1,000 Questions of Who You Are and Your View on Life (3 page)

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Authors: Marcus Wilson

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Family Relationships

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287. If any, of all of your dreams, which one do you remember the most?

288. What was your happiest moment?

289. In your opinion, what is the most unkind thing anyone can do?

290. Who is the most unique person you know?

291. How many people can you think of that told you that they love you? Who were they? And how many of them would you say really meant it?

292. How many people have you said you love and really meant it? Who were they?

293. Who would you say is the funniest person in the world to you?

294. Would you say that you see yourself as others told you, or see yourself on how you see it in the mirror and in life? Which more so?

295. If you were to die after you've accomplished all your objectives, and you were to look back and observe all that you've accomplished, what would it be that you've done?

296. What would you say is the least amount of time that would allow you to accomplish all your dreams and goals?

297. Which would you prefer more so and why: a life as a bird, a life as a cat, or a life as a fish?

298. If all your fears suddenly were taken from you, what are the things you believe you would do?

299. If you could travel back in time, what moment would you most likely want to be in?

300. If you suddenly lost all your friends and family, whom would you go to first?

301. What would you say you think about the most?

302. Who are five people you believe would make a good team to begin a civilization on another planet?

303. If you had the opportunity to go deep down into the ocean, way out into space, or to just explore the world of your dreams, which would you choose and why?

304. What part of yourself would you say reflects who you are the most?

305. If you could choose a book to read for direction in life, what book would you choose?

306. In what order would you say someone should think, observe, and do?

307. Which ability would you rather have and why: the gift of becoming invisible, the gift of being able to morph into anything you want, or the ability to change your environment into anything you want?

308. What thoughts inspire you the most?

309. If you were sitting at a dinner table, and had the ability to imagine any food you want, what foods would you imagine and why?

310. If you were to close your eyes and then open them to be in a special place, what would that place be?

311. Out of all the people that you know, who would you say you trust the most?

312. What were your first words?

313. If someone asked you, "What is life?" what would you say?

314. In your opinion, what is the best thing created or uncreated in the Universe?

315. Which would you best describe yourself as and why: a guard, a maker, or instructor?

316. Out of all the people you know, whose eyes do you find to be the most beautiful?

317. In your opinion, would you say you are a good person or an evil person?

318. What would you say is the safest place in the world?

319. In your opinion, which best symbolizes you: a circle, a square, or a triangle?

320. What insect do you find most frightening?

321. If you were able to design a soul mate, what would this person be like?

322. If you had to make a game for you and your family to interact with, what would you say would be the fundamental concept of the game?

323. If you were given all the materials in the world to build whatever you would like, what would you build and why?

324. What are three things beside food,
shelter, and clothing that you believe you need to fully become the person you are?

325. How many mental changes have you been through throughout your life? If any, what changes were they and why?

326. If you could start any company, what would it be about? What would you name it?

327. What movies have made you cry?

328. If you realized you had all power to do anything and create anything, what would you do and create and why?

329. Who would you say is the most interesting person you've ever met?

330. If anything, what percentage of your life would you say you have in good control, and what percentage would you say you are still working on?

331. What things in your life do you wish you could fix but can't at the moment?

332. What would you say is the thing you do the most from the deepest part of your heart?

333. What song would you say youve purposely heard the most number of times?

334. What are three unwanted things that happened in your life that you didn't know the reason for?

335. Currently, who have you felt the most love for in your life?

336. What did you think, at the time, was the dumbest decision you've ever made? And what do you think of it know?

337. Which do you prefer and why: a peaceful earth with no killing or pain and with nothing but happiness and love, or a planet with just you on it exploring it to do whatever you wish?

338. What was the longest goal you can remember undertaking?

339. If you could name yourself (first, middle, and last) any name, would you? If so, what would you change it to?

340. If there was someone that the world despised and hated, spoke evil about and so forth, but they were all lies, and that person asked you to become his or her best friend before the entire world, would or wouldn't you? If so or if not, why?

341. How would you describe heaven?

342. If you were to start your own cult, what would it be?

343. If anything, what do you like the best about your religion?

344. At what age, in what place, and with who would you not mind living forever?

345. If you could live one moment of your past forever, what would it be?

346. Is there anyone you envy or have envied? If so, who is it? And why would you say you've done so?

347. What have you noticed that hurts you emotionally more than anything?

348. At what times have you experienced dj vu? And how often would you say it occurs in your life?

349. What would you say are your disabilities?

350. In what ways would you say everyone resembles you?

351. What would you say you worry about the most?

352. If you were the creator of yourself, would you make yourself exactly as you are now, or would you change something about yourself? If so, what would you change?

353. In your opinion, what do you believe to be the best picture taken by you?

354. If all that you know was suddenly forgotten, and you found yourself to be where you are now, what do you believe you would do before anything else?

355. What does someone have to do to and for you in order for you to really love him or her for what they've done?

356. What music note or chord do you find most gratifying?

357. Which would you rather receive and why: a teaching on how to perfect your life; a motivation tape to motivate you to do many things; or something very entertaining?

