1,000 Questions of Who You Are and Your View on Life

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Authors: Marcus Wilson

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Family Relationships

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1,000 Questions of Who You Are and You View on Life
Marcus Wilson
© 2003 Marcus Wilson All Rights Reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording without written permission
by the author.
For Those Who Love Asking Questions For Those Who Understand the Importance of Questions in our Everyday Life




1. What about life gives you a sense of happiness?

2. What is the most important thing in the world to you?

3. If you were given the opportunity to become another person on earth, who would it be?

4. If you could share the world with one other person, who would it be and why?

5. What would you say is in the deepest part of your heart?

6. If you were able to design your own planet and galaxy, what would it be like?

7. If you had only a day to live, what is the first thing you would do?

8. If you were the only person on earth, what is the first thing you would do?

9. If you lost everything you had (house, car, money), whom would you go to first?

10. Would you risk your life for anything? If so, what would it be?

11. What seemed to be your longest dream, and what was it about?

12. What was your happiest dream, and what was it about?

13. What do you believe was your most frightening dream?

14. What would you say is the highest awareness a person can have?

15. What was your weirdest dream that you can remember?

16. How many spouses have you had in your entire life? Which one would you say you've had the closest relationship with?

17. What do you believe are the things in life that make it enjoyable for everyone?

18. How do you remember meeting your current mate?

19. What would you say is the most valuable thing in the world?

20. What was a dream that you've dreamt more than once?

21. In your entire life, how many people would you say you've talked to face to face for at least five minutes?

22. If everybody on earth were to see a picture of you right now, how many people would you say could call out your name?

23. How many people would you say you know personally?

24. Who are people from your past that you really liked for some reason but never saw again? If anyone, what was it that you've liked about the person or people?

25. What's the most beautiful thing in the world to you?

26. If you were able to play a character in any story, which story would you play in, and what character would you most likely want to be?

27. If someone who looks normal came up to you and said, "Hi, I'm an alien from another planet," would you believe the person? How would you react?

28. If there is anything, what's currently the one main thing that you've heard or read from someone that stays on your mind all the time and keeps you going throughout your life?

29. Do you consider yourself a happy person? Why or why not?

30. When was the last time you cried? What was the reason?

31. What was the worst experience you have had in your entire life?

32. What do you think is the best experience that you've had in your entire life?

33. What is one word you believe that reveals all of who you are?

34. On a scale from one to ten, how happy would you say you are to be alive?

35. If you were to tell the entire world the kind of person you consider yourself to be, what would you say?

36. What do you like about yourself the most?

37. What do you like about life in general the most?

38. If you could travel into the past and erase one main thing that you've done, what would it be?

39. Would you say that your life is the best it has ever been right now; it has been the same throughout all of your life; or your past was better? If anything, what would you say makes the one better than the others?

40. What do you feel is the best thing a person can say to you that will make you feel your best?

41. Out of all the people you have known, who would you say has had a life most similar to yours?

42. What is the most confusing thing in the world to you?

43. Which is most important to you: wealth, health, or fame?

44. What was a dream that you've had that changed your view on how you see your life (if any)?

45. If you could tell someone all that you've learned throughout your life in a sentence or two, what would you say?

46. Who do you consider to be your closest friend?

47. Would you say that the majority of the people you know are more like you, or not? If not, how many people do you know that seem to be most like you?

48. Have you always believed what you believe now (your main belief)? If not, what did you believe before, and why did you change what you believed?

49. Where are you least comfortable?

50. What are your thoughts about the beginning and before the beginning of the Universe?

51. What kind of people would you say you connect with spiritually?

52. In your life, what would you say you are aware of the most?

53. What subject would you have least pleasure in talking about?

54. If you were given the opportunity to become a ruler of the Universe, how would you change the world? What is the first thing you would do?

55. If you were to forget everything that you have said and every word that you have heard, what is the first thing you think you would say?

56. If you suddenly realized you were dreaming, what is the first thing you would do?

57. In relation to the past, whats the biggest change you see happening in life today?

58. When someone looks at you, what part of yourself would you say they are looking at?

59. What are you most thankful for?

60. If you were to close your eyes and think of something from your past, what is the first thing you believe would come to mind?

61. Why do you think you are on earth?

62. When you're sad, what usually happens in your life that causes you to become happy again?

63. What type of physical exercise would you say gives you the best work out?

64. Would you say your mind is always on your future, on your present, or on your past?

65. What can someone say to you that will make you feel most uncomfortable?

66. What person of your same gender do you know the most about personally?

67. Who would you say brightens up your day?

68. If you could think of a sentence that you've said to others the most throughout your life, what would that sentence be?

