Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (38 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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“Well, you could start with why you didn't tell us that you were working up in the VIP.” She was trying to keep her voice calm but I could tell she wasn't happy about being kept in the dark.

“I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I knew how you felt about me working there and I thought it would just make you worry even more.” Frank nodded, as he actually knew what was I talking about but Libby noticed and punched him on the arm playfully.

“WHAT! It's true, you have given her a hard time over working there and you would have given her an even harder time if she'd have told you.” Frank said sticking up for himself and me.

“Not necessarily,” Libby said sulking.

“Come on babe, sorry to say this Kaz, but ever since, you know the “
you have been a bit paranoid over your sister and I can understand why, I really can, but it's time to let her live her life without making things more difficult.” WOW this was the longest speech I had ever heard from Frank and it made me want to get up and kiss him! It was sweet the way he defended me and what he was saying was right but my sister hadn't always been like this, it was just ever since she nearly lost me and now she was terrified of it happening again.

Libby didn't say anything, she just pouted and I half expected her to start sucking her thumb!

“Look you know I appreciate everything you guys are doing for me and you were right, this really was the best move for me. And I know that you worry because you love me, I would worry too if ...” I stopped not being able to carry on. I would never ever be able to imagine if it had been Libby instead of me, so I physically couldn't continue that sentence. Libby looked round at me and saw my emotion, and her features softened.

“What I'm trying to say is that I understand, and I just want to start over. I actually enjoy working at the club and with the amount of security I'm sure
one of the safest places on the planet!” She smiled and I knew that her bad mood had passed and the gossip side of her was coming through.

“Sooo, can you explain how on earth you even got that job. Because I'm not being funny but you’re the first one in this town to ever do that!” She sat looking at
me, like I had achieved some sort of a miracle, when really it was just a case of my being nice to his sister.

I told her the story of when I met Sophia in history and how I had to take some bottles up to the VIP area and that's when she saw me. I told them how she had offered me the job leaving out the part when Draven was rude to me. That wasn't enough for Libby's appetite for gossip so she asked me about the night he brought me home. 

“What do you want to know?”

“Well for starters how did it come about, that he would drive you home, I mean that would be like Alan Sugar driving home his cleaning lady after a tough day!” She was so right, but if I couldn't understand why, then how was I going to explain it.

“I don't really know myself, I mean I was outside feeling sick and then he was there.”

“What do you mean he was there... you mean he followed you?” Libby said, clearly loving this story.

“NO, no, nothing like that, no I mean why would he follow me?  No he was probably just getting some air.” She smiled like she had hit a nerve and then looked at Frank making sure he was still listening. That's when I knew the two had obviously been talking about this. She made a gesture with her hand to carry on so I continued.

“So anyway, he found me and then I don't know, just decided to take me home himself.” I tried to make it sound light hearted and like it was no big deal but she wasn't buying it!

“OH come on, I need details!” Her hair bounced as she shook her head and I rolled my eyes.

“Like what, that was it, really...he just picked me up and carried me to his garage, we got in his car and he brought me home...end of.” I picked up another slice of pizza but Frank responded to the magic work of “G
” and turned to get in on the act.

“Garage, OK now we’re talking, what type of garage? How many cars would you say? Did you recognise any?” Frank had now turned down the volume on the TV to listen to the rest of the story.

“OH I don't know...I guess I saw a couple of red ones that could have been Ferraris but there were loads of them,” I said trying to finish off my pizza but Frank was determined to get more information out of me.

“OK, so you saw Ferrari's, what else?  And when you say loads do you mean more than ten?” Libby was rolling her eyes and I tried not to laugh at him. He was after all, being serious.

“Umm...more like over twenty, they were everywhere but I don't really remember which ones ...maybe a yellow one...umm, with like a logo of a bull. What are they called?” He smiled and shouted the answer as though we were playing a quiz game!

“You mean a Lamborghini?!”

“Yeah that's it but really I don't remember any others apart from one in its own glass room but I have never seen one like it before and it looked really old.” Frank was close to salivating as he leaned over Libby to get closer to me, so he could hear me better that way.

“Man I would love to have seen that room, I mean that Aston Martin last night, what a machine! What was it like inside? Did he go fast?” I laughed not remembering when I had ever seen Frank so enthusiastic.

“Jeez, what’s with the interrogation Frank, give her time to breathe!” Libby said pushing his big body back up to his own side.

“Aww, come on Lib's, did you not see that car last night, I'm glad I came home early. I asked him what model it was and when he said a One-77 I had never even heard of it, so I did some research on the internet, guess what I found?” He didn't give us time to guess, as he carried on like a stream train.

“Well there's a reason it's called that! Because there are only 77 of them being made! And you’ll never guess how much Lib's.” He nudged her arm and she winked at me and then turned to him saying “Oooh how much love?” I couldn't help but laugh at her patronizing tone but he didn't notice.

“1.7 million dollars, that's how much was sat on our drive last night! I mean it's a 7.3 litre V12, which means it's got twice as many cylinders as our car!” He looked pleased with himself as Libby whistled at the price.

