Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (35 page)

Read Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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“No, I will take her back in the Aston,” he said in his usual demanding tone. The man nodded, adding “Very good Sir” and went off to open the door to a very low silver sports car. It looked more like a panther than a car, with its sleek curves and angry grill. I was almost scared to be put into it. But wait... I had missed something. Draven had said that he was driving me home, or did I hear that wrong? If so, this was about to get even more embarrassing.

With my body still curled in Draven's arms he walked up to the Aston and lowered me into the seat. He was so careful, as though I was made from glass and he was scared of breaking me. As he put me down his hands slid from under my legs and his face nearly touched mine he was so close. I couldn't breathe and again closed my eyes being scared that I might find his eyes on mine.

“Are you all right?” Once more his voice was soft and steady as he said the words so close to my own lips. I kept my eyes closed and could only nod in response as I still didn't believe this was happening to me. I heard the door close so I opened my eyes and focused them to the light.

Inside the car was like nothing I had seen before. The seat that I sat in was curved up around my body and it reminded me of a racing car. I think they called them bucket seats. In between the driver’s side there was a curved middle console with controls I didn't recognise. For all I knew he could have been James Bond and this was where you fired the rockets and ejector seats.

The rest of the car was black leather and cream interior, with a chrome finish. The steering wheel looked more fitting for a master’s hand like a sword to a warrior. It wanted to be driven, as if beckoning or daring you to touch it, to see if you could control its power. The silver wings that were embedded in the middle just added to the feel of the machine as though created by the Gods themselves.  

This car was definitely made for a man like Draven.

I didn't know much about cars but I would bet my life on it that this car cost a small fortune. I jumped when the driver’s side opened and Draven's long muscular
legs stepped in. The car was facing a stone wall and it didn't look as if there was going to be enough room to pull forward to turn round but thinking about it I couldn't see a garage door of any kind so I wasn't sure how we were going to get out. Draven must have noticed me looking around and read my thoughts.

“Put your seat belt on,” he said while looking at me and he soon had me biting my lip again. Then the lights went out plunging us into darkness. I couldn't help the noise that escaped my lips and his voice remained calm and said,

“Don't be afraid. Trust me.” I don't know why but I did trust him, however the one I didn't trust was myself. I lifted my hand to my head and held it there trying to stop the throbbing. We were still in the dark and thankfully he couldn't see the pain in my eyes.

“Try to relax and the pain will ease.” His deep voice cut through the silence as if he could see me in the dark. I looked over to him and for one tiny second I could see a purplish tint to where his eyes would be and then they disappeared as the engine burst into life.

The beast came alive around us, sounding like a hundred thousand warriors charging into battle. Then the stone wall in front of us reappeared in the blaze of the headlights, only now seeming closer than it had before. He revved the engine as though taunting the beast and all of a sudden I became disorientated by the thunderous roar and the immense force that pinned me back in my seat. Then in fear my mind focused on the wall, I closed my eyes and gripped the seat ready for the impact!

But it never came, instead we seemed to be getting faster and I never could imagine death to be so painless. I wondered if Draven had been my Angel to deliver me to Heaven or my Demon to drag me to hell.  But as I started to compose myself I realised I was still breathing and in one piece.

“You can open your eyes now.” Draven said with no emotion in his voice. I did as I was told and opened them to find we were on a road, but we were going so fast that I couldn't make out where, as everything was a blur outside my window.

I couldn't help but ask

“Where did the wall go?” A quiet laugh came from his lips and a smile that I hadn't seen before. It was hard to tell in the dark with only the faint glow of the dash to show the expression on his face but his eyes changed from their usual cold black to the hint of purple that I had seen before.

“That wall was the door and it opened just like any other, which you would have seen if you hadn't had your eyes closed.” The blood rushed to my face and I was glad that the light in the car wouldn't pick it up. I truly was going crazy and now Draven knew it too.

“Let me ask you, do you really believe I would have driven us both through a stone wall?” He laughed again at the thought and I was getting hotter. He was making fun of me and rightly so, but I had to defend myself in some way.

“Well considering it didn't look like a bloody door and I've had a knock to the head maybe you could cut me some slack!” OH MY GOD!!!! What did
just say, where did that come from, and more importantly how was I ever going to take it back! I looked out of the window and once again was nearly pulling all the skin off my
bottom lip. I was now wishing more than ever that this were a dream.  What must he be thinking, the man has just carried me God knows how far and is driving me home in this awesome machine and that's what I decided to say! What an idiot... IDIOT!!!!!

“You're right. I'm sorry, you weren't to know. I hope I didn't scare you too much.” His voice was kind and I was surprised. I was sure he sounded a little bit guilty as he asked me about being frightened. I was scared to open my mouth again in case something equally as stupid came rushing out like verbal Diarrhoea. I coughed clearing my throat before saying,

“It's ok, I guess my mind just plays tricks on me sometimes.” He turned his head towards me taking his eyes off the road. I wasn't sure this was a good idea as it felt like we were going over a hundred miles an hour. He looked as if he wanted to ask something but stopped himself. I was burning to know what it was so I turned and said,

“What?” I didn't know where all this “new found” confidence was coming from. Then I started to worry about the bang to my head and wondered if that was the reason. Well did it really matter if this was all a dream anyway...although now I wasn't so sure.

