TYCE II (7 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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That’s the kinda shit I’m talking about. I didn’t even have to say anything to my ladies…they just paid attention to me and knew exactly what to do. If I could tell the women of the world one thing, it would be this…Don’t be a woman that needs a ma
n, be a woman that a man needs.

The doorbell rang at exactly seven p.m. I walked to the door and looked through the peephole; I always did that shit because you can never be too careful. A split second later I opened the door and ushered her inside giving her a warm hug. She kissed me on the cheek gently and rubbed my back.

“It’s good to see you again.” Pamela smiled wide.
She wore a silk lavender dress with matching earrings, necklace, and bracelet. She was coordinating big time, even down to the three-inch heels on her feet. The whole outfit looked like something out of a

We released the loving hug and she stepped back a little, “You look very nice.”

She was referring to my black slacks, fitted camel suede sweater and my five hundred dollar black and tan dress shoes.

“Yeah, I look a hundred percent better than the last time you saw me. Come on in, make yourself at home.”

“Oh my God, look at all these beautiful flowers!” She gazed around the spacious living room. “You didn’t have to do all this for me; this must have cost you a fortune.” Her blue eyes twinkled.

I smiled, “I can’t take credit for this arrangement, let me introduce you to the woman responsible for that huge
grin on your face. Have a seat and I’ll be right back.”

Pamela did as she was told sitting on the soft leather sofa allowing her butt to sink softly into the cushion. Now that she was alone in the room, she took notice of how warm the home felt. It had a modern layout equipped with high vaulted ceilings. She admired the slightly winding stair case that Tyce just went up and then her eyes landed on the floor to ceiling tinted glass wall that separated the backyard from the inside of the house. The darkness outside made the indigo pool stand out as soft lights illuminated the outdoor space. Pamela was quietly admiring Tyce’s home and she couldn’t help but feel proud of him. She thought back to the day when she pulled his tiny body out of that filthy dumpster and she now
marveled at how far he’d come.

Her admiration of her sons home was interrupted when he came walking down the stairs with two stunning women trailing him. She immediately recognized them from the church robbery, they didn’t know it but both of their beautiful faces were magnified in the lenses of her high powered night vision binoculars that night. She knew more about these ladies than they realized…after all Tyce was

There were no fake smiles from none of the ladies as they took it upon themselves to hug it out. Dallas went first, introducing herself before embracing Pamela warmly and kissing her cheek lightly. Next, Angelique introduced herself grabbing Pamela’s hands and squeezing them gently before pulling her into her arms.

“It’s so nice to meet both of you finally. I have to say Tyce has excellent taste in women; you two are absolutely breath taking. I love your cocktail dress Angelique and Dallas, your hair and

makeup are flawless.”

“You can turn a few heads in that lavender ensemble yourself Ms. Adkins.” Dallas complimented.

“Thank you sweetie, I still like to look my best. I do that Zumba class three times a week; I guess it’s paying off.” Pamela touched her flat stomach.

“Shit, I need to join you, but I hear that class is hard.” Angelique joined in the conversation.

“Sweetie if I can keep up so can you, I’m going tomorrow if you want to come.”

“Count me in.” Dallas pointed at Pamela. “Me too.” Angelique cosigned.

Two hours later we were all outside on the patio sitting around the fire pit sipping wine. The French food we consumed had everyone relaxed and the wine was doing its job as well. Everyone was enjoying themselves, the conversation flowed easily and all three women were getting along. After Pamela finished her second glass of wine she was ready to call it a night.

“Well ladies, it was a pleasure meeting you and thanks for a lovely and relaxing evening. Dallas, thank you again for the wonderful flowers.” She stood up, “Will I see you two at Zumba tomorrow evening?”

“Yes maam, we’ll be there.” Angelique
answered for the both of them.

“Ok, I’ll be looking for you, I’ll call with the address tomorrow…goodnite ladies.”

I walked with her back inside the house; we casually strolled toward the front door taking our sweet time. She grabbed her purse and flowers from the small table next to the door and reached up to hug my neck.

“Thanks for inviting me to dinner.”

No problem, thanks for coming’”

We stepped out onto the porch and I walked with her towards her car. I opened the door and once she was inside I closed it and stepped back. I looked around my quiet high priced neighborhood for a second and then back down at her.

I licked my lips, “I m
ight need your help after all.”

Pamela smiled, “I already knew you would.” She smoothed a piece of blonde hair behind her
ear. “So what’s your plan son?”



