1,000 Questions of Who You Are and Your View on Life (7 page)

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Authors: Marcus Wilson

Tags: #Family & Relationships, #Family Relationships

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915. In what area of life would you say lies most of your faith?

916. On a scale from one to ten, how well would you say you learn from experience?

917. What would you say is your best stress reliever?

918. What percentage of each day would you say you spend time smiling?

919. How many and what type of people would you say could fit into your life to help perfect it?

920. Whose heart would you say you are most attached to?

921. What would you say destroys your happiness more than anything?

922. What type of person would you say would have the most pleasure in being your friend?

923. What would you say is the most peaceful sound in nature?

924. If someone were to buy you a one hundred dollar present, what would you most likely want it to be?

925. In what condition would you rather be in and why: asleep or awake?

926. What about science do you find most fascinating?

927. What in your life do you remember being complimented the most for?

928. If you could have your body placed in a frozen state so that it can be revived in the future, would you? Why or why not?

929. What would you say is the worse thing you've done to a person?

930. What animal would you say best symbolizes your heart?

931. At what time of the day do you feel at most in touch with your inner self?

932. What would you say is the cruelest thing about nature?

933. What foods do you believe you'd choose to eat if you didn't have a sense of taste?

934. If you had the ability to program yourself to fall in love with anyone, whom would you choose to love and why?

935. What is the most astounding thing you have ever seen a person do?

936. If you could turn your entire life around, so it's the opposite of the way it is now, but all your thoughts and views on life were the same, how do you think you would feel?

937. What would you say is the best way to seek justice in society?

938. If someone wanted advice on how to become your best friend, what advice would you give him or her?

939. What are seven things you've heard someone say that you believe will remain with you for the remainder of your life?

940. In what area of your life would you say you are the least well-rounded?

941. What do you believe would be the most dangerous thing you'd ever come close to doing?

942. At what times in your life can you remember causing painful experiences because of beliefs that you believe now are false?

943. As a child growing up, what was your most favorite type of toys?

944. What alphabetical sound would you say you have the most pleasure in projecting?

945. What about the world do you feel you understand that others do not?

946. On a scale from one to ten, how sensitive would you say you are to others' feelings?

947. What do you believe to be the weirdest living creature you've ever seen?

948. If a creature from outer space came to you and asked you to help it live a life on earth and to keep it secret, how faithful would you say youd be?

949. What do you find unbelievable for a person to believe of you in relation to how you see yourself?

950. Which of these would you say are more you: to have pleasure in what you do, or to have pleasure in the result of what you do?

951. On a scale from one to ten, how much effort do you believe you put forth in trying to fit in with those around you?

952. If you could change the color of your eyes and hair what color would you change them to?

953. What would you say is the main thing a person may need from you?

954. On a scale from one to ten, how well would you say a person who sees you for the first time could precisely judge who you are and your personality by just looking at you?

955. What percentage of your life do you believe you have control over?

956. What percentage of the world would you say there are people sharing a way of life like yours?

957. Of all the Ten Commandments, which ones would you say you are the most faithful to? Which ones would you say you are the least faithful to?

958. What do you have the least pleasure in doing?

959. What would you say was the most expensive thing you've ever brought for an individual person other than yourself?

960. What do you believe to be the best way for a person to show his or her love to the world?

961. Which scripture of the Holy Bible do you find most captivating?

962. Whom would you say you've learned the most from by watching and observing the way he or she lives life?

963. If you had to choose one type of species to remain with the Homo sapiens of the earth, and all the others species had to die off, which species would you choose to remain and why?

964. Out of all the years you've lived on earth, which year would you say appeared to be the longest, and which appeared to be the shortest?

965. If you were to compare your life to a picture of something, what would it be?

966. What are seven words you believe best describe you?

967. If you could learn to perform any magic trick, which trick would you most likely want to perform?

968. What about yourself do you believe others do not see?

969. If you had to perform a stunt, what stunt would you perform and why?

970. What would you say are the similarities between your closest companions?

971. What things would you say you do that don't yield the result of something you intended but rather a result of something you were unaware of?

972. What do you believe a thing has to possess in order for it to have great value?

973. Which of these would you say is more you: coincidence or divinity?

974. If you had the choice to either keep your ability to think; keep your ability to experience emotions; or keep your ability to move your body, which would you choose to keep and why?

975. If you were to compare what you do in the world to a part of the human body, which part would you say you are?

976. What are seven things from your past you feel grateful for not doing?

977. What are three things you've heard someone say but don't know the meaning of?

978. What fragrance do you find most refreshing?

979. To what number do you believe you have the most patience to count to?

980. What things in life would you say you need to become more aware of?

981. What do you believe you would do anything for to get?

982. When not so good things come your way, who is one person you believe you can count on?

983. If you had a choice to either review your past or foresee your future, which would you choose and why?

984. What element of the Universe would you say best resembles you?

985. Why would you say you would make a good friend?

986. What are the three best things you believe life offers you?

987. If someone had to die in order for you to live, whom would you say would do it?

988. In what areas of your life do you believe you need to be more careful?

989. What would you say you believe about yourself that's not true in the eyes of other people?

990. If you could ask three questions of your choice to anyone or anything you know, what questions would you ask and to whom would you ask them?

991. What are seven things you believe you've done out of compassion for others?

992. In your opinion, what do you believe should be more highly emphasized in life?

993. If you were to review everything about of yourself, which part do you believe stands out the most?

994. How many people would you say could give a precise description of your personal beliefs?

995. What percentage of your brain would you say you use on a daily basis?

996. What about yourself do you believe no one or no thing can take away from you?

997. What do you like to discuss more than anything?

998. How would you describe your ultimate view of everything in life in a few sentences?

999. If the whole world had to choose to belong to a group of seven people, who would you mostly likely want to be in your group?

1000. How well, on a scale from one to ten, would you say you know yourself?

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