The Irresistible Bundle (9 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Is your dick as big as the main character's was in the Crossfire series?" She challenged.

The girls guffawed with laughter as the guy licked his front teeth. Carina suspected he knew how good looking he was and used it to his advantage. The suit caressed the front of his slacks.

"I can show you and you can let me know." He huskily offered. His eyes flared with excitement.

"Ladies" a familiar male voice greeted. The club owner approached. He looked between Carina and the novel character suit. Carina smiled as she turned to Valentino.

"Hello" they cooed in unison.

"Are you enjoying yourselves" he asked the group but never took his eyes off Carina.

"You are a most gracious host. What is there not to like?" Carina purred. Valentino's chocolate eyes darkened as he eyed her costume.

"Yvette said you'd introduce yourselves."

The suit, aka Gideon Cross, shifted closer to the group as Valentino looked expectantly at the girls. Carina took the lead and pointed to each girl hoping she got the introductions right. She'd met most of them today but it was easy to remember them by their choice of attire.

"This is Ariel the alluring mermaid, Desirae the divine dominatrix, Beatriz the tantalizing Playboy Bunny, Andrea the sensuous Goddess of sex, Chelsea the hellacious Naughty Nun, Melissa the vixen school girl, Sati the sensual belly dancer, and I am Carina."

The girls curtsied at each introduction. Valentino nodded his appreciation. "What's your descriptive moniker?" He teased.

"Maybe you'll have one for me by the end of the night" She offered with a sultry wink.

"This one's the troublemaker" the suit offered. The girls laughed in agreement as Carina shrugged. She couldn't dispute his assessment.

"I'll have to see for myself" Valentino playfully replied as he brushed his muscular frame against her scantily dressed form. Carina closed her eyes and shivered as the warmth of his body faded. Valentino's suit couldn't hide his broad shoulders and thick arms. Her eyes lingered on his tight pants, revealing a nice bulge in front and a sculpted ass in back. The man was a completely delicious package.

"He wants to fuck you Carina!" Andrea scoffed.

Carina smirked "Sati too. Did you not see how he practically eye-fucked her when she belly danced for him?"

"You're the girls everyone's talking about?" The suit asked in disbelief.

"The one and only" Beatriz proudly exclaimed. She grabbed the suit by the arm and led him to the dance floor. "Let's go ladies" she called as she walked away.

The group got onto the dance floor and danced for several songs. Desirae got carried away and flogged a couple of people before being reprimanded by security. The DJ purposely played a song meant for belly dancing. The dance floor cleared out for the few who could do the number justice with Sati leading the way.

Chapter Five

"Okay ghouls, fiends, and freaks. The staff and secret judges will be choosing finalists for each category. If you make a category you will be asked to get on stage. The crowd will then cheer their approval of the winner. Winners get $500 cash and the grand prize of $1000 and free admission for a year will be granted to the crowd favorite. Good luck!"

Carina and her group went back to the VIP table. They shared another round of drinks and food. They smiled as staff and club goers stopped by to say hi. She suspected judges with every person they talked to. Especially those who asked specific girls to stand and model their costume. Desirae screamed obscenities at people attempting to bribe staff members to vote for them. Valentino stopped by on occasion. Each time he spoke with the group but kept his gaze on Carina.

"You not me cave girl" Sati teased after each visit. The girls laughed at Sati and Carina's exchanges. Although it was their first time hanging out; the group did everything together. Carina relaxed as the night went on with no Jaxon and entourage to be found. The Gideon Cross impersonator didn't stray too far. He claimed Beatriz after their initial dance. The Playboy bunny was hoping to see if his package was as nice as he claimed.

The DJ called to attention all the club goers. He held up a piece of paper for all to see. "Let's start with the couples" he called out. Carina and the girls left the comfort of their table to get a better view. Each secretly hoped to be considered for one category or another. Carina had seen several interesting couples. She'd also seen others who had no chance in hell of winning but were funny as shit. There were super couples, good versus evil, and other couple categories in between.

The DJ called up a Superman and Wonder Woman couple that were dressed provocatively but tastefully done. The next couple was Tarzan and Jane, with a twist. Tarzan was dressed in his usual Neanderthal outfit while Jane was the European Jane with a ball gown that was muddy and strategically torn in places to represent when she'd first met Tarzan. The last couple was an angel and devil pair. The interesting part depicted the guy as the angel, wings and halo, and the girl as a she-devil; horns, stiletto heels, and all. The angel and devil won by a large margin.

The DJ called out the next category. Everyone looked around wondering what the club depicted as "Weirdest"... A guy waltzed up to the stage dressed as a Baywatch lifeguard, large breasts and all. What "made" the costume was the protruding pubic hair at the crotch part of the one-piece thong-backed bathing suit. The crowd burst into laughter as he strutted his stuff. A bloody pad was called up to the stage next. Finally a guy in a green Speedo hiked up over his shoulders was called last. Speedo guy won, by a narrow margin.

