TYCE II (2 page)

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Authors: Shareef Jaudon

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“You ok in there?” Dallas leaned against the outside of the door.

“I’m fine baby doll, jus’ admiring the layout.”

“Oh, you like it?”

“Yeah, you have a great eye, by the way what are you gonna do with all your stuff when you move?”
“I’m gonna put some things in storage but I plan on taking the things I like
the most with me.

Angelique opened the door reve
aling her naked body to Dallas.

“I can hear yo
u better now.” She said slowly.

Angelique looked Dallas up and down, “You ready?”

“Are you ready?” Dallas countered.

“Well, to quote
, I stay ready so I aint gotta get ready
.” Angelique made
her voice as deep as she could.

I’ll be right back.” Dallas pivoted on her heels and walked away from the bathroom leaving her guest wondering. Moments later, she returned wearing nothing but a wicked grin and holding two drinks.
“Like Dr. Dallas said, you’re not getting any sleep tonight baby.”

Angelique stepped into her waitress, clutching her bare hip. Dal
las leaned in as well handing
Angelique her freshly made drink.

Looking up at a slight angle Dallas uttered, “You don’t scare me; you forget…I know both of your weaknesses.”

“Oh really, and what might those be?”

Dallas stared into her eyes a long moment before saying clear
ly, “My lips, and Tyce Adkins.”

“I’ll drink to that!” Angelique raised her glass in the air.

“Oh, let’s not forget to raise a toast to punk as Marcus…may he rest in hell!”


Both women took long sips of the tasty concoction to jump-start the buzz.

“Let me taste yours, I think you made mine kinda weak.” Angelique complained.

“I have little bit left on my tongue if you want some.”

Dallas slid her pink moist tongue out and waved it side to side teasingly. Angelique eyed it thirstily before gripping it gently in her teeth and sucking softly tasting rich alcohol and sweet juice.

Time To G


“Rodriguez, Jenkins, Adkins, Campos grab your county issued clothes, mattress, and rule book!”

It was seven in the morning and the corrections officer was yelling out the names of the men that were being released today. I didn’t need him to tell me to get my shit together, I’d been packed and ready two hours ago. Today was the first day of the rest of my life. I’ve heard niggas complain about being locked up, they say the hardest thing besides being caged up like an animal, is being told what to do all the time. Well, for me it was not having a choice of what to eat. I hated that shit like the
. I probably lost ten pounds in here and I was craving fried chicken, mashed potato
es, and a damn buttery biscuit!

I said my goodbyes and passed out my goodie stash to a few dudes I liked in here, wishing them well on their upcoming trials and appeals. They all thanked me emphatically giving me congratulating looks mixed with a little jealousy. I understood the feelings they were having, and would feel the same way if
the shoe was on the other foot.

“Let’s move it fellas!” The guard waved his

walked down the steps carrying all their state issued crap and tossed it in the bin marked “County Property” It took them bitches two more hours to process me out but finally I was putting on my own clothes and shoes in their funky ass dressing room. Damn it feels good to put back on my shit I thought to myself as I stepped out handing the female deputy their orange jumpsuit, white underwear, fake ass karate slippers, and punk ass tube socks. I was escorted to a window to sign for my property where another female deputy was waiting.

“Sign here.” She didn’t look up when she passed the paper to me. “One platinum bracelet.”

I just stared at her, “And?”

“And what sir?”

“Don’t get cute Miss Deputy.”

“My name is Darlene sir.”

, where are my earrings?”

She finally looked up at me, “What earrings?”

I laughed a little, “We gon play this game?”

“Stephanie, have you got anymore property for Tyce Adkins back there?”

“Nope.” An unseen voice answered back.

I knew this shit was gonna happen, these muthafuckas are trying to keep my E color, two carat, vvs round diamond stud earrings! I’d paid 20,000 dollars apiece for them, and I was not about to lose em, yeah I could afford to buy another pair but fuck that, why should I have to?

“Listen, I wanna tell you about this dream I had last night.”

She sighed irritatingly, rolling her blue eyes in her head. “Sir I really don’t have time for this, just sign the damn paper for your bracelet, we don’t have any earrings.”

“It will only take a sec.” I put my elbows on the high counter, “I dreamt I was a woman, a white woman at that. And as you can clearly see…I’m a black man. Anyway, I was sitting in a chair. You know the kinda chair you sit in when you’re getting a pap smear at the doctor’s office? Well, I was in that chair strapped down when the doctor came in wearing one of those masks people wear when their sick you know? I was completely naked; I didn’t have on one of those gowns they give you to change into or anything, I was completely naked. Now this doctor didn’t say anything, he jus’ loo
ked at me with cold brown eyes.

I couldn’t see his face cuz’ he had a black
mask on to go with the germ blocker mouth cover. He jus’ stared down at my white naked body and didn’t say a word. Next he plugged in a curling iron, you know the kind you do your hair with?” She just stared at me with intense eyes as I continued to tell her about my dream. “Next, he pulled up a chair and reached over and grabbed the sizzling hot curling iron off the counter. I heard him laugh and he asked me,
are you ready for you
pap smear?
I started to panic, I strained against the straps that held me down but it was no use…I couldn’t move! He jus’ laughed as he slid the hot curling iron deep in my vagina like a dildo. I felt the unimaginable pain and burning sensation as he fucked me with that scolding hot cock. I know dreams aren’t real but I could smell my insides being cooked like a piece of bacon! I woke up screaming like a girl, shit, I’m sure all the inmates heard me, that shit was crazy huh?” I rose up off the counter and stepped back a little.

