Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (69 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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“Actually, I don't think I care.” I said before I reached up on tiptoes to find his lips. At first he was in shock and remained still, until my hands went to his face, then moved around to his hair, pulling him roughly down to me. This woke him from his trace and once again he took all control, reverting back the powerful Draven I had only known him to be...and I liked it. He was after all, my Master and I was his slave. And God, I wouldn't have had it any other way. And I was about to understand the full meaning of why this was a damn good thing!


His hands finally removed my sweater leaving me in my little black t-shirt and gloves. He put his head down inhaling the smell of my hair and he groaned as my arms locked around his waist, where I wa
s finally brave enough to lift
his t-shirt up at the bottom, feeling the soft skin on his back. His body responded to my touch just as mine did to his. I felt my power over him and I enjoyed it. For the first time I had some control instead of it all belonging to him. However, it didn't last long as he tried to remove one of my gloves. I pulled my arm back from his hands and held it firmly behind my back.

“Ke not hide from me. Ever
” His smouldering voice tried to get me to comply but I couldn't do it. He grabbed one of my arms and pulled it gently back
round and it instantly sent me back to the first time he touched me.

“Please trust me,” he asked as he removed the tight material. I couldn't help my reaction. I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me. I pleaded with him with watery eyes but he knew as well as I did that he needed to do this. His control wouldn't allow him to have anything between us. He wanted to know everything about me and I
knew for a man like Draven that I must give him this. So as my scars came into view, I swallowed hard and my body tensed as his eyes noted every line.

Once my arm was fully exposed to him he did the same to the other arm until they were both on show. I tried to pull them away again but he held them firmly in front of me. He studied them closely and I could feel them getting hot as this was the first time anyone had ever touched them. His fingers traced each line as if trying to take away the memory of the pain that created them.
He put
them around his neck and lifted me over towards his enormous bed. He kept his eyes locked on mine and I wanted to close my own against the intensity of it all. Then I gasped as all the lights died at once only to be replaced by a warm glow as every candle in the room came to life. How did he do that?

“That's better,” he said as he set me down on the top step of the bed which put us at the same height once more.

“How did you do that?” I whispered looking at him in awe. Everything he did was magical but I had no answers to any of it. He didn't say anything, as this would prevent him from kissing me, which he soon proved he would rather be doing. I kissed him back as if my life depended on it. My lips were hungry to taste him again. This was my drug and I never wanted to stop. My elixir to life was drinking in this man and I wanted every last drop, the question was...would I ever be sated?

I soon forgot about my exposed arms as it felt natural to be like this and as he said, I didn't need to hide anything from him...not any more. I wanted him to have me, to take me and keep me here with him forever in his castle. I knew that at any moment he could reject me. I knew that with every breath I took in his arms, it could be the last and I would be left more broken than ever before but I just didn't care. It would be worth it...if I died right here in his arms, it would have been worth it as I knew I would never feel anything even close to the intense pleasure that I felt now. 

Then when I thought it couldn't get any better it multiplied!  His hands ran up my sides under my top pulling it up and I held my breath as he pulled it off over my head. I could feel my hair fall back down against the skin on my back. He looked down at my body hungrily before tossing my t-shirt away. I was just wearing my bra, which luckily was one of my fancy black ones.

“So beautiful, ma
” (Means “My perfect Goddess” In French) I blushed at the part I understood and was left only to imagine what the
French meant
. When Draven spoke in a different language he did so with such eas
e and flawlessness it had me ga
ping in awe. It also did other things to me that made me flush a deeper shade.  

His fingers traced the lace around the top of my bra and I still couldn't breathe. I couldn't look at him and I could feel my heart pump quicker sending even more blood to my face. It was exquisite torture. Then abruptly he picked me up forcing me to look at him. God his eyes! There was purple fire encircling the darkness, consuming every emotion until it's all one and the same.

Pure.... raw.... passion! 

He placed me down on his bed of silk as though I was the most precious of gifts and the cool material made me shiver. He didn't once take his eyes from my body and I found my
come flooding back to me as I lay half naked knowing what I
wanted to happen, what could happen and in his eyes with a certainty, what
happen. He must have realised my thoughts as he grinned, pulling his own t-shirt from his perfect body.

I couldn't make my lungs work at the sight.

His body looked so strong, as though it could crush me to death if he wanted to but this wasn't what he had in mind, although his muscles were going to come in handy for what was about to happen next. I wanted to trace each and every line his perfect body displayed. I was almost desperate to lean up and touch him, to taste him. His muscles twitched, the hard planes of his stomach clenched as though he could hear the want in my head but I was frozen to his cool silky bed.  

He moved to the end of the bed determined to remove the rest of my clothes leaving me in just my underwear. He pulled off my jeans slowly, pealing them away like skin from a fruit. Then, holding on to my legs, he tugged softly sliding my body under his and he was now holding all his weight above where I lay. My breath caught inside me before he leaned down and kissed me once more.

Our bodies mingled together creating our own heat source, skin on skin and my nerves were soon replaced by utter bliss. I found myself lost in the storm that Draven created. The waves of emotion crashed into me with every delicious touch and I wanted to drown in him. My body reacted to every move he made causing me to groan, moan and writhe beneath him with wanting more. His hands slid down my arms finding my wrists, which he then held securely above my head, locking me where he wanted me. It was as if he knew I could barely contain my reactions towards him. I felt like I was going explode and disperse in his arms. 

