The Red Flag: A History of Communism (123 page)

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. P. Kenney,
A Carnival of Revolution: Central Europe 1989
(Princeton, 2002), pp.161–2.

. Ibid., pp.12–13.

. Cited in ibid., p.141.

. C. Maier,
Dissolution. The Crisis of Communism and the End of East Germany
(Princeton, 1997), p.156.

. M. Fulbrook,
Anatomy of a Dictatorship. Inside the GDR, 1949

(Oxford, 1995), pp.259–60.

. For the greater involvement of workers in Poland compared with the GDR, see L. Fuller,
Where was the Working Class? Revolution in East Germany
(Urbana, Ill., 1999).

. Cited in O. A. Westad,
The Global Cold
War (Cambridge, 2005), p.382.

. J. Hough,
The Logic of Economic Reform in Russia
(Washington, DC, 2001), p.366.

. A. Knight,
Spies without Cloaks: The KGB’s Successors
(Princeton, 1996), pp.12–37.

. Woodward,
Balkan Tragedy
, pp.127–8.

. A. Nathan and P. Link (eds.),
The Tiananmen Papers
(London, 2001),–vii.

. Ibid., p.163.

. Ibid., p.143.

. Gorbachev,
, p.490.

. Nathan and Link,
Tiananmen Papers
, p.173.

. Su Xiaokang and Wang Luxiang,
Deathsong of the River: a Reader’s Guide to the Chinese TV Series
, trans. R. Bodman (Ithaca, 1991), p.221.

. R. Baum,
Reform and Reaction in post-Mao China: the Road to Tiananmen
(New York, 1991), p.456.


. Lin Jinhui, 28 September 2002,
. See also K. Louie,
Theorizing Chinese Masculinity
(Cambridge, 2002), p.58.

. D. Yergin and J. Stanislaw,
The Commanding Heights: the New Reality of Economic Power
(New York, 1998), p.137.

. T. Friedman, ‘Senseless in Seattle II’,
New York Times
, 8 December 1999. For other examples, see Frank,
One Market under God
, pp.61–8.

. F. Fukuyama,
The End of History and the Last Man
(London, 1992), pp.166–9, 206–7.

Wall Street Journal
, 26 May 2000. For these themes, see T. Frank,
One Market under God. Extreme Capitalism, Market Populism, and the End of Economic Democracy
(London, 2000), ch.1.

. R. Brenner,
The Boom and the Bubble: the US in the World Economy
(London, 2002), p.43.

. J. Hellman, ‘Winners Take All: The Politics of Partial Reform in Postcommunist Transitions’,
World Politics
50 (1998), p.209.

. Ibid., pp.223–4.

. J. Stiglitz,
Globalization and Its Discontents
(London, 2002), p.157.

. For this argument, see P. Reddaway and D. Glinski,
The Tragedy of Market Reforms. Market Bolshevism against Democracy
(Washington, DC, 2001), pp.252–5.

. S. Shirk,
The Political Logic of Economic Reform in China
(Berkeley, 1993), ch.3.

. H. Wu,
Laogai. The Chinese Gulag
(Boulder, 1992).

. S. Shirk,
China. Fragile Superpower
(Oxford, 2007), p.48.

. D. Bell,
China’s New Confucianism. Politics and Everyday Life in a Changing Society
(Princeton, 2008), ch.1.

. Minxin Pei,
China’s Trapped Transition: the Limits of Developmental Autocracy
(Cambridge, Mass., 2006), pp.191–6.

. V. Bunce and S. Wolchik, ‘International Diffusion and Postcommunist Electoral Revolutions’,
Communist and Postcommunist Studies
39 (2006), pp.283–4; M. Beissinger, ‘Structure and Example in Modular Political Phenomena: The Diffusion of Bulldozer/Rose/Orange/Tulip Revolutions’,
Perspectives on Politics
5 (June 2007), pp.259–76.

. K. Collins, ‘The Logic of Clan Politics. Evidence from the Central Asian Trajectories’,
World Politics
56 (2004), pp.224–61.

. A. Buzo,
The Guerilla Dynasty: Politics and Leadership in North Korea
(London, 1999), p.206.

. S. Eckstein,
Back from the Future: Cuba under Castro
(Princeton, 1994), pp.233–7.

. Cited in O. Starn, ‘Maoism in the Andes. The Communist Party of Peru–Shining Path, and the Refusal of History’,
Journal of Latin American
Studies 27 (1991), p.399.

. Ibid., p.409.

. J. Nochlin,
Vanguard Revolutionaries in Latin America
(Boulder, 2003), p.63.

. C. McClintock, ‘Peru’s
Sendero Luminoso
Rebellion. Origins and Trajectory’, in S. Eckstein (ed.),
Power and Popular Protest. Latin American Social Movements
(Berkeley, 2001), p.83.

. Starn, ‘Maoism’, p.416.

. A. Vanaik, ‘The New Himalayan Republic’,
New Left Review
, 49 (2008), p.63.

. M. Mohanty, ‘Challenges of Revolutionary Violence. The Naxalite Movement in Perspective’,
Economic and Political Weekly
, 22 July 2006.

. C. Sreedharan, ‘Karl and the Kalashnikov’,
, 25 August 1998.

. For this point, see N. Henck,
Subcommander Marcos. The Man and the Mask
(Durham, NC, 2007), pp.365–6.

. Interview with G. Marquez and R. Pombo, ‘The Punch Card and the Hour Glass’,
New Left Review
(May–June, 2002), p.70.

. B. Brecht, ‘To Those Born Later’, trans. J. Willett, R. Mannheim and E. Fried, in P. Forbes,
Scanning the Century. The Penguin Book of the Twentieth Century in Poetry
(London, 2000), pp.55–7.

. P. Neruda,
(London, 1976), pp.332–3.

. T. Paterson, ‘A Harsh Lesson for Germany, Courtesy of Its Socialist Past’,
, 22 October 2008.

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