The DJ shook his head at the winner only to scrunch his face in disgust. Speedo guy had a hairy chest and furry butt cheeks to make the outfit all the more awkward.

"Onto the historically accurate category" The DJ proclaimed. He called up a beautiful Victorian courtesan. Next, walked forward the infamous Scottish guy with the flashing kilt; apparently he flashed more than his fair share of staff members and club goers, only to reveal that he was going commando underneath the kilt.

"Cave girl Carina" the DJ boomed. Carina gasped as her friends pushed her towards the stage. There was no way in hell she could compete with the flasher pervert. The crowd weakly cheered for the courtesan. Obviously she'd put a lot of time and attention to detail to her costume. The crowd hooted with approval at the flasher and quickly booed when it looked like he was going to flash another peek at everyone. The club roared when the DJ pointed at Carina. She couldn't believe that her simple costume could win a category. The girls patted her on the back as she got off the stage.

Best female and males were next. Sati made it as a category finalist but got beat out by a female pilot in an army green dress that was half zipped. Her large breasts pushed together and her garter and stockings were in full view. She wore dog tags and knee high boots making a traditionally male outfit completely feminine. The best male went to half naked gladiator that had all the women swooning and creaming their panties.

The naughty nurse the girls had seen earlier won the
category. "I should've won that" Chelsea bitterly complained.

"Honey, you're in a category all your own" Andrea teased her friend.

The DJ called out the first finalist in the
category. A guy in a zombie costume jumped onto the stage. His attention to flapping skin and grotesque makeup made him extremely memorable. The DJ then called up Desirae and Chelsea. Carina held her breath wondering how the crowd would vote.

"Pray for us sinners because we're going to hell" the DJ crowed as Chelsea won the category. She jumped up and down in excitement nearly flashing the crowd.

The most original costume went to a guy dressed in nothing but a pizza box around his mid section. It didn't even cover his ass, which was why he won hands down. A guy with nothing on but a Chip 'N Dale thong won the sexiest category; although Melissa the school girl made it as a finalist in that category. It was refreshing to see as many guys in the running for all the categories as the women.

"The final category goes to crowd favorite. Staff members have all received nominations all night for this category and this one was a hands down unanimous decision between club goers and staff members. No crowd cheering necessary to differentiate finalists. The crowd favorite goes to
Yvette's Irresistible 8

The girls looked at each other incredulously as nearby club goers pushed them towards the stage. The girls stood and curtsied as the crowd cheered. Desirae took a whack at each girl with her flogger earning the crowd's roar of approval. They skipped off stage and headed to their VIP table.

"Don't look now" Sati whispered as she wrapped her arm around Carina's waist, "but a certain club owner looks to be heading our way to personally congratulate his now notoriously
Irresistible 8

Sati laughed leaning into Carina. "Maybe he can handle two at a time." They howled with laughter as the girls scooted into the booth.

"What's so funny?" Desirae demanded of the whispering two.

"Carina and I are planning a threesome" Sati coyly replied as Valentino approached the table. "You're her roommate... doesn't she share with you?"

"Have you seen her favorite fuck buddy?" Desirae scoffed. "90% of the female student body wants to bed him and Carina has him in the palm of her hand."

The group gawked at Desirae's scandalous words with Valentino beside her. He stood silently with his hands behind his back.

"You know he's here tonight" Chelsea stated matter-of-factly.

"No fucking way" Desirae shrilled. She turned around abruptly running into Valentino's muscular frame.

"Who is he and is there a problem?" Valentino asked in his velvety voice.

"No problem Mr. Valentino. Carina can't seem to keep the boys at bay sometimes."

"Speak of the devil" Chelsea gleefully sang as she eyed Jaxon in obvious appreciation. Jaxon came dressed as a Native American Indian in very little clothing. His bare skin gleamed with a touch of oil making it difficult to look at him without wanting to lick every succulent inch of his body. The girls swooned in the presence of the two mighty fine males.

Valentino turned to see who they were speaking of. He angled himself glimpsing Carina's reaction. Her eyes hungrily roved over the guy's mostly bare body. Valentino sucked in a sharp breath as he watched her eyes dilate with lust. She quickly looked away but not before he noticed her thighs clamping together.

"I call dibbs if Carina turns him down tonight." Chelsea demanded.

"Ladies" Jaxon purred. "Congratulations is in order... What shall I get the simply irresistible-eight this mighty fine night?"

"Valentino here has us all taken care of Jaxon. Haven't you found a piece of tail to shag for the night?" Carina haughtily replied. She didn't need Jaxon to realize the effect he had on her. She was grateful for the fur that covered her stiff nipples. She couldn't say the same for her wet center.

