Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (60 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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“Don't call him that!” I said knowing it to be the Spanish word vermin. He turned around in shock so I said,

“I speak Spanish!” I said with satisfaction but he just rolled his eyes.

“Anyway, he's my friend and I am going to come here with him again whether you like it or not!” But this was like lighting dynamite as he nearly exploded with rage.

“YOU WILL NOT!” He said with burning fury, but I didn't back down.

“You’re saying that I can't bring him in the club?”

“I'm saying that boy is never to set foot in
club again and that is final!” He said folding his arms across his wide chest, once again straining the material that covered them. I gulped at the sight of muscle upon muscle. He was a pure mass of dominant warrior male and I couldn't believe my little self was even here stood arguing against him. Half of me wanted to shy away and just whisper my submission to him but the fighter in me screamed out with rebellious venom.  

“Right, well in that case you won't have to worry about it

“Good, finally you see sense.” He said prematurely as though he had won a round.

“You misunderstand Draven, it won't be a problem anymore... because I quit!” I said firmly and before I could judge his reaction I grabbed for the door and left him in the room alone once more. I heard an almighty crash from the other side but I just kept going, walking past Sophia without saying a word. I also walked past Karmun at the bar and the rest of the bodies that were all sat around in their usual tables. I don't think I stopped once to take in anything until I made it to my car where I was once again crying. This time thought it was from anger rather than pain. And it soon changed into me swearing like a sailor all the way home. 


I was so confused I could hardly breathe. I gripped the steering wheel as though I was going to lose control if I didn't. It made me want to going running into Jack’s arms just at Draven's commands. It was like every time he demanded me to stay away from him, it had the opposite effect, making me want to rebel. It was like saying that even though he didn't want me, he also didn't want anyone else to have me either. But I was still at a loss to understand why. I was too wired to go back home and I didn't want Libby to see me upset. So I drove to my favourite spot and sat there letting my mind drift to easier times. I wanted the truth but all I got were more puzzles that I couldn't decipher. After my “Incident” all I would ask myself is why me? And now all I seemed to be asking myself was why not me? 

I wanted him so badly that the ache Jack described was much more like agony and now I had given up all my chances of seeing him again by quitting. I thought back to when I had mentioned Jack's girlfriend and he hadn't denied it, so maybe it was true? Maybe the only reason he wanted to control me was because I had been with Jack. Could there be more to them two, more than either of them had told me? Whatever it was, there was no way I would believe murder! I knew the Dravens didn't live life like other people and whatever they were in to, I still couldn't see it being anything that serious! But on the other hand what did I know about them? Very
little, Sophia had always been more than careful about disclosing any information about their past. I didn't know where they came from, how they made their
I mean I didn't even know how old any of them were. Nobody did and in a town that they half owned, I found that astonishing. 

Once I had sat there for a few hours, stewing over questions I had no answers to, I decided to get in my car and call Jack. It only rang twice and he picked up sounding happy.

“Hey, Keira what's up, you missing me already?” He laughed heartily on the other end and my mood quickly lifted.

“I was just wondering if you’re free tonight?” I said suddenly worried he’d say no.

“Yeah, I have a date with a pretty blonde but I don't know where to take her maybe you could advise me?” He said and I couldn't keep the grin from my face.

“Umm, well I reckon the movies might be a safe bet.”

“Mmm, but I don't know anyone there that will buy all the drugs I'm selling but I do have a truck full of guns so maybe I will get could help me sell them if you like?” He said and I was laughing so hard another snort nearly reared
ugly head.

“AHHH nearly had another one from you there...I could feel it!” He carried on making me giggle like a teenager...well a giggle was better than the piggy impression.

“I will pick you up, what time are you free?” I asked hoping it wouldn't be long.

“Now is good, and if you’re lucky and give me good compliments I will even treat you to a not so great meal at the diner!”

“Well I have always liked your hair.”

“Sold to the girl in Ummm...what’re you wearing?”


“Sold to the girl in red, mmm red.” He said like Homer Simpson.

“Ok see you in a bit.” And after he said bye I hung up and started the engine. It didn't take me long to get to RJ's house where her brother would stay at weekends. I had been there a few times but mostly we hung out somewhere else. Once I pulled up I didn't have to wait long as Jack was sat on the steps waiting for me. He was back to his usual ripped jeans and rock T-shirt and today's choice was the ‘Ramones’. His hair was slightly damp as it looked as if he had just got out of the shower and when the car door opened it smelled like it to.

“Hey cuteness how was your day?” He said putting on his seatbelt.

“It's been better, so you will have to try extra hard to cheer me up,” I said pulling away and heading towards the town.

“I will buy you a crummy dessert for after your even crummier meal.”

