Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (55 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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“Here eat this.” And closed the door leaving me to shower. Once I was inside the
cubical I heard a tapping at the door and had to turn off the water to hear who it was.

“What!” I said shouting through the glass and bathroom door.

“Use the stuff I put in there for you.” Libby shouted back through the wooden door as I shivered now the hot water had stopped warming my skin.

“OK!” I shouted back and continued to shower with the new products that smelled like passion fruit and felt like cream covering my body. It had little seeds in it that
my skin making it feel soft when I got out and dried myself.

Libby dried my hair while I sat there and ate breakfast and Frank walked past on his way out saying,

“Have fun ladies.” I tried to turn to say bye but Libby pulled my head back round with my hair and I complained.

“Oww ...GOD Lib's don't go into the Beauty business will you?”

“And why not?” She asked hands on hips, brush still in hand.

“Because I don't want you to get sued!”

“Shut up!” She said in a playful manner that made me smile.  Once she’d finished drying my hair she put it in huge curlers until I looked as if I could pick up a radio station.

“What are these for, I'm not wearing my hair down.”

“I know, but when I put it up I want the ends curly, anyway don't you trust me?”

My answer in my head wasn't the one I gave.

“Of course I do but...”

“No buts, leave a master to work please,” she said waving the comb round as if it was her magic wand.

After my hair was done I was allowed to leave the torture chamber which was better known as the kitchen and do what I wanted while she worked on my Gothic attire. She had already taken my measurements, which weren't far out from her own and lucky for me she had the same shoe size so I could borrow some from hers as all my wardrobe held these days were sneakers, known to me as trainers and a pair of boring black work shoes that were flat!

To be honest I didn't have the most productive day, as it was hard to do anything with what felt like a transmitter on my head. The day went by surprisingly quickly and after having my nails done and my eyebrows shaped, I was ready for my make-up. I felt like a big kid’s doll as Libby was clearly loving every minute of it. She spent what seemed like ages doing my make-up and my face started to ache from holding it so still.

“What time is Jacky boy picking you up?” She asked as she was applying powder to my pale cheeks.

“We said about eightish... why?” I said in a worried tone

“No reason, just wanted to know how much time I had.”

“Lib's it only six.”

“Yeah, but I still have to do your hair and then we have to get you into your dress,” She said, starting on my eyes. I still hadn't seen the dress as she wanted it to be a surprise, but I knew her true motives behind it were so it would be too late for me to back out of wearing it. She also wouldn't let me look in the mirror once my
make up
and hair were done. She hadn't left out a thing, from curling my eyelashes to
matching the hair clip with the colour of the dress, which she’d told me was purple and black. The colour purple started to bring back memories but I quickly pushed them to the back of my mind where Draven was locked up tightly. This was one night that I wasn't going to think about him, I made myself that promise.

When everything was done I only just had enough time to get into my dress as Jack was now sat downstairs with Frank and from what it sounded, they were both watching a game. Libby had timed it to a tee as when I finally had been strapped into my dress I only had enough time for a quick look in the mirror.

I was speechless...I was completely blown away and Libby looked at me with near tears in her eyes and her hands covering her mouth waiting for me to speak. I could barely believe it was still me...I looked...well... sexy!

I was wearing a tight fitted corset that looked as though it had been moulded to my skin as the black and purple velvet material snaked around my frame making it curve in all the right places. It was tied with a thick purple ribbon that went all the way down my back touching the cheeks of my behind and to the top part on the skirt. The skirt carried on the design twisting to the front of my leg where a big slit ran up exposing my thigh.

The rest of the skirt ripped down in layers, some bits nearly reaching the floor and others in a net material that gave the skirt body. It moved gracefully around with me when I turned in the mirror. I had been conned into wearing knee high black leather boots with a tall heel but it wasn't as hard to walk in them as I would have thought. One leg was completely on show while the other was hidden under the multiple layers of black. But this wasn't the part I was most worried about. No, because the stiff boned corset was creating an eyeful of bust that I usually concealed. I had already put the gloves on before Libby helped me into my dress. They were purple velvet to match and they went up all the way past the elbow, which I was more than happy about.

After dragging my eyes away from my dress I looked at my face seeing someone different staring back at me. I was still pale but my skin looked like it was made from porcelain with a hint of a blush at my cheeks. At this point I didn't know whether that was from the make-up or my reaction to seeing myself like this. My eyes were dark and smoky with a long black line across the eyelid that followed down and flicked out at the end. They were black underneath also giving them a dark and mysterious look. They were framed with long curly lashes that tickled the tops of my eyelids. I licked my lips but the dark red colour remained making them look full and like a cupids bow. My hair was a soft gold and lighter streaks were caught in the light making them look like silk. It was swept back into a high twist, which overflowed with curls hanging down to my neck. My shorter bits hung down curling around the shape of my face.

“I don't know what to say....” I said very quietly but she just held the biggest grin.

“You don't need to say anything… and well, you don't have time to.” She was right, as now it was time for the hard part, now I had to face people...

