Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (34 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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The customers started to look at me strangely and I wondered how many times I had bumped into their tables. I was losing my perspective on my surrounding as my vision kept going blurry. It had only been another hour but I was fading fast. Maybe Libby was right, maybe I had suffered concussion. I got back to the bar and nearly fell but managed to hold myself up without dropping. I was feeling sick and needed some air badly. I grabbed my bag and told Karmun I was going to get some air on the balcony. He just nodded but I wasn't sure it was to me. I had never felt this dizzy before and kept shaking my head to make it go away, but it was having the opposite effect and making me want to vomit.

Once outside I couldn’t help what was coming and ran over to the huge plant pot that was closest to the door and threw up in it. Luckily I hadn’t eaten much throughout the day so what came up was mainly liquid and bile. My throat burned and I took the bottle of water out of my bag and took a large gulp, only it felt like liquid fire as it went down.

The cold air on my skin was welcoming as the heat from my body was causing little beads of sweat to form around my temple. I wiped them away with the back of my sleeve and dug into my bag for some more tablets knowing now it would be all right as I must have thrown up the last ones. I was just about to get two out of the bottle when the door opened suddenly letting out a burst of warm air and music. So I put the hand that was holding them behind my back, hiding them from sight.

I was about to say I would be back in a minute, thinking it was just Karmun that had come out to see if I was all right but I was wrong, it wasn't Karmun and no amount of wishing, would make it so.

Draven walked through the glass doors and looked around finding me leaning up
against the wall using it for support. I lowered my head quickly so he couldn't see my face and felt the heat rush to my cheeks making my head spin even more. Why me! Of all the times for him to need some air, I would have to be out here, after just vomiting in his plant pot moments before and looking like I had been hit by a car or taking drugs! Whatever the case I looked truly awful. I know it's not the best of times to be worried about what I looked like but in front of Draven it was hard not to.

“Keira, what are you doing out here?” It was the first time he had said my name and I loved how it sounded on his lips. I couldn't believe that my obsession didn't falter even when I was feeling as bad as this. My sickness for Draven obviously ran deep to the core.

“Sorry... I...I was just getting some air but... I'm umm...I'm done now.” I turned to walk back in, still keeping my tablets out of slight, when his big strong arm came out in front of me so quickly I stopped in my path and was rooted to the spot. His hand stretched out resting on the stone wall. His arm remained strong, becoming a barrier of solid muscle preventing me from leaving. I noticed he wasn't wearing his usual suit but a black t-shirt that clung tight to the curves of his defined muscular arms, wide chest and rippled stomach. A long black jacket that went to his knees added to a “bad arse” exterior. It was like the one he wore when I first saw him in my dreams.

“What do you have in your hand?” His voice was hard and stern, making my lips quiver in response. It was more like a command than a question. His tall body leaned in towards mine slightly as it had done last night and I got the same feeling of heat from his skin. My head started to spin more and I held the wall for more support. My back was fully flat against the stone and my breathing got heavier.

“It's...It's nothing.” I curled my fingers around the bottle tighter but my palms were sweating and they were starting to slip. I tried to put them in my pocket when his other hand came around my back. I couldn't help the gasp at the feel of his touch as he gripped my wrist in a vice grip pulling it back round to my front. My pulse went through the roof and I looked up at him for the first time
meeting his terrifying black eyes.

He took my hand in his and peeled my fingers from around the orange bottle and looked down with disappointment in his eyes. I, on the other hand, was trying to string two words together but couldn't due to the tingling heat that travelled its way around my body from his touch.

“I do not accept drugs in my club.” I shuddered at the sound of his a
uthoritative voice, which dominated
the night air. I wanted to defend myself. I didn't want him thinking I was some kind of junky! So somehow, amazingly my lips formed the words.

“It's not drugs, I mean...well yeah its drugs but just normal pain killers,
I hit my head today and just have a bit of a headache.” This in fact was a huge understatement. It actually felt as tho
ugh my head was going to crack and my brain to would start to ooze out
. I could feel that I was fading fast and my head look
ed down so that he couldn't see. A
to add to my humiliation
I was going slightly cross eyed trying to stay focused.

“Let me see.” He ordered as he lifted his hand to my head. I thought I was going
to die with shame. I was
saying over and over in my head,

“Please don't, oh please don't.” And for a split second he actually stopped as if he had heard my secret plea. But then his hand touched my chin, lifting it up so he could see my face better. God knows what colour my c
heeks went but they felt ablaze
, so it cou
ldn't have been good. I refused to
look at his eyes so they found a spot on his shoulder to stare at. But his hand didn't stop there as it moved up to where the lump was and pushed back my hair. I bit my lip so hard that my teeth almost pierced the skin. His fingers touched the cut very gently and when I t
hought that it couldn't get any
worse, I realised that the plaster must have come off at some point because it was now all on full view with only a few thin lines of tape that Libby had put there.

He sighed as though upset with something and said in a softer tone,

“This doesn't look good. You shouldn't be here, you probably have concussion.”  Oh great, now him too. Well wait until I tell Libby this one, something her and Draven agreed on. Only then I remembered I was yet to tell Libby I was working in the VIP but knowing what her reaction might be I decided this was one story that was better left untold.

Well I didn't want to back down now I'd come this far, so I decided to be brave and tell him no.