His kisses started to trace down from my mouth onto other body parts and I closed my eyes trying to control myself. All I wanted to do was scream out with pleasure. He was gentle yet created a brutal assault on my senses as he kissed, bit, sucked and nipped at my skin as far down as he could reach. I had to catch a breath when he worked his way down until eventually he had to unshackle my wrists from his grip. I knew where he wanted to go but my inner self-conscious wouldn't let me go that far, making me
him back to my lips instead. Surprisingly, he did as I demanded but he groaned at not being able to carry on his exploring. My face burned with embarrassment however he found this amusing.

“Why would a goddess be embarrassed with her own perfection?” He said making my shame double.

“I haven't...Umm... done this in a long time,” I said quietly, feeling as if it was my first time all over again.

“I'm glad to hear it. Don't worry little one, I will be gentle.” He said giving me a wink. I laughed, easing some of the tension from my shoulders. I tried to not start over analysing it or I would have just worked myself up in to a frenzy of nerves. I needed to try and give my self-conscious the boot and enjoy this. I mean if he didn't want me then I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have felt the evidence of it pressed
against me. And if I started thinking about how he was going to fit what I could feel inside me than I would start to panic big time.

I had been dreaming of this ever since I first saw him and now I was getting my greatest wish come true and if it was just once in my life then I should stop wasting
time worrying about it. However, I still couldn't help the deep blush that washed over my skin. 

Then he shocked me into silence as the sound he made can only be described as pure primal. He had me trapped in a cage of muscle, looming above me as he growled down at me. I couldn't speak.

“That colour on your skin makes me want to bite you. Every blush, every single one...” He shook his head and closed his eyes at a memory I couldn't see.

“What is it?” I asked timidly, barely a whisper. His eyes flashed open and for a brief moment they were completely overwhelmed by purple flames.

“Makes me want to do
what I am going to do to you right now!” And with that he crushed his lips to mine in the most dominating way a man can take a woman. Of course I crumbled into his masterful hold like the prisoner I felt
. Like the prisoner I was, o
ne that couldn't escape this, not now. There was no more running from him...not now I was trapped in his spell. 

Then something happened that plunged me into a world that was both utterly beautiful and terrifying at the same time. He held me as though he was commanding my body, bending me to his will before I felt his need pressing hard against me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes waiting for the fullness to push me over.

“Look at me!” It was another command and one I found I couldn't possibly disobey.

“Good girl
” He praised before he entered me in one swift movement. I cried out at the intensity and he swallowed my reaction in a kiss. Then there were no more words as we found ourselves connecting. Like puzzle pieces finally fitting together, only creating a clear picture of the truth.

Two making one beautiful thing.
So much so that I found my mind nearly bursting with the consuming fire of raw, untamed need.

I had never experienced anything like it, not even close to it. If I thought that his kisses were intense then this was something not of this world. It felt like magic as my body arched upwards thrusting back against him inside me. I was lost in a world of ice and fire. So, so hot. My body was melting as if I would soon self-combust and then his skin would change making it cold. It was like the two extremes of heat were fighting inside under his skin causing it to have the same
on me.

As soon as he had entered my body something had happened. A different force had taken over my soul making it react to things I didn't know I could feel. It multiplied every touch, making my own personal pleasure keep going and going until my body couldn't take any more and I wanted to explode over and over. But he kept stopping, making it intensify. He was controlling it and I didn't know how but my God I didn't care. I was just being transported to a different I never wanted to leave!

After what seemed like hours of ecstasy, my body was about to cry out as I couldn't take any more. That's when I realised I was crying out. I had been the entire time he had been inside me. I'd been begging over and over for what he continued to deny me. But I couldn't hold on any longer, it needed to erupt waiting to feel the aftermath and as if by reading my mind he looked down at me and whispered,

“Are you ready Keira?” And all I could do was nod.

I braced myself but there wasn't much point to this as what happened next was totally out of my control. His body moved in such a way that the feeling made me want to bolt upright and as if he knew that this was going to happen, Draven's hands held me down by the wrists so I could continue riding out the full force of my orgasm. It was the most amazing feeling any one person could ever feel.
He raised his head up stretching the tendons in his neck tight like a bow string. Still holding me down he thrust deeper still and roared out his release creating a tidal wave
to hit me as soon as our bodies vibrated around each other. I quivered along his manhood and with one last move he had me coming again, harder than I thought humanly possible.

I also
couldn't help the
ing of his name
that escaped, followed by a moan as I turned my head into the pillow crushing it against my face to contain any more screams. I tried to contain it all but it was just too much. It was as if something was bursting from within me and had grown to such a fever pitch that it would have killed me if not released in the most brutal of ways. I was like a woman possessed as my body bowed up and down, all the while screaming with every aftershock and wave that wouldn't stop hitting my body. I bit down on the material and my hands gripped the covers wanting to rip them to pieces. It lasted for the longest time until finally the euphoria enveloped my senses making my body collapse from the arching and fighting my muscles had been doing against his control.

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