The Irresistible Bundle (10 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"I offered" he hesitated, unsure where Carina was going with this. He'd dump this naughty nurse for his favorite girl, "You finally taking"

"She already passed." Valentino firmly stated from behind. "They were just waiting for me to finish. Ladies your chariot awaits."

"Belleza you can't be serious." Jaxon spluttered. His eyes bounced between the three. He knew every inch of Carina's skin; all the things that made her writhe in pleasure and scream
name. But he never imagined offering to share her with anyone. It was unheard of.

She didn't reply. Instead she stood up and entwined her arm with Valentino's while Sati took his other side. The staff looked at him with envy as Jaxon stood there gaping like a fool. Carina never ceased to amaze him.

She followed Valentino and Sati into a large SUV. Valentino made a few calls while the driver headed away from the club and college campus. Sati texted Andrea while she texted Desirae. She needed to keep her mind occupied otherwise she might back out. The SUV stopped at the entrance of a high rise luxury condo complex. Carina stared star struck at the amazing architecture. They silently followed Valentino into the elevator.

Valentino's phone cut through the silence as they ascended to the penthouse unit. He gave orders and responded to questions until the elevator doors open. Then he let the other person know he was unavailable for the rest of the night. Valentino opened a set of double doors and motioned for Sati and Carina to follow.


"Would you like a drink?" Valentino inquired. They politely declined as he provided them a quick tour of his place. His place was luxurious but not overly so. The furnishing and decor reflected a predominately male presence. "Ladies I need to shower. There is a guest bathroom here but I'd really like to take you out of these costumes myself." The hunger in his eyes left no question as to his intentions.

"I'll shower and put it back on" Carina compromised. She really needed to wash off the sweat and grime off her skin. Sati agreed. Valentino left them by the guest bathroom. He stripped off his shirt within their eyesight then disappeared into the master bedroom.

Carina blinked several times. Her brain tried to process the next step. "I'm nervous" she confessed. Her nerves were getting the best of her.

"I've done this before" Sati offered. Carina nodded, now understanding why Sati seemed so relaxed. Carina's sexual history included having sex with other couples in the same room but not adding another person into the mix. The most action she'd ever gotten was having two guys fuck her back-to-back but they eagerly awaited their turn without joining in on the action. Did that count?

"Don't get your hair wet. We can wash it later." Sati instructed. She confidently stripped out of her costume facing her. "You might as well get used to seeing me."

Carina swallowed. She watched Sati's toned figure walk into the shower. She slowly stripped off her fur pieces, ignoring her trembling fingers. She stepped into the shower and watched Sati make quick work of soaping her tanned skin.

"As much as I'd like to enjoy you let's not make him wait." Sati whispered. She rubbed her small breasts against Carina's; making both their nipples tighten at the other woman's touch. Carina gasped at the contact. She stared in quiet awe at Sati. She'd always appreciated women's bodies. They came in all shapes and sizes. Sati made her womb clench in the same manner as a one-night stand with a man did. She marveled at the new sensations and reactions Sati pulled from her.

They quickly showered. Carina slipped back into her costume. The fur caressed her skin like a familiar lover. She appreciatively smiled as Sati left her panties behind. They stared at each other for a moment before walking hand-in-hand into the master bedroom. Valentino leaned against the bathroom door drying his dark wavy hair.

Carina stifled the moan creeping up her throat. She loved his dark features. Valentino had the classic dark brown eyes, short hair that curled at the ends when it grew out just right, and olive skin.

"Are you ladies ready to play?" he asked. His gaze greedily bounced from one beauty to the other.

"Yes" they replied in breathy unison. Carina bit her lip knowing she was the least experienced in this game. If Valentino hadn't hesitated to make the offer then he'd danced this dance before. She swallowed peeking at him through her lashes. All she had to do was follow Sati's lead.

"How would you like us?" Sati confidently inquired.

"Carina is this your first time doing something like this?" Valentino softly asked. Carina's breath hitched as Valentino rolled his "r" like she did. He made her name sound elegant and sexy all within three syllables.

Was her inexperience that obvious? She awkwardly nodded. She flushed with embarrassment at his easy assessment. Sati reassuringly squeezed her hand as Valentino approached. He looked at her and stroked her exposed ribcage down to her waist.

