Afterlife (Afterlife Saga) (63 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Hudson

BOOK: Afterlife (Afterlife Saga)
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Once I reached the handle to my truck it didn't budge and I realised it was locked and I fumbled for the keys out of my pocket. I was finding it hard to focus so when I finally found them I dropped them on the floor as I was trying to get the key in the lock. I bent down to pick them up seeing the gravel minus silver keys.... they were gone.

“Looking for these?” A voice said and I jumped, nearly having a heart attack at
the same time. I stood up seeing Vincent Draven who was casually lent against the hood of my truck holding my keys.

“Umm... yeah, thanks...” I said trying to sound calmer than I felt, as my heart hadn't yet recovered. I held out my hand to retrieve my keys but he didn't pass them to me, instead he enclosed all his fingers around them concealing the metal bunch. My pulse started to speed up as the panic was building.

“I think I'd better hang on to these for the moment,” he said in his usual smouldering voice that was like his brother's and it had the same effect as it invaded my senses. I took in a deep breath and pushed the calming sound from my mind, becoming in control once more. I still hadn't said anything, so he spoke again but this time I started breathing through my mouth so as not to let the scent in.

“Where are you going Keira?” He asked and I took in two more deep breaths before answering him.

“Something has come up, a family emergency and I have to go.” I tried to make my voice as steady as possible but it was proving hard with the way my blood raced around my body in a blind panic. I continued adding,

“If you could please give your brother my apologies and tell him that I will meet him some other time.”

“Why don't you tell him yourself,” he said nodding in the direction I had just come from. There I saw a tall dark figure striding towards me closing the gap between us quickly. He wore a long black jacket that was close to the floor and he looked more terrifying than I had ever seen him look before. He had two men walking behind him further back and one of them I knew to be Zagan. My body felt like it was being rattled as I couldn’t help but shake. I decided to make a run for it as I knew if I didn't, I wouldn't get another opportunity. So before he could get any closer I dashed to the side Vincent wasn't blocking.

But in the time it took for my body to turn, I was facing Zagan, who stood there blocking my way.  His face scared me as the long thick scars on his face looked deep red and I couldn't be sure but it looked as though his tattoos were moving around it. I didn't know how this was possible or how he got to me so fast, as he must have moved at an impossible speed. But he wasn't the only one with this amazing talent as when I looked back towards Draven he was now stood opposite me, close enough for me to feel the heat coming from his imposing body. My body pressed back against my door and I could feel the cold metal seep through my clothes freezing my skin.

“I wouldn't do that again if I were you,” he warned making me quiver at the sound of his demanding voice.

“I have to go!” I said trying to sound strong, but he wasn't buying it.

“And where would that be?” He asked looking down at me but I couldn't meet his eyes knowing that if I did I might tell him everything.

“As I told your brother, a family emergency.”

I don't think so Keira.” He looked to his brother and held out his hand to him and without saying a word, his brother handed him my car keys.

“Please! You don't understand I have to go...” I decided to plead with
I finally looked up at him with tears rolling down my cheeks. His features didn't change but he didn't look as angry if anything he looked eerily in total

“Who was on the phone Keira?” He asked me the question I didn't want to answer. Hell I didn't even know how to, because I could barely believe it was true.

“You can't keep me here against my will!” I shouted finding some bravery that was buried deep.

“I think you will find that I can,” he said with so much confidence that I could do nothing but believe him. My phone started to vibrate in my back pocket and I jumped when I felt it. This was my chance and I knew which card I would play.

“That's the police ringing me and if I don't answer it then he will send the cops to look for me, he knows I'm here.” I said warning him without moving. But he leaned in closer to me putting his hand on the metal frame of my truck above my head. I mistakenly breathed in through my nose letting my body fill with his warm scent. I closed my eyes and more tears fell in the path of those before them. He got close to my ear and said,

“Well, we’d better not keep Inspector Matthews waiting then.” And then he wrapped his strong arm around underneath my jacket and my top. He placed his hand on my skin pushing his hand down the curve of my spine until reaching down into my jeans pocket to retrieve my vibrating phone. I couldn't breathe at the feel of his touch, amazed to find even in
the situation he was keeping me
I was still ready to explode from the feel of his skin on mine.

I was still in shock from this new information. How did he know who I was talking about, had he overheard me when I rang them? He pulled back from my frame and stood as he was before. He flipped open my phone and answered with ease.

“Inspector Matthews.”
As soon as he answered I let out the loudest scream for help I could but my voice didn't follow through with my mind's command. Instead Draven's hand reached up,
fast, so close to my face. He held out his palm to my throat without touching me and then he squeezed his hand into a tight fist as if taking my voice from me, locking it away in his iron grasp. I couldn't speak! My mouth would move but in vain. Not one sound came from my lips and I held my hands around my throat, as all I could feel was a tingling in my larynx. I tried to run but as soon as the thought entered my mind, Vincent's hand went to my shoulder holding me still, restraining me by pushing me back against my car door.

Draven just shook his head telling me NO, while he continued on the phone.

“Yes Inspector she is fine...a little worked up as you can understand but she will be fine when she has had some rest.” His hand was still held into a fist and I had stopped struggling, giving up under Vincent's superior strength.