"We could've coordinated better belleza and won the couple's costume." Jaxon lowered the pitch of his voice. His bedroom eyes and voice came out in full effect for her. The group shifted in their seat under Jaxon's potent thrall. The sexual tension increased another notch.

"We aren't a couple Jaxon." Carina casually stated. She leaned back belatedly realizing her mistake as his eyes locked onto her breasts and glazed over.

"Belleza that body isn't meant for just anyone to see" he admonished. His deer skin flap tented with his obvious approval of her costume. Chelsea leaned forward. She ran her hands down his bare chest.

"You've more than seen it already Jaxon, give us a try here.... I'm sure you're more than man enough to handle me and Mel. Sati and Carina were planning something with Valentino as it was." Chelsea purred.

Valentino's eyebrows raised in question as he looked between Sati and Carina.

"You fucking cunt" Desirae hissed. "Can't you see that even if he fucks you it'll be Carina he'll be fantasizing about? Or were you not there when he came all over the floor with just one look at her?"

"Enough" Carina snapped. "Unless you plan to fuck someone else at this table then I suggest you go Jaxon."

"Belleza" Jaxon pleaded. She looked smoking hot in that small piece fur. How the hell was he supposed to look elsewhere when he knew exactly how good she was?

"No" she cut him off. She wasn't doing this tonight. Jaxon scowled at her sharp tone. He stiffly nodded before bidding the table goodnight.

"Why did you ruin my chance? If you don't want him it's not fair to punish us!" Chelsea whined as she crossed her arms over her protruding chest.

"I'm not stopping you." Carina patiently stated.

"Did you not see her give him permission and he chose to walk away?" Desirae challenged. The table appeared contrite after her tongue lashing.

"Time to go home" Andrea announced as the group sat in an uncomfortable silence.

"Sati may I see you for a moment?" Valentino asked. "Did you ladies get your prizes?" he asked as Sati made her way out of the booth. Everyone nodded looking at Carina. They'd assumed she was the one going home with him. Carina shrugged, indifferent to the scenario playing out before them. Thanks to Jaxon the night was already awkward as it was. Valentino piqued her interest but not enough to get upset if he chose Sati over her. Sati was beautiful and exotic.

The girls exited the club heading towards the cars. Beatriz stayed behind with the suit. The girls each gave the burly bouncer a kiss before heading away.

"See you later cupcake" Desirae called out to the massive bouncer making everyone roar with laughter at his shocked expression. The guy was a wall of muscle with sharp eyes that missed nothing.

"There's nothing sweet about me" he yelled out as the girls headed to valet.

"We'll have to see about that" Desirae blew him a kiss before walking to her side of the car.

"Do we all wait for Sati?" Melissa asked as she climbed into the driver's seat. She still looked chagrined with Jaxon's rejection.

"Yeah, let's wait a few minutes and then text her. Maybe in her excitement she forgot to text us." Desirae offered. She looked at Carina who agreed.

"Do you really know how to use that thing?" A sexy pirate asked from a few cars over. He motioned to Desirae's unique accessories.

Andrea laughed as Desirae nodded. "Do you want a demonstration?" She offered. Some of the guys laughed as the pirate gave directions to an after party. The girls nodded with excitement as the group of delicious male specimens drove off.

"Carina" Sati's exotic voice sang through the night. The girls looked to the club entrance and saw the beautiful belly dancer standing next to the bouncer.

"Yes" Carina replied in the same sing-song voice.

Sati sashayed to the cars oblivious of their audience. "Master summons us both...if you accept. Ladies we bid you goodnight from here."

"No fucking way" they breathed with obvious envy. Sati smirked as she dragged Carina back into the club.

"Oh roomy... The things you get yourself into" Desirae yelled as they drove off. Carina laughed as she walked back into the club. She'd joked around with Sati about the threesome but she'd never dreamt Valentino would take them up on it.

They headed to the VIP area. The bar stopped serving drinks; servers wiped down their tables. Club goers drifted away to the after parties but Valentino was nowhere to be found.

"You're still here" Jaxon abruptly stopped. He couldn't hide his astonishment. Carina always partied with Desirae. Sati and Carina watched a girl wrap herself around his waist claiming her prize for the night. They smirked as Jaxon attempted to pry her off.

"Where's the entourage" Carina inquired. It was rare to see Jaxon without them.

"Found pussy and scattered like cockroaches." Jaxon shrugged. Sati laughed trying to mask her discomfort while Carina relished Jaxon squirming at the awkward situation. For a brief, gratifying moment, Jaxon had looked like he wanted to run and hide.

"Like you" she confirmed with a smirk.

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