“Well that's all double Dutch to me!” But he looked upset when I said this. Still I was a bit in awe of the price. I mean why take me home in something that cost so much... It just didn't make any sense!

“You were so lucky, that was like one in a billion type thing!” He shook his head as it was obviously wasted on me
but the one in a billion
I did agree on, but not for the same reason Frank was referring to.

“Anyway let’s get back to the more important things, like how did he smell?”

“What! Oh yeah cause that's more important, has he got good body hygiene?” With that Frank turned up the TV and continued to watch football.

“There's one thing I do want to know, is why he drove you home...I mean, him personally?” This was one question I was also asking myself.

“I don't know Lib's but he is known for taking good care of his staff.” Frank laughed when I said this and we both stared at him to elaborate on his outburst.

“Yeah I bet he is, ha, ha.” He chuckled some more and Libby was shaking her head as though he was some rude naughty little boy.

“Aww come on, isn't it obvious, he has a crush on her!”

“WHAT! I don't think so!” I shouted in disbelief

“Why do you say that?” Libby asked not wanting to hurt my feeling but she was clearly with me on this one. Frank sighed as though we were both born yesterday.

“Oh no, he just picked her up into his arms (after she puked I might add) and carried her off to his millionaire's car, drove her back, whisked her up to her bedroom like some bloody knight in shining armour and then called a doctor to come out to check that she was all right, oh no couldn't possibly fancy her, no course not... must be Boss of the frigin’ year, that's the only explanation!” Frank laughed again as me and Libby sat in silence gob-smacked.

Then Libby turned to me and said, “Maybe he's right, does seem like a lot of effort to go to for just an employee.”

“Yeah and more so for someone
who's only second night it was,
ha.” Frank again seemed pleased with himself at his conclusion but I was definitely not buying it!
What the hell would a man like that want with someone like me?!!


That night I thought that I would never sleep but thanks to the pills, I was out like a light. And again I had no nightmares and only a few times I would dream. The dreams would be very brief only lasting for a second when I would open my eyes and see that the bird was back and watching me from the window, only this time the bird possessed different eyes, they weren't their usual black ice, they were now glowing purple. 


Every morning I would awaken disappointed that I hadn't dreamt of Draven and the days seemed to drag on and on making me more anxious to see him again. I spent Monday doing course work for every lesson so at least I would be on top of things when I went back. Libby had rung the college informing them of my accident and they reassured her that they would pass on the message to my tutors. It was just a shame that they couldn't also reassure me about Reed not getting a guillotine ready for my return. I also had Jack call me seeing if everything was all right. I told him about my fall and he insisted on coming over that night to see me but I made my excuses, telling him maybe another night, as I was still feeling groggy.

Tuesday was a clear day with the sun shining, enhancing the colours of the trees making the autumn leaves look as if they had been made by the sun. I decided to grab a blanket and do something I hadn't done in years. I sat outside in the back garden and painted the view in watercolours hoping to capture the beauty I saw each day. Painting to me was like riding a bike, a little strange after years of not doing it but as soon as my hand held the brush it was like being reunited with an old friend. When I had finished I couldn't help the tears that ran from my eyes. I used to love art, either creating an image from my mind or painting a view like this, capturing the essence of its purity. It was my escapism. And now it looked like it was once again, only this time it was not from monstrous faces in the crowd. No, this time it was from a face that held an unbreakable part of my heart.  


That night the doorbell rang and Libby showed the beautiful Sophia to my room. I was surprised to find her wearing jeans and a hooded sports top rather than her usual glamorous attire. But she still pulled it off, looking as though she was just modelling for a different fashion label, one sportier. She also wore her hair up in a ponytail making her look cute and even more doll like.

“Oh, my brother wasn't kidding when he said it looked bad.” The thought of Draven saying anything about me made my lips smile and I couldn't stop them. Even if it was about how bad I looked.

“How are you feeling now?” She walked over to my bed where I was sat reading ‘Sense and Sensibility’ (seeing as I didn't have any!). I was always amazed watching her as whenever she moved, she always did so with such grace and elegance,
was more like dancing than walking. I was just glad that my room was still tidy since Saturday. That had been one of my only saving graces that night. At least he didn't think I was a slob.

“I feel fine, a lot better. You know I could start back to work earlier.” She
grinned at me knowing it wasn't going to happen.

“Nope sorry,
and Dom wouldn't allow it.” I loved it when she called him that, it made him sound just like an everyday average guy. And clearly he was never going to be that.

“Here you go, the notes like I promised, oh and you
don't have to worry about Reed
my brother took care of it.” The words were like hot pins piercing my skin!

“Oh no… why did he do that?” She frowned at me as she handed me the pages of notes and printouts.

“Why not? The doctor mentioned you were worried about it and Dom asked me about Reed, so I explained that he could be somewhat difficult.” She shrugged her shoulders as if it had been no trouble.

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