“I'm going to be fine, I only have another hour or so and I will be fine until then.” I moved to walk back inside but because I’d been stood in the same spot for a while I hadn't noticed that the only reason I was still upright was thanks to the wall. My feet gave way and I would have stumbled if it wasn't for Draven who had caught me by the waist. His strong arm was circled round my stomach and his other hand was gripping my side sending sparks of pleasure up my skin.

“I don't think that's going to happen,” he said with a hint of smugness to it. Was he making fun of me?

My top had risen slightly and his skin was now in full contact with mine. The heat off his fingertips left marks of intense stimulation on my back. I closed my eyes as the rest of my legs finally gave way and I was soon in his arms. He had put one of his arms under my knees and the other one around my back, pulling me closer to his body. He then lifted me up to get a better grip.

I was so embarrassed I started to object. Shaking my head slowly and saying “No,
ok... I can walk, really,” in a pathetically weak voice, as my head was now spinning in pain.

“Easy there, you’re ok. I'm going to get you home.” His face was full of concern as he stared into my eyes. It was the first time I had seen this softer side to him and it gave him a different yet sexy look. But then I knew I must have been dreaming as surely he wouldn't take the time himself to care for me,
an important man like Draven. I must have fallen asleep in that little room. That was it! I just prayed that Karmun found me and no one else.

It felt so real though and would there be this much pain if it wasn't. I was vaguely aware that we were no longer alone. I could hear Draven giving orders to someone and I was pretty sure it wasn't me as I was still nestled safely in his arms.

Arms that felt solid, as though they could have been made from steel and I wondered if this is what Louis Lane felt like when she was in the arms of Superman.
Anyone else by now would have just put me down due to the strain.

I could just make out bits of what was being said and I heard the words “Car” and “My Lord” but I must have imagined this last part unless there was something more to Draven than I knew.

When I heard the door shut I knew we were alone again and waited for his next move. He leaned his head down and pulled me up so I was closer to his face as he whispered

“Close your eyes.” I did what he asked as if the warm scent of his breath hypnotised me. He turned my face inwards so it was against his colossal shoulder and he moved his jacket so that it covered my head, shielding me from what was about to happen. I couldn't prevent the shudder that crept its way up from my spine at the feel of his large hand gripping the back of my neck.

“Now don't look or this will make you feel worse.” I didn't understand what he meant but I nodded under the material that smelt like warm leather. Then all of a sudden we were moving but I had no clue as to where. I mean we were still outside, I was almost certain of it. I couldn't hear the music and the noise of people inside. Also there was still a chill in the air even though I could only just feel it, as I was next to Draven’s amazingly warm skin. In these arms I felt as though nothing in the world could ever harm me and I almost fell asleep with the warm tingling feeling that was moulded to my body shape like a protective cocoon. It was only the blazing pain in my head that kept this moment from being the most blissful experience of my life.

I couldn't explain how we were moving, as it didn't feel as though Draven's body had any movement at all. It felt as though maybe we could have been gliding but it was probably down to the fact that I didn't know what was real or what was fantasy any more. Then whatever it was came to an end as I jolted slightly in his arms as though he had just jumped and this was the landing. He was walking now and I couldn’t contain the urge to look any more, so I turned my head slowly so as not to draw his attention, although he must have felt my movement under his jacket because he pulled me in tighter still. I could feel his heart beating under his skin and my heart quickened at every beat.

The sound of his footsteps appeared as if he was walking on a stone floor and the chill was taken out of the air. I knew we must have been inside somewhere, as now it felt as though we were moving down a staircase. My body moved slightly with each step and I couldn't help my hand grabbing on to the material of his T shirt as though to steady myself. I was also sure that I felt his head look down at me when I did this but I couldn't see his face as my head was still buried into his shoulder.

And then we stopped. I held my breath waiting for him to put me down. His arms must be killing him by now as I was sure no man could carry a body for this long without any pain. But surprisingly he didn't put me down, instead I heard the creaking of a door’s hinges and he carried on, letting it slam behind us. I jumped at the noise and he squeezed me tighter as though telling me through his actions that I was safe.

We carried on for a while longer and as if by hearing my thoughts he finally spoke “Not much further now.” His voice was strong and steady and amazingly wasn't even strained slightly from the weight of me. I mean I knew he looked fit but I
had no idea he was super human! The guy was a machine.  We went through another door into a room and I knew this was the end of our journey as his arms and grip loosened around my body, allowing me to turn my head and peek through.

We seemed to be in what looked like a car dealership. There were so many new cars I couldn't name them all, there must have been at least twenty. It looked more like a museum as some of them were in their own display mounts. Some were covered in sheets and there was one that looked extremely old. I was sure it was in its own glass room. I knew then that I was most likely dreaming, as I was sure I could see it shake as though trying to get out. What the hell was going on in my head!

We weren't alone and Draven was walking up to a man who wore a flat hat and a long grey coat.

“Will it be the Enzo or the Phantom my Lord?” I had no idea what he was saying but I think he was asking Draven which car he should take me home in and then there was that Lord thing again. I just couldn't get my head around it. I was getting ready for his hands to let me go and even though the pain was now creeping
way across the back of my head I was still encountering more pleasure in Draven's arms than I had ever known and wasn't ready to let go yet.

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