"Your costumes are exquisite." He murmured. Carina shivered as his fingers dipped into the short fur skirt.

"Sati, let's play with Carina first. She'll be blindfolded to us." Sati's face lit up as she eagerly agreed. Carina sucked in air sharply trying not to hyperventilate. She'd been blindfolded with Jaxon enough times to be comfortable with it. She nodded her consent.

"Not your first time with that, huh" He teased. Carina smirked. She wouldn't play her hand too soon. Valentino was going to get a night he wouldn't soon forget.

Valentino wrapped a silky black scarf over her eyes. Carina welcomed the soothing darkness allowing her other senses to take over. He kissed her shoulder brushing his erection against her hip as he secured the scarf. She felt a hand stroke her thigh. The delicate fingernails revealed it to be Sati's hand making her shiver with anticipation. Tender lips kissed her covered shoulder before the fur strap was pushed down. Masculine hands slowly removed her costume top and cupped her heavy breasts.

Carina gasped. She tipped her head back encountering Valentino's bare chest. She groaned in sexual frustration yearning to see him in all his naked glory. Soft lips kissed her belly and trailed kissed beneath her round breasts.

"I've wanted to do this since I met you" Sati confessed licking and nibbling her nipples. Carina gasped and writhed with pleasure. She loved feeling the hard male body behind her and the soft feminine lips on her breasts.

Valentino caught Carina as her knees buckled under the intensifying pleasure. He carried her to bed with Sati by his side. They raised her arms over her head silently letting her know not to touch. Sati continued to suckle her breasts while Valentino stroked her arms and face.

"Please" Carina begged thrusting her hips forward. She wasn't sure what she was asking for and from whom. Her skin was over-sensitized and she didn't want to ruin the costume, but the fur panties were quickly getting saturated.

Carina felt feminine hands pull the micro skirt off while larger hands removed one boot then the other. She jumped as she felt a mouth on each calf and then move up to her thighs. She squirmed under their slow sensual assault. The blindfold intensified her other senses. Nerve endings sizzled at the slightest touch. She gave into her other senses. She was bathed in the heavy scent of their arousal. Her skin hummed like a livewire. Somewhere along the way Valentino had managed to tie her hands above her head.

Just as their mouths reached the apex at her thighs they stopped. Carina held her breath with anticipation. Familiar sounds made her womb clench. She hissed recognizing what they were doing without her; Valentino and Sati were loudly and passionately kissing.

She bit back a cry of frustration. They were entitled to enjoy each other as well. Sati rubbed her breasts on Carina's thigh as she loudly kissed Valentino. Carina thrust her body up to feel them against her. The hot body to her left shifted up while the other shifted down. Carina nearly screamed as a nose nuzzled her aching core. She gasped only to have her mouth filled with a tongue.

Large masculine hands cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples. Carina jerked against the silky material wrapped around her wrists. She was desperate to touch someone. She eagerly opened her mouth kissing Valentino again; recognizing the feel of his five o'clock shadow on his face. She eagerly thrust her tongue against his.

Carina cried out in surprised pleasure as Sati slowly licked her swollen clit then opening. Valentino continued to caress her body as Sati alternated between licks, nibbles, and vigorous suctions against her fiery center. Carina writhed with pleasure. Every time she lost herself to their intense focus on one area they would blindside her by doing something equally amazing elsewhere. They weren't leaving any part of her body neglected.

"My turn" Valentino playfully admonished. He positioned himself between Carina's thighs picking up where Sati left off. Valentino was just as skilled and precise. It took no time at all for Carina to cry out with pleasure under his knowing touch. Her hips shot off the bed as he thrust two thick fingers into her soaked core. He growled with approval as her wall violently pulsated against his fingers. She came fast and hard. Carina shuddered with aftershocks for a few minutes, her body vibrating with ecstasy.

As she came back from her orgasm-induced coma, she realized that Valentino was still between her legs. His hands gripped her thighs tightly as his forehead pressed against her pubic bone. His warm breaths quickened as the bed jerked with sharp thrusts. Carina squeezed her thighs. She felt both bodies between her legs. She bit back the cry of frustration wishing she could see. She refused to be denied any longer. She aggressively rubbed her face against her arm until the blindfold slid off.

