Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (14 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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I started to relax
my thoughts. Yes this was good.
this up Keira I commanded myself. But then something RJ had said to me earlier struck me.

The stairs!

The stairs that led them up to the VIP area, the
stairs that we were all sat right next to. That's why RJ had been so happy about our positioning. She had known that they would have to walk right by us to get there. Ok, not so calm now. But as if to make matters worse, Jack was having his own rebellious feelings towards them and got up swiftly, declaring,

“I think I've had enough of the theatrics, I'm getting a drink!” and left, leaving me exposed in full view of anyone who walked by. With the crowd parting in front of us, we would now have a clear view of the Dravens, almost like being in front of the stage at a concert. RJ gasped in delight and Lanie sighed with content. I on the other hand, had stopped breathing!

Because there, in front of me, now stood Dominic Draven.

I was like a small, helpless woodland animal caught in headlights. I knew it was dangerous but still I had to look. I tried to tear my eyes away from the most perfect being I had ever seen. He couldn’t be human, he was just too perfect, like a Greek god sent to torture me for my sins. I think if Air Force One had landed on top of the building I still wouldn’t have noticed!

It was as if we were the only two people in the room. It struck me with so many feelings at once that it felt as though Zeus himself had hit me with a lightning bolt and now all I felt was electricity coursing through my body. I was suddenly aware that I was staring and hoped that no one noticed. Not that I think this was an issue, not with Dominic Draven around. I could now understand what all the fuss was about. He had a sort of magnetic pull to him, something unnatural but soothing at the same time.

He was ahead of all the rest so I knew he was the one in charge. A little further back there were two men that caught my eye, one of which was gargantuan. He was a flipping giant! The crowd didn’t stare at him and there was no wonder as his face was just as intimidating as his size. He had deep coloured skin like leather that had seen too much sun over the years and it was full of what looked like potholes. Maybe from a severe case of smallpox I wondered. Of course being the size of a seven foot wrestler I doubted many questioned their origins.

The man on his other side was tall and athletic looking. With very white blonde, straight hair that you could just see under his
black hood which concealed most of his face. But I could have sworn that I noticed what looked like tattoos down one cheek. Then he came closer and it soon became hard to miss given the startling difference between the whitest skin of an albino and the ink that featured down one side. I don't know why but he reminded me of the white knight on a chess board being taken over by the dark side. 

Behind these men that looked like guards there were two other men, one dressed in a Japanese robe who had kind features, with raven black hair slicked back and a sharp point to his chin and cheek bones that spoke of a nobility lacing his blood line. He stood next to another man who was all light next to his dark. He was the most angelic of them all but had eyes that suggested otherwise. They were like black ice with a cruel harsh glint to them. His skin was almost luminescent, even in this low lighting it glowed as if he had just spent the day basking in the sun's rays. His hair was cut short creating a halo of tight golden curls, reminding me of an antique doll. His face however was set in a firm line of both arrogance and pride.   

But all these were insignificant factors, shadows in the background, behind the God that stood in front of them. They moved according to the way their master moved, scanning the crowd for anything unexpected. He was slowly approaching now and looked straight on as if oblivious to everyone. All the girls (and some guys) had the same look imprinted on those eager faces. They all wanted to be seen by those seductive eyes of his, to be noticed…. Everyone except me!


I looked down at the table now trying to resist the urge to look again, but I knew he was getting closer as I could feel my heart rate going through the roof. It was RJ that made me fail my objective.

“He’s looking this way!” She whispered through half closed lips. Then I did the unthinkable. I looked up at him, meeting his eyes that, amazingly, were also staring back at me.
  If I thought my heart rate was going crazy before, now I thought I was going to go into a cardiac arrest! He wouldn’t move his intense stare from my face and I blushed every shade of red in the

He had paused in front of our table and the bodyguards behind him looked just as confused as the rest of the spectators did. I could almost hear RJ hyperventilating. He looked the pinnacle of dominance, standing there with all the club's eyes behind him watching his every move. Like waiting for a mythological warrior to issue his first command to his armies. Although with his massive body, dressed in a black designer suit, he looked more like a modern version of a warrior, maybe “commander of the night” would be more fitting. There was just something so unnerving about
not only unnerving but nearing unearthly. As if somehow he didn't belong to this world.

The whole club seemed to be at a
, my heart included. It was as if he was searching for something in my eyes but came up empty. Then his expression turned un
amused and he frowned pulling his eyebrows together. This released his hold on me and I finally lowered my face and turned my back to him to hide my shame. I could still feel his presence as though he had somehow buried his essence under my skin. I couldn't help but scratch at my scars that started to burn under layers of clothing. I don't know how I knew but I could feel his eyes taking in my movements like I was his prey. Then something snapped. A link being broken. I noticed RJ’s eyes following him and then they turned to me, indicating that they were no longer in sight. I could finally breathe.

“What was all that about?” RJ was now on a mission. She eyed me curiously and then looked back at Lanie for back up.

“Yeah, what was that? Did he know you? Did you recognize him?” Lanie said now joining in the Spanish inquisition.

“No!” I said a bit too abruptly, like it had hit a nerve. But then my mind went into overload, when she had said “Did you recognize him?” that was the nerve that had hit.....I did recognize him! That’s the reason I had the reaction when I saw him. He was the man from my dreams. The dreams I was now starting to flow back into with a crashing wave. Yes, they were all so clear now, so clear in fact that it was hard to think of them as just dreams. They had seemed so real but why did I forget about them. And more importantly why was a man, who I had never seen before tonight, the exact same man that I had been so vividly dreaming about the last couple of days?

