Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (41 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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His eyes were a mix of Sophia's and a bit of his brothers, but I could never imagine anyone in the world having the same eyes as Draven's. He was fair-haired, unlike his sister or his brother. His hair looked like gold and it was cut short in a halo of tight curls giving him an angelic look. Only his eyes suggested otherwise. They looked cold and heartless when the person next to him spoke. He looked bored and not amused. I shuddered at the glare he gave them. His body was smaller, leaner than his brother’s but he too looked powerful. He also looked younger, with a softer skin covering his face and his chin was not as square as Draven's. But again his eyes revealed there was nothing soft about him. He too was in a suit but he didn't wear a tie or waistcoat like his brother did. His look was more smart/casual, whereas Draven's look clearly stated that he was the one in charge.

Sophia once again looked radiant in a black dress that was cut across the shoulders and went down into a pencil skirt around her perfectly shaped legs. The others around the table consisted of a mixture of people. There was another beautiful woman with flaming red hair that reminded me of Libby only she was very tall and athletic looking. She had a long neck and amazing brown eyes that looked like dark chocolate. Her skin looked as if it had seen a lot of sun as it glowed a golden colour. She was wearing a red suit as if ready for a day at the office. I felt a pang of jealousy as though a snake had bit me and the venom was making its way round my body via
the bloodstream. That was the life I would never have, so why did I even bother thinking about it.

I pulled my eyes away from her perfect features and looked at the others. There was a Japanese man who wore a long black and red robe over black trousers. The material looked embroidered with red silk symbols that were encircled twice creating a pattern. He held his hands together in his long sleeves and looked content, not smiling but also not frowning like the others. I counted one more guy and one other woman but they were out of my view so I couldn't make out any details. 


The rest of my night went by without incident or more importantly without any notice from Draven. My tables were cleared of empties and I was just serving the last one before it was time for me to leave.  Like before, my night went by so quickly that I thought Karmun was joking when he told me that I only had fifteen minutes left. I went up to the bar to get my last tray of drinks when the blonde waitress, the one called Layla, pushed into me saying,

“MOVE IT!” Her face scowled at me and I could have sworn I had heard her hiss. She grabbed her tray and flicked her hair back as she strutted back to the top table.

“Whoa, what is her problem?”

“Don't you mean what isn't her problem, it would be a shorter list?” I laughed at Karmun who obviously thought the same way about her as I did.

I picked up my tray but before I could leave with it Karmun grabbed my hand and said the words to me that had my heart pounding in less than a second.

“Mr Draven wants to see you out on the balcony before you leave.”












Chapter 22 - Unknown territory.



As soon as Karmun had said the words I found it hard not to shake. Since Saturday I had wanted nothing more than to see him again but now I was very tempted to just run away. He made me so nervous, just the thought of going out there had my palms sweating.

As I went to deliver the drinks to my last table I noticed Draven was still at his. Well at least I could get out there first and get some fresh air. Maybe that would help steady my breathing. I handed out the drinks and as I walked past the bar put down my tray. I pulled my fringe down covering my damaged face and walked towards the balcony. The last time I had been out there unbelievable things had happened both shameful and blissfully wonderful. I opened the doors only to find myself not as alone as I had hoped as Draven was already there waiting.

He had his back to me and was looking out into the black night. I took a step closer trying to remain quiet but the glass doors closed behind me, making a noise that gave away my presence. He turned to face me and I couldn't find my voice. Had he always looked this tall or was it just because now I was even more nervous and it made him look even more imposing?

He took a few steps towards me and I couldn't help my actions as I took one step back. One of his eyebrows raised and he tilted his head slightly as if confused by my wariness.

“Sophia tells me you’re feeling better,” he said as yet again he took another step closer, this time I didn't move. I couldn’t say anything but I managed to nod my head to indicate a yes. He looked as though he was trying very hard not to smile at my behaviour, which just made me blush. What was wrong with me? I would have to say something soon or I would just end up even more embarrassed. He carried on closing the distance between us and with every step he took my cheeks went a deeper shade.

“You’re looking well, indeed a lot more colour than last time.” His face looked controlled but there was a slight smirk edging its way to his lips. He was so close now that if I were to see his face I would have to look up, as it was I didn’t have the nerve.    

His hand reached under my chin pushing my face upwards to meet his eyes. They were as black as the night behind him but they had a softer touch. He then
looked away from my eyes and moved his fingers to my cheek. I must have stopped breathing because my chest felt tight as though I was running out of air.

“Wh...What...are you...”

be still,” he whispered gently as one of his fingers touched my lips briefly before going back to inspect my injury.

He was looking for my bruise and he pushed the hair hiding it out of his way. My hair fell in between his fingers and I couldn't help but close my eyes. The trace of his warm fingers left a tingling mark on my skin and I had the strongest urge to put my hand to his. He continued to brush the hair away from my face so he could follow the red line with his thumb. He moved it over the cut from one end to the other and I bit my lip to hold in a moan. I could feel his eyes staring down at me but I wouldn't meet his gaze.