“Mmm, I’m really looking forward to this place,” I said as he directed me left at the lights.

“At least the sodas are cold, for me that's a big plus.”

Once we parked up and went inside Jack grabbed us a booth while I went to the toilets. I was just on my way out when a waiter walked past me glaring at me with a strange tint in his eye. I wondered if he was in any of my classes but I couldn't remember him. But one thing was for sure, he didn't look happy about seeing me. I
slid in opposite Jack and I already had a coke waiting for me.

“Sorry about ordering already but they’re never that quick, so I did panic buying.” I snorted my coke out as I laughed and my cheeks nearly made the drips boil I was that embarrassed!

“Well that was gross.”

“Thanks, next time you wanna make me laugh, make sure I don't have anything in my mouth!” I said wiping my face with a napkin.

“Duly noted,” he said giving me a salute.

“So are you going to tell me why you had a bad day or will I have to interrogate you Jack Bauer/ Thomas see what I did there?”

“Yeah that was really clever but answer me one thing, what is it with men and Jack Bauer?”

“It's a guy thing, he's like a father figure to us all, and come on who wouldn't want to be a CTU agent?” He said passing me the grubby menu.

“The waitress told me the specials and I could tell you them but if you want to hear them with attitude then I’d better call her back over.”

“I think I will pass thanks.”

“Suit yourself, so bad day?” He waved one tanned hand in the air to prompt me.

“Oh yeah...I quit!” I said looking over my menu.

“Really? H
ow come, was it after last night?” He asked and I didn't know whether to tell him.

“Let's just say last night was the straw that broke the camel's back.”

“Aww and you have a lovely back as well... look, all joking aside, I don't want to cause any problems but I must admit I am glad.” Well at least one of us was, I thought as he said this.

“Yeah anyway let’s eat something, so what would you recommend?” I asked and Jack replied

“The place across the street.” And we both giggled as the waitress gave us dirty looks.


After Jack paid our bill we walked out to the car where there was another guy walking towards us giving me the same rude look the waiter did back in the diner. They didn't have anything in common but the look they both gave me was identical. Even Jack noticed as he said,

“Jeez what was his problem?” I shook my head and didn't say anything until Jack's voice pulled me out of it.

“Earth to major Kaz, hello!”

“Sorry, what did you say?”

“Just that you need keys to enter the vehicle,” he said shaking imaginary keys at me.

“Oh yeah, that might help,” I said laughing without humour. We got in my car and I followed Jack's directions to the cinema. We were both laughing at the food we’d just eaten and the terrible service, when I asked,

“Why do you even go there?”

“Oh me and Celina used to go there all the time.” He said as if it had been
yesterday but I on the other hand nearly slammed on the breaks. My mind automatically flew to Draven's red headed fiancée!

“Did you just say...what I think you just said?”

“Yeah, Celina...why?”



















Chapter 33




As soon as Jack had said the name I couldn't focus, my mind was everywhere and nowhere. Surely it couldn't be? But the more I thought about it the more it made sense. It must be her! I wasn't concentrating and bumped the curb so I thought it best to pull over.

“Keira, you don't look well...maybe taking you to that diner was a mistake, you’re not immune like the rest of us,” he said looking concerned.

“I think I had better drop you off and go home, I don't feel so good,” I said as it wasn't a lie.

“Yeah, no problems, but man you really don't look have gone a bit green.” And I could only imagine the truth of it. I turned round and drove towards his house after convincing him that I was fine to drive but he still watched me like a hawk.

I pulled up and before he left he told me that he would text me later to check on me, which I thought was sweet. He lifted my hand to his lips and kissed it before leaving the car. As soon as he left I felt better and not because I was suddenly bored with his company. I was just so scared of saying something or letting it slip as to the wherea
bouts of his long lost love
or more like, WAS.

I mean what are the chances it was someone different, not only was this the first person I had met with the name Celina but for her to be a flaming redhead as well! The odds were in my favour that I was spot on. I made it home but was glad the roads were clear, as my reactions weren't up to the challenge of catering for other motorists. The lights were on and I wondered if I could just get away with going upstairs without going into a conversation as to why. Well I would soon find out.

I knocked on the door as I had left my house keys on the hook inside. I waited
and could hear laughing behind the door, but one of the voices was female and it certainly didn't belong to Libby.

“Hi Keira,” Sophia said as she answered the door looking at ease in my doorway.

“Umm....Hi,” I said, not wanting to be rude and come right out and say what are you doing here?

“Sophia's been waiting for you, since you weren't at work?” Libby said confirming I was now busted!

“Umm yeah I went out with...mates.” I said stopping before I said Jack’s name, only I didn't know why I wasn't just being honest. It wasn't as if it mattered any more.

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