The Irresistible Bundle (6 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Desirae faux gasped. "Do you mean you did not get a perfect score?"

Carina rolled her eyes at her roommate. She wasn't a perfect student and never tried to be. She just had a passion for learning.

Emile's friend elbowed him but kept his gaze on her. She blushed feeling his eyes devour her. "I'm Fabien." He directly introduced himself. She did the same while trying not to bite her lip. His good looks and easy smile made her feel warm. Fabien's bright aquamarine eyes and chocolate hair garnered all sorts of attention.

A commotion down the hall interrupted them. A large group gathered peering into one of the rooms, causing others to congregate.

"Shit" Andrea muttered. "Party might end soon if that's a fight."

Their small group shuffled toward the assembling crowd. Carina rolled her eyes knowing they were being sheep following the herd. At the entrance to the door she noticed most of Jaxon's entourage. Her internal radar screamed to stay away. Nothing good could come of this. She grabbed Desirae's arm and froze mid-step; they didn't need to get any closer. She didn't want or need to see what was behind door number three. The crowd pushed them forward causing one of Jaxon's sidekicks to notice her.

"This show's just for you sweetness." The guy sneered as he thrust Carina into the doorway. People complained as she blocked their view, completely frozen in place.

The room must've been what Desirae designated as one of the sex rooms. In the corner a couple was on the sofa going at it but with a throw cover concealing their dirty deed. Another couple was heavily making out while watching the room's occupants and getting their cheap thrills in that manner. But the main attraction was front and center and purposely performing for the room and all those gathered in the hallway.

Carina wasn't surprised to see him. He was proud of every magnificent centimeter of his well sculpted body. Bile rose in her throat. She was nothing more than another notch on his bedpost. She knew this. She'd heard it from plenty of girls. But watching him at this moment, performing for everyone caused mixed emotions. She choked on disgust while trying to ignore her body's immediate response to his gloriously naked body. She was revolted with herself for feeling anything at all.

Jaxon aggressively pursued Carina even after he'd bedded her. He'd whispered sweet nothings in her ear before, during, and after sex. Many girls felt fortunate to get a semblance of his attention. The "specially chosen ones" got to share more than one
with him.

Carina had lost count how many times they'd had sex. What could she say? The man was gifted. But to watch him bending this girl over and thrusting into her like a dog in heat was too much. He knew everyone was watching and it only aroused him all the more. The ignorant girl look mortified to be in the presence of an audience but simultaneously in ecstasy at having Jaxon's dick inside her.

It was abhorrent to know what was happening but Carina couldn't tear her eyes away. Jaxon's sidekick caressed her arm. She flinched, curling away from him. He wasn't deterred though. The sidekick loudly proclaimed, "Too bad it's not you performing sweetness. Jaxon said you're the best pussy he's ever had... and that's saying a lot."

A few guys snickered. Carina turned her head to the asshole; all she saw was red. The group in the hallway all gaped at her but she didn't give a shit. She should've been humiliated, instead she was furious. He'd purposely brought her front and center. Not only to see Jaxon at his finest but to make them all aware that she was one of his conquests. She could see Desirae from the corner of her eye fighting to get through the crowd.

She backhanded the asshole. She may be one of Jaxon's notches but she sure as hell would never have allowed this. She knew the difference between being promiscuous and being a stupid skank.

"Fuck" Jaxon hissed realizing who stood in the doorway. He pulled out of the girl shoving her aside. Carina turned to look at him. She looked down at his glorious erection. He unconsciously held it in his hand and stroked back and forth as he stared at her. His eyes hooded with lust as he stepped toward her. He hadn't looked like that while banging the girl.

"Carina" he pleaded in a husky voice. She turned in disgust and stepped away from the doorway as the crowd gasped.

