Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (49 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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“Because there isn't any time and because I can help you now,” he said and I
was sure I could feel him running.

“Doctor?” I said meaning to add the “Are you” at the front of that question but he understood without.

“Something like that...oh no, come on Keira open your eyes for me.” He gave me a quick shake to get me to respond. I opened my eyes but it was getting harder as I felt as though I was falling.

“Nearly there, come on, keep with me!” He said and it felt as though we were flying, he must have been running th
at fast. My eyes couldn't focus.
t was like driving fast in the car and watching it all go past in a blurry vision. Amazingly I managed to find some humour and said,

“You said that last time.” He let out a tense laugh and said,

“So I did.”

We were slowing down now and I heard a pair of big doors opening.

“Have you got everything ready?” he snapped out and I di
dn't like the sound of the word

“What everything?” I said wondering if he was asking me but another voice spoke and I knew the answer.

“Yes Master.” A woman's voice said in a quiet timid way.

I opened my eyes and saw that we were in a large long room but my mind switched back to the pain consuming my every function and I screamed as I was put down on what seemed to be a couch.

“Ssshh you’re ok, I know it hurts but it won't for much longer,” he said standing up and taking off his suit jacket.

“You promise?” I said and the back of his hand caressed down my cheek as he replied

“Yes I promise.”  He then demanded “Leave us!” to the girl who was still in the room. He pulled up a chair right next to me and pulled close to him a small table that held lots of things I couldn't yet make out.

“Now I'm going to pull you up slightly but it will hurt... you ready?” He got closer to me and held both hands under my back ready to pull me up.

“No but do it anyway,” I said waiting for the pain to come. And boy did it come.

“ARRGGGHHH, ouch, ok....ok, now that hurt!” I said trying to not cry but my cheeks were wet so I think it was a little late for that wish.

“I know. I know it did but you won't have to do that again.” He moved to the table and now I could see a green bottle that I knew well. He then picked what looked like a sugar cube out of a glass jar with some silver tongs. He then placed the sugar onto a strange slotted spoon, which had a design of wings cut out of it. This was then placed over a glass with a fancy silver bottom that curled up like a thorn vine overtaking the clear glass. 

He took out a tiny glass bottle and popped off the lid, then dripped some strange red liquid onto the sugar. Then picking up the green bottle he poured it over the sugar until the liquid ran over it into the glass below. He filled the glass then dripped some more red liquid onto the sugar before making me jump slightly as he set it alight. I didn't even see how he did this, as there was no lighter in his hand or a match.

After the sugar bubbled and caramelized he dropped it in the glass making the
mixture turn from green to red. He stirred it before passing it to me but he looked as though he had added something else into it as the mixture turned its final colour of purple. Or did he just blow into it and it changed colour? My mind couldn’t control what was real and what wasn’t.

“I need you to drink this but careful, it's hot,” he said as he pressed it to my lips.

“What is it?” I asked pausing before the glass.

“It absinthe and it will help with the pain... Drink.” His voice took on a more authoritative tone making me do as he asked. The liquid burned my throat but not because of the temperature. It felt like acid tickling its way down inside me. But within seconds of it hitting my stomach the pain started to change into a numb ache more than the stabbing, ripping feeling I was used to.

“Better?” He said as if feeling it too.

I nodded and automatically my hand went down to grab the implement that was still embedded in my side. He stopped me again just like the last time.

“Oh no you don't... let’s not get too has
ty. I need to stop the bleeding. Y
ou’re still losing a lot of blood.” His hand let go of my wrist and moved to where the metal was sticking out of my skin.

“How come I can't feel the pain
?” I said and his eyes flickered to me, looking up from my side.

“Because I didn't like seeing you in pain. But you will feel the side effects soon enough.”

“Side effects?” I looked at him with wide eyes and a worried frown.

“Hold very still…ok?” He placed his hand down on my stomach stopping me from moving. The other hand was positioned around the metal ready to extract it.

“Will this hurt?”

“Do you really want to know that?” He said as he yanked it hard away from my body not giving me chance to answer. My question however was answered as my body arched upwards from the agony and I screamed once more. His hand pushed down on my stomach and won the fight with my body's reaction. I was flat to the couch and panting from pain.

“Good girl…Ssshh… It’s ok now, that's the worst bit over with,” he said as he smoothed my hair back from my wet forehead and then slid his hand down to wipe the tears from my cheeks. It took me a moment to come back from that one so I remained silent trying to catch the breath that his touch had stolen from me. He turned back to the table and grabbed a piece of white material holding it down on the now open wound.

He had examined the weapon for a moment before crushing it into thin shards and it shattered in his hands. I looked on in amazement but still I didn't speak.  The white material had turned red but thankfully the pain hadn't returned.

“I need you to stand, ok?” His face was soft and full of tenderness. His hand went under my body again and he lifted me with ease until I was upright and in his arms, that felt as strong as iron girders. I stood facing him and my pulse was on fire from being in his arms. His hands were coming up around my neck and it took me a minute to understand why.