“She will remain here at the club, it is safer that way,” he said and I shook my head at him in defiance. Safer, what a joke! I wasn't safe with this mad man and his brother. I had been so wrong about him...he had been the enemy all along and I had been too blind with love to see it!

“I will get her to ring you when she has calmed down as I am sure she has many questions...No that too has also been taken care of.” I was now wondering what else he had “Taken control” of? I could not help the tears that flowed freely and I wiped them away feeling like a helpless frightened child.

“I thank you for your prompt delivery of the case file and please give my
regards to your Chief Superintendent for me,” he said before hanging up and placing my phone in his jacket along with my keys. He then unlocked his fist and this released my voice back to me. I coughed at the feeling it made, making my eyes water more. I couldn't believe what was happening, it couldn't be real. How was he doing these things...what was he?

I wanted to scream out but I was afraid he would take control again so I remained quiet and he must have read my thoughts because he lifted his hand to my face and wiped my wet cheek with his thumb.

“Good girl!” Then he turned to Vincent, who removed his hand that was until now keeping me still.

“Now are you going to come with us quietly?” Draven asked softly but I had other ideas, as soon as I got another opportunity I was making a break for it!

“Umm I didn't think so...pity,” he said, as once again he must have read my thoughts before I had time to realise my mistake.

“I think we should finish this as the locals are getting restless.” Vincent said to his brother nodding in the direction of Cameron and Jo who were still admitting people into the club. They were looking over to us and I wanted to scream out but once again I didn't as Draven would undoubtedly react to it.

Draven turned to Zagan, who I had forgotten, but was still stood close enough to have seen this all play out.

“Zagan you know what to do...take care of it!” He commanded and I didn't like the sound of it, so I shouted,

“Please don't hurt them...I'll come quietly.” I said, not knowing if that was true, but I didn't want anything bad to happen to them ….not because of me rebelling. Draven turned back to me with his eyebrows knitted together, frowning.  But my pleas fell on deaf ears and Draven turned to Vincent as if he had asked a silent question.

“Well, be my guest but I doubt you will get the outcome you’re looking for.” Draven said to his brother, but Vincent responded by placing his hand on the side of my head. I tried to duck out of the way but it was now Draven's turn to restrain me so that Vincent could continue. Draven stepped into me until his body was flush with mine against the truck. His hands held my sides still and I felt him lift the bottom of my top up so as he could make contact with my skin. I shivered at the flash of electricity that coursed through me. Then his thumbs started to make small circles on my waist offering a comforting touch.  

His brother gripped the bottom of my chin and turned my face to his. He looked
deep into my eyes and I squealed
at the sound of his voice that had entered my mind, although no sound came from his lips.

I wanted to get away but was held in a vice grip by not one but two Dravens. So I did what I
always do
when trying to cast out bad things. I pushed with everything I had. I pushed his voice to the back of my brain not focusing on his words. I let them mingle into one long mumble, like the sound of voices through a thick door or wall. They were trying to get louder and his eyes looked more intense, so in turn I closed my eyes tight, pushing further and further until eventually it stopped and there was silence. I let out a long sigh as this was exhausting and found I was once again trying
to control my breathing. 

When I open my eyes Vincent was frowning at me like his brother usually did.

“Frustrating isn't it?” Draven said to his blonde brother, who couldn't take his eyes away from mine.

” Was all he said with irritation dripping all over the

Draven let me go when his brother did and I slumped back against the door. I was exhausted and completely drained. Whatever Vincent was, he was damn powerful that was for sure. I didn't know what exactly they were
to do but I had an awful feeling I was about to find out.

“No matter, we have other means...Takeshi.” Draven said holding out his hand to the Japanese man who appeared from behind him. I had seen this man before sat at Draven's table wearing the same as he wore now, a long Japanese robe on top of black trousers. He pulled a vial from behind the silk material and then pulled out a black square of fabric from one of his long sleeves before breaking the vial spilling the liquid onto it. He then passed it to his master and I had a feeling this wasn't going to be a good thing for me, so I took my one last chance.  I was hoping with it being a last minute decision that it could work. I ran to the side as it was now free with Zagan gone dealing with other things.  I could feel some distance between Draven and myself but in my haste I slipped, losing my footing.

I waited to feel the ground below my knees and hands but I was still upright as Draven had grabbed me from behind. His arms held me tight as I started to fight against his body. One of his arms circled my waist, which was holding my torso still as I tried to twist. So I decided to let out a scream for help instead but this plan was also obstructed by him clamping his hand over my mouth. He had the fabric covering half my face so that my nose and mouth would have no choice but to inhale the strange scent.

I held strong, not breathing and using all of my strength to hold on. I tried to break free, clawing at his hand that was clamped over my face but it was obviously an impossible task and he knew it. My eyes streamed with tears and I couldn't believe that my nightmares were coming true...I couldn't believe this was happening again!

“Don't struggle Keira.... just breathe.” He whispered in my ear. But this had the opposite effect as I tried to twist more from my muscled cage.

“Stop fighting it.” His voice was soft, gentle and also soothin
g. My body began to react to it
giving up the fight I had no chance of winning. He could feel it too as he didn't crush me so tightly. My lungs had finally run out of air and if I didn't inhale I was going to pass out anyway so I took in little sharp, deep breaths that were shallow and out of control.

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