TYCE II (3 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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The cook busied herself with preparing breakfast for her boss and his brother. She’d worked for Diego for nearly eight years and had learned to keep her nose out of his business. Carmela made the plates and took them over to the table, making sure to serve Diego first.

“Why are you so worr
ied about him? He’s nobody,
he’s jus’ another fuckin’ gang banger.”

Yu have much tu learn Armando…much tu learn. Jus’ remember whut I said…now eat yur food.”

Armando wasn’t like his older brother but he was equally as dangerous. While Diego was born in Mexico, Armando was conceived in California. The two were separated for the first six years of Armando’s child hood. Their beloved mother left Diego behind with her sister in Mexico when she immigrated to the U.S. in search of a better life for him and her. That better life took on the form of Ernesto Jaramillo, who married the single mother and fathered her second son Armando. When Diego’s mother finally sent for him, Diego, now almost nine years old took the harsh and cold environment of the Mexican slums with him. His motherless impoverished child hood planted a seed deep within him that grew into a massive weed, choking out any flowers in his so
ul that dared try to sprout up.

Armando couldn’t understand why his normally calm and collected older brother was so disturbed by a random hood nigger that got lucky and found a pot of gold. He was over reacting, he wanted to find this dude as bad as Diego did but he wasn’t about to get stressed out about it. This type of shit came with the
territory in the drug world…Tyce
was just a speed bump they had to slow down to deal with but would soon roll over.

Nightmare On My Street


Ranae woke up to an empty and cold
king sized bed. This was beginning to be a familiar occurrence for her. She would start the night off with a good night kiss from Sway and awaken in the middle of the night to find him gone. If they were in their old bed she could feel every shift or movement he made, however in this brand new enormous bed, she couldn’t feel a thing.

She cursed the memory foam mattress as she flung the covers off her body and scooted her bare ass across the bed. The damn thing was so high she had to literally hop off to get to the floor. Making her way toward the bedroom door, Ranae snatched a T-shirt hanging from the back of a chair. She kept moving out the door and down the hallway putting the shirt on her naked body
as she walked in the darkness.

Their new home was huge, a far cry from the cramped three bedroom single family home they used to live in. Ranae was happy with the change of scenery however there was emptiness in the house that furniture couldn’t fill. Her knight in shining armor was distant these days and she didn’t know why. As she descended the stairs she seen a light shine under the door that lead to the lower level. She listened carefully as she approached the door, pausing to press her ear against the richly stained wood. The sound of continuous thuds and the rattling of chains echoed up the staircase. Ranae opened the door and went down yet another set of stairs to have a late night visit with her husband.

“Hey tiger.” Ranae stood on the bottom step leaning against the wall.

Sway turned around when he heard the low voice of his wife. She’d caught him in the middle of an intense workout with the heavy bag. Sway insisted on building a mini boxing gym in the basement of the house. The room had everything a boxing gym should, except a ring. When Ranae suggested the room be used as his “man cave” Sway quickly dismissed the idea saying, “I’m not trying to get a gut watching T.V. and playing video games all night.”

“Hey babe, what are you doin’ up? Did the noise wake you?” Sway said breathing heavy.

“No, I jus’ noticed you were gone…again.”

“I’m sorry, I jus’ couldn’t sleep. I had to burn off some energy.”

Ranae walked seductively toward him, “Well; you could have woken me up and went a few rounds.”
Sway chu
ckled, “You were snoring hard
with your mouth open.”

“So.” R
anae smiled from embarrassment.

“So I didn’t wanna disturb you.”

“All you had to do was put something in my mouth if you get my drift.” Her eyes traveled south gazing at the imprint of his dick in the baggy shorts he wore.

“And risk you biting off my joint cuz you were dreaming about a hot dog…no thanks.” Sway teased.
Ranae put her hands on her hips in protest, “I would never do that to something I love.”

“Oh really…what about the time you dreamt my face was made of c
hocolate and you bit my nose
?” Sway laughed as he removed his gloves.

She held one finger up, “That was different, I was on my period, and you know I crave chocolate when I’m on my cycle.”

“Yes I know that for a fact. I can’t count how many bags of
I’ve bought since I met you.”

“And don’t forget the
either.” Ranae smiled. “Are you done working out?”

“Yeah I guess so.”

“Good, then you can come back to bed and warm me up.”

The couple headed up the stairs with Ranae leading the way. The steep incline of the steps made it possible for the bottom of her ample ass to peek out from under the T-shirt. She knew her man well, and she knew he was always horny after a workout. She purposely allowed her full hips to rock back and forth as she climbed the steps.

“I hope you saved enough energy to spar with me.”
There was a long pause as the two stepped onto the main floor. The dim glow of the
living room
night light competed with the darkness of the spacious room. Ranae looked up and smiled, waiting for her man to give her confi
rmation for the sexual request.

Sway kissed her cheek, “I think I’m gonna grab a quick shower and call it a night. Can I get a rain check?”

Ranae kept smiling, “Sure.”

“Thanks babe.” Sway added a quick kiss on her lips.
The bed was colder now as she returned to her side, she looked over to the right at a familiar scene…a
huge bed and a missing husband.


What good is a luxur
ious bed if you’re sleeping all


One, Two, Three


“Jus’ put it over there on the kitchen counter.”