I loved being me these days. My love life and financial life were both in excellent shape. Some women would be content to just ride the situation out, but me…I wanted more. Yeah I was a millionaire, so what. I wanted to be a multi millionaire. I wanted the same thing for my man. Don’t think just because I was with Tyce that meant I was going to slack on my own ambitions and dreams no no no, never that.

I now owned the underground sex clubs I was just a partner in before. There were three clubs to be exact. All of the clubs catered to the swinger’s community in southern California, and believe me there are more people in that lifestyle than you would think. Shit, your child’s third grade teacher could be a swinger and you would never know it. I recognized there was major money to be made in providing a place where these professional couples could get freaky and be discreet at the same time. I pride myself on seeing profits where other people see problems. I was just progressive like that and I loved having income coming in from several places, so the majority of the four million I made off the heists was still sitting in a safe place and that’s where I was heading to now. I had the foresight to move the money when Tyce went to jail and now he was following me to the location where I hid it. He wanted to wait a few weeks just to be sure everything was cool.

We reached our destination, which was about 30 miles from the house. I lead the way into a huge dusty parking lot that had rows upon rows of semi trucks parked side by side. My Jag rolled to a stop causi
ng a
little dust cloud to billow up, Tyce parked behind me and got out. It was hot as hell today and the sandy ground reminded me too much of the desert, shit I wish California was a nudist state because I sure would snatch these shorts off and stroll around this bitch naked! Dark shades shielded my eyes from the sun as I scanned the lot and motioned for Tyce to join me.

“Damn it’s hot!” Tyce took off his shirt.

See that’s why I envied men sometimes, I mean they could take off their shirt practically anywhere they wanted and not get looked at funny. Let a woman try that and she’ll get arrested for indecent exposure or worse…raped!

“You think you buff.” I teased poking his sweaty chest.

“I’m jus’ burnin’ up girl.” Tyce smiled at me trying to explain why he was half-naked.

“So am I, but you don’t see me snatching off my shirt.”

He stuffed the white T-shirt in the back pocket of his shorts and leaned his head to the side, “That’s because you’re scared.”


“You heard me…you’re scared.” He folded his thick forearms across his hairless chest.

“Scared of what?” I was getting a little animated now.

“I don’t know, you tell me, aint nobody out here as far as I can tell. But go head and keep sweatin’ like a monkey in a steam room.” Tyce laughed.

“You know what…here hold my water bottle.”

I proceeded to pull my tank top over my head and then I unclipped the front of the satin bra and tossed both to Tyce. I smoothed the front of my ponytail putting the stray hairs bac
k in place and posed defiantly.

“Scared huh? Shit I aint never scared.” I rocked
back and forth to an imaginary beat. “Now because of that comment you have to give me a ride on your back to the second truck on the left.”

I walked over to him with my titties bouncing slightly with each step.

“Turn around so I can put these breasts on your back.”

Tyce took a drink from my water bottle and assumed the position; I quickly hopped on wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Have I ever told you how much I love…”

He interrupted, “Me?”

“No I was gonna say you’re tattoo. I love the way it stretches across your back. Why did you get your name there?”

Tyce kept walking toward the truck; he was quiet for a few steps
before he answered my question.

“Cuz…I was always on my own…so I’m the only one that had my back.”

That statement made perfect sense to me and at that moment, I fell a little deeper in love with Tyce Adkins.

I kissed the side of his neck, “Now I have your back.”

Game On


Thank God for Angelique, she moved my money at the best possible time. Where she put it was pure genius. She hid over ten million dollars in a semi truck that she owned. When I asked her why she put it there she told me because that’s the last place anybody would look and just in case she needed to she could have one of her truck drivers drive it out of town without them knowing it was even in there. Angelique truly did have my back and I loved her for that.

I stopped short of telling her about the Diego situation; I didn’t want to worry her but I would fill her in soon enough…her and Dallas. My biggest fear was something happening to either of them behind me. I wasn’t a fool by any means; I knew Diego was ten times worse than Biz. Biz was a pussycat and Diego was a lion…but his weakness was his cockiness. He thought he was untouchable and that made him vulnerable even th
ough he didn’t see it that way.


Fuck Diego Alverez, he had no idea who he was fucking with.



Sway was almost finished getting dressed when his wife walked in the bedroom.

“Can we talk Sway?” Ranae sat on the edge of the bed with her hands in her lap.

Sway looked at himself in the mirror and sighed heavily. He knew his marriage was on rocky ground and it was his fault, but now was not the time to discuss it.

“I’m late babe; we can talk when I get back.”

