With Liberty and Justice for Some (32 page)

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Drug Policy Alliance

drugs, “war on,”

due process

Dukakis, Michael

Durbin, Dick



Easton, Nina


economic inequality


Edwards, Don


Eisinger, Jesse


of 1876

of 1988

of 1992

of 1996

of 2002

of 2004

of 2008

Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

Emanuel, Rahm

Emblematical Representations

Emmanuel, Charles

England, Lynndie

equality under the law

abandonment of

erosion of, and economic inequality

as founding principle

public opinion on

rigid enforcement vs. ordinary Americans and

Erzinger, Martin Joel

Escobedo v. Illinois

Espionage Act (1917)

executive compensation



Fall, Albert B.

Fallows, James

Families Against Mandatory Minimums

Fannie Mae

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Federalist 15

Federalist 57

Federalist 70

Federalist 71

Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Federal Reserve regional banks

Feith, Doug

Felt, Mark

financial crisis of 2008

Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC)

financial industry

bailouts of

deregulation of

lack of investigations of

Firedoglake (blog)

FISA Amendments Act (2008).
See also
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act

Fitzgerald, Patrick


Ford, Gerald

Ford, Harold, Jr.

See also
mortgage fraud crisis of 2010

Foreign Affairs

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

telecom immunity and


Fourteenth Amendment

Fowle, Eliza

Fox News


Frank, Barney

Franklin, Benjamin

Freddie Mac

Freedom of Information Act

Freeman, Roger

Friedman, Susan

Frum, David



Galinsky, Adam

Gates, Robert M.

Geithner, Timothy

Gelbach, Jonah

Geneva Conventions

Gensler, Gary

Geo Group

George III, King of England


Georgia Supreme Court

Gerstein, Josh


Gibbs, Robert

Gideon v. Wainright

Gilmore, Jim

Giuliani, Rudolph W.

Goldman Sachs

converted to bank holding company

Goldsmith, Jack

Goldwater, Barry

Gonzales, Alberto

Good Morning America
(TV show)

Gorelick, Jamie


Graham, Lindsey

Great Society

Greenspan, Alan

Gregory, David

Guantánamo detainees

CIA interrogation videos

foreign venues and

Obama and

trials vs. military tribunals for




habeas corpus

Habib, Mamdouh

Haig, Alexander

Hall, Fawn

Hall, Jessica

Hall, Keith


Hamilton, Alexander

Hamilton, Lee

Handbook of Crime and Punishment

Harding, Warren

Harman, Jane


Harper’s Weekly

Hayden, Michael

Hayes, Rutherford B.

Haynes, Jim

Haynes, William

health care industry

Healy, Patrick

Herbert, Bob

Hersh, Seymour

Hiatt, Fred

Hilton, Paris

Hirsh, Michael

History of Tammany Hall, The

hit-and-run crime

Holden, Tim

Holder, Eric

Holtzman, Elizabeth

Hoover, J. Edgar

Horton, Scott

Horton, Willie

Hosenball, Mark

Housing and Urban Development Department

“How to Stay out of Power” (Klein)

Hoyer, Steny

Huffington Post
(Web site)

Human Rights Watch

Hurlbert, Mark

Hussein, Saddam




Ignatius, David

IHS Global Insight


Inside Job

Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA)

intelligence contractors

Intelligence Identities Protection Act

Interior Department

International Centre for Prison Studies

International Court of Justice

international law

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

International Red Cross

Interstate Recognition of Notarizations bill

In These Times


hostage crisis

nuclear program

Iran-Contra scandal


Iran-Iraq war


“culture of impunity” and

invasion of

reconstruction contracts

war of 2003

Iraqgate scandal

Isikoff, Michael




Jackson, Robert


Jefferson, Thomas

Jefferson County, Alabama

Jeppesen company

JFA Institute

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnson, Simon

J. P. Morgan

JPMorgan Chase

Jefferson County case

Jurist news service

Justice Department (DOJ)

detention without trial and

fails to investigate Bush crimes

financial industry and

Iran-Contra and

legal access of poor and

memos authorizing criminal conduct and

Plame outing and

as political arm of White House

prisons and

state secrets and

torture and

U.S. attorney firings and

warrantless eavesdropping and

whistle-blowers and



Kashkari, Neel

Katzenbach, Nicholas

Kean, Thomas

Kelly, Elisa

Kelly, Ian

Kendrick, Joh

Kennedy, Robert

Kenworthy, Lane


Khomeini, Ayatollah

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Klein, Joe

Klein, Mark

Knutson, Harmony

Kozinski, Alex

Kravis, Henry

Kristof, Nicholas

Kristol, Bill

Krumholz, Sheila




Lacey, Frederick

Lachman, Desmond

La Follette, Bob

Lammers, Joris



Lederman, Marty

Legal Service Corporation (LSC)

legal services, access to

Lehman Brothers

Leibowitz, Shamai

Libby, Lewis “Scooter”

media defense of

Plame outing and

sentence commuted

Libby Defense Fund


Lichtblau, Eric

Liddy, Ed

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