TYCE II (5 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“Thanks, smart ass.” Angelique rolled her eyes playfully.

“You’re welcome…I don’t want anything to happen to the twins…they’re my favorites.”

Here We Go Again


“Ok, I got three movies to choose from; I got a horror movie, an action movie, or a love story. Which one you wanna watch?” Ranae stood in the theatre room holding up the DVD boxes.

“You can choose babe, it dosen’t matter to me.” Sway responded nonchalantly.

“Please, 30
minutes into the romantic comedy yo ass will be sleep. I think I’ll compromise tonight and go with the action flick.”

Sway stood up from the huge couch and stretched his muscular arms above his head. He grabbed his keys from the mini bar and went to the corner of
the room to retrieve his shoes.

“Where you going?” Ranae dropped the movies to her side.

“I’m gonna go get some ice cream and kettle corn from the store right quick.”

“Oh ok, make sure you get cookies and cream ok?
“Sure babe, I will.”

“Ok, hurry back, I wanna watch the movie, we never get enough time to ourselves with the kids actin’ like they don’t know what time to go to sleep.”

Sway grinned, “I’ll be back in like 20 minutes.”

Three hours later, white words scrolled down a black screen as the movie came to an end. Ranae stared at the screen blankly like a woman day dreaming at her office desk. She called seven times, she texted five times. She called the police station and the hospital once. Her emotions varied between extreme worry and volatile anger. Was he alright? Was he laying in a ditch somewhere? Was he laying in a bitch somewhere?

“It don’t take no fuckin’ three hours to get no fuckin’ ice cream!” Ranae shouted
at the 55 inch flat screen T.V.

Over time


Armando looked across the table at the man who called himself Silk. He wasn’t impressed by the expensive clothes or the small fortune that hung around his neck. Silk had the demeanor of a pimp not a drug dealer, but a drug dealer he was…and a good one at that. Silk had moved up in the dope game. He was now in a position to buy major weight directly from Diego and he had the clientele to move it too. Armando’s broad chest slowly rose as he breathed deep and cracked his knuckles.

“The call was supposed to come through ten minutes ago, what’s the holdup?”

“Come on man…it’s jus’ ten minutes, that’s jus’ six hundred tiny seconds.” Silk sucked his teeth.

Armando closed his brown eyes and rubbed the stubble on his chin.

“I’ll tell you what Silk. If my phone dosen’t ring in the next 30 seconds…the deals off.”

“Nigga have some patience, aint no need to get all fucked up behind…”

Armando waived him off, “23 seconds.”

Silk put both his elbows on the table and leaned forward, “Armando, how long I been in the game? You know the money will be there man…it aint no thang.”

Armando stared at him and then peeped at his watch.

“15 seconds.”

Silk stood up, “I can’t believe you gon do me like this, 30 seconds can fuck up three hundred thousand? Come on Armando!”

The cell phone was lifeless on the table as Armando rechecked the time on his watch.

“Times up Silk, the deals off.”

Armando snatched a gun from under the table and pointed it at Silk before he
had a chance to react.

Silk raised his hands in protest, “Man what the fuck is wrong with you!?”

“Nothing is wrong with me…you should have been on time.”

The gun jerked back four times as bullets entered Silk’s chest and stomach. His eyes widened with surprise as he stumbled back clutching his ribcage. Blood spurted from his mouth staining his bone white suit.

“You f f fuckin faggot.” Silk gasped the words as he wheezed uncontrollably, before he collapsed on the floor.

Armando stood up and looked at Silk’s body. He shook his head in disgust…just then the phone rang.

“Armando smiled as he answered it, “Hello.”

“The money has been transferred to your account now where can we pick up the product?” The voice sounded breathless coming from the phone.

“What are you talking about?” Armando questioned.
“What the fuck you mean what am I talkin’ ‘bout? Where is the fuckin’ dope nigga?”

“The person I was supposed to speak with should h
ave called ten minutes and 30
seconds ago, so I don’t know who the fuck you are. You must have the wrong number.”

“What about the money nigga!”

“What money? Armando hung up the phone.

Cocaine, cash, and Armando were never in the same place at the same time. Everything filtered through third parties on their end. That’s the way to stay clean in this dirty game. When the money was late Armando took that as a sign that he was being set up or something was wrong. His motto was shoot first ask questions last.

Apparently, Silk was telling the truth but it didn’t matter now because the money was already in his account plus he had the drugs. It was a win win for him as far as he was concerned.

“You should have been on time for something besides a court date Silk.” He spoke aloud as he exited the small room.



Pamela spread cream cheese over the honey wheat bagel and took a small bite. She put it back on the saucer-sized plate and picked up her phone dialing her son’s number.

“Hey mom.” Tyce answered on the third ring.

“Hi son how are you?”

“I’m doin’ good, jus’ settling in.”

“Yeah I wanted to give you a chance to get adjusted before I called you…maybe we could ummm get some lunch one day this week?”

Tyce got up from the bed and walk
ed to the bathroom. His birthday suit
was all he wore as he strolled to the restroom trying to shake the sleep from his brain.

“I got a better idea.” Tyce turned on the sink facet. “Why don’t you come over for dinner and meet Angelique and Dallas tomorrow night.”

“Ok that sounds good, what time should I be there?”

“Uhhh just come by about seven, I’ll text you the address after we hang up.”

Pamela pushed her bagel away from her and stood up from the table walking toward the window in her kitchen.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” She asked again seriously.

“Yeah mom, I’m fine, are you ok?” Tyce put the phone on speaker and placed it on the sink. He splashed water on his face to help wake him up.

“Tyce I saw the billboard.”