"You came for her?" The girl in the room shrieked. Carina turned to see Jaxon still watching her. His seed sprayed all over the floor and onto his hands. He had no condom on. The bile rose faster. She'd used rubbers with him practically every time knowing that he'd had his fair share of pussies. Thoughts of STDs pummeled at her like a freight train reminding her that it served her right if she caught something. Someone like Jaxon just couldn't help himself. Here he was at a party, guaranteed to find someone fuck-worthy and rather than bring a rubber he just stuck it in. Disgusting!

"You couldn't get the job done" Jaxon growled at the poor girl. She looked utterly humiliated.

Desirae yoked her away from everyone. Carina could still hear them. She didn't know if Jaxon even bothered to put his pants on. He was well endowed and was proud to show it off.

"You fucking prick" Jaxon bellowed. His sidekick said something in return but the crowd's chants drowned out his words. Carina flinched as she heard the contact. Knowing the hierarchy in the group, Jaxon must've hit the lackey. Served him right too. Only if someone would kick Jaxon in the balls then maybe there'd be justice in the world.

Someone shouted at the group to separate. They all scattered like roaches while Desirae escorted her outside. Nauseous, Carina ran to the bushes and dry heaved. She couldn't believe what had just happened.

"Are you all right?" Desirae softly asked. Her normally bright face tightened with concern.

"Now do you believe how much of a bastard he is?" Carina mumbled. The images remained seared into her mind causing her stomach to lurch again.

Desirae nodded as she rubbed her friend's back. That was some fucked up shit. Desirae looked up as the front doors shot open. Emile, Andrea, and Fabien rushed outside.

"Shoot me now" Carina groaned. She'd just met them tonight and this was one hell of a first impression. She stood upright and faced the trio. She felt the need to defend herself amidst their judgmental silence. "Jaxon and I are not together. He lives in some fucking twisted fairy tale."

She wanted to forget the whole night but she knew that everyone present would not. She'd be the whispered hisses of the female student body for weeks to come. They would brand her the skank with the scarlet letter on her chest. This would not taint Jaxon's reputation in the least but Carina was now branded for all.

"Is it true?" Andrea fidgeted as she asked the question no one else had the balls to voice.

"What part?" Desirae hissed. Carina admired her roommate's ferocity. Although these three were better acquainted with Desirae and had just met Carina, Desirae was making it clear where her loyalties lied. She grabbed her friend's hand giving it a squeeze.

Carina took a deep cleansing breath. "Did Jaxon and I have sex? Yes... Were we boyfriend and girlfriend? Never..." The trio leaned closer with each question she answered. If only this were the end of the interrogation.

"Are you the best he's ever had? That's certainly quite an accomplishment." Emile teased with genuine interest behind his tone.

Carina scrunched her brows. THAT was the million dollar question all the guys on campus would now ask. How does one find a real relationship after being branded
"Jaxon's best fuck buddy ever"

"You'd have to ask Jaxon that question." Carina finally snapped. "I didn't realize guys blabbed about their
sexual liaisons
like a bunch of gossiping ninnies!"

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" Emile accused.

"I mean do you guys go into dirty details with your buddies about every female you bed? Do you compare horror stories and 'best of' stories? Do you reveal bra sizes and oral sex report cards?" She shouted.

"Carina, we're not the bad guys here." Fabien replied softly. His placating tone frayed her nerves. It was easy to be angry with the universe but it wasn't fair to project her frustrations out on them. She turned away and roughly wiped away her tears. She wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Sorry" she muttered as she stalked off with Desirae right beside her. The trio didn't follow, respecting her need for privacy. Carina was halfway across campus when she heard her name being called. She turned to see Jaxon running after her.

"Oh hell to the fuck no" Desirae scoffed at his audacity. She didn't need to be told. They ran at full speed until they got to the safety of their dorm. It was under lock and key and no guys were permitted entrance. They didn't stop running until they were safely in their room.

Carina collapsed onto the bed tightly curling into a ball. Desirae curled behind her and held her as she cried herself to sleep.