The girls didn’t look convinced but
neither did the guys for that matter.

“Well, the way he was staring at you, maybe he knows you.” RJ shot Drew a look and he shrugged his shoulders replying “what?” to her dirty look.

“What did I miss?” Jack said as he came back holding a tray full of drinks.

“You will never guess what happened!” Chaz said in a high pitched voice trying to mimic one of the girls.

“Oh, please tell me this was finally the year that he tripped and fell on his rich ass!” he said raising his hand to the top of his head. I moved closer round to give him room as he resumed his place back next to me.

“Sorry dude, guess again”

“Oh I don’t know, some girl flashed him to get his attention and even then, I doubt he would have looked, he’s probably gay,” he said with a wicked smile. I just stayed quiet, still embarrassed from the memory. My mind doing ten to the dozen. 

“No flashing needed, he took a fancy to Kaz though, couldn’t stop staring at her.” Ok I was going purple now and had to get away from everyone staring at me and it wasn’t just my table, it seemed like the entire club!

“I …I gotta go to the bathroom!” Was all I could manage. I felt like I was going to be sick. I know it was a silly reaction to have but I couldn’t help it. I just needed to get out of there. I pushed my way through the Gothic Draven fans over to the bathrooms. I knew the direction as Jack had pointed to them in reply to my rude exit. I saw the neon sign glowing like a beacon as it was near the bar on the same side of the wall as the entrance.

Once inside I could feel myself calming down like the air in here was clearer. There was no one in there apart from the refection of myself staring back at me. Horror struck. I looked terrible. No worse than terrible, I looked ill. I was so pale and my eyes looked almost black. I felt so ashamed, no wonder he was staring at me. He probably thought of me as riff-raff. Wondering what a plain, fragile little thing was doing in his club!

I ran into the cubicle not being able to stop what was coming next as I threw up the one bottle of Corona that I had consumed. Thankfully I heard the door open when I had finished. It sounded like two girls and no guessing who they were chatting about.

“And oh my god did you see his body, he gets finer every year. What I wouldn’t do to have a night alone with that man!”

“Tell me about it, now there’s a man that I bet has good equipment, if you know
what I mean!” A girl's giggle followed.

“Yeah and I bet he knows how to use it!”

“Yeah baby!” They both giggled again stupidly like superficial teenagers. I found myself angry at them being so vulgar towards him. I was just about to leave when I heard more.

“Yeah but did you see that girl he was staring at... urgh.” The silly cow then made a gagging noise. I was furious even though I was in the same frame of mind just a moment ago but still, it wasn’t the nicest thing to hear.

“I know she wasn’t at all pretty, nice skin I suppose but way too pale.”

“It was just make-up, I bet my life on it.” Well I sure hoped that this girl didn’t get into any unforeseen accidents on the way home on account of my skin type! I thought angrily to myself. 

“Well I bet he was only staring because he couldn’t believe she got in his club, and if we would have been sitting there we probably would be in the VIP area now!” Oh god, it was getting worse. Now they were deranged!

“We are going to have to come earlier next time and try for those seats.”

“Yeah then he won’t have to be put through that sight again!” They giggled again only this time making high-pitched squeals. My blood boiled as I walked out of the cubicle head held high. I knew that they were young from the sound of their undeveloped conversation but they were practically kids. They were applying lip gloss when they saw me, then their faces dropped.

I washed my hands that were shaking slightly in anger and dried them. Once I had finished I made my way to the door but just before I left I turned to say my piece.

“Oh and by the way, he might not be into pale and plain but I’m pretty sure he’s definitely not into kids, so why don’t you two run off home before you miss Hannah Montana!”  And I walked out with the biggest smile on my face, leaving them with their mouths still hung open. As I walked back with an everlasting grin on my face I looked up to stifle a laugh and noticed a pair of eyes that were watching me in amusement themselves.

I could see the VIP area clearly from back here and it looked full of people. But it was strange, as not one person had gone up the stairs after them. Maybe there was another entrance to it, one for the “special guests.” These little factors were irrelevant compared to the statue of a man staring back at me now, just as he had before. He wasn’t as clear up there, in the low light, but I could have sworn I had seen him smile. The faint glint of white as he showed his teeth flashed momentarily. He was so damn enigmatic. I stopped smiling and put my head down determined not to look again as I hurried back to my seat.


The rest of the night went quickly and without any more incidents. Jack insisted on staying with me while I waited for Frank. The others were going on to Drew’s house but as I was getting picked up and didn’t want Frank having to wait up for me any longer, I declined the offer.

“Are you sure? I could d
rive you home.
I’ve only had one beer.” Jack said with a hopeful look in his eye. “I’ll behave,” he added with a mischievous grin.

“Thanks, but Frank’s probably on his way now... rain check?” I said hoping he
wouldn’t take it the wrong way. I mean maybe before, at a different time, I would have really gone for someone like Jack. He was really convivial.  That happy go lucky nature that was infectious. You couldn’t help but smile around him. But I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea.  How could I get it across that I just didn’t date. Maybe I could hint to RJ about the whole “not dating” rule. But what was I saying, I was being
conceited enough to believe he wanted to be more than just friends. He was just a nice guy, plain and simple.

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