Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (16 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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“I thought you had some saved?”

“I do, but I didn’t get much for my old fiesta and I want something a bit better than that, I wouldn’t mind a four wheel drive. I mean around here I think it would come in handy. And besides I would need money to run it.” Just then I heard Frank’s car pull up on the gravel. I was edging towards the door when she surprised me.

“Ok, ok, I know I’m being silly but if you have any problems call me, ok?” I picked up my bag and was walking outside when I answered, “It’s ok Lib's I know you worry and it’s sweet but I will ring if there’s a problem, I promise and I’m only going to be a couple of hours, after all, this is only a trial night.” Frank was still in the car, so I opened the door and waved back to Libby, who was now stood by the door, mug in hand looking very forlorn.

“How bad was she?” Frank asked knowing I was going to get grief.

“Not too bad but I only have myself to blame.” The words slipped out before I could think but thankfully he didn’t reply, instead he just gripped the steering wheel tighter in his hands and twisted them as though releasing some anger from a past memory. He was like me in that way. He didn’t like to show his emotions. Instead he had a punching bag in the basement that he used to get all his aggression out on. Not that he was an aggressive
it's just that everyone needs their release mechanisms. I had yet to find mine. He relaxed a bit as we made small talk but I seemed to get more tense the closer we got to the club and we weren’t far away now.

It was a clear night but still cold and crisp. I pulled my long jacket collar closer up to my face keeping my neck warm. At least it would be warm inside. I was about twenty minutes too early but I’m sure that wouldn’t matter. I knew tonight would be mainly showing me around but that part excited me. It was just such an amazing place. I could imagine some lord or lady owning the town and this was where they resided. But not this town, it looked more as if it belonged somewhere in Europe rather than the States, because of its age and architecture. And from the sounds of things, a lord did live there and did own this town, one I was going to work for. Now this thought got my pulse racing! I shook off the feeling as quickly as it entered my head, there was no need to start panicking for no reason. I got a hold of myself and made my feet move forward. The same doormen greeted me as I approached the door, which made my nerves calm slightly.

The place wasn’t as busy as it had been the night before but it was earlier, so that might explain why. The room now looked even bigger now it was nearly empty. I could see more detail that had previously been lost in the mass of bodies concealing it. The bar area was made from a glass front with metal entwined through it. The metal was made to look like a thorny vine that was piercing the glass and at each point that did, it was surrounded in a blood red tint. It looked like a piece of art. The rest of the bar followed on with the theme, housing big glass shelves with vine metal supports, holding a variety of different bottles of liquor upon them. Some of which I recognised and some that looked imported from God only knows where.

“Hey you’re early, that’s good!” Jerry was coming towards me not looking quite
as flustered as last time. He was tall and very thin and he reminded me a bit of Nosferatu, as he was bald and had the palest skin I have ever seen, paler than mine. He held a constant fear in his eyes and moved nervously from side to side. He didn’t strike me as a club Manager, and I couldn't see the kindness in his eyes that I had last night.

“I hope that’s ok,” I whispered, not knowing what else to say. He nodded as though distracted by something, his eyes seemed locked and he stared behind me in a frightening gaze. I was just about to turn and look but he blinked twice and turned back to me abruptly.

“Ok then, let’s get you started.” I turned to follow him but not before looking in the direction he had fixated on. He had been staring at the VIP level but whatever he had been staring at was now gone and you could only make out faint shadows that didn’t seem to be moving.

“Now there’s only one thing to warn you about, we only have one rule…but it’s very important, you see,” he was whispering but then he stopped and looked around as though he was about to tell me a deadly secret. He leaned in close and I could smell a sour tinge to his breath, which made me gag slightly.

“Nobody goes upstairs…EVER!” He said, shouting this last part louder than the rest and I don’t know why but this sent a chill down my spine. This place didn’t seem real, like this guy was an actor and I was on some weird ‘caught on camera’ show. The ones where they trick some poor unsuspecting fool that it was real and they get a big kick out of their reactions.

“O......k......” I said drawing out each letter.

“Yes... I mean no, no one goes up there unless instructed. They have their own staff and the VIP area never closes while the Draven family and guests are here…I mean there, up there!” It was like deciphering an ancient code talking to this man!

got it.” I said a little too over enthusiastically, otherwise I don’t think he would ever stop babbling. Thankfully he took the hint and stopped.

“This is Mike and over there is Hannah. Mike will be showin
g you the ropes but don’t worry
we will just have you collecting glasses tonight until you get…umm…a feel for the place.” It was odd the way he said this last part, as if there was something amiss. He scratched his head with a violent rub that made me jump slightly. I was sure I saw him twitch before he did this. Then abruptly he turned and almost hovered away. He was odd to say the least. I would have to ask Frank about him later when he picked me up, that was if I was brave enough to find out.

“Hi, sorry what did he say your name was?” A voice talking to me brought me back to earth. “I don’t think he did, but its Keira or Kaz for short.”

“Don’t worry about him, he’s a bit of a weirdo but you will get used to it, of course it worse now the Dravens are here, he won’t relax until they’re gone again.” He stood with his arms folded and very defensive which made me think that he has had a few problems with him that he'd like to share. “His brother Jerry is the more relaxed one.” Ah! That explained a lot. It wasn’t even the right guy.

“Twins?” Although it was obvious, I said it anyway.

“Yeah that was Gary but they are like chalk and cheese, that one’s a bit… how can I say…a bit special.” Oh, Ok that explains it, I thought feeling a bit guilty.