Dallas instructed the muscular mover on where to place the heavy box. Four men went back and forth from the truck to the house, moving both Angelique and Dallas’s belongings into Tyce’s home. There was more than enough room in the six-bedroom dwelling, and just like any typical bachelor pad, there wasn’t an over flow of furniture crowding up the place.

The women were eager to move in and start their new life. They had everything they ever wanted, a new crib, new money, and a new man. Tyce made them feel at home right away. He had two sets of silver keys tied to red ribbons and placed them over their heads like Olympic medals the morning of the move. This whole thing was new for him and he didn’t want to show favorites but at the same time he had to make each woman feel special. A task that was easier said than done.

For Dallas’s welcome home gift he bought her a pink diamond tennis bracelet and purchased a year membership for her to a
spa. She was happily sporting that around her wrist as she pointed to the places she wante
d the movers to put everything.

For Angelique he purchased a teardrop three-carat vvs diamond necklace and to put the cherry on top he added a year’s worth of private self-defense lessons with a world-class kick boxer. Some might say that the self-defense classes are nothing compared to a day at the spa. However, on the contrary, each woman was different and had diverse ways of relaxing.

Dallas preferred to be pampered while Angelique liked to work up a sweat to beat the stress. Plus after hearing about what happened in the parking lot at the jail, he wanted Angelique to be safe and able to kick a man’s ass if she needed to. That was only in case he wasn’t
after all he couldn’t always be present to protect her 24 hours a day. Tyce hated that he wasn’t there to handle that punk ass nigga Marcus. He would have gladly murdered that sneaky ass nigga right there in the parking lot without hesitating one mili second. It gave him peace of mind to know that she was getting professional training and it gave her a chance to regain some lost confidence that an attack can bring and get some time to herself in the process. Angelique would die before she would admit it, but she was still a little shook over the incident. Tyce could see and sense that although she tried to conceal it from him. When he told her about the training classes, she just lowered her head and smiled. It took a moment for her to look up and meet his stare, but finally she did and with tears in her eyes, she thanked him,

“I would have never asked for this but I needed it. You always know jus’ what I need baby, and that’s why I love you so very much.”

Tyce engulfed her body into his and held her tight, “I’m jus’ glad you’re safe. You know that shit wouldn’t have went down like that if I was there.”
“Shit you woulda’ stomped a mud hole in that fool.”
“Damn right. But now you can do that yourself with these classes.

“Thanks again babe.”

“You’re welcome, now go whoop some ass!”

That heartfelt exchange took place earlier that morning, before Dallas
woke up or the movers arrived.

The next chore was deciding the room situations. After much consideration, Tyce decided to offer the women their own rooms. He did this because everybody needs their own personal space. Angelique didn’t need to choose her room because she already lived there. So Dallas made her selection, choosing the bedroom on the other side of Tyce’s room opposite Angelique. She wanted to be as close to Tyce as possible. They all decided there should be a boom boom room. Tyce put the women in charge of setting that up and looked forward to seeing the finished masterpiece. He just hoped there was some sort of pole involved.

Later on that night after everything was moved in and somewhat arranged, the trio decided to stay in and have a nice quiet dinner to celebrate the new union.

“Alright alright, I want all of us to do a shot.” Tyce pulled a bottle of Pat
ron out of the kitchen cabinet.
“That’s what I’m talkin’ bout!” Dallas clapped her hands together.”

“I’ll get the limes and the salt.” Angelique sprung up from her seat.

Tyce put the bottle on the table, “What ya’ll know about Patron?”

“Shiiiit, what you know about Patron?” Angelique and Dallas said in unison.

Tyce grinned, “I know if you mix sexual tension and Patron you get fucked in a good way.”

“Speakin’ of sexual tension…we have somethin’ to tell you.” Angelique said returning to the table with a bowl of fresh cut limes and salt.

“Wasup?” Tyce set three shot glasses on the table.
Dallas and Angelique exchanged glances before they looked at Tyce. There was an odd silence in the room.

“Should I tell him or do you want to?” Dallas asked Angelique.

“I’ll tell him.” Angelique answered.

She grabbed the bottle from Tyce’s hand and proceeded to pour the shots. She passed out limes and shot glasses filled to the rim with tequila. They all stood up and waited for Angelique to speak.

“Ok, here it goes…Dallas and I are fuckin’” Angelique downed her shot.

Dallas took her shot also while Tyce just stood there holding his drink.

“Congratulations, now you have an idea of why I love fuckin’ both of you. Shit I though ya’ll were gonna tell me one of ya’ll was married or somethin’.” Tyce drank his shot.

“Hell naw, aint neither one of us married…yet.”
Angelique said with a wink.

Dallas leaned across the table and kissed Angelique on her lips,
and then
she turned to Tyce and offered her lips moist with tequila. Tyce poured a tiny pile of salt in the palm of his hand. He put his finger in his mouth, dipped it into the white crystals, and gently traced Dallas’s lips with his salted fingertip. Her eyes where slightly slanted when Tyce began to lick the salt from her lips slowly.

“How bout we mov
e this from the kitchen to the
bedroom.” Angelique suggested.

“Lead the way.” Tyce said seductively.

Angelique sashayed out the kitchen followed by Tyce.

“Oh, Dallas grab that bottle…we gon do body shots.” Tyce stated turning around briefly.

“You don’t have to tell me, I was jus’ about to get it.” Dallas snatched the nearly full bottle off the table. She then hopped on Tyce’s back and rode all
the way to the master bedroom.

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