With Liberty and Justice for Some (31 page)

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Also by Glenn Greenwald

How Would a Patriot Act?


A Tragic Legacy


Great American Hypocrites


Numerous people played a vital role in shaping this book. One of the most valuable aspects of writing on a daily basis on the Internet is the constant interaction with (and feedback from) readers, commenters, and other writers. So many of the ideas expressed in this book, and the evidence marshaled to support them, come from that interactive process. It is not always possible to trace or acknowledge the genesis of every point but, in general, the role played by my readers is indispensable.

This is the fourth book I’ve written, and I’ve learned that few things are more important in determining the quality of the finished product than one’s editor. I was genuinely fortunate to have the very wise and experienced hand of Sara Bershtel guiding every part of this process. Sara’s unyielding commitment to create the best possible book—no matter the time or work required—and her unique ability to achieve that is the perfect editorial combination for any author. Sara’s colleague at Metropolitan Books, Grigory Tovbis, was just as rigorous in finding ways to make the manuscript better, on matters both large and small, and his contributions substantially improved the final outcome.

Two law students provided invaluable research and ideas: Daniel Novack of NYU and Ariel Schneller of Harvard. Both were able to find needed evidence with astonishing ease. Prior to my submitting the manuscript, Mona Holland wielded a merciless editorial scalpel to make the prose more focused and succinct. My literary agent, Daniel Conaway of Writers House, did his typically superb job of shepherding the book proposal and finding the ideal place to publish it.

And, as always, the anchor for everything I do is my partner for life, David Miranda, whose love, support, and insight make everything possible.


The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.





ABC News

Abrams, Elliott

Abu Ghraib prison

Abzug, Bella


Adams, Abigail

Adams, John

Addington, David

Afghanistan war

African Americans

Alexander, Michelle



Alter, Jonathan

American Civil Liberties Union

American Enterprise Institute

American International Group (AIG)

Andrews, Bruce

Answers to Monsieur de

Meusnier’s Questions

Anti–Drug Abuse Acts (1986, 1988)

antitrust laws

Arar, Maher


Armey, Dick

Armitage, Richard

Ash, Mimi

Ashcroft, John

Assange, Julian

assassination of American citizens





auto company bailouts

Awlaki, Anwar al-



Bagram prison

Balko, Radley

bank holding company

Bank of America

bankruptcy laws


accounting practices and

deregulation of

financial crisis and

foreclosure fraud and

Geithner and

retroactive immunity and

Barclays Capital

Barnes, Fred

Barofsky, Neil

Barr, William

Barry, John

Bear Stearns

Bechtel Corporation

Beckett, Katherine


Berenson, Brad

Bethune, Brian

Biden, Joe

Bill Moyers Journal
(TV show)

Bill of Rights

Black, Bill

Black, Charlie


Blagojevich, Rod

Blankfein, Laura

Blankfein, Lloyd

Bloomberg news

Blow, Charles

Blue Dogs Democrats

Blumenthal, Paul

Blumenthal, Sidney

Boehner, John


Boland Amendment (1982)

Booz Allen

Borger, Gloria

Boston Phoenix


Bradbury, Steven

Brennan, John


British International Criminal Court Act (2001)

Broder, David

Brooks, David

Brown, Roy

BSKH & Associates

Buffett, Warren

Bunch, Will

Bureau of Corporations

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Burger, Warren

Burton, Bill

Bush, George H. W.

Iraqgate and

Iran-Contra and

Bush, George W.

defense of, and shared guilt

detainees and

DOJ opposition to

extra-legal power and

financial crisis and

foreign rule of law and

Iran-Contra and

Iraq war and

Libby and

media and

memoirs of

Michael McConnell and

Obama fails to investigate

Plame outing and

public opinion on

Spain and

state secrets and

telecom immunity and

torture and

U.S. attorney firings and

warrantless eavesdropping and

whistle-blowers and

Bush, Jeb


Bybee, Jay

torture memo of 2002

Byrne Formula Grant program



C2 Group

Caddo County, Louisiana



campaign contributions

financial industry and

prison industry and

telecoms and


“Can You Even Imagine How Bad It Must Have Been?” (Lederman)

Card, Andrew

Carney, John

Carothers, Thomas

Carter, Jimmy

CBS network

CBS News

Center for Labor Market Studies

Center for Responsive Politics

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)


detainee interrogation videos

inspector general’s report of 2004

Iran-Contra and

Obama and

Plame outing and

renditions and

torture and

warrantless eavesdropping and

whistle-blowers and

Cheney, Dick

Iran-Contra and

Iraq war and

Libby and

torture and

warrantless eavesdropping and


Church Committee


civil rights movement

civil suits

Clarke, Richard

Clinton, Bill

campaign of 1992

campaign of 1996

Bush and

financial deregulation and

impeachment of

Iraqgate and

law and order and

NSA and

telecoms and

Clinton, Hillary


CNN Español

Coats, Dan


Cohen, Richard

Cole, David

, USS, attacks

Columbia Journalism Review


Comey, James

Commerce and Labor Department

Commodity Future Trading Commission

Common Sense

Communications Act

Congressional Quarterly

Conrad, Kent

Consortium News

Consumer Federation of America

Contract with America

Convention Against Torture

Conyers, John

Coolidge, Calvin

Cordray, Richard

Corn, David

Corp Watch

correctional population

Corrections Corporation of America


Cox, Archibald

Cox, Douglas W.

Cramer, Bud

Crawford, Susan J.

credit default swaps

credit rating agencies

criminal justice




Daily Finance

Dark Side, The

Davis, Morris


Defense Department

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee

Democratic Party

Bush-era crime and

financial elites and

law and order and

National Convention of 2008

presidential primary of 2007–8

Tammany Hall and

Teapot Dome and

telecom immunity and

U.S. attorney firings and

warrantless eavesdropping and

Watergate and

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee

Dempsey, Joan

Depression of 1930s


Dershowitz, Alan


Dimon, Jamie

Dissertations on First Principles of Government

Dodd, Chris

Domestic violence

Dominican Republic

Donilon, Tom

Donovan, Shaun

Drake, Thomas

Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)

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