Chapter Two

"Carina, you have to go to class" Desirae pleaded. The alarm clock had gone off twice now. Carina was going to be late to class, if she went at all.

"I can't go Des... This is my biology class." She groaned. She couldn't stand it if Emile gave her some pitiful stare while her classmates all openly discussing her sexual skills.

"Precisely! You can't miss the damn class. Suck it up and get it over with. You hide now and they'll all own you. You weren't the whore of Babylon last night. That designation went to Jaxon and his bitch!"

Desirae always knew what to say and how to deliver it. Carina stood up and ran her fingers through her tangled hair. She hadn't even taken her boots or dress off last night. She was a hot mess. She threw on a fresh outfit and ran to the bathroom. She sped through her normal morning routine. She pulled her long hair into a bun knowing she didn't have time to do anything else. As she grabbed her backpack Desirae thrust a breakfast bar and bottled water at her.

"Thanks roomy" Carina muttered.

"Love you! Be strong sister!" Desirae encouraged.

Carina knew she needed a miracle to get through the day. She put her head down and scurried to class. She prayed no one would point or gawk at her. It was too early in the day. Most people out at this time hadn't been at last night's party but she knew word would spread soon enough.

She snuck into biology just as Professor Watters began his lecture. She didn't look around for Emile. She could feel his stare branding into her. She took copious notes and bolted the second class was over. She could hear Emile call out to her but she wasn't going to stop for him. She had two more classes to get to and she wanted to remain invisible for the entire day.

Math was bearable as it was late morning. Carina stopped at a lunch cart to eat an early lunch before heading to her final class of the day, English. She usually loved this class but something was gnawing at her. She dropped by the dorm room to switch out items in her backpack. She debated ordering pizza and eating in for dinner. It was Friday night and that was usually taboo but she figured an exception could be made this evening.

Carina headed to English planning out the rest of her afternoon. She'd managed to avoid anyone who recognized her and she knew it was inevitable that she'd run into Jaxon again. Jaxon she could deal with. Bearing a scarlet letter of Jaxon's finest was the thing she dreaded most.

She walked into her English class and froze as she approached her usual seat. Of course her subconscious had been trying to warn her. She looked down but not fast enough.

"You" the girl hissed. "You ruined my life!"

Carina stared at the girl in disbelief. She wasn't sure if she should be insulted or appalled. This was the girl who was bent over for all to see. She didn't know whether to pity the girl or cast her out as the tramp she proved herself to be.

"How did I do that?" She challenged. The other students all stared open mouthed at the two girls.

Skank stood up from her table and glared at her. "Everything was fine until you showed up!" The girl foamed at the mouth.

Carina laughed at the audacity of her statement. "You mean you don't mind being bent over and fucked in front of the entire student body?! Next time just record it and put it on the school website. Then everyone can get a hit." She wanted to feel sorry for her but the skank was actually blaming her for this.

"He's mine!" She screamed.

"Catherine calm down" her friend pleaded.

Carina had no intention of fighting over a guy; especially one such as Jaxon Wright. "He's all yours! I'd get checked out by a doctor though. I mean really... are you that desperate that you let him inside you without wearing some kind of protection. You know how many caverns that man-whore has explored?!"

The class gasped at her statement. Catherine, the skank, turned 10 shades of red.

"Then what does that say about you? You fucked him before me and you've let so many people inside that you've been named one of the Seven Wonders of the World."

Half the class laughed while the other half snickered. Some looked outright appalled.

"Don't feel so threatened by me." Carina replied with minimal emotion. "I can't help if I'm naturally good at everything. I don't need to invest in the inane number of partners and time you and Jaxon have committed. I'm sure Jaxon will give you another opportunity since you failed so miserably to make him finish."