“What are you doing?” I said flinching backwards. However he just moved
closer and I could hear my heartbeat as though someone had been beating on a drum in the corner of the room. His hands were removing my tie from around my neck.

“I have to get to the wound.
you have anything on under your shirt?” He asked and I thought I would pass out and not from the blood loss. He wanted to undress me?

“Umm...yes... why?” I said like a timid little girl.

“Because I need to take this off,” he said as he put his hands around my back closing the space between us completely. My head only came up to the top of his chest and he bent his head down slightly. His hands found the knot of material where my wrap shirt was tied behind my back. I couldn't look into his eyes even though they were looking at mine. His arms encircled my body and I had never felt so safe. His body being this close did strange things to my senses, making me want to touch him back. The warmth emanating from him was making my skin tingle.

When he had untied my shirt he lingered there for a moment before removing the rest of it, pealing it away from my skin exposing my bare shoulders. His touch was soft and gentle as though any sudden movement would scare me. He threw it to one side as though it should never have been there in the first place. He then moved back picking up a long red velvet scarf and came towards me with it held out as if he was about to put it round my head.

“What are you going to do with that?” I said stepping back.

“Don't you trust me?” He said cocking his head to one side as though trying to read my thoughts. When I didn't reply he stepped towards me placing the velvet around my eyes and knotted it at the back of my head.

“The drink I gave you will start the after effects soon and I don't want it to frighten you,” he said smoothing out the material over my eyes, making sure that I couldn't see.

“Frighten me?”

“It will make you see things that aren't acts as an hallucinogenic.”

My eyes were no longer a sense I could use and my heart started to beat even faster at the power he had over me stood here feeling even more helpless than before. I heard him moving and then I jumped when his hands touched my waist.

“We both agree that your top is ruined right?” He said as his hands stopped moving.

“I guess,” I said not getting the question. Then his hands grabbed a handful of the black cotton and ripped it open just under my bra so my stomach was exposed. Again I jumped at the noise and the air that hit my skin. His hands were back over my stomach and it felt like his head was level with my navel. Maybe he had sat down but because I couldn't see, I didn't know anything other than his touch.

Then something strange took place. He placed his palm to
my wound and held it very still.
I was about move as I didn't know what was happening but his other hand caught me by the other side. He then gently applied pressure to grip me into place making me stop my fidgeting. I was quickly being pulled closer to his body before he spoke,

“Be still little one
” His hand released its tension on my side but I was still unable to move. Then it happened. ….

A wave of heat coursed through my blood stream making my body convulse. I shook and then the burning calmed turning to a feeling of euphoria. Every fibre and molecule felt strong, as if another energy had entered my body making me feel reborn. A metallic taste filled my mouth as if I had been struck by
and my eyes filled with tears, not from pain, more like an over emotional experience. It was as if my body could contain the feeling without producing evidence on how magical it had been. My muscles tensed as I felt them grow powerful. I felt strong, as though I had been genetically altered.

His hand felt my body respond to whatever he had done to me because he said,

“Easy there.” He then starting wrapping what I thought was a bandage around my waist and his hands worked with skill as if he had done this may times. I mean
who was this guy, a
doctor in another life? He moved me over to the side telling me to sit down. I did as I was told but I had the biggest urge to get up and run never wanting to stop. Hell, I felt like Spiderman after being bitten by that radioactive spider! I felt great and wanted to test my body's new senses.

t did you do? I feel… different.
” I said moving my head up to the direction his voice had come from.

“I gave you a drug to help heal you, so you will feel a bit... stronger,” he said with a smile in his voice.

“A bit? I feel like I could take on the heavyweight champion!” I said still feeling the warmth of the drug.

“Well you did beat the crap out of my tree, so I wouldn't put it past you.” He said laughing. I had never seen him fully laugh and I wished I could have taken off my blindfold to see his face.

“How did you..., oh forget it. There's nothing you don't know about it, is there?” I said letting my defences down. 

“There are...some things,” he said with both concern and regret in his voice.

“Now let’s take care of that hand.” He took hold of the palm that still had glass embedded in my skin into his hand. I had forgotten about it, as the pain had long gone. My hand shook in his as another fear hit me.

“Are you in pain?” My other hand went to my wrist stopping him from removing my glove.

“No but I don't... I mean...oh God, please don't!” I said spluttering out the words, wishing I could see his face. I lowered my head and I could feel the material go damp from tears that started to form as my old fears became too much to handle.

“I won't remove your glove, just the thumb...ok?” His voice sounded sympathetic and I continued to hang my head in shame. He knew.

He pulled the hole over my thumb and pealed it back folding it over the wrist. I bit my lip as my nervous heartbeat gave me away. I had to control the urge not to yank my hand from his. It didn't take long as I could barely feel the glass being picked out. If anything it felt as though he just moved his hand over mine and the glass all came out at once like metal shards to a magnet, which left me with a tingling on my skin.

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