She looked like she was about to be sick when I finished telling her about my dream. She turned her head to the side and yelled over her shoulder.

“Stephanie, look in the file cabinet in my office, it
should be marked unclaimed property.”

“Ok, what am I looking for?”

“It’s a pair of diamond earrings in a plastic zip lock bag, they must have got mixed up, you know how busy we get around here sometimes.”

“Ok, I’ll check.”

Moments later Stephanie showed herself and was carrying a baggie with my earrings inside, “Here they are.”

“Thanks Stephanie.”

“No problem.” She said enthusiastically.

“Here you go Sir, sign here please.”

“Thank you Darlene, I’m happy you found them, I love those earrings…I would jus’ die without em, you know how that is huh?”

“Yes.” She said quietly.

“Have a nice day

I turned and walked away smiling, putting on

“Do you need to make a phone call to arrange a ride?” The deputy stood by a phone.


“Ok, follow my directions and stay three feet in front of me until we reach the front door exit.

I walked in front of him through white hallways, up four flights of stairs and into a small lobby. I squinted as the bright morning sun hurt my eyes a little bit when I looked outside. Once they adjusted, I seen two of the most gorgeous women I’d ever seen in my 26 years on this planet. A blue
was parked curbside with Angelique and Dallas l
eaning against the shiny doors.

The guard and me stood there admiring their beauty, after all, we both were men and before us in the near distance stood two sexy ass women.

“Do you know them?” He came up next to me.

“They’re the reason you won’t be seeing me ever again…those are my girlfriends.”

“Lucky bastard.”

“Luck has nothing to do with it…take it easy officer.”

I pushed the doors open with unnecessary force and strolled down the sidewalk not bothering to look back. I smelled the fresh polluted air of Los Angeles California and felt the warm sun on my face. I counted 60 steps before I finally reached my ladies. I was happy they didn’t run to me cuz’ I wanted to look at them for a while before I actually got to touch them.

“Hey handsome!” Angelique pushed herself off the car and hugged me tight; she then reunited her lips with mine as she tongue kissed me real slow and real hard. “I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time now…I missed you.”

“I missed you too babe.”

I broke the embrace and Angelique shifted her body to allow me access to Dallas. She smiled as I walked up to her, then she jumped into me, wrapping her arms around my neck.

“Hey baby! How you doin’? Ooooo I missed you sooo much!” She yelled.

I squeezed her body tight to mine. Moments passed before I put a little space between our chests and tilted her chin up toward my face. We kissed passionately; our mouths were stuck together like
we’d used super glue lip gloss.

“I love you baby.” Dallas said as we separated our faces.

“I love you too…let’s get outta here.” I looked at both of them now.

“That sounds like a plan to me!” Angelique swung open the car door-waving goodbye to the guard who was still standing in the doorway looking out the glass.

We all piled in the car, me in the driver’s seat, Dallas to my right, and Angelique behind her.

“Where to ladies?” I put the car in gear.

“First we gotta hit the mall and get you some new clothes, then we gon hit the barber shop and have Malik tighten you up, after that we have dinner reservations followed by the hottest, sweatiest, most passionate intercourse in the history of sex…is that ok with you?” Angelique leaned in from the ba
ck seat waiting for a response.

I grinned, “Let’s do it.”



I was as single as any man could be 30 days ago, now I had two girlfriends set to move into my house. Damn, it’s a trip how life
can flip on you in an instant.


Omar was dead, Biz was dead, Bruce was dead, Lincoln, TJ were both deceased and my lil’ brother Flash was resting in peace. Death was an unwelcomed guest that had resided with me recently and I had a feeling it wasn’t going anywhere any time soon.


I felt like a different man now, there was a new sense of responsibility riding with me these days. I wasn’t on my own anymore, I had Angelique, Dallas and my mother Pamela in my corner lookin’ out for me; add my partna Sway to the mix and I had one helluva team.


The streets was buzzing about what happened to Biz. My name was in everybody’s mouth and I didn’t like that shit at all, I pr
eferred to stay in the shadows.

He’s Mine


Diego stepped into his kitchen and sat at the stretched out table. His hands smoothed over his black hair and slid down moving over his lightly bearded jaws. He was like a machine; every morning he awoke at exactly five a.m., he took a shower precisely 45 minutes later and was dressed and waiting on his breakfast by seven. But this morning was unlike the rest, this morning Diego was on edge.

Armando walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table to join Diego for breakfast.

“He was released yeste
rday.” Armando said before
Diego could ask.

An where es he now

“I don’t know.” Armando grabbed a napkin and placed it in his lap.

I see.”
Diego took a deep breath
, “Yu are my bruther but I swear on our muther’s eyes ef yu do not find hem an bring hem tu me…I will be an only child.”
Diego stared at his younger brother intensely. “I will find him Diego, there’s no need to threaten me!”

It wusn’t a threat.”

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