Abruptly he dropped his hand and stepped back saying, “I am satisfied.” I didn't understand what he meant by this but when did I ever understand anything in the world of Draven. I knew that I would have to speak or I would never forgive myself, so I inhaled as much air as I could without looking obviously nervous and said,

“I...I would like to thank you for what you did the other night and I'm sorry that I have been the cause of so much trouble.” There, it was out now and there was nothing I could do about it but wait for his reaction.

“Trouble? I don't know about trouble but it was definitely eventful wouldn't you say?” I was pretty sure he was teasing me and I smiled back still chewing my bottom lip.

He turned towards the door and my heart dropped when I realised that this was the end of our little meeting. However my heart started hammering again in my chest as he stopped next to me.

“You're more than welcome Keira,” he said, saying my name with such passion I thought I would need holding up again. I instinctively bit down that hard on my lip that my teeth nearly went through the skin. He hadn't
left and
I wondered if he was waiting for me to say something. I only had to wait seconds to get my answer. He lent down to my ear as if he had forgotten something and looking at my face had just reminded him, so he whispered,

“Oh yes and Keira... you're biting your lip again.” And with that he left me standing there alone trying to control my thoughts about not passing out. I felt a sudden chill as soon as he left and didn't know whether it was down to the cold night air or the fact that Draven wasn't there
. Every time I got close to him the warmth I would feel was like being covered in an electric blanket from head to toe, resulting in the opposite when he left, like it was being torn away from me leaving me feeling not only cold but also empty inside.

When I finally composed myself I went back
inside to get my bag and jacket
ready to leave. I noticed the nasty blonde glaring at me from Draven's table
only dropped her evil eyes when Draven noticed it too.


Once I was at home I felt exhausted and my body ached. Not from working but after four days of doing nothing my body had become used to relaxing. No, working at the club was one of the easiest jobs I had ever had, all things considered. I thought
about work and why it always seemed to go so fast? I realised it must be down to the fact that I spent most of my time thinking about Draven and what I would do if he spoke to me. Which is why I guess I didn't have any more mental power left to think about what time it was. Being there was like a drug and the longer I was there the more I wanted to stay. The most I ever had was a four hour shift but that was better than nothing as I had learnt recently.

I was about to get into bed when the phone rang and Jack was on the other end.

“Sorry to call so late but RJ's come down with something and isn't going in tomorrow.” Jack said sounding a bit too pleased about it.

“Oh no, is she all right?”

“Yeah she'll live, she's only got flu or something but it hasn't shut her up yet so it's not that serious! But I was wondering
do you want me to pick you tomorrow?”

“Umm, yeah… I mean that would be great but only if you don't mind?” He laughed and said,

“Why would I mind? So I will pick you up at the same time.”

“Cool, thanks Jack.
I will see you tomorrow then.” He said good night and hung up the phone sounding a bit too happy about RJ's condition. I also said goodnight to Libby and Frank and went back to my room to catch an early night.


I was back at the club for some reason but I didn't know why, did I forget something? I sifted through my thoughts for the explanation but came up empty. I had already walked up the steps to the VIP and was standing outside the door not knowing what to do next. It was as if I had been in a dream getting here and now someone had just clicked their fingers and woken me up.  I stood leaning up against the wooden door and placed my forehead against the warm wooden panel. My head felt as though I couldn't stop it from spinning. The muffled noises behind the wood were getting louder and in turn making my spinning head reel faster. I needed to get out but I didn't want to go back downstairs, as it would be no better there. As soon as the thought had entered my head the door opposite unlocked and opened slightly. I couldn't help but yelp at the sound as if waiting for something to burst through it at any moment. After staring at the opening for a while I finally got the guts to go inside. I pushed it open cautiously, still half expecting something to jump out from behind it but there was nothing there. I walked through knowing I was making the wrong decision but I could help myself, it was like I was being called... or summoned.

The night air hit me as instead of walking into another room I had entered a long open balcony. It was part of the house and it had a roof connecting it to the main building. I could make out a door at the other end but I didn't want to go that far yet. I went over to the stone balustrade that rose up in arches connecting to the roof, allowing you to lean over the top of the stone wall and see the open air. There was a massive portion of the house cut out like a giant courtyard. I looked around to find the same balcony on all four sides, which seemed to go on for miles. This wasn't a house it was a castle! I looked down to see in the middle and found a huge domed
roof, that
reminded me of a mosque, sat at the bottom. It glimmered in the moonlight making it look like polished copper. There was a sculpture at the very top of the dome but I could only make out a pair of wings so imagined it to be a bird.

I was amazed at what my eyes were seeing and couldn't get over this actually being here. It felt wrong, as though I should be somewhere in Europe but then looking at the domed section more like the Middle East. None of it made sense. I felt a sudden chill up my body as though I wasn't welcome here and this was something I shouldn't have seen. I turned to walk back through the door I had just come through but it had no handle. My hands went up and down the wood searching for something but there was nothing. I pushed with all my body weight but nothing happened. I was stuck! I was trying not to panic but I could tell it was coming and soon. I now had no choice but to walk down the rest of the open hall and try the other door. I couldn't help but think about the trouble I was going to get into because of this. What had I been thinking!

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