“You don't think like other people do, do you?” His face was serious and I realised that he wasn't making fun of me
. He actually thought I was crazy. This was like a flaming arrow to the heart. I was so sensitive about my mental health it was like my Achilles heel. When I didn't respond he looked at my face for the reason why. I must have looked like a spoilt child because I just folded my arms and looked out of the window. I mean what did he want me to say, “Yes I'm a freak!”

“Trust me, that's not a bad thing.” He said this and his hand moved as though he wanted to touch me but instead he put it back on the steering wheel. I was about to answer him but the car filled with the sound of ABBA and my heart almost stopped. The words “

sang over and over and when I didn't move he said,

“I'm pretty sure that's yours.” And laughed again only this time he couldn't wipe the smirk from his face.

I fumbled in my bag and said “It's my sister's phone.” But I doubted he believed me. I looked at the number I knew it was RJ. SHIT! I had forgotten them completely and answered the phone wishing this night would just end and my humiliation with it.

“Hey RJ, look I'm sorry...OH... hey Jack, I thought it was, oh no I had to go home, I wasn't feeling too good.” Draven all of a sudden went very serious and his hands tensed on the wheel. I didn't understand why but I carried on with the conversation, wanting to get off the phone as quickly as possible.

“Yeah, I'm sorry I was going to call, no it's ok I'm nearly home.” Jack didn't sound pleased and Draven didn't look happy.

“No I'm fine I just hit my head.
no, in the woods not at work, look I will talk to you later ok, honestly I'm fine it's just a scratch.” Draven shot me a look as if to say liar!

“Ok yeah well I’ll talk to you tomorrow then, sorry what? Who am I driving home with...umm” SHIT
SHIT, I didn't know what to say.
I didn't think that Draven would want anyone to know about this so I said,

“Frank, yeah... ok then... see ya.” I let out a sigh and put my head back against the seat. My head felt like it was splitting in two. I could feel a pair of eyes staring at me but I didn't want to look. The atmosphere had changed since the phone call and I wished I hadn't answered it and called from the house instead. I felt as though I should say something but I couldn't think of what.

“Sorry about that, I forgot that I was getting a lift home with some friends.” My voice went back to its usual pathetic weak tone. I knew the confidence thing wouldn't last. But now I wasn't sure if I was happy about that since Draven still hadn't said a word.

“Frank?” Was all he said and I was guessing he wanted to know who that was so I told him.

“Frank’s my brother in law, and he picks me up most nights.” He shook his head as if he knew this already and I didn't know what else he meant. Then it hit me maybe he wanted to know why I had said it was Frank driving me home instead of him but why would he care. But we were pulling into the gravel drive and I knew I would soon be getting out and saying goodbye. I told myself that I wouldn't linger I wo
uld just say thanks and get out. H
e must be bored already and desperate for some real company, the kind that he was used to. He stopped the car and cut the engine.

But the last thing that I wanted was to get out of this car.















Chapter 19 - Draven and Doctors



Draven got out of the car and walked around the back to my side of the door. He did all this before I had time to react, so I grabbed for the handle but couldn't find one. He opened my door and looked as though he was about to carry me out.

“I'm ok to walk now, thanks.” He backed away slightly but leant one hand on the car over my head.

see it.” He said, being cocky, like he knew I would fall. Of course he was right. As soon as I tried to stand I nearly fell backwards on to the seat. He grabbed my hand and pulled me up then in one swift movement had me safely back in his arms once again.

“I’m really ok
, just a bit wobbly but I'm good now.” His arms tightened around me and I realised for the first time he didn't have his jacket on any more. He must be freezing but if he was there was no evidence to show it. He must have taken it off before getting in the car but I was too scared to notice much back then.

I could see the definition of his muscles in his forearms and his big strong hands that held my legs in an iron hold. My heart did another one of its trademark flutters as I wished for this gesture to be for another reason, one of a more sexual nature. He walked up the steps and the door was opened by my poor sister who was already in her pyjamas with bunnies and carrots patterned over them.

Ah, it looked like it could have been worse after all. I could be in his arms right now wearing that. The look on her face was one I would never forget. Her jaw actually dropped open. I doubted that she had ever seen Draven before so the sight of me in the arms of the most astonishingly handsome stranger was enough to make any woman's jaw drop. Hell mine did and that was just in my dreams.

Draven smiled at her and I decided to speak, as Libby hadn't yet.

“I'm ok, it's just my head was… umm well you were right.” She shook her head slightly and moved out of the way letting Draven come in with me still in his arms. Then he spoke and I thought Libby was going to pass out!

“She fainted at work and has been a bit unstable on her feet, so I brought her
home... to get some rest.” He said this last part as a hint to get some sort of clue as to where he might put me down but she still didn't say a word. However we did get a semi response as she pointed to the stairs. 

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