Like this!









Chapter 30- To be noticed



Libby checked me once last time, fluffing my skirt out and then remembering something, she came at my neck with a red lip liner.

“What's that for?” I asked as she was coming closer to my neck.

“Well if anyone asks what you are you can say ‘A Victim’
see!” She said turning me to face the mirror again pointing out the two red dots on my neck she had just put there.

Great! Well, that just gave me images of a certain dark someone pinning me down and biting on my neck, putting those marks there for real.

I grabbed my long black jacket and zipped it up before going downstairs.

“What are you doing?” Libby asked protesting.

“I don't want Frank to see me like this...don't worry I will be taking it off in the club,” I said nudging her as she looked hurt so I added,

“Thanks Lib's, it's amazing.” And I soon had her smiling again. I transferred my purse out of my bag into my deep jacket pocket and Libby added some red lip-gloss in there as well.

“Just in case,” she said making kiss noises like she was five. I couldn't refrain from rolling my eyes. 

I walked downstairs with more than butterflies in my stomach. It felt more like giant beetles! Jack and Frank were sat in the lounge getting animated about the game. But they both turned when Libby cleared her throat. Jack's mouth actually dropped and Frank looked as though I was someone else. No one said anything, they just kept staring at me, which didn't go down too well with Libby.

“Well, what do you think?” She said speaking for me. Jack was the first to find words.

“Oh, wow, you look....I mean you look, great, amazing...just wow.” He said and I blushed, Frank on the other hand nudged him as they were both now standing and whispered to him,

“Smooth...real smooth.” And I giggled like a teenager.

“Thanks, but shouldn’t we go?” I replied, making my way to the door.

“Yeah Kazzy, you look fantastic, good job Libs...hey you kids have fun tonight!” Frank shouted to us on our way out of the door.

I was so full of mixed emotions but embarrassment was definitely the big winner. I only noticed what Jack was wearing in the car. He was dressed in a long black leather jacket with ripped jeans and ripped T shirt with fake blood on it. He had white
make up over his face and his eyes had thick black around them making him look ill.

“Nice costume but you’re going to have to give me a clue,” I said motioning my hand up and down.

“Ha, well naturally I'm a rocker zombie victim...durr” He said making fun at me.

“Ahhh...yeah now I get it, that must have taken you umm... all of five minutes to come up with,” I said teasing him back.

“Well we can't all be as naturally beautiful as you, some have to work hard at this was the only thing I could put together in an hour.” I blushed at the first part but laughed at the second.

“Been working today then I gather?”

“Yeah, but I had enough time to buy some fake blood in my break,” he said showing me his ripped T-shirt that exposed bits of his toned skin underneath. It wasn't surprising that Jack had a muscular six pack under all those clothes, it was however, a shock seeing it. I wondered if he noticed my gulp.   

It didn't take long before we were queuing to get in as tonight was definitely going to be packed inside. There were lots of Goths but also some actual costumes, the usual devils, witches, black cats and loads of zombies.

“Oh look Jack, it looks like only a few hundred people copied your idea,” I teased again. We got inside and I knew it was time to remove my jacket but I was just so nervous I was still clutching on to my collar. It did however bring me comfort to see that Libby had been right. Everyone was dressed up and I doubted anyone would notice me. I also couldn't help where my eyes seemed to be drawn, as I looked up to the VIP area. There I saw a tall black figure standing at the edge of the top floor balcony. I couldn't make out any features but there was just something in me that knew it was him. This was enough to give me the guts to remove the black fabric that was hiding away my body.

As soon as I did I regretted it as now everyone was staring at me including Jack. Even weirder the lights above seem to flicker as though searching for some more power. What was that all about?

“Oh my God Keira, you look...I mean you” Again it didn't make much sense but it was sweet all the same.

“Thanks Jack, come on let's get a drink.” I said linking my arm in his as we made our way through the crowd towards the bar. Once there I was about to get out my money when Jack stopped me saying,

“Hey gorgeous, first round's on me!” And with that he flagged down Mike, who didn't even recognise me.

“ way, you look great,” he said and Jack rolled his eyes at Mike’s attempt at a compliment, personally I found it nice but I was starting to get burning cheeks from all the attention. I was going to have to get a few drinks down me for some liquid courage.

“What can I get you?”

“I will have a coke and the lady will have a shot of tequila and a Corona.” He said without having to ask me. He really did know me well. I downed my shot and swigged back my beer tasting the lime around the neck. It was as if I could feel myself relax with every taste.

“You're not half Mexican are you?” Jack asked joking about my preference of drinks. I just poked him in the ribs in a playful way before giving in to giggles.  

“So come on then, what are you supposed to be? Hell, not that I'm complaining.” I smiled and said tilting my head to one side showing him my red dots.

“Well isn't it obvious? I'm a Gothic Vampire Victim...durr!” I mocked him adding on the durr and he laughed shaking his head as we walked off but I was sure I could have heard him say the word “Damn” under his breath.

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