“Back from where, where are you goin’?”

“I gotta handle somethin’ real quick.” Sway went to the dresser to get his keys.

“What is goin’ on with you?” Ranae’s eyes began to mist. “It’s like you’ve completely checked out of this marriage. I don’t know what to think anymore!”

Sway looked down at his wife, he saw the pain and worry in her eyes. He wanted so much to tell her the truth but he just couldn’t do it. He wanted to tell her what was going on but the words wouldn’t come out…he was ashamed of himself.

“I gotta go Ranae…we’ll talk later ok?”

She closed her eyes tight holding back the tears and just walked away shaking her head. Sway regrettably let her walk away with her emotions going crazy; he was already late and didn’t have time for conversation right now.


An hour later he walked into the Ready Room Lounge. It was a classy place with a sensual atmosphere. Women dressed in expensive lingerie were all over the place. They all noticed him standing in the entrance and sent sexy messages to him with their sultry eyes. There were just as many men in the club as women but everyone seemed upscale and tasteful. There were ass cheeks and bare breasts floating all around him as the sexy crowd mingled with each other. His peep show was put on pause when he felt a light tap on his shoulder.

“What took you so long?”

Sway turned around, “I had to deal with Ranae and all her questions…sorry I’m late.”

“No need to apologize, I’m sure you can find some way to make it up to me.”

Sway adjusted his silk tie, “I’ll do my best.”

“I’m sure you will…now let’s go to the back room so I can show you what I’m workin’ with.”

The two sauntered toward a dimly lit area of the club but before they could get there, a waitress
named Nadine stopped

“Angelique, where should I put this case of tequila and
the fresh linens for the beds?”

Angelique pointed to the bar, “Jus’ put
them on the floor

“Ok boss lady, and uhhh, who’s this handsome hunk of a man?” Nadine was a young sexy white
college girl with a wild side.

Angelique narrowed her eyes at her young employee.

“Put your pussy on pause sweetie cuz he’s all mine.”

First Date


It was my first time riding a horse and I had to admit I was enjoying myself more than I thought I would. When I asked Dallas where she wanted to go on our first real date, the last thing I expected her to say was horseback riding. I figured she wasn’t the type to be around smelly animals all afternoon but yet again she surprised me. So here we were on the outskirts of the city laughing and being silly while we rod
e up the winding trail.

Dallas looked inviting in her blue jeans paired with a clingy sleeveless turtleneck shirt. Diamond studs accented her tiny ears while a gentle breezed played with her hair.

“I think you’re starting to get the hang of it.” She said looking over at me.

“Yeah, I think so…finally. Where did you learn to ride so good?”

“My dad used to take me riding all the time when I was a little girl. There’s jus’ somethin’ about horses that I love.”

I patted my horse on his thick neck, “Yeah, there amazing animals.”

No sooner had I said that, her horse stopped in his tracks and started to piss on the ground below. It looked like he had a water hose underneath him as the yellow stream came gushing out. Now I see where the term, ‘piss like a racehorse’ came from.

“Damn, he don’t even lift his leg up or nothin’” I said in awe.

Dallas chuckled a little, “Nope, aint no shame in his game…gotta go gotta go.”

We continued up the trail and after a few minutes, Dallas broke the silence.

“Thank you for bringing me here, it really means a lot. I appreciate you spending time alone with me.”

“You don’t have to thank me; I’m enjoying this as much as you. I love spendin’ quality time with you.”

“Jus’ promise me it will never end.” Dallas looked at me sincerely.

“I promise.”

On the way back down the trail we stopped by a river to give the horses a much needed drink of water. I took advantage of the moment and held Dallas close to me looking in her beautiful brown eyes. Our lips came together, and then our tongues touched as we shared a passionate kiss. If there was a such thing as a kissing degree…Dallas would have her masters. She knew how to work her lips and tongue in ways you couldn’t imagine. We finally parted mouths and she smiled at me as she looked up.

“I have something I need to tell you.” I moved my hands from h
er upper back down to her hips.

“What is it?”

“Diego is gunnin’ for me; he put a million dollar bounty on my head.”

“Oh, is that all…I thought it was somethin’ serious.” Dallas sucked her teeth.

“It is serious, I don’t want you to end up like Flash…I can’t handle that.”

“Fuck Diego up the ass with a bowling pin. He aint shit! If he’s fuckin’ with you, he’s fuckin’ with me, and you already know how I get down.”

I grinned at her and admired her courage. She was the true definition of a ride or die chic. Down for whatever- whenever- however.