358. If you had a vision of the earth being a cold, waste place in the future, what do you believe would have been the cause of it? What actions do you believe you would take to help prevent it?

359. What would you say are the many things that make you different from everybody else?

360. If you or someone else were to describe your essence to be a certain color, what color would you say you are? And which color would you most likely want it to be?

361. If anything, what is something that you've done in your life that you currently feel the most esteem from?

362. If you could make anything not happen, what would you make not happen and why?

363. If you were given the opportunity to tell anyone what to do, and they would do it, what would you instruct and to whom would you instruct it?

364. If you could build something for you to live in, however you want it, what would it be like?

365. If someone told you that your parents you know of were not really your parents, how would you feel and react?

366. If you were able to become any element in the Universe, what element would you most likely want to be and why?

367. If you had to become a slave for one day, who would you like to slave for?

368. Who would you say was the greatest man that ever lived?

369. Is there anyone or anything that you love more than yourself? If so, who or what is it?

370. To you, what does it mean to die?

371. What would you do if you were to find yourself buried alive in a coffin under ground in the pitch, black dark?

372. If you were given the power to possess one thing, and one thing only, what would it be?

373. What would you say is the most peaceful thought?

374. What has helped you the most in your life?

375. How many people do you have true relationships with? Who are those people?

376. What things in your life have you given up on?

377. What's the most boring thing in the world to you?

378. Do you like to live life, create life, or become life?

379. When was the moment in your life when you felt most lively?

380. Which do you prefer and why: vegetables, meat, fruit, or sweets?

381. Who would be a person you would like to know everything about?

382. What was something that you've done in your life that has caused a turn in a good direction?

383. In what areas of your life do you have rewards of achievement?

384. What are seven things you believe are causing you to live a happy life?

385. In what part of your life would you say have most of your self-control?

386. Where in the world would you say you would be best living?

387. What do you like the most about the earth?

388. How many secrets would you say you obtain?

389. What are all your fears?

390. If you had a choice to die in order to produce more human life, or to just live as the only human in the Universe, which would you choose and why?

391. What would you say is impossible to know?

392. On a scale from one to ten, how physically healthy do you normally feel?

393. Who would you say you idealize the most?

394. In what season do you feel as if you experience the most vitality?

395. Where and when do you become most thoughtful? And what things do you normally think about?

396. What would you say was the biggest mistake that you've made in your entire life?

397. What is something not too dangerous that you definitely would never want to do?

398. To you, what seems to be the reason why people do everything that they do?

399. What things would you say you are addicted to?

400. What kind of animal would you say you are least fearful of and why?

401. Out of all the people in the world, what main group would you say you belong to?

402. Why would you say you have everything you have?

403. Is there anything that you notice of yourself that you do that no one else does? If so, what is it?

404. How would you describe your love for your spouse?

405. What would you say you are ignorant of?

406. If you had to become a person of another gender, who would you be and why?

407. If anything, how would you say the world is being "deceived"?

408. If you had to say one last thing to the world before you were to die, what would you say?

409. If you had to bring someone that was dead back to life again, whom would you bring back and why?

410. If all your dreams were manifested in your life exactly the way they were when you had them, how would you feel and react?

411. What would you say you're an absolute failure at?

412. On a scale from one to ten, how would you rate your self-esteem?

413. What about life do you mainly look for?

414. Who are five people you would say you know for sure that you can trust?

415. What are three things you know you would do that don't involve you receiving anything in return?

416. If you were failing in something you wanted to perfect, what is the first thing you would do or consider?

417. If you were to consider all your beliefs, what percentage would you say are true and what percentage would you say are false?

418. If you could be taught one thing, what would it be?

419. What would you say is the key to success in ones life?

420. What would you say you've analyzed the most?

421. What are three things you'd say that you purposefully reject and why?

422. What acquired knowledge would you say you use the most in your life, and which do you use the least?

423. If someone came up to you who was reported for killing thirty people just like you, and you had nowhere to go, what would you do?

424. Which would you say is the most powerful group of people on earth?

425. How would you describe your true self?

426. If anything, what in your life do you believe has no purpose for your life?

427. What would the circumstances around you have to be like for you to feel perfect satisfaction?

428. What would you say would make your life better if you were to become aware of it?

429. On a scale from one to ten, how mentally healthy would you say you are?

430. What are seven of the greatest lessons you've learned in your life?

431. Why would you say you're best at what you're best at?

432. What would be everything you want out of life?

433. If you could think of a place on land where you definitely do not belong, where would that place be?

434. What percentage of your overall capabilities would you say you use?

435. At what times in your entire life would you say you've wasted your time?

436. If you had all your desires fulfilled in one moment, how would you say you would feel afterwards? What would be your first intent?

437. What would you say you've sought after the most in your life and why?

438. If you had the opportunity to go into the past to the time right before you were born and had the opportunity to be born or not, which would you choose and why?

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