Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (6 page)

Read Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) Online

Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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Two huge black wings battered against the window in frustration as the thick set of claws on each foot looked deadly enough to rip through skin like a hot knife to butter. I sat staring at this enormous bird trying to destroy my window. I was fixated, I couldn’t move, it looked like a raven only more the size of a giant eagle. Its feathers all looked as if they had been push
ed backwards, it was so scruffy
and not
like the usual majestic birds I had seen on TV. Oh no, this one looked bloody possessed! What had come over this creature to want to behave this way? It looked almost demonic, eyes bulging with fierce hatred that glowed in the darkness it seemed to own, the look of a killer that had finally found its prey.

Just then a great scream rang through the dark sky.... no not a scream, more like a roaring howl. I had neve
r heard anything like it before. I
sounded part animal, part man
and part
... something else. The bird heard it too and pushing from the window's frame, made off in flight towards the direction the noise had seemed to come from but it was hard to make out in the night sky.

My mind raced as I still sat at the window looking for any explanation as to what just happened. Had it even really happened or was I still asleep?

When I had been taking my medication I would often hallucinate, seeing strange things but even then I was sort of aware that the reason at the time was due to the drugs in my system. This was not the same at all. Whatever had happened, one thing I knew for sure was that it had been real, for one reason I could taste the metallic taste of blood in my mouth where I had bit my bottom lip in fear. This was a hard thing to accept but there was no other reasoning behind it. I was clearly awake, as my sleepiness had soon worn off due to panic.

My mind wandered through any explanation I could think of, none of which made any sense. I finally crossed the room towards my bed, when I stopped dead as something important hit me, the memory of the look on the creature when it too had heard the same blood curdling sound that ripped through the forest.

Its master was calling...



Chapter 3 - New Friends



The rest of the week went relatively quickly and well, more importantly, without any more crazed bird incidents. But still, it didn't keep me from wondering what the hell had happened?

I had been for numerous walks and hiked as far as I could until I was sure I knew the area, so I wouldn’t get lost. I had even arranged to meet up with RJ at a coffee shop in town, to get to know each other before the big night at club Afterlife. After all, rock music isn't the best way for a first “let’s get to know each other” date and as I kept getting reminded, I really needed to meet some new friends, hopefully before I started college.

The week hadn't completely gone by without some progression towards this new life I was trying to create. I had landed myself a job at club Afterlife as a waitress thanks to Frank’s connections. And even better, without an interview, all I had to do was show up for my first shift next week.  Libby was still getting round the idea of course, not wanting me to push things too soon but I was strangely optimistic.

I really did need a job, besides from what I had heard from Frank, its where most of the...I quote “kids your age” hang out. So at least I would meet people there if the RJ thing didn't pan out. Luckily I wouldn't have long to wait to find out as I was due to meet her in about twenty minutes.

Libby had been kind enough to offer to drop me off as she wasn't back in work for another week, she had booked time off to help me settle in and show me around. She had even been hiking with me as this was a passion of hers and Franks. She showed me the best spot to go on a clear day, unfortunately it had been cloudy and raining that day but it was still an amazing view. A brilliant place for a date, she told me and then went into one of those stories I had heard a million times already. It was about the time Frank had surprised her with a romantic picnic for their anniversary.  But I listened as if I hadn't heard it time and time again. She continued all the way home, not leaving out one tiny detail. I loved that smile she gave, whenever she spoke about Frank, it was nice that she was so in love. I was happy for her. But it also had me wondering if I would ever find a love like that?


“Slow down, I'm not late Libs!” At this point I thought I wasn't going to make it, not in one piece anyway.

“What, I'm doing the speed limit!”

“Yeah right, around the bends maybe, see that thing there, next to the gas, it’s called the brake, maybe you should think about using it once in a while,” I teased.

“You just chill out about my driving and worry about meeting the Goth.”

“What...I'm not worried!” I didn't even convince myself with this statement.

“Ok then, why did it take you longer than me to get ready this morning?  Plus your room looked like a bomb went off and the clothes were the shrapnel.” This was
it was a complete disaster zone.

It wasn't that I was worried but more apprehensive. It had been years since I had to do anything like this, it felt like first grade all over again.  The panic was more down to not knowing what questions were going to be asked, it felt like a test that I hadn't studied for...hell I didn't even know the subje
ct. There would be your usual, w
here are you from? Why did you move here? These I could deal with but it was the more personal questions like Do you have a boyfriend? Have you ever had one? The normal boy talk
that always comes up in these types of situations.

It wasn't that I couldn't answer these questions. It’s just that my reactions that followed were the problem. I wasn't good at lying! I would just have to stay calm and relax, after all she was a Goth, she might not be into boys, she might be one of those 'it’s all about the music' types. Ok, highly unlikely but one could only hope.