69. What are you least thankful for?

70. If you'd say that your life seems to be going in cycles, meaning that you end up in the same position and have to start over again, what would you say was the beginning and end of the cycle when you start noticing the cycle again?

71. What would be a difficulty you used to have that youve solved or found the solution to? What was the difficulty? What was the solution?

72. Would you say that you judge others? If so, what kind of people would you say you judge the most?

73. What do you like best about yourself?

74. If there's one person in the world that you admire the most because of the kind of person they are, who is that person?

75. If you could think of one person who showed loved to you the most, who would that person be?

76. Would you say you're prepared for anything that comes along your way? If not, what things would you say youre not prepared for?

77. Why would you say we are all on earth simultaneously?

78. If you had to give away something that you possess, what would be the easiest thing for you to give away?

79. If you were given the opportunity to say something to the entire world, what would you say?

80. If you found out that everything you believed was wrong, what would you start doing?

81. Would you say that mostly everyone is better than you? If not, what about yourself would you say is better than others?

82. What would you say you have been working to perfect all your life?

83. If the whole world stood before you, and you had to pick out three people to become your best friends, what would these people be like?

84. What do you like best about the Universe?

85. When was the last time you looked in the mirror and actually saw yourself as you really were and not how others, or yourself, have told you?

86. What do you try to impress the world with?

87. Why do you believe you do what you do?

88. If you were to think right now of whether you are in control of your life, or a force of nature is controlling it, which would you say more so?

89. If you had the opportunity to clone yourself, would you? If so, and you were given the opportunity to clone more than one, would you? If so, how many would you clone? Why would you want or not want to?

90. If you were in outer space, and saw intelligent aliens living on another planet, how would that make you feel?

91. What do you like the best about your society?

92. What do you like best about the people of the earth?

93. How comfortable would you say you are with your ethnicity?

94. What things would you say builds your self-esteem?

95. If you were given the opportunity to write one book, what would the book be about?

96. What part of your brain would you say you use the most?

97. Who is the person(s) you would say you've had the deepest love for so far in your life?

98. Have you ever thought of yourself living in a past life? If so, what was this past life?

99. How do you see the world (in general)?

100. When you think of an alien, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

101. Where do you think the human race will be a thousand years from now?

102. If you could make yourself to be any type of creature, what abilities would that creature have, and what would it look like?

103. If you were asked to sneak on a planet filled with aliens, what would you say?

104. Do you believe everything in life was meant to happen, or that everything happens at random? If either, why would you say so?

105. If you died and went to a place called heaven before the throne of God, and then God said, "Well... what would you say?
106. What does your future look like to you?

107. Who is the person that seems to be most similar to you?

108. Who is the person that seemed to be most opposite of you?

109. If there were no rules and no laws in society, would you act the same as you do now? If not, what would you do differently?

110. If you were given the opportunity to be someone in the Old or New Testament, who would that person be and why?

111. If you were given a choice where you had to choose someone other than yourself to become president, who would that person be and why?

112. If you were given the opportunity to acquire an extra sense, what would it be?

113. Which would you prefer: being burned alive, or being buried alive?

114. If anything, where would you say the Universe came from?

115. If you fell off a cliff, and there was no escape, what would you do?

116. On a scale from one to ten, how much would you say you like yourself?

117. What do you choose to think about without intervention?

118. If your mother suddenly told you that you were an alien from another planet, that she was an alien as well, and that you were going home to another planet, how would you feel or react?

119. If anything, what experiences have you had that made you conclude that everything happens for a reason?

120. Why would you say you are still alive today?

121. In your opinion, what do you believe happens to someone when he or she passes away?

122. If you were able to design your own roller coaster, what would it be like?

123. If you were able to design your own haunted house, what would it be like?

124. Which would you say is more beautiful and why: the sky, the ocean, or the land?

125. If you could survive in either, which would you rather live in: the sky, the ocean, or the land?

126. If you were dreaming, and you knew how to fly, and were able to fly into outer space, where in outer space would you go?

127. What would you say motivates you the most to cherish yourself?

128. If you were given a million dollars, and you had to spend it all in a week, what all would you buy?

129. How would you describe an environment that you feel most comfortable with?

130. What impresses you more than anything?

131. What do you believe you can do that no one else can?

132. If you were placed in a bottomless pit where you fall continuously forever, but you never die, how would you feel?

133. If you were living in the dinosaur period, what dinosaur would you like to be?

134. Which would you prefer: to be in cold water on a hot day, or to be in hot water on a cold day?

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