The professor walked in just as Catherine lunged at her. Carina deftly ducked out of the way and clucked her tongue. This skank was no match. Catherine was escorted out of class just as one of Jaxon's lackeys passed. He gawked at Catherine and Carina and quietly applauded them.

she thought,
Jaxon will know within the hour and think you were defending his honor.
She slumped in her seat. Half way into class Carina was summoned by the Dean's office. She knew it had to be pertaining to Catherine. She took her stuff knowing she wouldn't be back in time. She didn't bother looking back at her classmates. She could only guess what their expressions portrayed: wonder, jealousy, envy, disgust....

She trudged towards the Dean's office. She was barely at the campus for two months and was already being summoned for a disciplinary issue. This was not good. She'd never been in trouble in high school. Her only intention to ever get noticed by Dean Richard was by being on the Dean's list.

She checked in with the receptionist. She watched as Catherine was escorted to another room. She wanted to feel bad for Catherine-the-skank but she'd brought it on herself. She just wanted this day to be over with.

Carina sharply sucked in her breath appalled at the next person who exited the door. Jaxon left the Dean's office. His hands were in his pockets and his head was down. He didn't notice her in the reception area.

Carina ducked out of the way before he saw her. She hid behind a large plant praying that he'd exit without looking up. Jaxon was almost to the door when the receptionist called her name. "Miss Lobos you can see the Dean now." She bit her lip in defeat and trudged forward.

Jaxon blanched as he saw her. "I'm sorry Carina" he pleaded. She scowled in disbelief. He almost sounded sincere.

"For what" She hissed, appalled and irritated at his apology. She stalked toward the office knowing that she'd done nothing wrong. She replayed what happened in the classroom. Class hadn't started yet and she never lifted a finger at Catherine-the-skank. She walked in with her shoulders back and head held high. Her transcripts and academic record would speak for themselves.

"Miss Lobos, have a seat." Dean Richard stated as he turned around.

She stiffly sat holding her breath. She looked at the man who momentarily controlled her fate. Dean Richard looked vaguely familiar. She couldn't place it but she knew he reminded her of someone. She tried to focus. She could barely hear anything against the deafening sound of her frantic heart.

"I hear there was a situation involving you, Miss Anderson, and Mr. Wright."

"I have nothing to do with Mr. Wright, Dean Richard. Miss Anderson feels I'm a threat to her relationship with Mr. Wright and I assured her today that she has nothing to worry about."

"I understand differently Miss Lobos. Witnesses state Miss Anderson tried to attack you in class when you never provoked her. I also understand that Miss Anderson is under the false impression of some kind of relationship with Mr. Wright."

Carina tried to hide the look of astonishment on her face. She'd done nothing wrong but she didn't believe that Dean Richard would've presented the case in this manner. Technically her responses might've provoked the attempted attack but she wasn't going to volunteer that information. At the same time she wasn't going to rat the skank out and cause trouble.

"I believe there was a misunderstanding in the matter Dean Richard. Miss Anderson and I were having a heated discussion. Professor Curry came in and startled Miss Anderson causing her to stumble forward... perhaps causing the misconception of an attack. I believe Miss Anderson and I have resolved our issues."

Dean Richard looked unimpressed with her explanation but did not dispute it. He typed away on his laptop before looking up at her, "And what of Mr. Wright?"

"I don't understand Dean Richard. Jaxon is a junior and shares no classes with me. I know him in a casual setting but have no kind of relationship with him. Am I being reprimanded for something?" She didn't like where this questioning was headed. If she wasn't in trouble then she should be good to go.

"Miss Lobos let this be the last time I find myself having a conversation with you regarding possible altercations and misunderstandings. It would behoove you to know who you align yourself with and what kind of message you portray to others."

She bit the inside of her cheek. Dean Richard must've heard about the sex room incident and what Jaxon branded her as. No wonder he'd been here before her. Dean Richard probably reprimanded him for banging freshmen.