There was a long pause. Grabbing a towel off the rack he dried his face and sighed.

“It’s nothing mom, I can handle it.”

“I assume it’s Diego that’s behind it…am I right?” Pamela stared at her flowers just to the right of the porch.

“Yeah I’m pretty sure it’s him but I can handle Diego, he aint shit.”

“Never underestimate you
r enemy Tyce.” Pamela schooled.

“Don’t overestimate him either, I’ve come too far to let some green chili eatin’ bitch take me out.”

“Sometimes you have to know when to walk away son.” Pamela eyed a humming bird as it hovered near her yellow roses.

“Now aint that time, I’d be walkin’ for the rest of my life, and I don’t need that kinda exercise.”
Pamela dropped the subject for now, “Ok Tyce…I’ll see you at dinner tomorrow night.”

The phone went silent on the sink as she ended the call. Women don’t understand the nature of men. Diego wouldn’t stop looking for me…ever. I had to deal with him in order to move on with my life. I wasn’t like the bitch ass niggas that saturated the cities of America. Those niggas was all gangsta when it came to doing the crime but were all pussy when the consequences showed up. He should have took the five million as a loss and let that shit go, instead he chose to fuck with me…bad idea.

Angelique walked into the bathroom as Tyce started the shower.

“Hey babe, Sway is outside, he jus’ pulled up.”

“Ok, tell him I’ll be down in like 20 minutes.”

Angelique focused her attention on the caramel colored ass on display right in front of her. She’d always had a thing for a man’s butt and Tyce’s rear end was smooth and muscular. It was the kinda ass a woman could hold onto while she was getting worked over in the missionary position!

“You got time for a quickie?” Angelique bit her bottom lip.

Tyce flashed a sexy grin, “I got ‘bout ten minutes…you think you can get off in ten minutes?”
“I know I can get
in one minute, the other nine will take care of itself.”

Angelique undressed like her clothes were on fire and hopped in the shower. She assumed the position as her man came up from behind like her ass was stopped at a red light. Tyce gripped her waist firmly as his dick snuggled between her ample ass cheeks. Angelique stood on her tip toes to give Tyce easy access to her tingling pussy. The first minute was up and the couple took full advantage of the remaining nine… fucking at a fast and powerful pace. Angelique’s cheek pressed against the wet slate wall as Tyce pumped her pussy again and again.

“Fuck baby! Mmmmm, ssssssss, ahhhhh, fuck meeee!” She bit down hard on her bottom lip.

“Damn this shit is good!” Tyce huffed as his dick went in and out of her pussy like a jackhammer.

Tyce palmed her titty like a basketball as he controlled her hips. She opened her legs a little wider and bent over placing her palms on the wet floor…stripper style!

You couldn’t tell from the shower but they were both sweating like crazy as they committed assault
on each other’s private parts.

“I wanna feel you explode in me!” A
ngelique bit her left shoulder.

Tyce gripped her ass with both hands and buried himself deep in her pussy. Angelique let out a long moan as she felt the full girth of the familiar friend she’d come to love and crave so much. Wet stomach muscles flexed and Tyce’s deep brown eyes clenched as he let his load go within the depths
of Angelique’s firm wet pussy.

“That felt so good! Did you feel me squeeze when I came?” Angelique stood up and faced him.

“Yeah, that’s what made me cum.” Tyce grinned showing is pearly whites.

The mini sex session took all of five minutes but Angelique knew her man wasn’t a two minute brother…he was just in a hurry this morning. She was still satisfied however rapid fucks like that only made her long for more.

Angelique grabbed the shower gel and a soap sponge, “It’s been a while since I had you all to myself.”

“Yeah, it’s been a while…we need to do that more often.” Tyce su
ggested as he washed his balls.

Angelique turned on the overhead shower nozel and let it rain down on her head. She put her head back and let the water fall into her mouth spitting it back out playfully at Tyce. At that moment the shower door opened and Dallas poked her beautiful face in.

“You got room for one more?”

Tyce smiled at her, “There’s plenty of room for you, but I gotta go…I’m sorry.”

“You should have come a tad bit earlier and you coulda joined us.” Angelique took the sponge and washed Tyce’s chest.

“Maybe next time.” Dallas said in a disappointed tone.

“I got Sway waiting downstairs; I gotta hurry up and get dressed. I’ll see ya’ll later on today.” Tyce left the shower kissing Dallas on the cheek as he rushed by dripping wet.

Dallas stood there in the steamy room thinking as Angelique finished her shower, doing her best
impression of
. She thought to herself…she gets a hot shower session and I get a peck on the cheek. Must
be nice to get some dick so electric
it has you singing at eight o’clock in the damn morning.

Mo Money Mo Problems


Me and Sway stood in front of the billboard and looked up at it. It was ten in the morning and L. A. traffic was busy as usual and there I was big as day for all to see.

“Sway removed his hat, “Man I aint never seen a nigga do some shit like this.”

“Yeah I gotta admit, I didn’t see this one comin’” I stared up at my handsome face.

“They were talkin’ ‘bout this shit on the radio yesterday mornin’” Sway informed Tyce. “People were wonderin’ what hell was goin’ on and who you were?”

“Yeah I expected that when I first seen it.” I looked around at all the cars and noticed people reading the gigantic wanted poster.

Sway turned to me, “You still want me to meet you here tonight at two o’clock?”

“Yeah.” I confirmed still staring at the billboard.

I finally turned my attention to Sway and noticed he looked a little worn out. H
e didn’t have that same energy
he normally had and he seemed a little distracted.

“You alright? You seem a lil off.” I punched his chest lightly.

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