Carina tilted her body and watched as Sati lay on her back with Valentino's hips in her hands. Valentino thrust into her mouth at a steadily increasing pace. He let go of one of Carina's thighs and thrust two fingers inside her. She cried out as he set a grueling pace that matched his thrusts. She knew he wanted her to come again but with him this time.

Valentino looked up and blinked in surprise as he realized she was no longer blindfolded. His pace momentarily faltered before resuming full force. His fingers brushed against her g-spot as he maintained eye contact. Carina gasped for air as her stomach tightened. His grunts encouraged Sati to suck harder.

"Now" he commanded. He pressed against her g-spot and bit her clit. Pleasure ripped through her. Carina came with a scream as he shuddered with pleasure. Her body melted into a puddle of post-orgasmic mush. Valentino rested his head against her stomach until his breathing evened. She ran her fingers through his silky hair ignoring the prickling sensation through her arms. Every part of this man was divine.

Valentino removed his hand from between her thighs. He licked his fingers clean while sitting up. Carina watched he reverently kissed Sati with her juices all over his lips. He placed Sati against her splayed legs. Sati hummed her appreciation as he set to work to earn her screams.

Carina rubbed her swollen and sensitive pussy against Sati's back. With her hands now free she eagerly fondled Sati's perky breasts and rolled her stiff nipples between her fingers. Carina felt Sati's body tighten with pleasure. She knew firsthand how good Valentino was with his hands and mouth. Sati chanted his name as he made her come consecutively. He didn't stop until Sati lay limp and barely coherent.

Valentino crawled off the bed. He grabbed a warm washcloth from the adjoining bathroom. He gently moved Sati off Carina and cleaned them up. He massaged Carina's shoulders and arms. She moaned her appreciation; her limbs tingled as the blood once again began flowing through them. The night could end right there and she'd be incredibly satisfied. How could she feel satisfied without having a man's dick inside her?

Valentino grabbed a handful of condoms from his bathroom drawer and placed them by the bedside. Carina watched as he lay on his side and propped his head up with his hand. He bit his lip as a once-again conscious Sati climbed over Carina and ground their pussies together.

Carina closed her eyes to the overwhelming sensation of breasts rubbing against breasts and clits rubbing together. She focused her attention on Valentino stroking his thick cock in order to slow down the fire raging through her body. She was a very sexual person but this was certainly a first for her. She welcomed the friction, thrusting her hips up harder; anticipating the orgasm. It was unlike anything a man could offer her.

Sati grabbed Carina's hair. She increased the pressure and pace tenfold. Carina knew Sati was about to come. Valentino watched with anticipation as Sati ground harder and faster until she cried out in pleasure. Sati flopped onto her back as Valentino took her place above Carina.

He kneeled before her and rolled the condom on. Carina opened her legs wider to accommodate his wide frame. Her eyes never left his thick erection. Sati left her on the cusp of an orgasm and she was beyond needy. Valentino wasted no time. He thrust into her soaked channel. "Fuck" he growled. His eyes widened as her walls squeezed his thick cock.

"Don't hold back" She pleaded as he began to piston his hips. It was all Valentino needed to hear. He slammed his dick as far as he could. Carina groaned her approval. Sati sat back giving them more room and angling herself better for the best view. She stroked her clit with one hand and had the other ready to get into the action.

Carina arched her body to allow Valentino the easiest access and depth. He was balls deep and she loved every sharp thrust. She couldn't believe she was in bed with them both of them. Her heightened senses made her feel completely uninhibited. Sati closely watched them. She spotted the telltale signs before Valentino's release. She reached over and inserted a finger into Valentino's ass as he pummeled into Carina.

"Shit" he yelled at the unexpected but welcome intrusion. Pleasure ripped from his toes and scalp and detonated inside of Carina. He explosively came barely aware of his surroundings. He ground out the last of his and Carina's orgasm. Sati simultaneously came with her finger rubbing circles on her clit. They collapsed sated, sweaty, and exhausted after multiple orgasms.

"Who do I wake first?" Valentino mumbled as he curled up between the women. Sati peeled off his condom and tied it before throwing it on the floor.

"Surprise us" Carina murmured as she cuddled to his front and Sati to his back. She wrapped her arm around his body and placed her hand on Sati's breast.

"Hmmm" Sati purred her appreciation. The group quickly blacked out.

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