding his head high as he caught up with Bobby.

“Hey what about that one, the red Chevy?” Frank said pointing to a sporty coupé.

“What, the Camaro? Dodgy transmission that one.” He said scratching his smooth head. He started to walk over to the bigger vehicles when Frank stopped him as he had spotted another one.

“Now here we are, Kaz this one's perfect! It's a Toyota Starlet right?” He asked Bobby who didn't seem that interested as he just nodded.

“Go on Kaz give it a try,” Frank said opening the door to a little white hatchback.

“I wouldn't do that if I were you,” Bobby leaned into Frank and said,

“Someone died in there you see and....well... we never could get the smell out.” I pulled a disgusted face and let go of the handle, rubbing my palm down my jeans leg.

“Nice!” I said sarcastically and I saw Bobby looking at me, grinning. Frank pulled me back away from the car as if I would get infected standing so close.

“Ok, what about this VW Golf?”

“Na, you don't want that one, look over here I have something perfect for the lady.” Bobby said walking back in the direction of the big boys, where a line of pick-ups and 4x4's sat.

“Here we go, the Ford Bronco, now this is your girl, and it's midnight blue to match the pretty girl’s eyes.” He said giving me another wink and I giggled not knowing why. From anyone else I would have found this creepy but there was something strangely familiar about him, maybe he reminded me of a regular from the pub back home. They were always flirting with me but I looked at it like banter... plus I got great tips at Christmas! 

“Hey look pal if you think that by putting us off all the other cars is going to make us pay $6500 then you can think again! Come on Kazzy, let’s check out the Mustang over there.” Frank started to walk off but I just walked around the huge blue 4x4 slowly falling in love. Bobby watched me wide eyed smiling as though it was a slam-dunk. He opened the door for me adding,

“There we are lovely.”

“Umm...thanks.” I said getting in the driver’s seat and holding the wheel.

Frank walked back to the Bronco and stood next to me looking as though I had lost my mind.

“Look I will do you a deal, I’ll let her go for $3500.” Me and Frank both looked at him in amazement and Frank shouted “WHAT?” looking back at me. I just
shrugged my shoulders and got out walking round it trying to find what was wrong with it.

“Are you kidding, what’s wrong with it?” Frank asked frowning as if Bobby was trying to sell us something dodgy.

“Nothing at all, she runs great and the lady needs something strong that will protect that pretty little bone structure. She's a 1995, 5.8 v8 engine and she's a beaut, start her up if ya don't believe me.” He handed Frank the keys as though he'd known all along this was the car he would sell me or more astonishingly the one I would want. I didn't say anything as Frank took the keys and started her up while I stroked the hood like I was in front of a horse.

Frank got out and said,

“I told you we only have $3000.” What! I couldn't believe he was still haggling with the guy! He must have thought that there was something wrong with it for that price.

“Ah yes, so you did, well I will tell you what,
will let you have her for $3000 plus a kiss.” He said motioning to his cheek and my mouth dropped open. Frank looked at him as though he had lost his mind.

“What is wrong with you? Come on Keira this guy's crazy.” And he started to walk away but I smiled and said,

“So let me get this straight, not only will you drop the price from $6500 but you will knock another $500 off for a kiss on the cheek?”

“A kiss by the prettiest girl I have ever seen. Yes of course,” he said and I couldn't help but laugh at his compliment. I mean what an old charmer! But I had to admire his spirit. So I went up to him and kissed him gently on the cheek, seeing something in his eyes that brought back a memory I couldn't explain.

Frank saw this and held up his hands like Bobby wasn't the only one that had lost his mind.

“Mmm...worth every penny!” Bobby said grinning like a Cheshire cat. Frank came up behind him and said,

“Ok Casanova, let's sort out the paperwork.”


I got in the car after Frank showed me the basics and I started to follow him home. It felt strange driving again, more so because not only did it feel like a tank but I kept wanting to change gear as I had never driven an automatic before. I smiled all the way home and if I’d known the town better I would have gone for a longer drive. There was so much room in this thing, I think I could have moved in and still had room for a sink! Frank on the other hand was still expecting it to blow up or something. Well I loved it!

When we got back Libby had disappeared along with her car and Frank got worried so he rang her cell, which she didn't answer.

“Maybe she went to the pharmacy,” I said trying to be helpful and not panic. He on the other hand was imaging things that included the words “Hospital” and “Emergency.” 

He tried her again on her cell and as before she didn't answer. Ok, so now I was getting a bit worried, why didn't she leave a note or pick up her phone. This wasn't
like her, unless her stomach pain had turned more serious and she did in fact go to the hospital. I walked into the kitchen and was just about to tell Frank to call the ER but he was already on the phone and it wasn't to Libby.

“No, ok well thanks.” He finished and put back the handset on the wall.

“She's not at the hospital.”

“Ok, maybe something at work came up?” I said and he grabbed the phone again punching in the numbers impatiently. But before the phone could register the numbers the front door opened.

“Olivia, where have you been?” Frank said in a relieved but frustrated tone. Libby looked innocently at our frowning faces and put a plastic bag behind her, Frank didn't notice but I did.

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