Mike stayed with me all night and he turned out to be a fun guy. He reminded me of Frank’s younger brother Justin.

Justin was about my age and I had met him once at the wedding. He was a lot like Frank, easy going and sweet natured but his looks were the opposite. They were both very handsome but in different ways. Frank was more like a cute cuddly bear, big and burly. Justin was a baby face beauty, angelic face with a heart to match. I will be the first to admit that when I first saw him I had a bit of a crush. And if he hadn't brought a girlfriend with him to Libby's very English church wedding then I would have moved in for the kill.

Back then of course there were two differences, one being that I had the confidence to be able to approach the opposite sex and the other was that it was before my catatonic state of mind, which is now irreversibly beyond repair.

The bar started to get busier as the time got later, I didn't even realise that a band had started to play until it was finally time for me to collect some empties as Mike begrudgingly left my side to go and help serve at the bar. I weaved in and out of all sorts of people who looked like they were trying to belong to something greater in life. Wasn't that what we were all doing in some way, trying to belong to something better than ourselves, trying to evolve our thoughts and expand our minds to different, exciting new possibilities. Isn't that what escapism is all about?

Sometimes reality just doesn't seem enough. In my mind I held so much faith in fantasy. It was safer for me that way, because in my fantasies, the things that happened to me in my real life, those were the dreams. No, not dreams more like.... Nightmares. It was as if they hadn’t happened and that's how I coped, I decided that the hurt could be numbed, that I could lose myself in a perfect state of ignorance. After all “Ignorance is bliss.” However this didn't make the cloud disappear completely but it helped me get from one day to the next without bringing anyone else down with me. It was my curse, no one else's.


So as I walked or more like ducked, squeezed and pushed my way through all these troubled looking souls it was a bit comforting to, well... “

The night went very quickly and I hadn't realised that my two hour trial night had turned into my six hour trial, until I was outside taking out the trash. The black sky had given it away. It was a good thing that Frank had suggested calling the house first before he came to get me, he must have had an idea I'd be there for longer.

Mike had offered to help but I told him I'm sure that I could manage. Now I was kind of regretting that as out here in the black of night it was almost frightening. Mike had shown me where the bins were and the number to get back through the security doors that had a four-digit code. He told me to just remember a square. 1452.  His fingers touched the keys in the order and it made a square. Right, “got it” I said not wanting to give blondes a bad name. But now I stood here alone behind a closed door, not getting that fuzzy lift that the club’s music and atmosphere gave off.

Now I was alone. Of course the fact that this side of the building was completely surrounded by the looming forest didn't help with my
backbone. I automatically started to look around but when my eyes scanned the side wall they found a black abyss that didn't seem to end. How big was this freakin place? I shook
off the feeling that someone was watching me and started to walk
to the
place Mike had shown me where the bins were hidden. Great.... hidden, of course they were!

I walked down the steps and nearly slipped as the temperature had dropped significantly and covered the earth's surface in an icy blanket. My gloved hand caught the metal supports and I steadied myself letting out a nervous giggle. I picked up the sack I had dropped and walked slowly round the corner to where I had been directed. My feet crunched the icy gravel making my heart quicken. It was so stupid to be scared, God I needed to get a backbone! I could see the dumpsters as Mike had called them. I wondered if I shouldn't go back and ask for his help, they were so big I didn't know if I could even lift the lid.

I paused and turned back to the door where a faint glow of the security light could be seen round the corner of the imposing stone block wall. It cast shadows across the ground making my mind wild with images that weren't there. The light caught the icy gravel making it look like glass or mirrors, sparkling in millions of directions. I tried to focus on the job at hand, the quicker I got this done the sooner I could be inside safe and warm. I pushed the lid and it opened only to come crashing back down again missing my fingers by mere centimetres.

Ok it was going to play hard ball... then bring it on, stupid plastic top! I bent my knees down, planning to launch myself upwards, hopefully giving it enough momentum to keep going until it was back on itself. OK here goes. I flung my body upwards and jumped pushing the lid's lip as hard as my little frame could manage. But it wasn't enough and my hands were gripped on the inside where the lid had been, where the lid was now crashing back down angrily. I didn't have time to move, just time to wait for the pain.

But the pain didn't come. Instead the wind did. A gust that was so strong and powerful, it pushed the lid back with an almighty thunderous crash. The plastic bounced back and forth until it cracked under the strain. It made me jump backwards landing on my backside with a thud of my own. That was going to bruise but hell it was better than eight broken fingers. I got up and wiped down my jeans and rubbed my sore bottom. I picked up the stupid black sack and threw it with shaky hands into the dark pit.

“What was that?” My voice shook like my hands in response to the noise that had just cut through the dark silence. Ok, time to leave. But why was it so dark? I hadn't
where did the light go? There was no longer any glistening floor or shapeless shadows. Oh God, the security light had gone out!

There had been a noise, I was sure of it. The sounds of trees rustling, then a branch snapping had me frozen with pure dread. It must just be an animal, but what if it wasn’t? Ok, breathe. Just breathe. I stared into the surrounding tress but there was nothing to see. Just tall black shapes that entwined themselves closer to me, like a cage I couldn’t escape from. I could feel my chest getting tighter as it was getting harder to breathe. I tried to tell myself not to panic and to get back to the door but my feet were rooted to the spot. Fear had me trapped in time and I felt my scars almost burn their way through the material that concealed them. My blood froze and my eyes filled with tears.

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