In the end I chucked on a pair of old jeans that had seen better days, a pair of trainers that had the same problem and of course a long sleeve top that was grey with thin black stripes. My hair was wrapped up tightly into a twist that was held securely by a large clip made of metal, which had a butterfly on one side and a rather large point on the other. I had bought this from a Christmas market last year thinking it would serve two purposes. One, with it being made of metal it would be strong enough to hold up all my long thick hair, and two, more importantly, it would also be useful as a weapon.  These days you never knew when you would need protection.

We pulled up in the parking lot right outside the main doors as it had started to pour it down with rain.

“Well, good luck, I have some stuff to do but I'll be back here in about an hour...ok?”

“Yeah ok, no problem, I'll meet you here.”

I got out of the car and ran towards the swinging doors, as I turned to wave I just caught a glimpse of Libby making a speedy getaway. I would have to talk to Frank about her driving to see if he could talk some sense into her. Thanks to her speeding she had dropped me off with five minutes to spare. I walked over to the escalators and up to the food court. I remembered my way from last week’s shopping trip and knew exactly which coffee house I was meeting RJ at, so I had time to find a seat before she got there or so I thought.

I just turned in the doors to find a bright pink haired girl sat in the corner. She wore all black like the last time I had seen her except for a very long multi-coloured scarf that although wrapped around her neck a few times still made its way to her feet. Her hair was cut short and spiked into pink points, a style that suited her very thin but friendly face. She waved and stood up just in case the erratic waving hadn't caught my attention. I couldn't help smiling at this as I walked over to the booth she occupied.

“Hey Keira, how's things?”

“Yeah good thanks but you can call me Kaz, everyone else does.”

“Cool, so what have you been up to? Have you settled in yet?” I don't know why but it felt like she was easing me in with this question instead of bombarding me with what she really wanted to know, which of course
was everything!

“Yeah just about, I didn't really have that much stuff to unpack as most of it is still in England with my parents.”

I read her face as I said this, she must have thought my parents had died or something equally as horrible, otherwise why else had I moved here. It was funny the way the darkest of reasons entered our minds first. It was as if they were put there by something evil controlling our thoughts, whispering morbid possibilities into our head.

“That sucks, are they going to send the rest of your stuff over?”

“Nah, but my mum said she would send anything I needed over to me, so that was the main reason behind the shopping trip last week, I was in desperate need of a warm jacket.” She smiled at this last statement.

“Yeah it gets pretty cold out here, just wait until winter and you'll be sleeping in it!” We both laughed. She was so easy to talk to I don't know what I had been worrying about.

This wasn't the only reason for most of my stuff being left behind. They had been fully prepared to send everything I owned over but it just reminded me of my old life, clothes I would never wear again, brighter, shorter and more noticeable, which wasn't who I was any more. I had told them to throw them out but my mother wouldn't. She was still holding on to the hopes that her baby would return back to her happy bubbly self. Which I knew was never going to happen. Broken
pieces never fixed themselves and this was y
et another reason to add to the very long list of reasons why I moved here.

A waitress came over to take our order but didn't look too happy at the task. She was quite old and haggard looking with white hair with some grey in patches. There were deep dark circles that lined her eyes along with the most wrinkled skin I think I had ever seen. The uniform didn't help her appearance, a pasty green shirt that looked like the same colour that they painted hospital walls. She looked ill and the colour brought out the green tinge in her skin.

“What do you want?” A rude harsh voice came from a pair
of thin tight lips that
looked like she was sucking a lemon. RJ's bubbly voice answered first.

” She turned to me but didn't meet my eyes.

“And you?” Was all she said, which sounded more like an order than a question.

“Hot chocolate please.” I always felt like a child ordering this but I didn't like coffee and I doubted that they had English tea.

“Oh and can I have a double chip muffin?” RJ's voice was the complet
e opposite to the waitress' who
name tag revealed her to be called Meg. She just gave a vague nod and walked away towards the counter to start the order.

“Wow she was happy, must love her job.” I said with a sarcastic tone.

“Yeah” she giggled “don't mind her, she's never happy and she's been working here for years. I think she used to go to school with my mom but dropped out. She's been working as a waitress ever since.”

I now understood why Meg wasn't the happiest person in the mall.

“Ah I see,” was all I could think of.

“So how come you moved to little old Evergreen, if you don't mind me asking?” There it was
the question I knew was going to be asked, the one I didn't yet know how to answer. I knew the truth, I was running from my past and it had brought me here, but I couldn't come out with that for an answer. But it always made me laugh
the way people added “if you don't mind” to the end of a question they really wanted to know. What was I going to say “hell yes, I do mind.”

Just then the waitress brought us our drinks, which gave me a bit more time to think of an answer that seemed logical. She dumped them down and walked off.

RJ blew on her cappuccino and looked up at me with big eyes that were caked with thick black make-up. “You were saying,” she said as she studied my face for an answer.

“Umm... well I decided to move here because” think Kaz, think!

of Libby…
my sister.”

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