"Yes sir!" She replied as she quickly stood up. Dean Richard extended his hand to shake hers. His grip was firm. She slowly pulled her hand away. She couldn't help noticing how his thumb circled her knuckles. Her brows furrowed in puzzlement; was that appropriate? Was she making something out of nothing?

Carina looked at the wall clock as she exited the Dean's office. It was almost 4:00. She was late to meet Desirae who would be worried about her. She hopped down the steps and collided into Jaxon.

"Shit" she muttered as he caught her.

"You aren't in trouble are you?" He anxiously asked.

"For what? Your little bitch tried to attack me." She stalked towards the Student Union needing to get away from him. Jaxon kept in stride with her.

"I'm sorry about last night"

Carina abruptly stopped causing Jaxon to retrace his steps. "What part exactly?" She asked. This was going to be fun.

Jaxon swallowed hard. He looked everywhere but in her eyes. She wasn't going to make this easy for him at all. "I'm sorry you had to see that." He replied. He had the decency to look embarrassed.

"But it was okay for the entire student body to witness it. It was okay to mortify that girl." Carina wasn't going to give Catherine-the-skank a name because in Jaxon's world she was another faceless pussy.

"She begged me to fuck her! She marched right up to me naked from the waist down! What was I supposed to do Carina?"

Carina looked at Jaxon. He genuinely couldn't fathom another option. He only knew the answer 'yes'. "Do you ever reject pussy?" She asked in disgust. Had she been that easy? "If it walks right up to you... you just stick it in... never thinking twice."

Jaxon ran his hand through his hair. He wasn't used to justifying his actions to anyone. "The guys were all there looking envious and expectant. I couldn't disappoint them!"

She scrunched her face in abhorrence. "That's disgusting Jaxon. How many times you begged me to go without a rubber and I always stood firm. Thank God for that! Really Jaxon get checked out. If you fuck any skank raw like that you should be concerned."

She turned back toward the Student Union again. Desirae would be in full panic mode right now. Jaxon's entourage would be looking for him too. The last person she wanted to be caught with was him.

"Is that why you won't come back to me" he pleaded. "I'll get checked out. I'll get you on the pill so we won't have to worry."

She growled with frustration. Jaxon had a solution for everything. "I'm already on the pill Jaxon but it doesn't mean shit when I'm just another notch on your bedpost!" She fumed.

"Is this what it's about? How many people I've slept with? You weren't a virgin Carina. I know that much. You know how to please a man. That took some practice."

Her blood boiled as the sidekick's comment reverberated in her head. "I wasn't a virgin Jaxon. In an actual relationship I might divulge more of my sexual history which isn't even a fraction of what you've buried yourself into. But you and I were never more than fuck buddies. You had me over when you needed a nut and dismissed me when you were done. I recognized that and walked away with my pride and dignity in place. You can fuck the whole world for all I care."

She fought the tears that burned her eyes. She was damned if she was going to let Jaxon think she cared that much for him. She was pissed with herself for even falling into his trap.

"Carina I always wanted more with you. Pete was right. You were the best I've ever had. I think it's because I have feelings for you but you always push me away. You never even gave us a chance."

She didn't hear the rest of his statement; Jaxon's confirmation pushed her over the edge. She couldn't believe that his lackeys knew about their most intimate moments. "That's your problem right there Jaxon. How could you share those kinds of details about me? Until you whipped your dick around for everyone to see no one knew from me the dirty details."

She no longer cared if he saw her tears. He'd betrayed her in the worst possible way. She hadn't expected him to be faithful or even try. They hadn't had anything worthwhile. But for complete strangers to know intimate details about her was humiliating. Especially animals like Pete.

"I'm sorry belleza" Jaxon whispered. He grabbed her and held her tightly. Carina inhaled his distinctly male scent. She recalled the times she'd spent the night. His strong embrace felt the same. She pushed against the fond memories that haunted her. Jaxon kissed her hair as she closed her eyes. She could lose herself in him; it was too easy to forget the bad stuff when he held her like this.

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