“You’re not alone anymore Tyce…I got you.”

Dallas traced my lips with the tip of her finger. She then turned around and leaned her body into me as she stared out at the river.

“There’s strength in numbers baby and the last time I counted you had not one but two loyal women by your side.”

I stared out at the stunning view of the river and reflected on what my girlfriend just told me.


You’re not alone Tyce.

Why Hide


If the average nigga knew the notorious Diego Alverez was trying to murder him not to mention having a million dollar bounty hanging over his head…he wouldn’t bring his ass out the house to check the mail. However, Diego caught me at the right time or maybe it was the wrong time because I was not hibernating in my house like a little bitch. If he wanted to find me, all he had to do was look. I planned to live my life to the fullest because you never know when your life license is going to expire.

I was taking a break from the boyfriend thing for a few hours deciding to relax in a local upscale strip club. Like I said, I wasn’t hiding at all. In fact I was completely solo tonight, no entourage, no broads, no wingman…just me.

“Coming to stage six we have Sapphire, on stage three we have the lovely Diamond, and on center stage the dynamic Destiny will be making your eyes beg for more!” The baritone voice of the DJ came pouring out the speakers.

I counted over 30 women working tonight, only about ten were exceptional…, and they knew it. I posted up in the back and observed the talent.
I immediately was noticed because I rarely came here, I wasn’t one of the regular men that paid the bills of these dancers. They viewed me as fresh meat and they were working overtime in the flirting departme
nt trying to separate me from the knot in my pocket.

“Hey handsome, would you like a private dance?” The barely legal lady asked seductively.

I looked up at her while sipping my rum and coke
“Maybe a lil later sweetie.”

“It only costs 20 dollars per song.” She said that with a hint of attitude in her voice.

“At those prices baby I’ll have you dancing til next month. When I’m ready for some attention I’ll find you ok?”

“Ok honey, I’ll hold you to that…the names India.”

I extended my hand, “I’m Tyce

“Ok, well it’s nice to meet you, and don’t forget about me when your lap gets lonely.” She strutted away giving me a look at her glittery booty.

I shifted in the leather seat and sat my drink on the mini table. As I leaned back in my chair a woman swiveled her bar stool around and started to walk towards me. She wasn’t a stripper nor was she with a man…she was going solo just like me. As she came closer, I was able to get a better look through the darkness in the club. She was of Latin descent; she wore her hair in a short sassy style. Most Latino women preferred to wear their hair long so I was pleasantly surprised to see her going against the grain. Subtle makeup accented her auburn face and she possessed the cutest pair of little lips I’d seen in a long time.

“Hello Tyce.” The stranger stood in front of me blocking my view of the stages.

I had to pause for a second and check my ears to make sure I heard her correctly…did she just say my name?

“How do you know my name?” I looked up at her slightly puzzled.

Her lips parted into a smile, “I’m not a stalker or anything like that. My secret is India, she was at the bar goin’ on and on about the sexy man at the corner table. She mentioned once
five times that your name was Tyce.”

“Ohhhh ok, I thought I owed you some money or somethin’ like that.” I joked.

“No you don’t owe me anything
…you can buy me a drink.”

“I can do that if you tell me your name first.” I cocked my head to the side.

She extended her petite hand, “My name is Sabrina.”
We continued the conversation for the next hour and polished off a full bottle of Champaign in the process. I knew she was single, a graduate of business school, a dog lover, and she was strictly dickly but slightly bi curious when she was intoxicated. As we ventured into hour number two she surprised me with a move I didn’t expect.

“India! India, come here for a minute.” She waved her hand.

India excitedly made a beeline straight for our table.

“Hey you two, what can I do for you?”

Sabrina lit a cigarette and blew out the smoke before she answered. I was waiting patiently for the answer as well; Sabrina had my curiosity turned up.

“My friend here would like a private dance. Is there some place we could go that is…private?”

India smiled, “There’s a special VIP room upstairs.”
Sabrina looked at me and winked, “Ok, have another bottle of Champaign sent up to the room;
lead the way sexy lady

India had a smile with extra cheese as she motioned for the waitress to come over. She repeated Sabrina’s request in her ear and grabbed both of us by our hands leading us through the club and up the stairs. Sabrina continued to look at me slyly as we followed our stripper to a small comfortable room. Small purple couches lined the walls of the VIP area…Sabrina and I
made ourselves comfortable as our hostess stood in the
middle of the tiny room. The waitress arrived with an ice cold bottle of bubbly and three glasses.

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